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- # Sponsoring the project
- All development on this firmware is done for the greater good of mankind. You can use it for free.
- However, if you do feel the uncontrollable urge to contribute financially to the project, you can do
- so through [this PayPal link](https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/bedsidelamp2).
- This account is used for acquiring hardware and software licenses that I use for my open source
- development. Specific hardware that I bought for this project were:
- * An extra lamp for development and testing, so I don't annoy my wife with buggy deployements ;-)
- * A dedicated serial to USB adapter, connected to the development lamp.
- * a simple 8 port logic analyzer that helped me with reverse engineering the I2C protocol of the
- front panel.
- * Various wires and buttons.
- * An Arduino Uno R3, to [help out somebody in the community forums with
- flashing the lamp using the Arduino](https://community.home-assistant.io/t/hacking-yeelight-fw-enabling-lan-control/284406/214?u=mmakaay).
- < [Technical details](technical_details.md) | [Index](../README.md)