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Testing a different approach to ECH1560 (#596)

Xose Pérez 5 years ago
3 changed files with 92 additions and 96 deletions
  1. +2
  2. +3
  3. +87

+ 2
- 2 View File

@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ ESPurna ("spark" in Catalan) is a custom firmware for ESP8285/ESP8266 based smar
It uses the Arduino Core for ESP8266 framework and a number of 3rd party libraries.
<br />

+ 3
- 1
code/espurna/config/sensors.h View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
// SENSORS - General data
// =============================================================================
#define SENSOR_DEBUG 0 // Debug sensors
#define SENSOR_DEBUG 1 // Debug sensors
#define SENSOR_READ_INTERVAL 6 // Read data from sensors every 6 seconds
#define SENSOR_READ_MIN_INTERVAL 6 // Minimum read interval
@ -236,6 +236,8 @@
#define ECH1560_INVERTED 0 // Signal is inverted
#define ECH1560_TIMEOUT 1000
// Energy Monitor general settings

+ 87
- 93
code/espurna/sensors/ECH1560Sensor.h View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ class ECH1560Sensor : public BaseSensor {
// Public
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ECH1560Sensor(): BaseSensor(), _data() {
ECH1560Sensor(): BaseSensor() {
_count = 3;
_sensor_id = SENSOR_ECH1560_ID;
@ -74,18 +74,28 @@ class ECH1560Sensor : public BaseSensor {
if (!_dirty) return;
pinMode(_clk, INPUT);
pinMode(_miso, INPUT);
_dirty = false;
_ready = true;
// Pre-read hook (usually to populate registers with up-to-date data)
void pre() {
// Post-read hook (usually to reset things)
void post() {
if (_ready) _enableInterrupts(true);
// Loop-like method, call it in your main loop
void tick() {
if (_dosync) _sync();
// Descriptive name of the sensor
@ -130,9 +140,9 @@ class ECH1560Sensor : public BaseSensor {
(void) gpio;
// if we are trying to find the sync-time (CLK goes high for 1-2ms)
if (_dosync == false) {
if (false == _loading) {
_clk_count = 0;
volatile long _clk_count = 0;
// register how long the ClkHigh is high to evaluate if we are at the part where clk goes high for 1-2 ms
while (digitalRead(_clk) == HIGH) {
@ -142,15 +152,21 @@ class ECH1560Sensor : public BaseSensor {
// if the Clk was high between 1 and 2 ms than, its a start of a SPI-transmission
if (_clk_count >= 33 && _clk_count <= 67) {
_dosync = true;
_loading = true;
// we are in sync and logging CLK-highs
} else {
// increment an integer to keep track of how many bits we have read.
_bits_count += 1;
_nextbit = true;
} else if (false == _loaded) {
unsigned char value = (digitalRead(_miso) == HIGH) ? 1 : 0;
_data[_byte] = (_data[_byte] << 1) + value;
if (8 == ++_bit) {
_bit = 0;
if (16 == ++_byte) {
_byte = 0;
_loaded = true;
@ -186,86 +202,66 @@ class ECH1560Sensor : public BaseSensor {
// Protected
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void _sync() {
unsigned int byte1 = 0;
unsigned int byte2 = 0;
unsigned int byte3 = 0;
void _reset() {
_bits_count = 0;
while (_bits_count < 40); // skip the uninteresting 5 first bytes
_bits_count = 0;
while (_bits_count < 24) { // loop through the next 3 Bytes (6-8) and save byte 6 and 7 in byte1 and byte2
if (_nextbit) {
if (_bits_count < 9) { // first Byte/8 bits in byte1
// Clean data array
for (unsigned char i=0; i<16; i++) {
_data[i] = 0;
byte1 = byte1 << 1;
if (digitalRead(_miso) == HIGH) byte1 |= 1;
_nextbit = false;
_loaded = false;
_loading = false;
_start = 0;
} else if (_bits_count < 17) { // bit 9-16 is byte 7, store in byte2
byte2 = byte2 << 1;
if (digitalRead(_miso) == HIGH) byte2 |= 1;
_nextbit = false;
void _read() {
// Check if stalled
if (false == _loaded) {
if (true == _loading) {
if (0 == _start) {
_start = millis();
} else if (millis() - _start > ECH1560_TIMEOUT) {
if (byte2 != 3) { // if bit byte2 is not 3, we have reached the important part, U is allready in byte1 and byte2 and next 8 Bytes will give us the Power.
// voltage = 2 * (byte1 + byte2 / 255)
_voltage = 2.0 * ((float) byte1 + (float) byte2 / 255.0);
// power:
_bits_count = 0;
while (_bits_count < 40); // skip the uninteresting 5 first bytes
_bits_count = 0;
byte1 = 0;
byte2 = 0;
byte3 = 0;
while (_bits_count < 24) { //store byte 6, 7 and 8 in byte1 and byte2 & byte3.
if (_nextbit) {
if (_bits_count < 9) {
byte1 = byte1 << 1;
if (digitalRead(_miso) == HIGH) byte1 |= 1;
_nextbit = false;
} else if (_bits_count < 17) {
byte2 = byte2 << 1;
if (digitalRead(_miso) == HIGH) byte2 |= 1;
_nextbit = false;
} else {
byte3 = byte3 << 1;
if (digitalRead(_miso) == HIGH) byte3 |= 1;
_nextbit = false;
// Structure:
// byte
// ====
// 0..4 ??
// 5 V = 2 * ([5] + [6]/255)
// 6 must not be 3
// 7 ??
// 8..12 ??
// 13 P = (255*[13] + [14] + [15]/255) / 2
// 14
// 15
// If inverted logic invert values
if (_inverted) {
for (unsigned char i=0; i<16; i++) {
_data[i] = 255 - _data[i];
if (_inverted) {
byte1 = 255 - byte1;
byte2 = 255 - byte2;
byte3 = 255 - byte3;
DEBUG_MSG("[ECH1560] Parsing data: ");
char buffer[4];
for (unsigned char i=0; i<16; i++) {
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%02X ", _data[i]);
if (_data[6] != 3) {
// power = (byte1*255+byte2+byte3/255)/2
_apparent = ( (float) byte1 * 255 + (float) byte2 + (float) byte3 / 255.0) / 2;
_voltage = 2.0 * ((float) _data[5] + (float) _data[6] / 255.0);
_apparent = ( (float) _data[13] * 255 + (float) _data[14] + (float) _data[15] / 255.0) / 2;
_current = _apparent / _voltage;
static unsigned long last = 0;
@ -274,37 +270,35 @@ class ECH1560Sensor : public BaseSensor {
last = millis();
_dosync = false;
} else if (_data[6] != 0) {
DEBUG_MSG("[ECH1560] Nothing connected, or out of sync!\n");
// If byte2 is not 3 or something else than 0, something is wrong!
if (byte2 == 0) {
_dosync = false;
DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("Nothing connected, or out of sync!\n"));
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
unsigned char _clk = 0;
unsigned char _miso = 0;
bool _inverted = false;
volatile long _bits_count = 0;
volatile long _clk_count = 0;
volatile bool _dosync = false;
volatile bool _nextbit = true;
volatile unsigned char _bit = 0;
volatile unsigned char _byte = 0;
volatile unsigned char _data[16];
volatile bool _loading = false;
volatile bool _loaded = false;
unsigned long _start = 0;
double _apparent = 0;
double _voltage = 0;
double _current = 0;
double _energy = 0;
unsigned char _data[24];
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
