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openldap presentation

akshay 1 year ago
6 changed files with 578 additions and 5 deletions
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@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
--- ---
title: OpenLDAP title: OpenLDAP
author: Akshay Pushparaj author: Akshay Pushparaj
theme: Bergen
theme: Berlin
#mainfont: Iosevka Regular
fontsize: 8pt
--- ---
# Introduction to LDAP # Introduction to LDAP
## What is LDAP? ## What is LDAP?
@ -19,7 +21,7 @@ LDAP information model is based on entries. An entry is a collection of attribut
## How is the information arranged? ## How is the information arranged?
Directory entries are arranged in a hierarchical tree-like structure. Directory entries are arranged in a hierarchical tree-like structure.
![LDAP Tree](./ldap_tree.png){#id .class width=200 height=200 display=block}
![LDAP Tree](./ldap_tree.png){#id .class width=500 height=500 display=block}
## Differences between traditional databases ## Differences between traditional databases
- LDAP is a open standard protocol. - LDAP is a open standard protocol.
@ -49,10 +51,30 @@ Some of the usecases of LDAP are:
- Lightweight - Lightweight
- Supports a wide variety of backends or databases. - Supports a wide variety of backends or databases.
- Supports components called overlays which can be used to customize backend behaviour without the need to write a custom backend. - Supports components called overlays which can be used to customize backend behaviour without the need to write a custom backend.
- Has support for wide variety of OS.
- OpenLDAP is highly flexible. Its minimal UI and code-reliant functionality don’t lock users into predetermined workflows; rather, IT can manipulate the software to do exactly what they need.
- Has support for wide variety of OS and services.
- OpenLDAP is highly flexible. Has code-reliant functionality which doesn’t lock users into predetermined workflows; rather, we can manipulate the software to our exact needs.
## Cons ## Cons
- Directory configuration and management are manual.
- Directory configuration and management are manual.
# Alternative LDAP implementation
## 389 DS and FreeIPA
- Like OpenLDAP, 389 DS or 389 Directory Server is a LDAP implementation by RedHat as part of the community-supported Fedora project.
- 389 DS have a graphical interface that can be used for administration.
![389 DS management console](./389ds.png){#id .class display=block}
- FreeIPA is an identity management system created by RedHat. The aim with FreeIPA is to provide a centrally managed Identity, Policy and Audit(IPA) system.
- Identity management ensure the right users have appropriate access to resources.
- Security policies are a set of requirements to maintain a safe and secure computing environment.
- Audit trail are records of events, procedures or operations being done on the system.
- FreeIPA uses a combination of different software inorder to acheive an IPA system. It uses Fedora, 389 DS, Kerberos, DNS, SSSD and other free and open source components.
- The advantage of using FreeIPA is that it is easy to setup. Since everything is taken care by FreeIPA for us it has less flexibilty comapred to OpenLDAP.
- FreeIPA has a Web UI for administration.
## Samba

openldap.pdf View File

presentation.pdf View File
