[1mdiff --git a/doc/example.yaml b/doc/example.yaml[m
[1mindex 05959b1..919876b 100644[m
[1m--- a/doc/example.yaml[m
[1m+++ b/doc/example.yaml[m
[36m@@ -9,11 +9,11 @@[m [msubstitutions:[m
# Derive component identifiers, based on the name.[m
id_light: ${name}[m
[31m- id_front_panel_illumination: ${name}_front_panel_output[m
[32m+[m[32m id_light_mode: ${name}_light_mode[m
id_power_button: ${name}_power_button[m
id_color_button: ${name}_color_button[m
id_slider_level: ${name}_slider_level[m
[31m- id_light_mode: ${name}_light_mode[m
[32m+[m[32m id_front_panel_illumination: ${name}_front_panel_illumination[m
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------[m
# Use your own preferences for these components.[m
[36m@@ -32,11 +32,11 @@[m [mcaptive_portal:[m
password: "Password-To-Link-HomeAssistant-To-This-Device"[m
[31m- # Disable the reboot timeout. By default, the lamp reboots[m
[31m- # after 15 minutes without any client connections (e.g. when[m
[31m- # home assistant is off line, or when the WiFi is broken).[m
[31m- # Reboots are annoying though, because the RGBWW LEDs will turn[m
[31m- # off during the reboot, causing the light to flicker.[m
[32m+[m[32m # Disable the reboot timeout. By default, the lamp reboots after 15[m
[32m+[m[32m # minutes without any client connections (e.g. when home assistant is off[m
[32m+[m[32m # line, or when the WiFi is broken). Reboots are annoying though, because[m
[32m+[m[32m # the RGBWW LEDs will turn off during the reboot, causing the light to[m
[32m+[m[32m # flicker.[m
reboot_timeout: 0s[m
[36m@@ -131,9 +131,8 @@[m [mtext_sensor:[m
id: ${id_light_mode}[m
# This float output controls the front panel illumination + level indicator.[m
[31m-# Value 0.0 turns off the illumination.[m
[31m-# Other values (up to 1.0) turn on the illumination and set the level[m
[31m-# indicator to the requested level.[m
[32m+[m[32m# Value 0.0 turns off the illumination. Other values (up to 1.0) turn on[m
[32m+[m[32m# the illumination and set the level indicator to the requested level.[m
- platform: xiaomi_bslamp2[m
id: ${id_front_panel_illumination}[m