- # Configuration guide
- The `xiaomi_bslamp2` platform provides various components that expose the core functionalities of the lamp.
- In the following table, you can find what components are used for exposing what parts of the lamp.
- | Part | Component(s) |
- | -------------------------- |----------------------------------------------------|
- | RGBWW LEDs | [light](#light) |
- | Front Panel Power button | [binary_sensor](#binary_sensor) |
- | Front Panel Color button | [binary_sensor](#binary_sensor) |
- | Front Panel Slider | [binary_sensor](#binary_sensor) (touch/release) |
- | | [sensor](#sensor) (touched slider level) |
- | Front Panel Illumination | [output](#output) (on/off + indicator level) |
- | Light mode propagation | [text_sensor](#text_sensor) |
- ## light
- ## binary_sensor
- ## sensor
- ## output
- ## text_output