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github: move issue template placeholder text to description

placeholders do not really work for more than one line
Maxim Prokhorov 1 year ago
3 changed files with 19 additions and 20 deletions
  1. +9
  2. +2
  3. +8

+ 9
- 6
.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug-report.yml View File

@ -23,10 +23,13 @@ body:
id: version
label: Version
description: ESPurna version
placeholder: |
Value on WebUI home page, commit hash or filename of a release .bin
e.g. 1.16.0-dev.git12345678+github220101
description: |
ESPurna version. Can be either
* .bin filename or snapshot name / date, if downloaded from 'Releases'
* 'Firmware version' in WebUI
* First line of `info` terminal command output
* Output of `git rev-parse HEAD`, in the directory that was created when you cloned this repository
placeholder: 1.16.0-dev.git12345678+github250718
required: true
@ -45,8 +48,8 @@ body:
- type: textarea
label: Build tools used
description: If ESPurna was built manually, please describe build configuration and the tools that were used
placeholder: |
description: |
If ESPurna was built manually, please describe build configuration and the tools that were used.
Please mention **any modifications** to our configuration headers or command line flags.
For ArduinoIDE / arduino-cli, which version was used.

+ 2
- 10
.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature-request.yml View File

@ -13,8 +13,6 @@ body:
label: Description
description: |
Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe
placeholder: |
A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when [...]
required: true
@ -22,22 +20,16 @@ body:
label: Solution
description: |
Describe the solution you'd like
placeholder: |
A clear and concise description of what you want to happen
- type: textarea
label: Alternatives
description: |
Describe alternatives you've considered
placeholder: |
A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered
A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you have considered
- type: textarea
label: Additional context
description: |
Add any other information about the feature request
placeholder: |
(references, screenshots, etc.)
Add any other information about the feature request (references, screenshots, etc.)

+ 8
- 4
.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/questions.yml View File

@ -19,12 +19,16 @@ body:
required: false
- type: input
id: version
label: Version
description: ESPurna version
placeholder: |
Value on WebUI home page, commit hash or filename of a release .bin
e.g. 1.16.0-dev.git12345678+github220101
description: |
ESPurna version, if this question is related to something happening with the firmware
* .bin filename or snapshot name / date, if downloaded from 'Releases'
* 'Firmware version' in WebUI
* First line of `info` terminal command output
* Output of `git rev-parse HEAD`, in the directory that was created when you cloned this repository
placeholder: 1.16.0-dev.git12345678+github250718
required: false
