import os import shutil import tempfile from .version import app_full_version_for_env # emulate .ino concatenation to speed up compilation times def merge_cpp(target, source, env, encoding="utf-8"): with tempfile.TemporaryFile() as tmp: tmp.write(b"// !!! Automatically generated file; DO NOT EDIT !!! \n") tmp.write( '#include "{}"\n'.format( env.File("${PROJECT_DIR}/espurna/espurna.h").get_abspath() ).encode(encoding) ) for src in source: src_include = '#include "{}"\n'.format(src.get_abspath()) tmp.write(src_include.encode(encoding)) with open(target[0].get_abspath(), "wb") as fobj: shutil.copyfileobj(tmp, fobj) def app_add_builder_single_source(env): # generate things in the $BUILD_DIR, so there's no need for any extra clean-up code source = os.path.join("${BUILD_DIR}", "espurna_single_source", "src", "main.cpp") # substitute a single node instead of building it somewhere else as a lib or extra source dir # (...and since we can't seem to modify src_filter specifically for the project dir, only middleware works :/) def ignore_node(node): if"main.cpp"): return env.File(source) return None project = env.Dir("${PROJECT_DIR}/espurna") env.AddBuildMiddleware(ignore_node, os.path.join(project.get_abspath(), "*.cpp")) env.Command( source, env.Glob("${PROJECT_DIR}/espurna/*.cpp"), env.VerboseAction(merge_cpp, "Merging project sources into $TARGET"), ) def firmware_prefix(env): return "espurna-{}".format(app_full_version_for_env(env)) # generate an common name for the current build def firmware_filename(env): suffix = "{}.bin".format(env["ESPURNA_BUILD_NAME"] or env["PIOENV"]) return "-".join([firmware_prefix(env), suffix]) def firmware_destination(env): destdir = env["ESPURNA_BUILD_DESTINATION"] or env["PROJECT_DIR"] subdir = os.path.join(destdir, firmware_prefix(env)) return os.path.join(subdir, firmware_filename(env)) def app_add_target_build_and_copy(env): from SCons.Script import Copy target = firmware_destination(env) env.AddTarget( "build-and-copy", "${BUILD_DIR}/${PROGNAME}.bin", env.Command(target, "${BUILD_DIR}/${PROGNAME}.bin", Copy("$TARGET", "$SOURCE")), title="Build firmware.bin and store a copy", description="Build and store firmware.bin as $ESPURNA_BUILD_DESTINATION/espurna--$ESPURNA_BUILD_NAME.bin (default destination is $PROJECT_DIR)", ) env.Alias("build-and-copy", target) # NOTICE that .re <-> .re.ipp dependency is tricky, b/c we want these to exist *before* any source is built # (or, attempted to be built. `projenv` does not exist yet, and so there are no dependecies generated) def app_add_target_build_re2c(env): from SCons.Script import COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS targets = [] for target in COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS: if target.endswith(".re.ipp"): targets.append(target) if targets: action = env.VerboseAction( "re2c --no-generation-date --case-ranges -W -Werror -o $TARGET $SOURCE", "Generating $TARGET", ) for target in targets: action( [env.File(target)], [env.File(target.replace(".re.ipp", ".re"))], env ) env.Exit(0)