- import esphome.codegen as cg
- import esphome.config_validation as cv
- from esphome import pins
- from esphome.components.ledc.output import LEDCOutput, validate_frequency
- from esphome.components.gpio.output import GPIOBinaryOutput
- from esphome.core import coroutine
- from esphome.core import CORE
- from esphome.const import (
- )
- CONF_HUB_ID = "yeelight_bs2_hub_id"
- CONF_RED_ID = "red_id"
- CONF_GREEN_ID = "green_id"
- CONF_BLUE_ID = "blue_id"
- CONF_WHITE_ID = "white_id"
- CONF_MASTER1 = "master1"
- CONF_MASTER1_ID = "master1_id"
- CONF_MASTER2 = "master2"
- CONF_MASTER2_ID = "master2_id"
- CONF_ON_BRIGHTNESS = "on_brightness"
- CODEOWNERS = ["@mmakaay"]
- AUTO_LOAD = ["ledc", "output"]
- yeelight_ns = cg.esphome_ns.namespace("yeelight")
- bs2_ns = yeelight_ns.namespace("bs2")
- YeelightBS2Hub = bs2_ns.class_("YeelightBS2Hub", cg.Component)
- PINS = {
- # Config key TYPE, ID GPIO, PARAMS
- CONF_RED : ( LEDCOutput, CONF_RED_ID, "GPIO13", 3000, 0 ),
- CONF_GREEN : ( LEDCOutput, CONF_GREEN_ID, "GPIO14", 3000, 1 ),
- CONF_BLUE : ( LEDCOutput, CONF_BLUE_ID, "GPIO5", 3000, 2 ),
- CONF_WHITE : ( LEDCOutput, CONF_WHITE_ID, "GPIO12", 10000, 4 ),
- CONF_MASTER1 : ( GPIOBinaryOutput, CONF_MASTER1_ID, "GPIO33" ),
- CONF_MASTER2 : ( GPIOBinaryOutput, CONF_MASTER2_ID, "GPIO4" ),
- }
- def make_config_schema():
- schema = cv.COMPONENT_SCHEMA.extend({
- cv.GenerateID(): cv.declare_id(YeelightBS2Hub),
- cv.Optional(CONF_TRIGGER_PIN, default="GPIO16"): cv.All(
- pins.validate_gpio_pin,
- pins.validate_has_interrupt
- ),
- })
- for key, pin_config in PINS.items():
- type_, id_, pin, *_ = pin_config
- schema = schema.extend({
- cv.GenerateID(id_): cv.declare_id(type_),
- cv.Optional(key, default=pin): pins.validate_gpio_pin
- })
- return schema;
- CONFIG_SCHEMA = make_config_schema()
- @coroutine
- def make_gpio_pin(key, config):
- type_, id_, *_ = PINS[key]
- yield from cg.gpio_pin_expression({
- "number": config[key],
- "mode": "OUTPUT"
- });
- @coroutine
- def make_gpio_binary_output(key, config, gpio_var):
- type_, id_, *_ = PINS[key]
- output_var = cg.new_Pvariable(config[id_])
- cg.add(output_var.set_pin(gpio_var))
- yield from cg.register_component(output_var, {})
- @coroutine
- def make_ledc_output(key, config, gpio_var):
- type_, id_, _, frequency, channel = PINS[key]
- ledc_var = cg.new_Pvariable(config[id_], gpio_var)
- cg.add(ledc_var.set_frequency(frequency));
- cg.add(ledc_var.set_channel(channel));
- yield from cg.register_component(ledc_var, {})
- def to_code(config):
- # Dirty little hack to make the ESPHome component loader inlcude
- # the code for the "gpio" platform for the "output" domain.
- # Loading specific platform components is not possible using
- # the AUTO_LOAD feature unfortunately.
- CORE.config["output"].append({ CONF_PLATFORM: "gpio" })
- hub_var = cg.new_Pvariable(config[CONF_ID])
- yield cg.register_component(hub_var, config)
- for key in PINS:
- type_ = PINS[key][0]
- gpio_var = yield make_gpio_pin(key, config)
- if type_ == LEDCOutput:
- pin_var = yield make_ledc_output(key, config, gpio_var)
- if type_ == GPIOBinaryOutput:
- pin_var = yield make_gpio_binary_output(key, config, gpio_var)
- setter = getattr(hub_var, "set_%s_pin" % key)
- cg.add(setter(pin_var))
- trigger_pin = yield cg.gpio_pin_expression({
- "number": config[CONF_TRIGGER_PIN],
- "mode": "INPUT",
- "inverted": False
- })
- cg.add(hub_var.set_trigger_pin(trigger_pin))
- for conf in config.get(CONF_ON_BRIGHTNESS, []):
- trigger = cg.new_Pvariable(conf[CONF_TRIGGER_ID], var)
- yield automation.build_automation(trigger, [(float, "x")], conf)