- < [Installation guide](installation.md) | [Index](../README.md) | [Flashing guide](flashing.md) >
- # Configuration guide
- I think, the best starting point for creating your own yaml configuration, is to look at the
- [`example.yaml`](../example.yaml) file and the [configuration packages](../packages).
- These configuration files were written with the functionality of the original firmware in
- mind and it makes use of all available options. This configuration guide can be used to fill
- in the blanks.
- The `xiaomi_bslamp2` platform provides various components that expose the core functionalities of
- the lamp. In the following table, you can find what components are used for exposing what physical
- components of the lamp.
- | Part | Component(s) |
- | -------------------------- |------------------------------------------------------------------|
- | ESP32 pinouts | [platform xiaomi_bslamp2](#platform-xiaomi_bslamp2) |
- | RGBWW LEDs | [light](#light) |
- | Front Panel Power button | [binary_sensor](#component-binary_sensor) |
- | Front Panel Color button | [binary_sensor](#component-binary_sensor) |
- | Front Panel Slider | [binary_sensor](#component-binary_sensor) (touch/release) |
- | | [sensor](#component-sensor) (touched slider level) |
- | Front Panel Illumination | [output](#component-output) (on/off + indicator level) |
- | Light mode propagation | [text_sensor](#component-text_sensor) |
- ## Platform: xiaomi_bslamp2
- At the core of the hardware support is the `xiaomi_bslamp2` platform, which provides two hub-style
- hardware abstraction layer (HAL) components that are used by the other components: one for driving
- the GPIO's for the RGBWW leds and one for the I2C communication between the ESP32 and the front
- panel.
- I do mention the platform configuration here for completeness sake, but **generally you will not have
- to add the following configuration option to your yaml file**. It is loaded automatically by the
- components that need it, and the GPIO + I2C configurations are fully prepared to work for the
- Bedside Lamp 2 wiring out of the box. Therefore, you will not find this piece of configuration in
- the [`example.yaml`](../example.yaml).
- Having said that, here are the configuration options:
- ```yaml
- xiaomi_bslamp2:
- # Options for the RGBWW LEDs HAL.
- red: "GPIO13"
- green: "GPIO14"
- blue: "GPIO5"
- white: "GPIO12"
- master_1: "GPIO33"
- master_2: "GPIO4"
- # Options for the Front Panel HAL.
- sda: "GPIO21"
- scl: "GPIO19"
- address: 0x2C
- trigger_pin: "GPIO16"
- ```
- The only reason that I can think of for adding this platform configuration to your yaml file, would
- be if you blew one or more or the ESP32 pins, and need to rewire functionality. In other casis,
- simply omit the section.
- ## Component: light
- The light component creates an RGBWW light. This means that it can do colored light and cold/warm
- white light based on a color temperature.
- ```yaml
- light:
- - platform: xiaomi_bslamp2
- name: My Bedside Lamp
- id: my_bedside_lamp
- default_transition_length: 0.5s
- effects:
- - random:
- name: Randomize
- transition_length: 3s
- update_interval: 3s
- on_brightness:
- - then:
- - logger.log: The brightness changed!
- presets:
- my_color_presets:
- red: { red: 100%, green: 0%, blue: 0% }
- green: { red: 0%, green: 100%, blue: 0% }
- blue: { red: 0%, green: 0%, blue: 100% }
- yellow: { red: 100%, green: 100%, blue: 0% }
- purple: { red: 100%, green: 0%, blue: 100% }
- randomize: { effect: Randomize }
- my_white_presets:
- cold: { color_temperature: 153 mireds }
- chilly: { color_temperature: 275 mireds }
- luke: { color_temperature: 400 mireds }
- warm: { color_temperature: 588 mireds
- ```
- ### Configuration variables:
- * **name** (**Required**, string): The name of the light.
- * **id** (*Optional*, ID): Manually specify the ID used for code generation. By providing an id,
- you can reference the light from automation rules (e.g. to turn on the light when the power button
- is tapped)
- * **default_transition_length** (*Optional*, Time): The transition length to use when no transition
- length is set in a light call. Defaults to 1s.
- * **effects** (*Optional*, list): A list of
- [light effects](https://esphome.io/components/light/index.html#light-effects) to use for this light.
- * **presets** (*Optional*, dict): Used to define presets, that can be used from automations. See
- [below](#light-presets) for detailed information.
- * **on_brightness** (*Optional*, Action): An automation to perform when the brightness of the light
- is modified.
- * All other options from
- [the base Light implementation](https://esphome.io/components/light/index.html#config-light),
- except for options that handle color correction options like `gamma_correct` and `color_correct`.
- These options are superceded by the fact that the light component has a fully customized light
- model, that closely follows the light model of the original lamp's firmware.
- ### Light modes
- The lamp supports multiple light modes. These are:
- * **RGB light** (input: RGB + brightness > 1%)
- * **White light** (input: Color Temperature + brightness > 1%)
- * **Night light** (input: RGB or White light + brightness at 1%)
- In the original firmware + Yeelight Home Assistant integration, the night light feature is
- implemented through a switch component. The switch can be turned on to activate the night light
- mode. In this ESPHome firmware, setting the brightness to its lowest value triggers the night light
- mode. This makes things a lot easier to control.
- It is possible to control the night light mode separately. An example of this can be found in the
- [example.yaml](../example.yaml), in which holding the power button is bound to activating the night
- light.
- ### `light.disco_on` Action
- This action sets the state of the light immediately (i.e. without waiting for the next main loop
- iteration), without saving the state to memory and without publishing the state change.
- ```yaml
- on_...:
- then:
- - light.disco_on:
- id: my_bedside_lamp
- brightness: 80%
- red: 70%
- green: 0%
- blue: 100%
- ```
- The possible configuration options for this Action are the same as those for the standard
- `light.turn_on` Action.
- ### `light.disco_off` Action
- This action turns off the disco mode by restoring the state of the lamp to the last known state from
- before using the disco mode.
- ```yaml
- on_...:
- then:
- - light.disco_off:
- id: my_bedside_lamp
- ```
- ### Light presets
- The presets functionality was written with the original lamp firemware functionality in mind: the
- user has two groups of presets available: one for RGB light presets and one for white light presets
- (based on color temperature). The color button (the top one on the front panel) can be tapped to
- switch to the next preset within the active preset group. The same button can be held for a little
- while, to switch to the other preset group.
- In your light configuration, you can mimic this behavior (in fact: it is done so in the
- [example.yaml](../example.yaml)) by means of the presets system. This system consists of two parts:
- * Defining presets
- * Activating presets from automations
- **Defining presets**
- Presets can be configured in the `presets` option of the `light` configuration.
- Presets are arranged in groups. You can define as little or as many groups as you like. The example
- configuration uses two groups, but that is only to mimic the original behavior. If you only need one
- group, then create one group. If you need ten, go ahead and knock yourself out.
- The general structure of the presets configuration is:
- ```yaml
- light:
- presets:
- group_1:
- preset_1: ...
- preset_2: ...
- ..
- group_2:
- preset_1: ...
- preset_2: ...
- ..
- ..
- ```
- *Note: Duplicate template names are ok, as long as they are within their own group. If you use
- duplicate preset names within a single group, then the last preset will override the earlier
- one(s).*
- A preset can define one of the following:
- * **RGB light**
- * **red** (**Optional**, percentage): the red component of the RGB value (default = 0%).
- * **green** (**Optional**, percentage): the green component of the RGB value (default = 0%).
- * **blue** (**Optional**, percentage): the blue component of the RGB value (default = 0%).
- * **brightness** (*Optional*, percentage): the brightness to use (default = current brightness).
- * **transition_length** (*Optional*, time): the transition length to use.
- * **White light**
- * **color_temperature** (**Required**, mireds): the color temperature in mireds (range: "153 mireds" - "588 mireds")
- * **brightness** (*Optional*, percentage): the brightness to use (default = current brightness).
- * **transition_length** (*Optional*, time): the transition length to use.
- * **Light effect**
- * **effect** (**Required**, string): the name of a light effect to activate.
- * **Brightness change only**
- * **brightness** (**Required**, percentage): the brightness to use.
- **Activating presets from automations**
- Once presets have been configured, they can be activated using the `preset.activate` action. The
- following options are available for this action:
- * Switch to next preset group (and after the last, switch to the first):
- ```yaml
- preset.activate:
- next: group
- ```
- * Switch to next preset within currentl preset group (and after the last,
- switch to the first):
- ```yaml
- preset.activate:
- next: preset
- ---
- * Activate a specific preset group by specifying the group's name:
- ```yaml
- preset.activate:
- group: rgb
- ```
- * Activate a specific preset by specifying both the preset's name and group name:
- ```yaml
- preset.activate:
- group: white
- preset: warm
- ```
- Shorthand definitions are available for all these actions:
- ```yaml
- preset.activate: next_group
- preset.activate: next_preset
- preset.activate: rgb
- preset.activate: white.warm
- ```
- **Handling of invalid input**
- When a group or template is specified that does not exist, or if next group/preset is used while no
- presets have been defined at all, then the action will be ignored and an error will be logged.
- *Note: This is validation at run time. It would be a lot better to validate the names at compile
- time more strictly, so the firmware will not even compile when invalid names are in use.
- [Issue #15](https://github.com/mmakaay/esphome-xiaomi_bslamp2/issues/15) was created for
- implementing this. However, a new feature in ESPHome is required to be able to do this
- implementation. Good news is that this is already well on its way.*
- ## Component: binary_sensor
- Binary sensors can be added to the configuration for handling touch/release events for the front
- panel. On touch, a binary_sensor will publish `True`, on release it will publish `False`. The
- configuration of a binary_sensor determines what part of the front panel is involved in the touch
- events.
- ```yaml
- binary_sensor:
- - platform: xiaomi_bslamp2
- id: my_bedside_lamp_power_button
- on_press:
- then:
- - light.toggle: my_bedside_lamp
- ```
- For referencing the parts of the front panel, the following part identifiers are available:
- * POWER_BUTTON (or its alias: POWER)
- * COLOR_BUTTON (or its alias: COLOR)
- If personal taste dictates so, you can use lower case characters and spaces instead of underscores.
- This means that for example "Power Button" and "power" would be valid identifiers for the power
- button.
- ### Configuration variables:
- * **name** (*Optional*, string): The name of the binary sensor. Setting a name will expose the
- binary sensor as an entity in Home Assistant. If you do not need this, you can omit the name.
- * **id** (*Optional*, ID): Manually specify the ID used for code generation. By providing an id,
- you can reference the binary_sensor from automation rules (to retrieve the current state of the
- binary_sensor).
- * **for** (*Mandatory*, part identifier): This specifies to for part of the front panel the binary
- sensor must report touch events.
- * All other options from
- [Binary Sensor](https://esphome.io/components/binary_sensor/index.html#config-binary-sensor).
- ## Component: sensor
- The sensor component publishes touch events for the front panel slider. The published value
- represents the level at which the slider was touched.
- *Note: This sensor only reports the touched slider level. It cannot be used for detecting release
- events. If you want to handle touch/release events for the slider, then you can make use of the
- [binary_sensor](#component-binary_sensor) instead.*
- ```yaml
- sensor:
- - platform: xiaomi_bslamp2
- - id: my_bedside_lamp_slider_level
- range_from: 0.2
- range_to: 0.9
- on_value:
- then:
- - light.turn_on:
- id: my_bedside_lamp
- brightness: !lambda return x;
- ```
- ### Configuration variables:
- * **name** (*Optional*, string): The name of the sensor. Setting a name will expose the sensor as an
- entity in Home Assistant. If you do not need this, you can omit the name.
- * **id** (*Optional*, ID): Manually specify the ID used for code generation. By providing an id,
- you can reference the sensor from automation rules (e.g. to retrieve the current state of the
- binary_sensor).
- * **range_from** (*Optional*, float): By default, published values vary from the range 0.01 to 1.00,
- in 20 steps. This option modifies the lower bound of the range.
- * **range_to** (*Optional*, float): This option modifies the upper bound of the range.
- * All other options from
- [Sensor](https://esphome.io/components/sensor/index.html#config-sensor).
- ## Component: output
- The (float) output component is linked to the front panel illumination + level indicator. Setting
- this output (using the standard `output.set_level` action) to value 0.0 will turn off the frontpanel
- illumination. Other values, up to 1.0, will turn on the illumination and will set the level indicator
- to the requested level (in 10 steps).
- ```yaml
- output:
- - platform: xiaomi_bslamp2
- id: my_bedside_lamp_front_panel_illumination
- ```
- ### Configuration variables:
- * **id** (**Required**, ID): The id to use for this output component.
- * All other options from [Output](https://esphome.io/components/output/index.html)
- ### Addressing the LEDs of the illumination individually
- While the standard `output.set_level` action emulates the front panel illumination behavior
- of the original device firmware, it is also possible to control all of the LEDs for this
- illumination individually, in case you need some different behavior, e.g. leaving the
- power button on at night, so the user can easily find it in the dark.
- To address the LEDs, the following identifiers can be used in your YAML configuration:
- * `POWER` : The power button illumination.
- * `COLOR` : The color button illumination.
- * `1`, `2`, .., `10` : The 10 LEDs on the slider, where LED `1` is closest to the
- power button and LED `10` is closest to the color button.
- * `ALL` : represents all of the available LEDs
- * `NONE` : represents none of the available LEDs
- #### `front_panel.set_leds` Action
- This action turns on the provided LEDs, all other LEDs are turned off.
- ```yaml
- on_...:
- then:
- - front_panel.set_leds:
- leds:
- - 1
- - 2
- - 3
- ```
- The `leds:` key can also be omitted here, making the following action calls
- equivalent to the one above.
- ```yaml
- on_...:
- then:
- - front_panel.set_leds:
- - 1
- - 2
- - 3
- ```
- This can also be written as:
- ```yaml
- on_...:
- then:
- - front_panel.set_leds: [ POWER, COLOR, 1, 2, 3 ]
- ```
- If only one LED is specified, you are allowed to omit the list definition:
- ```yaml
- on_...:
- then:
- - front_panel.set_leds: POWER
- ```
- #### `front_panel.turn_on_leds` Action
- This action turns on the provided LEDs, and leaves the rest of the LEDs as-is.
- The LEDs to affect are specified in the same wat as above for `front_panel.set_leds`.
- #### `front_panel.turn_off_leds` Action
- This action turns off the provided LEDs, and leaves the rest of the LEDs as-is.
- The LEDs to affect are specified in the same wat as above for `front_panel.set_leds`.
- #### `front_panel.set_level` Action
- This action works like the `output.set_level` action, but it only updates the
- LEDs of the slider. The LEDs for the power and color button are left as-is.
- ```yaml
- on_...:
- then:
- - front_panel.set_level: 0.5
- ```
- #### `front_panel.update_leds` Action
- The previous actions only modify the required state for the front panel LEDs.
- Updating the actual state of the LEDs is done when the main loop for the
- output component is run by ESPHome.
- If you need the required state to be pushed to the LEDs immediately, regardless
- the main loop, then this action can ben used to take care of this.
- *Note: In most situations, you will not need to use this action explicitly
- to make the LEDs update. Only use it when you are sure that this is required.*
- ```yaml
- on_...:
- then:
- - front_panel.set_leds: POWER
- - front_panel.update_leds:
- ```
- ## Component: text_sensor
- The text sensor component publishes changes in the active [light mode](#light-modes). Possible
- output values for this sensor are: "off", "rgb", "white" and "night".
- ### Configuration variables:
- * **name** (*Optional*, string): The name of the text sensor. Setting a name will expose the text
- sensor as an entity in Home Assistant. If you do not need this, you can omit the name.
- * **id** (*Optional*, ID): Manually specify the ID used for code generation. By providing an id,
- you can reference the text sensor from automation rules (to retrieve the current state of the
- text_sensor).
- * All other options from
- [Text Sensor](https://esphome.io/components/text_sensor/index.html)
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