/* WIFI MODULE Original code based on JustWifi, Wifi Manager for ESP8266 (GPLv3+) Copyright (C) 2016-2019 by Xose PĂ©rez Modified for ESPurna Copyright (C) 2021 by Maxim Prokhorov */ #include "wifi.h" #include "telnet.h" #include "ws.h" #include #include #if WIFI_AP_CAPTIVE_SUPPORT #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include // ref. // https://github.com/d-a-v/esp82xx-nonos-linklayer/blob/master/README.md#how-it-works // // Current esp8266 Arduino Core is based on the NONOS SDK using the lwip1.4 APIs // To handle static IPs, these need to be called when current IP differs from the one set via the setting. // // Can't include the original headers, since they refer to the ip_addr_t and IPAddress depends on a specific overload to extract v4 addresses // (SDK layer *only* works with ipv4 addresses) #undef netif_set_addr extern "C" netif* eagle_lwip_getif(int); extern "C" void netif_set_addr(netif* netif, ip4_addr_t*, ip4_addr_t*, ip4_addr_t*); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // INTERNAL // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace espurna { namespace wifi { using Mac = std::array; namespace { namespace build { namespace compat { [[gnu::unused, gnu::deprecated("WIFI_MODEM_SLEEP_{NONE, MODEM, LIGHT} should be used instead, see config/general.h")]] constexpr sleep_type_t arduino_sleep(WiFiSleepType type) { return static_cast(type); } [[gnu::unused]] constexpr sleep_type_t arduino_sleep(sleep_type_t type) { return type; } } // namespace compat constexpr float txPower() { return WIFI_OUTPUT_POWER_DBM; } constexpr sleep_type_t sleep() { return compat::arduino_sleep(WIFI_SLEEP_MODE); } constexpr BootMode bootMode() { return WIFI_BOOT_MODE; } } // namespace build namespace settings { namespace options { PROGMEM_STRING(Disabled, "off"); PROGMEM_STRING(Enabled, "on"); } // namespace options } // namespace settings namespace ap { namespace settings { namespace options { PROGMEM_STRING(Fallback, "fallback"); static constexpr espurna::settings::options::Enumeration ApModeOptions[] PROGMEM { {ApMode::Disabled, wifi::settings::options::Disabled}, {ApMode::Enabled, wifi::settings::options::Enabled}, {ApMode::Fallback, Fallback}, }; } // namespace options } // namespace settings } // namespace ap namespace settings { namespace options { PROGMEM_STRING(None, "none"); PROGMEM_STRING(Modem, "modem"); PROGMEM_STRING(Light, "light"); static constexpr espurna::settings::options::Enumeration SleepTypeOptions[] PROGMEM { {NONE_SLEEP_T, None}, {MODEM_SLEEP_T, Modem}, {LIGHT_SLEEP_T, Light}, }; } // namespace options } // namespace settings } // namespace } // namespace wifi namespace settings { namespace internal { template<> wifi::BootMode convert(const String& value) { return convert(value) ? wifi::BootMode::Enabled : wifi::BootMode::Disabled; } String serialize(wifi::BootMode mode) { return serialize(mode == wifi::BootMode::Enabled); } template<> wifi::StaMode convert(const String& value) { return convert(value) ? wifi::StaMode::Enabled : wifi::StaMode::Disabled; } String serialize(wifi::StaMode mode) { return serialize(mode == wifi::StaMode::Enabled); } template<> wifi::ApMode convert(const String& value) { return convert(wifi::ap::settings::options::ApModeOptions, value, wifi::ApMode::Fallback); } String serialize(wifi::ApMode mode) { return serialize(wifi::ap::settings::options::ApModeOptions, mode); } template <> sleep_type_t convert(const String& value) { return convert(wifi::settings::options::SleepTypeOptions, value, wifi::build::sleep()); } String serialize(sleep_type_t sleep) { return serialize(wifi::settings::options::SleepTypeOptions, sleep); } template <> IPAddress convert(const String& value) { IPAddress out; out.fromString(value); return out; } template <> wifi::Mac convert(const String& value) { wifi::Mac out{}; static constexpr size_t Min { 12 }; static constexpr size_t Max { 17 }; switch (value.length()) { // xxxxxxxxxx case Min: hexDecode(value.c_str(), value.length(), out.data(), out.size()); break; // xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx case Max: { String buffer; buffer.reserve(value.length()); for (auto it = value.begin(); it != value.end(); ++it) { if ((*it) != ':') { buffer += *it; } } if (buffer.length() == Min) { hexDecode(buffer.c_str(), buffer.length(), out.data(), out.size()); } break; } } return out; } // XXX: "(IP unset)" when not set, no point saving these :/ // XXX: both and will be saved as empty string String serialize(const IPAddress& ip) { return ip.isSet() ? ip.toString() : emptyString; } String serialize(wifi::Mac mac) { String out; out.reserve(18); bool delim { false }; char buffer[3] = {0}; for (auto& byte : mac) { hexEncode(&byte, 1, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); if (delim) { out += ':'; } out += buffer; delim = true; } return out; } } // namespace internal } // namespace settings namespace wifi { namespace { // Use SDK constants directly. Provide a constexpr version of the Core enum, since the code never // actually uses `WiFi::mode(...)` directly, *but* opmode is retrieved using the SDK function. static constexpr uint8_t OpmodeNull { NULL_MODE }; static constexpr uint8_t OpmodeSta { STATION_MODE }; static constexpr uint8_t OpmodeAp { SOFTAP_MODE }; static constexpr uint8_t OpmodeApSta { OpmodeSta | OpmodeAp }; enum class ScanError { None, AlreadyScanning, Busy, NoNetworks, System, }; enum class Action { AccessPointFallback, AccessPointFallbackCheck, AccessPointStart, AccessPointStop, Boot, StationConnect, StationContinueConnect, StationDisconnect, StationTryConnectBetter, TurnOff, TurnOn, }; using Actions = std::list; using ActionsQueue = std::queue; enum class State { Boot, Connect, TryConnectBetter, Connected, Idle, Init, Timeout, Fallback, WaitScan, WaitScanWithoutCurrent, WaitConnected }; namespace internal { // Module actions are controled in a serialzed manner, when internal loop is done with the // current task and is free to take up another one. Allow to toggle OFF for the whole module, // discarding any actions involving an active WiFi. Default is ON bool enabled { false }; ActionsQueue actions; State state { State::Boot }; State last_state { state }; } // namespace internal void tx_power(float dbm) { if (std::isinf(dbm) || std::isnan(dbm)) { return; } // system_phy_set_max_tpw() unit is .25dBm constexpr auto Min = float{ 0.0f }; constexpr auto Max = float{ 20.5f }; dbm = std::clamp(dbm, Min, Max); dbm *= 4.0f; system_phy_set_max_tpw(dbm); } sleep_type_t sleep_type() { return wifi_get_sleep_type(); } bool sleep_type(sleep_type_t type) { return wifi_set_sleep_type(type); } uint8_t opmode() { return wifi_get_opmode(); } void ensure_opmode(uint8_t mode) { const auto is_set = [&]() { return (opmode() == mode); }; // `std::abort()` calls are the to ensure the mode actually changes, but it should be extremely rare // it may be also wise to add these for when the mode is already the expected one, // since we should enforce mode changes to happen *only* through the configuration loop if (!is_set()) { const auto current = wifi_get_opmode(); wifi_set_opmode_current(mode); const auto result = time::blockingDelay( duration::Seconds(1), duration::Milliseconds(10), [&]() { return !is_set(); }); if (result) { abort(); } if (current == OpmodeNull) { wakeupModemForcedSleep(); } } } bool enabled() { return internal::enabled; } void enable() { internal::enabled = true; } void disable() { internal::enabled = false; } void action(Action value) { switch (value) { case Action::StationConnect: case Action::StationTryConnectBetter: case Action::StationContinueConnect: case Action::StationDisconnect: case Action::AccessPointFallback: case Action::AccessPointFallbackCheck: case Action::AccessPointStart: case Action::AccessPointStop: if (!enabled()) { return; } break; case Action::TurnOff: case Action::TurnOn: case Action::Boot: break; } internal::actions.push(value); } template State handle_action(State state, T&& handler) { if (!internal::actions.empty()) { state = handler(state, internal::actions.front()); internal::actions.pop(); } return state; } namespace debug { String error(ScanError error) { StringView out; switch (error) { case ScanError::None: out = STRING_VIEW("OK"); break; case ScanError::AlreadyScanning: out = STRING_VIEW("Scan already in progress"); break; case ScanError::Busy: out = STRING_VIEW("State machine is busy"); break; case ScanError::NoNetworks: out = STRING_VIEW("No networks"); break; case ScanError::System: out = STRING_VIEW("System unable to start the scan"); break; } return out.toString(); } String mac(Mac mac) { return espurna::settings::internal::serialize(mac); } String ip(const IPAddress& addr) { return addr.toString(); } String ip(ip4_addr_t addr) { String out; out.reserve(16); bool delim { false }; for (int byte = 0; byte < 4; ++byte) { if (delim) { out += '.'; } out += ip4_addr_get_byte_val(addr, byte); delim = true; } return out; } String authmode(AUTH_MODE mode) { StringView out; switch (mode) { case AUTH_OPEN: out = STRING_VIEW("OPEN"); break; case AUTH_WEP: out = STRING_VIEW("WEP"); break; case AUTH_WPA_PSK: out = STRING_VIEW("WPAPSK"); break; case AUTH_WPA2_PSK: out = STRING_VIEW("WPA2PSK"); break; case AUTH_WPA_WPA2_PSK: out = STRING_VIEW("WPAWPA2-PSK"); break; case AUTH_MAX: default: out = STRING_VIEW("UNKNOWN"); break; } return out.toString(); } String opmode(uint8_t mode) { StringView out; switch (mode) { case OpmodeApSta: out = STRING_VIEW("AP+STA"); break; case OpmodeSta: out = STRING_VIEW("STA"); break; case OpmodeAp: out = STRING_VIEW("AP"); break; case OpmodeNull: out = STRING_VIEW("NULL"); break; } return out.toString(); } String sleep_type(sleep_type_t type) { return espurna::settings::internal::serialize(type); } } // namespace debug namespace settings { namespace keys { PROGMEM_STRING(TxPower, "wifiTxPwr"); PROGMEM_STRING(Sleep, "wifiSleep"); PROGMEM_STRING(Boot, "wifiBoot"); } // namespace keys float txPower() { return getSetting(keys::TxPower, build::txPower()); } sleep_type_t sleep() { return getSetting(keys::Sleep, build::sleep()); } BootMode bootMode() { return getSetting(keys::Boot, build::bootMode()); } namespace query { namespace internal { #define EXACT_VALUE(NAME, FUNC)\ String NAME () {\ return espurna::settings::internal::serialize(FUNC());\ } #define ID_VALUE(NAME, FUNC)\ String NAME (size_t id) {\ return espurna::settings::internal::serialize(FUNC(id));\ } EXACT_VALUE(sleep, settings::sleep) EXACT_VALUE(txPower, settings::txPower) EXACT_VALUE(bootMode, settings::bootMode) } // namespace internal } // namespace query } // namespace settings // We are guaranteed to have '\0' when <32 b/c the SDK zeroes out the data // But, these are byte arrays, not C strings. When ssid_len is available, use it. // When not, we are still expecting the <32 arrays to have '\0' at the end and we manually // set the 32'nd char to '\0' to prevent conversion issues String convertSsid(const softap_config& config) { String ssid; ssid.concat(reinterpret_cast(config.ssid), config.ssid_len); return ssid; } String convertSsid(const bss_info& info) { String ssid; ssid.concat(reinterpret_cast(info.ssid), info.ssid_len); return ssid; } template String convertSsid(const T& config) { static_assert(SsidSize == 32, ""); const char* ptr { reinterpret_cast(config.ssid) }; char ssid[SsidSize + 1]; std::copy(ptr, ptr + SsidSize, ssid); ssid[SsidSize] = '\0'; return ssid; } template String convertPassphrase(const T& config) { static_assert(PassphraseSize == 64, ""); const char* ptr { reinterpret_cast(config.password) }; char passphrase[PassphraseSize + 1]; std::copy(ptr, ptr + PassphraseSize, passphrase); passphrase[PassphraseSize] = '\0'; return passphrase; } template Mac convertBssid(const T& info) { static_assert(MacSize == 6, ""); Mac mac; std::copy(info.bssid, info.bssid + MacSize, mac.begin()); return mac; } struct Info { Info() = default; Info(const Info&) = default; Info(Info&&) = default; Info(Mac&& bssid, AUTH_MODE authmode, int8_t rssi, uint8_t channel) : _bssid(std::move(bssid)), _authmode(authmode), _rssi(rssi), _channel(channel) {} explicit Info(const bss_info& info) : _bssid(convertBssid(info)), _authmode(info.authmode), _rssi(info.rssi), _channel(info.channel) {} Info& operator=(const Info&) = default; Info& operator=(Info&&) = default; Info& operator=(const bss_info& info) { _bssid = convertBssid(info); _authmode = info.authmode; _channel = info.channel; _rssi = info.rssi; return *this; } explicit operator bool() const { return _rssi != 0 && _channel != 0; } bool operator<(const Info& rhs) const { return _rssi < rhs._rssi; } bool operator>(const Info& rhs) const { return _rssi > rhs._rssi; } const Mac& bssid() const { return _bssid; } AUTH_MODE authmode() const { return _authmode; } int8_t rssi() const { return _rssi; } uint8_t channel() const { return _channel; } private: Mac _bssid{}; AUTH_MODE _authmode { AUTH_OPEN }; int8_t _rssi { 0 }; uint8_t _channel { 0u }; }; struct SsidInfo { SsidInfo() = delete; explicit SsidInfo(const bss_info& info) : _ssid(convertSsid(info)), _info(info) {} SsidInfo(String&& ssid, Info&& info) : _ssid(std::move(ssid)), _info(std::move(info)) {} const String& ssid() const { return _ssid; } const Info& info() const { return _info; } // decreasing order by rssi (default sort() order is increasing) bool operator<(const SsidInfo& rhs) const { if (!_info.rssi()) { return false; } return info() > rhs.info(); } private: String _ssid; Info _info; }; using SsidInfos = std::forward_list; // Note that lwip config allows up to 3 DNS servers. But, most of the time we use DHCP. // TODO: ::dns(size_t index)? how'd that look with settings? struct IpSettings { IpSettings() = default; IpSettings(const IpSettings&) = default; IpSettings(IpSettings&&) = default; IpSettings& operator=(const IpSettings&) = default; IpSettings& operator=(IpSettings&&) = default; template IpSettings(Ip&& ip, Netmask&& netmask, Gateway&& gateway, Dns&& dns) : _ip(std::forward(ip)), _netmask(std::forward(netmask)), _gateway(std::forward(gateway)), _dns(std::forward(dns)) {} const IPAddress& ip() const { return _ip; } const IPAddress& netmask() const { return _netmask; } const IPAddress& gateway() const { return _gateway; } const IPAddress& dns() const { return _dns; } explicit operator bool() const { return _ip.isSet() && _netmask.isSet() && _gateway.isSet(); } ip_info toIpInfo() const { ip_info info{}; info.ip.addr = _ip.v4(); info.netmask.addr = _netmask.v4(); info.gw.addr = _gateway.v4(); return info; } private: IPAddress _ip; IPAddress _netmask; IPAddress _gateway; IPAddress _dns; }; struct StaNetwork { Mac bssid; String ssid; String passphrase; int8_t rssi; uint8_t channel; }; struct SoftApNetwork { Mac bssid; String ssid; String passphrase; uint8_t channel; AUTH_MODE authmode; }; struct Network { Network() = delete; Network(const Network&) = default; Network(Network&&) = default; Network& operator=(Network&&) = default; explicit Network(String&& ssid) : _ssid(std::move(ssid)) {} Network(String&& ssid, String&& passphrase) : _ssid(std::move(ssid)), _passphrase(std::move(passphrase)) {} Network(String&& ssid, String&& passphrase, IpSettings&& settings) : _ssid(std::move(ssid)), _passphrase(std::move(passphrase)), _ipSettings(std::move(settings)) {} // TODO(?): in case SDK API is used directly, this also could use an authmode field // Arduino wrapper sets WPAPSK minimum by default, so one use-case is to set it to WPA2PSK Network(Network other, Mac bssid, uint8_t channel) : _ssid(std::move(other._ssid)), _passphrase(std::move(other._passphrase)), _ipSettings(std::move(other._ipSettings)), _bssid(bssid), _channel(channel) {} bool dhcp() const { return !_ipSettings; } const String& ssid() const { return _ssid; } const String& passphrase() const { return _passphrase; } const IpSettings& ipSettings() const { return _ipSettings; } const Mac& bssid() const { return _bssid; } uint8_t channel() const { return _channel; } private: String _ssid; String _passphrase; IpSettings _ipSettings; Mac _bssid {}; uint8_t _channel { 0u }; }; using Networks = std::list; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // STATION // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace sta { namespace build { static constexpr size_t NetworksMax { WIFI_MAX_NETWORKS }; // aka short interval static constexpr auto ConnectionInterval = duration::Milliseconds{ WIFI_CONNECT_INTERVAL }; // aka long interval static constexpr auto ReconnectionInterval = duration::Milliseconds{ WIFI_RECONNECT_INTERVAL }; static constexpr int ConnectionRetries { WIFI_CONNECT_RETRIES }; static constexpr auto RecoveryInterval = ConnectionInterval * ConnectionRetries; constexpr StaMode mode() { return WIFI_STA_MODE; } #define WIFI_SETTING_STRING_RESULT(FIRST, SECOND, THIRD, FOURTH, FIFTH)\ (index == 0) ? STRING_VIEW_SETTING(FIRST) :\ (index == 1) ? STRING_VIEW_SETTING(SECOND) :\ (index == 2) ? STRING_VIEW_SETTING(THIRD) :\ (index == 3) ? STRING_VIEW_SETTING(FOURTH) :\ (index == 4) ? STRING_VIEW_SETTING(FIFTH) : StringView() StringView ssid(size_t index) { return WIFI_SETTING_STRING_RESULT( WIFI1_SSID, WIFI2_SSID, WIFI3_SSID, WIFI4_SSID, WIFI5_SSID ); } StringView passphrase(size_t index) { return WIFI_SETTING_STRING_RESULT( WIFI1_PASS, WIFI2_PASS, WIFI3_PASS, WIFI4_PASS, WIFI5_PASS ); } StringView ip(size_t index) { return WIFI_SETTING_STRING_RESULT( WIFI1_IP, WIFI2_IP, WIFI3_IP, WIFI4_IP, WIFI5_IP ); } StringView gateway(size_t index) { return WIFI_SETTING_STRING_RESULT( WIFI1_GW, WIFI2_GW, WIFI3_GW, WIFI4_GW, WIFI5_GW ); } StringView netmask(size_t index) { return WIFI_SETTING_STRING_RESULT( WIFI1_MASK, WIFI2_MASK, WIFI3_MASK, WIFI4_MASK, WIFI5_MASK ); } StringView dns(size_t index) { return WIFI_SETTING_STRING_RESULT( WIFI1_DNS, WIFI2_DNS, WIFI3_DNS, WIFI4_DNS, WIFI5_DNS ); } StringView bssid(size_t index) { return WIFI_SETTING_STRING_RESULT( WIFI1_BSSID, WIFI2_BSSID, WIFI3_BSSID, WIFI4_BSSID, WIFI5_BSSID ); } #undef WIFI_SETTING_STRING_RESULT constexpr uint8_t channel(size_t index) { return ( (index == 0) ? WIFI1_CHANNEL : (index == 1) ? WIFI2_CHANNEL : (index == 2) ? WIFI3_CHANNEL : (index == 3) ? WIFI4_CHANNEL : (index == 4) ? WIFI5_CHANNEL : 0 ); } } // namespace build namespace settings { namespace keys { PROGMEM_STRING(Mode, "wifiStaMode"); PROGMEM_STRING(Ssid, "ssid"); PROGMEM_STRING(Passphrase, "pass"); PROGMEM_STRING(Ip, "ip"); PROGMEM_STRING(Gateway, "gw"); PROGMEM_STRING(Netmask, "mask"); PROGMEM_STRING(Dns, "dns"); PROGMEM_STRING(Bssid, "bssid"); PROGMEM_STRING(Channel, "chan"); } // namespace keys String from_string(espurna::settings::Key key, StringView defaultValue) { return getSetting(key, defaultValue); } IPAddress from_ipaddress(espurna::settings::Key key, StringView defaultValue) { return espurna::settings::internal::convert( getSetting(key, defaultValue)); } StaMode mode() { return getSetting(keys::Mode, build::mode()); } String ssid(size_t index) { return from_string({keys::Ssid, index}, build::ssid(index)); } String passphrase(size_t index) { return from_string({keys::Passphrase, index}, build::passphrase(index)); } IPAddress ip(size_t index) { return from_ipaddress({keys::Ip, index}, build::ip(index)); } IPAddress gateway(size_t index) { return from_ipaddress({keys::Gateway, index}, build::gateway(index)); } IPAddress netmask(size_t index) { return from_ipaddress({keys::Netmask, index}, build::netmask(index)); } IPAddress dns(size_t index) { return from_ipaddress({keys::Dns, index}, build::dns(index)); } Mac bssid(size_t index) { return espurna::settings::internal::convert( getSetting({keys::Bssid, index}, build::bssid(index))); } int8_t channel(size_t index) { return getSetting({keys::Channel, index}, build::channel(index)); } namespace query { namespace internal { ID_VALUE(ip, settings::ip) ID_VALUE(gateway, settings::gateway) ID_VALUE(netmask, settings::netmask) ID_VALUE(dns, settings::dns) ID_VALUE(bssid, settings::bssid) ID_VALUE(channel, settings::channel) EXACT_VALUE(mode, settings::mode) } // namespace internal static constexpr std::array Settings PROGMEM { {{keys::Ssid, settings::ssid}, {keys::Passphrase, settings::passphrase}, {keys::Ip, internal::ip}, {keys::Gateway, internal::gateway}, {keys::Netmask, internal::netmask}, {keys::Dns, internal::dns}, {keys::Bssid, internal::bssid}, {keys::Channel, internal::channel}} }; } // namespace query } // namespace settings IPAddress ip() { ip_info info; wifi_get_ip_info(STATION_IF, &info); return info.ip; } uint8_t channel() { return wifi_get_channel(); } int8_t rssi() { return wifi_station_get_rssi(); } Networks networks() { Networks out; for (size_t id = 0; id < build::NetworksMax; ++id) { auto ssid = settings::ssid(id); if (!ssid.length()) { break; } auto pass = settings::passphrase(id); auto ip = settings::ip(id); auto ipSettings = ip.isSet() ? IpSettings{ std::move(ip), settings::netmask(id), settings::gateway(id), settings::dns(id)} : IpSettings{}; Network network(std::move(ssid), settings::passphrase(id), std::move(ipSettings)); auto channel = settings::channel(id); if (channel) { out.emplace_back(std::move(network), settings::bssid(id), channel); } else { out.push_back(std::move(network)); } } return out; } size_t countNetworks() { size_t networks { 0 }; for (size_t id = 0; id < build::NetworksMax; ++id) { auto ssid = settings::ssid(id); if (!ssid.length()) { break; } ++networks; } return networks; } // Note that authmode field is a our threshold, not the one selected by an AP Info info(const station_config& config) { return Info{ convertBssid(config), config.threshold.authmode, rssi(), channel()}; } Info info() { station_config config{}; wifi_station_get_config(&config); return info(config); } StaNetwork current(const station_config& config) { return { convertBssid(config), convertSsid(config), convertPassphrase(config), rssi(), channel()}; } StaNetwork current() { station_config config{}; wifi_station_get_config(&config); return current(config); } #if WIFI_GRATUITOUS_ARP_SUPPORT namespace garp { namespace build { static constexpr auto IntervalMin = duration::Milliseconds{ WIFI_GRATUITOUS_ARP_INTERVAL_MIN }; static constexpr auto IntervalMax = duration::Milliseconds{ WIFI_GRATUITOUS_ARP_INTERVAL_MAX }; } // namespace build namespace settings { namespace internal { template T randomInterval(T minimum, T maximum) { return T(::randomNumber(minimum.count(), maximum.count())); } duration::Milliseconds randomInterval() { return randomInterval(build::IntervalMin, build::IntervalMax); } } // namespace internal duration::Milliseconds interval() { static const auto defaultInterval = internal::randomInterval(); return getSetting("wifiGarpIntvl", defaultInterval); } } // namespace settings namespace internal { timer::SystemTimer timer; bool wait { false }; } // namespace internal bool send() { bool result { false }; for (netif* interface = netif_list; interface != nullptr; interface = interface->next) { if ( (interface->flags & NETIF_FLAG_ETHARP) && (interface->hwaddr_len == ETHARP_HWADDR_LEN) && (!ip4_addr_isany_val(*netif_ip4_addr(interface))) && (interface->flags & NETIF_FLAG_LINK_UP) && (interface->flags & NETIF_FLAG_UP) ) { etharp_gratuitous(interface); result = true; } } return result; } bool wait() { if (internal::wait) { return true; } internal::wait = true; return false; } void stop() { internal::timer.stop(); } void reset() { internal::wait = false; } void start(duration::Milliseconds next) { internal::timer.repeat(next, reset); } } // namespace garp #endif namespace scan { namespace settings { namespace keys { PROGMEM_STRING(Enabled, "wifiScan"); } // namespace keys } // namespace settings using SsidInfosPtr = std::shared_ptr; using Success = std::function; using Error = std::function; struct Task { Task() = delete; Task(Success&& success, Error&& error) : _success(std::move(success)), _error(std::move(error)) {} void success(bss_info* info) { _success(info); } void error(ScanError error) { _error(error); } private: Success _success; Error _error; }; using TaskPtr = std::unique_ptr; namespace internal { bool flag { false }; TaskPtr task; void stop() { flag = false; task = nullptr; } // STATUS comes from c_types.h, and it seems this is the only place that uses it // instead of some ESP-specific type. void complete(void* result, STATUS status) { if (status) { // aka anything but OK / 0 task->error(ScanError::System); stop(); return; } size_t networks { 0ul }; bss_info* head = reinterpret_cast(result); for (bss_info* it = head; it; it = STAILQ_NEXT(it, next), ++networks) { task->success(it); } if (!networks) { task->error(ScanError::NoNetworks); } stop(); } } // namespace internal bool start(Success&& success, Error&& error) { if (internal::flag) { error(ScanError::Busy); return false; } if (internal::task) { error(ScanError::AlreadyScanning); return false; } // Note that esp8266 callback only reports the resulting status and will (always?) timeout all by itself // Default values are an active scan with some unspecified channel times. // (zeroed out scan_config struct or simply nullptr) // For example, c/p config from the current esp32 Arduino Core wrapper which are close to the values mentioned here: // https://github.com/espressif/ESP8266_NONOS_SDK/issues/103#issuecomment-383440370 // Which could be useful if scanning needs to be more aggressive or switched into PASSIVE scan type //scan_config config{}; //config.scan_type = WIFI_SCAN_TYPE_ACTIVE; //config.scan_time.active.min = 100; //config.scan_time.active.max = 300; if (wifi_station_scan(nullptr, &internal::complete)) { internal::task = std::make_unique(std::move(success), std::move(error)); internal::flag = true; return true; } error(ScanError::System); return false; } // Alternative to the stock WiFi method, where we wait for the task to finish before returning bool wait(Success&& success, Error&& error) { auto result = start(std::move(success), std::move(error)); while (internal::task) { delay(100); } return result; } // Another alternative to the stock WiFi method, return a shared Info list // Caller is expected to wait for the scan to complete before using the contents SsidInfosPtr ssidinfos() { auto infos = std::make_shared(); start( [infos](bss_info* found) { infos->emplace_front(*found); }, [infos](ScanError) { infos->clear(); }); return infos; } } // namespace scan bool enabled() { return wifi::opmode() & wifi::OpmodeSta; } // XXX: WiFi.disconnect() also implicitly disables STA mode *and* erases the current STA config void disconnect() { if (enabled()) { wifi_station_disconnect(); } } // Some workarounds for built-in WiFi management: // - don't *intentionally* perist current SSID & PASS even when persistance is disabled from the Arduino Core side. // while this seems like a good idea in theory, we end up with a bunch of async actions coming our way. // - station disconnect events are linked with the connection routine as well, single WiFi::begin() may trigger up to // 3 events (as observed with `WiFi::waitForConnectResult()`) before the connection loop stops further attempts // - explicit OPMODE changes to both notify the userspace when the change actually happens (alternative is SDK event, but it is SYS context), // since *all* STA & AP start-up methods will implicitly change the mode (`WiFi.begin()`, `WiFi.softAP()`, `WiFi.config()`) void enable() { ensure_opmode(opmode() | OpmodeSta); wifi_station_disconnect(); delay(10); if (wifi_station_get_reconnect_policy()) { wifi_station_set_reconnect_policy(false); } if (wifi_station_get_auto_connect()) { wifi_station_set_auto_connect(false); } } void disable() { ensure_opmode(opmode() & ~OpmodeSta); } namespace connection { namespace internal { struct Task { static constexpr size_t SsidMax { sizeof(station_config::ssid) }; static constexpr size_t PassphraseMin { 8ul }; static constexpr size_t PassphraseMax { sizeof(station_config::password) }; static constexpr int8_t RssiThreshold { -127 }; using Iterator = Networks::iterator; Task() = delete; Task(const Task&) = delete; Task(Task&&) = delete; Task(String hostname, Networks networks, int retries) : _hostname(std::move(hostname)), _networks(std::move(networks)), _begin(_networks.begin()), _end(_networks.end()), _current(_begin), _retries(retries), _retry(_retries) {} bool empty() const { return _networks.empty(); } size_t count() const { return _networks.size(); } bool done() const { return _current == _end; } bool next() { if (!done()) { if (--_retry < 0) { _retry = _retries; _current = std::next(_current); } return !done(); } return false; } bool connect() const { if (!done() && sta::enabled()) { // Need to call this to cancel SDK tasks (previous scan, connection, etc.) // Otherwise, it will fail the initial attempt and force a retry. sta::disconnect(); // SDK sends EVENT_STAMODE_DISCONNECTED right after the disconnect() call, which is likely to happen // after being connected and disconnecting for the first time. Not doing this will cause the connection loop // to cancel the `wait` lock too early, forcing the Timeout state despite the EVENT_STAMODE_GOTIP coming in later. // Allow the event to come in right now to allow `wifi_station_connect()` down below trigger a real one. yield(); auto& network = *_current; if (!network.dhcp()) { auto& ipsettings = network.ipSettings(); wifi_station_dhcpc_stop(); auto current = ip(); auto info = ipsettings.toIpInfo(); if (!wifi_set_ip_info(STATION_IF, &info)) { return false; } dns_setserver(0, ipsettings.dns()); if (current.isSet() && (current != info.ip)) { #undef netif_set_addr netif_set_addr(eagle_lwip_getif(STATION_IF), &info.ip, &info.netmask, &info.gw); } } // Only the STA cares about the hostname setting // esp8266 specific Arduino-specific - this sets lwip internal structs related to the DHCPc WiFi.hostname(_hostname); // The rest is related to the connection routine // SSID & Passphrase are u8 arrays, with 0 at the end when the string is less than it's size // Perform checks earlier, before calling SDK config functions, since it would not reflect in the connection // state correctly, and we would need to use the Event API once again. station_config config{}; auto& ssid = network.ssid(); if (!ssid.length() || (ssid.length() > SsidMax)) { return false; } std::copy(ssid.c_str(), ssid.c_str() + ssid.length(), reinterpret_cast(config.ssid)); if (ssid.length() < SsidMax) { config.ssid[ssid.length()] = 0; } auto& pass = network.passphrase(); if (pass.length()) { if ((pass.length() < PassphraseMin) || (pass.length() > PassphraseMax)) { return false; } config.threshold.authmode = AUTH_WPA_PSK; std::copy(pass.c_str(), pass.c_str() + pass.length(), reinterpret_cast(config.password)); if (pass.length() < PassphraseMax) { config.password[pass.length()] = 0; } } else { config.threshold.authmode = AUTH_OPEN; config.password[0] = 0; } config.threshold.rssi = RssiThreshold; if (network.channel()) { auto& bssid = network.bssid(); std::copy(bssid.begin(), bssid.end(), config.bssid); config.bssid_set = 1; } // TODO: check every return value? // TODO: is it sufficient for the event to fire? otherwise, // there needs to be a manual timeout code after this returns true wifi_station_set_config_current(&config); if (!wifi_station_connect()) { return false; } if (network.channel()) { wifi_set_channel(network.channel()); } if (network.dhcp() && (wifi_station_dhcpc_status() != DHCP_STARTED)) { wifi_station_dhcpc_start(); } return true; } return false; } Networks& networks() { return _networks; } private: String _hostname; Networks _networks; Iterator _begin; Iterator _end; Iterator _current; const int _retries; int _retry; }; using ActionPtr = void(*)(); void action_next() { action(Action::StationContinueConnect); } void action_new() { action(Action::StationConnect); } sta::scan::SsidInfosPtr scanResults; Networks preparedNetworks; bool connected { false }; bool wait { false }; timer::SystemTimer timer; bool persist { false }; using TaskPtr = std::unique_ptr; TaskPtr task; } // namespace internal void persist(bool value) { internal::persist = value; } bool persist() { return internal::persist; } void stop() { scan::internal::flag = false; internal::scanResults = nullptr; internal::preparedNetworks.clear(); internal::timer.stop(); internal::task.reset(); } bool start(String&& hostname) { if (!internal::task) { internal::task = std::make_unique( std::move(hostname), std::move(internal::preparedNetworks), build::ConnectionRetries); internal::timer.stop(); return true; } internal::preparedNetworks.clear(); return false; } void schedule(duration::Milliseconds next, internal::ActionPtr ptr) { internal::timer.once(next, ptr); DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[WIFI] Next connection attempt in %u (ms)\n"), next.count()); } void schedule_next() { schedule(build::ConnectionInterval, internal::action_next); } void schedule_new(duration::Milliseconds next) { schedule(next, internal::action_new); } void schedule_new() { schedule_new(build::ReconnectionInterval); } bool next() { return internal::task->next(); } bool connect() { scan::internal::flag = true; if (internal::task->connect()) { internal::wait = true; return true; } scan::internal::flag = false; return false; } // Note that `wifi_station_get_connect_status()` may never actually change the state from CONNECTING when AP is not available. // Wait for the WiFi stack event instead (handled on setup with a static object) and continue after it is either connected or disconnected bool wait() { return internal::wait; } // TODO(Core 2.7.4): `WiFi.isConnected()` is a simple `wifi_station_get_connect_status() == STATION_GOT_IP`, // Meaning, it will never detect link up / down updates when AP silently kills the connection or something else unexpected happens. // Running JustWiFi with autoconnect + reconnect enabled, it silently avoided the issue b/c the SDK reconnect routine disconnected the STA, // causing our state machine to immediately cancel it (since `WL_CONNECTED != WiFi.status()`) and then try to connect again using it's own loop. // We could either (* is used currently): // - (*) listen for the SDK event through the `WiFi.onStationModeDisconnected()` // - ( ) poll NETIF_FLAG_LINK_UP for the lwip's netif, since the SDK will bring the link down on disconnection // find the `interface` in the `netif_list`, where `interface->num == STATION_IF` // - ( ) use lwip's netif event system from the recent Core, track UP and DOWN for a specific interface number // this one is probably only used internally, thus should be treated as a private API // - ( ) poll whether `wifi_get_ip_info(STATION_IF, &ip);` is set to something valid // (tuple of ip, gw and mask) // - ( ) poll `WiFi.localIP().isSet()` // (will be unset when the link is down) // placing status into a simple bool to avoid extracting ip info every time someone needs to check the connection bool connected() { return internal::connected; } bool connecting() { return static_cast(internal::task); } bool lost() { static bool last { internal::connected }; if (internal::connected != last) { last = internal::connected; return !last; } return false; } void prepare(Networks&& networks) { std::swap(internal::preparedNetworks, networks); } bool prepared() { return internal::preparedNetworks.size() > 0; } } // namespace connection bool connected() { return connection::connected(); } bool connecting() { return connection::connecting(); } bool scanning() { return static_cast(scan::internal::task); } // TODO: generic onEvent is deprecated on esp8266 in favour of the event-specific // methods returning 'cancelation' token. Right now it is a basic shared_ptr with an std function inside of it. // esp32 only has a generic onEvent, but event names are not compatible with the esp8266 version. // // TODO: instead of bool, do a state object that is 'armed' before use and it is possible to make sure there's an expected value swap between `true` and `false` // (i.e. 'disarmed', 'armed-for', 'received-success', 'received-failure'. where 'armed-for' only reacts on a specific assignment, and the consumer // checks whether 'received-success' had happend, and also handles 'received-failure'. when 'disarmed', value status does not change) // TODO: ...and a timeout? most of the time, these happen right after switch into the system task. but, since the sdk funcs don't block until success // (or at all, for anything), it might be nice to have some safeguards. void init() { static auto disconnected = WiFi.onStationModeDisconnected([](const WiFiEventStationModeDisconnected&) { connection::internal::wait = false; connection::internal::connected = false; }); static auto connected = WiFi.onStationModeGotIP([](const WiFiEventStationModeGotIP&) { connection::internal::wait = false; connection::internal::connected = true; }); disconnect(); disable(); yield(); } void toggle() { auto current = enabled(); connection::persist(!current); action(current ? Action::StationDisconnect : Action::StationConnect); } namespace scan { namespace build { constexpr bool enabled() { return 1 == WIFI_SCAN_NETWORKS; } } // namespace build namespace settings { bool enabled() { return getSetting(keys::Enabled, build::enabled()); } namespace query { EXACT_VALUE(enabled, settings::enabled) } // namespace query } // namespace settings namespace periodic { namespace build { static constexpr auto Interval = duration::Milliseconds{ WIFI_SCAN_RSSI_CHECK_INTERVAL }; static constexpr auto Checks = int8_t{ WIFI_SCAN_RSSI_CHECKS }; constexpr int8_t threshold() { return WIFI_SCAN_RSSI_THRESHOLD; } } // namespace build namespace settings { namespace keys { PROGMEM_STRING(Threshold, "wifiScanRssi"); } // namespace keys int8_t threshold() { return getSetting(FPSTR(keys::Threshold), build::threshold()); } namespace query { EXACT_VALUE(threshold, settings::threshold) } // namespace query } // namespace settings namespace internal { int8_t threshold { build::threshold() }; int8_t counter { build::Checks }; timer::SystemTimer timer; void task() { if (!sta::connected()) { counter = build::Checks; return; } auto rssi = sta::rssi(); if (rssi > threshold) { counter = build::Checks; } else if (rssi < threshold) { if (counter < 0) { return; } if (!--counter) { action(Action::StationTryConnectBetter); } } } void start() { counter = build::Checks; timer.repeat(build::Interval, task); } void stop() { counter = build::Checks; timer.stop(); } } // namespace internal void threshold(int8_t value) { internal::threshold = value; } void stop() { internal::stop(); } void start() { internal::start(); } bool check() { if (internal::counter <= 0) { internal::counter = build::Checks; return true; } return false; } } // namespace periodic } // namespace scan namespace connection { // After scan attempt, generate a new networks list based on the results sorted by the rssi value. // For the initial connection, add every matching network with the scan result bssid and channel info. // For the attempt to find a better network, filter out every network with worse than the current network's rssi void scanNetworks() { internal::scanResults = sta::scan::ssidinfos(); } bool suitableNetwork(const Network& network, const SsidInfo& ssidInfo) { return (ssidInfo.ssid() == network.ssid()) && ((ssidInfo.info().authmode() != AUTH_OPEN) ? network.passphrase().length() : !network.passphrase().length()); } bool scanProcessResults(int8_t threshold) { if (internal::scanResults) { decltype(internal::scanResults) results; std::swap(results, internal::scanResults); results->sort(); if (threshold < 0) { results->remove_if( [threshold](const SsidInfo& result) { return result.info().rssi() < threshold; }); } decltype(internal::preparedNetworks) networks; std::swap(networks, internal::preparedNetworks); decltype(internal::preparedNetworks) sortedNetworks; for (auto& result : *results) { for (auto& network : networks) { if (suitableNetwork(network, result)) { sortedNetworks.emplace_back(network, result.info().bssid(), result.info().channel()); break; } } } std::swap(sortedNetworks, internal::preparedNetworks); internal::scanResults.reset(); } return internal::preparedNetworks.size() > 0; } bool scanProcessResults(const Info& info) { return scanProcessResults(info.rssi()); } bool scanProcessResults() { return scanProcessResults(0); } } // namespace connection void configure() { auto enabled = (StaMode::Enabled == sta::settings::mode()); connection::persist(enabled); action(enabled ? Action::StationConnect : Action::StationDisconnect); scan::periodic::threshold( scan::periodic::settings::threshold()); #if WIFI_GRATUITOUS_ARP_SUPPORT auto interval = garp::settings::interval(); if (interval.count()) { garp::start(interval); } else { garp::stop(); } #endif } } // namespace sta // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ACCESS POINT // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace ap { namespace build { static constexpr size_t SsidMax { sizeof(softap_config::ssid) }; static constexpr size_t PassphraseMin { 8u }; static constexpr size_t PassphraseMax { sizeof(softap_config::password) }; static constexpr int Hidden { 0 }; static constexpr uint8_t ConnectionsMax { 4u }; PROGMEM_STRING(ApSsid, WIFI_AP_SSID); constexpr StringView ssid() { return ApSsid; } constexpr bool hasSsid() { return ssid().length() > 0; } PROGMEM_STRING(ApPass, WIFI_AP_PASS); constexpr StringView passphrase() { return ApPass; } constexpr bool hasPassphrase() { return passphrase().length() > 0; } constexpr bool captive() { return 1 == WIFI_AP_CAPTIVE_ENABLED; } constexpr ApMode mode() { return WIFI_AP_MODE; } constexpr uint8_t channel() { return WIFI_AP_CHANNEL; } } // namespace build namespace settings { namespace keys { PROGMEM_STRING(Mode, "wifiApMode"); PROGMEM_STRING(Ssid, "wifiApSsid"); PROGMEM_STRING(Passphrase, "wifiApPass"); PROGMEM_STRING(Channel, "wifiApChan"); [[gnu::unused]] PROGMEM_STRING(Captive, "wifiApCaptive"); } // namespace keys ApMode mode() { return getSetting(FPSTR(keys::Mode), build::mode()); } String defaultSsid() { return String(systemIdentifier()); } String ssid() { return getSetting(FPSTR(keys::Ssid), build::hasSsid() ? build::ssid() : systemHostname()); } String passphrase() { return getSetting(FPSTR(keys::Passphrase), build::hasPassphrase() ? build::passphrase() : systemPassword()); } int8_t channel() { return getSetting(FPSTR(keys::Channel), build::channel()); } [[gnu::unused]] bool captive() { return getSetting(FPSTR(keys::Captive), build::captive()); } namespace query { namespace internal { EXACT_VALUE(captive, ap::settings::captive) EXACT_VALUE(channel, ap::settings::channel) EXACT_VALUE(mode, ap::settings::mode) #undef ID_VALUE #undef EXACT_VALUE } // namespace internal } // namespace query } // namespace settings namespace internal { #if WIFI_AP_CAPTIVE_SUPPORT bool captive { build::captive() }; DNSServer dns; #endif void start(String&& defaultSsid, String&& ssid, String&& passphrase, uint8_t channel) { // Always generate valid AP config, even when user-provided credentials fail to comply with the requirements // TODO: configuration routine depends on a lwip dhcpserver, which is a custom module made specifically for the ESP. // while it's possible to hijack this and control the process manually, right now it's easier to delegate this to the Core helpers // (plus, it makes it not compatible with the esp-idf stack anyway, since wifi_softap_dhcps_... calls don't do anything here) const char* apSsid { (ssid.length() && (ssid.length() < build::SsidMax)) ? ssid.c_str() : defaultSsid.c_str() }; const char* apPass { (passphrase.length() \ && (passphrase.length() >= build::PassphraseMin) \ && (passphrase.length() < build::PassphraseMax)) ? passphrase.c_str() : nullptr }; // TODO: when using `softap_config`, can also tweak the beacon intvl // static constexpr uint16_t BeaconInterval { 100u }; WiFi.softAP(apSsid, apPass, channel, build::Hidden, build::ConnectionsMax); } } // namespace internal #if WIFI_AP_CAPTIVE_SUPPORT void captive(bool value) { internal::captive = value; } bool captive() { return internal::captive; } void dnsLoop() { internal::dns.processNextRequest(); } #endif IPAddress ip() { ip_info info; wifi_get_ip_info(SOFTAP_IF, &info); return info.ip; } void enable() { ensure_opmode(opmode() | OpmodeAp); } void disable() { ensure_opmode(opmode() & ~OpmodeAp); } bool enabled() { return opmode() & OpmodeAp; } void toggle() { action(ap::enabled() ? Action::AccessPointStop : Action::AccessPointStart); } void stop() { #if WIFI_AP_CAPTIVE_SUPPORT internal::dns.stop(); #endif WiFi.softAPdisconnect(); } void start(String&& defaultSsid, String&& ssid, String&& passphrase, uint8_t channel) { internal::start(std::move(defaultSsid), std::move(ssid), std::move(passphrase), channel); #if WIFI_AP_CAPTIVE_SUPPORT if (internal::captive) { internal::dns.setErrorReplyCode(DNSReplyCode::NoError); internal::dns.start(53, "*", ip()); } else { internal::dns.stop(); } #endif } SoftApNetwork current() { softap_config config{}; wifi_softap_get_config(&config); Mac mac; WiFi.softAPmacAddress(mac.data()); return { mac, convertSsid(config), convertPassphrase(config), config.channel, config.authmode}; } void init() { disable(); } size_t stations() { return WiFi.softAPgetStationNum(); } namespace fallback { namespace build { constexpr auto Timeout = duration::Milliseconds{ WIFI_FALLBACK_TIMEOUT }; } // namespace build namespace internal { auto timeout = build::Timeout; bool enabled { false }; timer::SystemTimer timer; } // namespace internal void enable() { internal::enabled = true; } void disable() { internal::enabled = false; } bool enabled() { return internal::enabled; } void remove() { internal::timer.stop(); } void check(); void schedule() { internal::timer.repeat( internal::timeout, []() { action(Action::AccessPointFallbackCheck); }); } void check() { if (ap::enabled() && sta::connected() && !ap::stations()) { action(Action::AccessPointStop); return; } } } // namespace fallback void configure() { auto current = settings::mode(); if (ApMode::Fallback == current) { fallback::enable(); } else { fallback::disable(); fallback::remove(); action((ApMode::Enabled == current) ? Action::AccessPointStart : Action::AccessPointStop); } #if WIFI_AP_CAPTIVE_SUPPORT captive(settings::captive()); #endif } } // namespace ap // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SETTINGS // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace settings { namespace query { static constexpr std::array Settings PROGMEM { {{ap::settings::keys::Ssid, ap::settings::ssid}, {ap::settings::keys::Passphrase, ap::settings::passphrase}, {ap::settings::keys::Captive, ap::settings::query::internal::captive}, {ap::settings::keys::Channel, ap::settings::query::internal::channel}, {ap::settings::keys::Mode, ap::settings::query::internal::mode}, {sta::settings::keys::Mode, sta::settings::query::internal::mode}, {sta::scan::settings::keys::Enabled, sta::scan::settings::query::enabled}, {sta::scan::periodic::settings::keys::Threshold, sta::scan::periodic::settings::query::threshold}, {settings::keys::TxPower, query::internal::txPower}, {settings::keys::Sleep, query::internal::sleep}, {settings::keys::Boot, query::internal::bootMode}, } }; // indexed settings for 'sta' connections bool checkIndexedPrefix(StringView key) { return espurna::settings::query::IndexedSetting::findSamePrefix( sta::settings::query::Settings, key); } // generic 'ap' and 'modem' configuration bool checkExactPrefix(StringView key) { PROGMEM_STRING(Prefix, "wifi"); if (espurna::settings::query::samePrefix(key, Prefix)) { return true; } return false; } String findIndexedValueFrom(StringView key) { using espurna::settings::query::IndexedSetting; return IndexedSetting::findValueFrom( sta::countNetworks(), sta::settings::query::Settings, key); } String findValueFrom(StringView key) { using espurna::settings::query::Setting; return Setting::findValueFrom(Settings, key); } void setup() { // TODO: small implementation detail - when searching, these // should be registered like this so the 'exact' is processed first settingsRegisterQueryHandler({ .check = checkIndexedPrefix, .get = findIndexedValueFrom, }); settingsRegisterQueryHandler({ .check = checkExactPrefix, .get = findValueFrom, }); } } // namespace query void configure() { ap::configure(); sta::configure(); sleep_type(settings::sleep()); tx_power(settings::txPower()); } } // namespace settings // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TERMINAL // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if TERMINAL_SUPPORT namespace terminal { namespace commands { PROGMEM_STRING(Stations, "WIFI.STATIONS"); void stations(::terminal::CommandContext&& ctx) { size_t stations { 0ul }; for (auto* it = wifi_softap_get_station_info(); it; it = STAILQ_NEXT(it, next), ++stations) { ctx.output.printf_P(PSTR("%s %s\n"), debug::mac(convertBssid(*it)).c_str(), debug::ip(it->ip).c_str()); } wifi_softap_free_station_info(); if (!stations) { terminalError(ctx, F("No stations connected")); return; } terminalOK(ctx); } PROGMEM_STRING(Network, "NETWORK"); void network(::terminal::CommandContext&& ctx) { for (auto& addr : addrList) { ctx.output.printf_P(PSTR("%s%d %4s %6s "), addr.ifname().c_str(), addr.ifnumber(), addr.ifUp() ? "up" : "down", addr.isLocal() ? "local" : "global"); #if LWIP_IPV6 if (addr.isV4()) { #endif ctx.output.printf_P(PSTR("ip %s gateway %s mask %s\n"), debug::ip(addr.ipv4()).c_str(), debug::ip(addr.gw()).c_str(), debug::ip(addr.netmask()).c_str()); #if LWIP_IPV6 } else { // TODO: ip6_addr[...] array is included in the list // we'll just see another entry // TODO: routing info is not attached to the netif :/ // ref. nd6.h (and figure out what it does) ctx.output.printf_P(PSTR("ip %s\n"), debug::ip(netif->ip6_addr[i]).c_str()); } #endif } for (int n = 0; n < DNS_MAX_SERVERS; ++n) { auto ip = IPAddress(dns_getserver(n)); if (!ip.isSet()) { break; } ctx.output.printf_P(PSTR("dns %s\n"), debug::ip(ip).c_str()); } } PROGMEM_STRING(Wifi, "WIFI"); void wifi(::terminal::CommandContext&& ctx) { if (ctx.argv.size() == 2) { auto id = espurna::settings::internal::convert(ctx.argv[1]); if (id < sta::build::NetworksMax) { settingsDump(ctx, sta::settings::query::Settings, id); return; } terminalError(ctx, F("Network ID out of configurable range")); return; } const auto mode = wifi::opmode(); ctx.output.printf_P(PSTR("OPMODE: %s\n"), debug::opmode(mode).c_str()); const auto sleep = wifi::sleep_type(); if (sleep != NONE_SLEEP_T) { ctx.output.printf_P(PSTR("SLEEP: %s\n"), debug::sleep_type(sleep).c_str()); } if (mode & OpmodeAp) { auto current = ap::current(); ctx.output.printf_P(PSTR("SoftAP: bssid %s channel %hhu auth %s\n"), debug::mac(current.bssid).c_str(), current.channel, debug::authmode(current.authmode).c_str(), current.ssid.c_str(), current.passphrase.c_str()); if (ap::fallback::enabled() && ap::fallback::internal::timer) { ctx.output.printf_P(PSTR("fallback check every %u ms\n"), ap::fallback::build::Timeout.count()); } } if (mode & OpmodeSta) { if (sta::connected()) { station_config config{}; wifi_station_get_config(&config); auto network = sta::current(config); ctx.output.printf_P(PSTR("STA: bssid %s rssi %hhd channel %hhu ssid \"%s\"\n"), debug::mac(network.bssid).c_str(), network.rssi, network.channel, network.ssid.c_str()); } else { ctx.output.printf_P(PSTR("STA: %s\n"), sta::connecting() ? "connecting" : "disconnected"); } } settingsDump(ctx, settings::query::Settings); terminalOK(ctx); } PROGMEM_STRING(Reset, "WIFI.RESET"); void reset(::terminal::CommandContext&& ctx) { sta::disconnect(); settings::configure(); terminalOK(ctx); } PROGMEM_STRING(Station, "WIFI.STA"); void station(::terminal::CommandContext&& ctx) { sta::toggle(); terminalOK(ctx); } PROGMEM_STRING(AccessPoint, "WIFI.AP"); void access_point(::terminal::CommandContext&& ctx) { ap::toggle(); terminalOK(ctx); } PROGMEM_STRING(Off, "WIFI.OFF"); void off(::terminal::CommandContext&& ctx) { action(Action::TurnOff); terminalOK(ctx); } PROGMEM_STRING(On, "WIFI.ON"); void on(::terminal::CommandContext&& ctx) { action(Action::TurnOn); terminalOK(ctx); } PROGMEM_STRING(Scan, "WIFI.SCAN"); void scan(::terminal::CommandContext&& ctx) { sta::scan::wait( [&](bss_info* info) { ctx.output.printf_P(PSTR("BSSID: %s AUTH: %11s RSSI: %3hhd CH: %2hhu SSID: %s\n"), debug::mac(convertBssid(*info)).c_str(), debug::authmode(info->authmode).c_str(), info->rssi, info->channel, convertSsid(*info).c_str() ); }, [&](ScanError error) { terminalError(ctx, debug::error(error)); } ); } static constexpr ::terminal::Command List[] PROGMEM { {Stations, commands::stations}, {Network, commands::network}, {Wifi, commands::wifi}, {Reset, commands::reset}, {Station, commands::station}, {AccessPoint, commands::access_point}, {Scan, commands::scan}, {Off, commands::off}, {On, commands::on}, }; } // namespace commands void init() { espurna::terminal::add(commands::List); } } // namespace terminal #endif // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // WEB // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if WEB_SUPPORT namespace web { void onConnected(JsonObject& root) { for (const auto& setting : settings::query::Settings) { root[FPSTR(setting.key().c_str())] = setting.value(); } espurna::web::ws::EnumerableConfig config{root, STRING_VIEW("wifiConfig")}; config(STRING_VIEW("networks"), sta::countNetworks(), sta::settings::query::Settings); auto& container = config.root(); container[F("max")] = sta::build::NetworksMax; } bool onKeyCheck(StringView key, const JsonVariant&) { return settings::query::checkExactPrefix(key) || settings::query::checkIndexedPrefix(key); } void onScan(uint32_t client_id) { sta::scan::start([client_id](bss_info* found) { SsidInfo result(*found); wsPost(client_id, [result](JsonObject& root) { JsonArray& scan = root.createNestedArray("scanResult"); auto& info = result.info(); scan.add(debug::mac(info.bssid())); scan.add(debug::authmode(info.authmode())); scan.add(info.rssi()); scan.add(info.channel()); scan.add(result.ssid()); }); }, [client_id](ScanError error) { wsPost(client_id, [error](JsonObject& root) { root["scanError"] = debug::error(error); }); }); } void onAction(uint32_t client_id, const char* action, JsonObject&) { if (STRING_VIEW("scan") == action) { onScan(client_id); } } } // namespace web #endif // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // INITIALIZATION // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace settings { void migrate(int version) { if (version < 5) { moveSetting(F("apmode"), ap::settings::keys::Mode); } } } // namespace settings namespace debug { [[gnu::unused]] String event(Event value) { String out; switch (value) { case Event::Initial: out = F("Initial"); break; case Event::Mode: { const auto mode = wifi::opmode(); out = F("Mode changed to "); out += debug::opmode(mode); break; } case Event::StationInit: out = F("Station init"); break; case Event::StationScan: out = F("Scanning"); break; case Event::StationConnecting: out = F("Connecting"); break; case Event::StationConnected: { auto current = sta::current(); out += F("Connected to BSSID "); out += debug::mac(current.bssid); out += F(" SSID "); out += current.ssid; break; } case Event::StationTimeout: out = F("Connection timeout"); break; case Event::StationDisconnected: { auto current = sta::current(); out += F("Disconnected from "); out += current.ssid; break; } case Event::StationReconnect: out = F("Reconnecting"); break; } return out; } [[gnu::unused]] const char* state(State value) { const char* out = "?"; switch (value) { case State::Boot: out = PSTR("Boot"); break; case State::Connect: out = PSTR("Connect"); break; case State::TryConnectBetter: out = PSTR("TryConnectBetter"); break; case State::Fallback: out = PSTR("Fallback"); break; case State::Connected: out = PSTR("Connected"); break; case State::Idle: out = PSTR("Idle"); break; case State::Init: out = PSTR("Init"); break; case State::Timeout: out = PSTR("Timeout"); break; case State::WaitScan: out = PSTR("WaitScan"); break; case State::WaitScanWithoutCurrent: out = PSTR("WaitScanWithoutCurrent"); break; case State::WaitConnected: out = PSTR("WaitConnected"); break; } return out; } } // namespace debug namespace internal { // STA + AP FALLBACK: // - try connection // - if ok, stop existing AP // - if not, keep / start AP // // STA: // - try connection // - don't do anything on completion // // TODO? WPS / SMARTCONFIG + STA + AP FALLBACK // - same as above // - when requested, make sure there are no active connections // abort when sta connected or ap is connected // - run autoconf, receive credentials and store in a free settings slot // TODO: provide a clearer 'unroll' of the current state? using EventCallbacks = std::forward_list; EventCallbacks callbacks; void publish(Event event) { for (auto& callback : callbacks) { callback(event); } } void subscribe(EventCallback callback) { callbacks.push_front(callback); } State handle_action(State state, Action action) { switch (action) { case Action::StationConnect: if (!sta::enabled()) { sta::enable(); publish(Event::Mode); } if (!sta::connected()) { if (sta::connecting()) { sta::connection::schedule_next(); } else { state = State::Init; } } break; case Action::StationContinueConnect: if (sta::connecting()) { state = State::Connect; } break; case Action::StationDisconnect: if (sta::connected()) { ap::fallback::remove(); sta::disconnect(); } sta::connection::stop(); if (sta::enabled()) { sta::disable(); publish(Event::Mode); } break; case Action::StationTryConnectBetter: if (!sta::connected() || sta::connecting()) { sta::scan::periodic::stop(); break; } if (sta::scan::periodic::check()) { state = State::TryConnectBetter; } break; case Action::AccessPointFallback: case Action::AccessPointStart: if (!ap::enabled()) { ap::enable(); ap::start( ap::settings::defaultSsid(), ap::settings::ssid(), ap::settings::passphrase(), ap::settings::channel()); publish(Event::Mode); if ((Action::AccessPointFallback == action) && ap::fallback::enabled()) { ap::fallback::schedule(); } } break; case Action::AccessPointFallbackCheck: if (ap::fallback::enabled()) { ap::fallback::check(); } break; case Action::AccessPointStop: if (ap::enabled()) { ap::fallback::remove(); ap::stop(); ap::disable(); publish(Event::Mode); } break; case Action::TurnOff: if (wifi::enabled()) { ap::fallback::remove(); ap::stop(); ap::disable(); sta::scan::periodic::stop(); sta::connection::stop(); sta::disconnect(); sta::disable(); wifi::disable(); publish(Event::Mode); break; } break; case Action::Boot: case Action::TurnOn: if (!wifi::enabled()) { wifi::enable(); #if SYSTEM_CHECK_ENABLED if ((action == Action::Boot) && !systemCheck()) { wifi::action(Action::AccessPointStart); break; } #endif settings::configure(); } break; } return state; } bool prepareConnection() { if (sta::enabled()) { sta::connection::prepare(sta::networks()); return sta::connection::prepared(); } return false; } void loop() { if (last_state != state) { DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[WIFI] State %s -> %s\n"), debug::state(last_state), debug::state(state)); last_state = state; } switch (state) { case State::Boot: state = State::Idle; publish(Event::Initial); break; case State::Init: { if (!prepareConnection()) { state = State::Fallback; break; } sta::scan::periodic::stop(); if (sta::scan::settings::enabled()) { if (sta::scanning()) { break; } sta::connection::scanNetworks(); state = State::WaitScan; break; } state = State::Connect; break; } case State::TryConnectBetter: if (sta::scan::settings::enabled()) { if (sta::scanning()) { break; } if (!prepareConnection()) { state = State::Idle; break; } sta::scan::periodic::stop(); sta::connection::scanNetworks(); state = State::WaitScanWithoutCurrent; break; } state = State::Idle; break; case State::Fallback: state = State::Idle; sta::connection::schedule_new(); if (ApMode::Fallback == ap::settings::mode()) { action(Action::AccessPointFallback); } publish(Event::StationReconnect); break; case State::WaitScan: if (sta::scanning()) { break; } sta::connection::scanProcessResults(); state = State::Connect; break; case State::WaitScanWithoutCurrent: if (sta::scanning()) { break; } if (sta::connection::scanProcessResults(sta::info())) { sta::disconnect(); state = State::Connect; break; } state = State::Idle; break; case State::Connect: { if (!sta::connecting()) { if (!sta::connection::start(systemHostname())) { state = State::Timeout; break; } } if (sta::connection::connect()) { state = State::WaitConnected; publish(Event::StationConnecting); } else { state = State::Timeout; } break; } case State::WaitConnected: if (sta::connection::wait()) { break; } if (sta::connected()) { state = State::Connected; break; } state = State::Timeout; break; // Current logic closely follows the SDK connection routine with reconnect enabled, // and will retry the same network multiple times before giving up. case State::Timeout: if (sta::connecting() && sta::connection::next()) { state = State::Idle; sta::connection::schedule_next(); publish(Event::StationTimeout); } else { sta::connection::stop(); state = State::Fallback; } break; case State::Connected: sta::connection::stop(); if (sta::scan::settings::enabled()) { sta::scan::periodic::start(); } state = State::Idle; publish(Event::StationConnected); break; case State::Idle: { state = wifi::handle_action( state, internal::handle_action); break; } } // SDK disconnection event is specific to the phy layer. i.e. it will happen all the same // when trying to connect and being unable to find the AP, being forced out by the AP with bad credentials // or being disconnected when the wireless signal is lost. // Thus, provide a specific connected -> disconnected event specific to the IP network availability. if (sta::connection::lost()) { sta::scan::periodic::stop(); if (sta::connection::persist()) { sta::connection::schedule_new(sta::build::RecoveryInterval); } publish(Event::StationDisconnected); } #if WIFI_AP_CAPTIVE_SUPPORT // Captive portal only queues packets and those need to be processed asap if (ap::enabled() && ap::captive()) { ap::dnsLoop(); } #endif #if WIFI_GRATUITOUS_ARP_SUPPORT // ref: https://github.com/xoseperez/espurna/pull/1877#issuecomment-525612546 // Periodically send out ARP, even if no one asked if (sta::connected() && !sta::garp::wait()) { sta::garp::send(); } #endif } // XXX: With Arduino Core 3.0.0, WiFi is asleep on boot // It will wake up when calling WiFi::mode(...): // - WiFi.begin(...) // - WiFi.softAP(...) // - WiFi.enableSTA(...) // - WiFi.enableAP(...) // ref. https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino/pull/7902 void init() { WiFi.persistent(false); ap::init(); sta::init(); } } // namespace internal void setup() { internal::init(); migrateVersion(settings::migrate); settings::query::setup(); if (BootMode::Enabled == settings::bootMode()) { action(Action::Boot); } #if DEBUG_SUPPORT wifiRegister([](Event event) { DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[WIFI] %s\n"), debug::event(event).c_str()); }); #endif #if WEB_SUPPORT wsRegister() .onAction(web::onAction) .onConnected(web::onConnected) .onKeyCheck(web::onKeyCheck); #endif #if TERMINAL_SUPPORT terminal::init(); #endif espurnaRegisterLoop(internal::loop); espurnaRegisterReload(settings::configure); } } // namespace } // namespace wifi } // namespace espurna // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // API // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wifiRegister(espurna::wifi::EventCallback callback) { espurna::wifi::internal::subscribe(callback); } bool wifiConnectable() { return espurna::wifi::ap::enabled(); } bool wifiConnected() { return espurna::wifi::sta::connected(); } IPAddress wifiStaIp() { if (espurna::wifi::opmode() & espurna::wifi::OpmodeSta) { return espurna::wifi::sta::ip(); } return {}; } String wifiStaSsid() { if (espurna::wifi::opmode() & espurna::wifi::OpmodeSta) { auto current = espurna::wifi::sta::current(); return current.ssid; } return emptyString; } void wifiDisconnect() { espurna::wifi::sta::disconnect(); } void wifiToggleAp() { espurna::wifi::ap::toggle(); } void wifiToggleSta() { espurna::wifi::sta::toggle(); } void wifiStartAp() { espurna::wifi::action( espurna::wifi::Action::AccessPointStart); } bool wifiDisabled() { return espurna::wifi::opmode() == espurna::wifi::OpmodeNull; } void wifiDisable() { espurna::wifi::ap::fallback::remove(); espurna::wifi::sta::scan::periodic::stop(); espurna::wifi::ensure_opmode( espurna::wifi::OpmodeNull); } void wifiTurnOff() { espurna::wifi::action( espurna::wifi::Action::TurnOff); } void wifiTurnOn() { espurna::wifi::action( espurna::wifi::Action::TurnOn); } void wifiApCheck() { espurna::wifi::action( espurna::wifi::Action::AccessPointFallbackCheck); } size_t wifiApStations() { if (espurna::wifi::ap::enabled()) { return espurna::wifi::ap::stations(); } return 0; } IPAddress wifiApIp() { return espurna::wifi::ap::ip(); } void wifiSetup() { espurna::wifi::setup(); }