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- # Why custom ESPHome firmware?
- This lamp could always be added to Home Assistant using the Yeelight integration. For this to work,
- the lamp had to be configured to enable a special "LAN control" option, which provides the interface
- that the Yeelight integration could talk to.
- January 2021, Xiaomi decided to remove the LAN control option from the firmware. Information about
- this can be found on the Yeelight forums:
- https://forum.yeelight.com/t/topic/22664
- In the forums, a work-around is offered: by providing your Mi ID, you can be added to some mythical
- white list, through which you'll get a special firmware upgrade that does have LAN control enabled.
- After that, no further ugprades should be done.
- This just didn't feel right, so I started looking into alternative solutions to regain control over
- the lamp. After opening it up, I was pleased to find an ESP32-WROOM-32D chip inside, meaning that it
- might be possible to build my own firmware for it using ESPHome.
- On the Home Assistant community forums, I found an existing thread where people already started
- poking at the lamp.
- https://community.home-assistant.io/t/hacking-yeelight-fw-enabling-lan-control/284406
- I joined the discussion and started poking as well. Some things turned out to be more complicated
- than anticipated and quite a bit of reverse engineering was required to make things work, but
- eventually this all resulted in working firmware.
- Documents related to the reverse engineering process can be found in a separate GitHub repository:
- https://github.com/mmakaay/esphome-yeelight_bs2-revengineering
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