#pragma once
#include "../common.h"
namespace esphome {
namespace xiaomi {
namespace bslamp2 {
* This custom LightState class is used to provide access to the protected
* LightTranformer information in the LightState class.
* This class is used by the ColorTransitionHandler class to inspect if
* an ongoing light color transition is active in the LightState object.
class XiaomiBslamp2LightState : public light::LightState, public LightStateTransformerInspector {
XiaomiBslamp2LightState(const std::string &name, XiaomiBslamp2LightOutput *output) : light::LightState(name, output) {
bool is_active() { return transformer_ != nullptr; }
bool is_transition() { return transformer_->is_transition(); }
light::LightColorValues get_end_values() { return transformer_->get_end_values(); }
float get_progress() { return transformer_->get_progress(); }
} // namespace bslamp2
} // namespace xiaomi
} // namespace esphome