Mirror of espurna firmware for wireless switches and more
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

105 lines
3.1 KiB

Part of the IR MODULE
For more info:
- https://re2c.org/
- https://re2c.org/manual/manual_c.html
#pragma once
// ref.
// - https://github.com/skvadrik/re2c/blob/423c56ca556de944598f29b59abc43f89b616fb6/examples/c/submatch/02_mtags.re
// - https://github.com/skvadrik/re2c/blob/b4efac3cc09abcab6cd063df80b23d0da70acc70/examples/c/submatch/http_rfc7230.re
// - https://github.com/skvadrik/re2c/blob/423c56ca556de944598f29b59abc43f89b616fb6/examples/go/submatch/02_mtags.re
// - https://github.com/skvadrik/re2c/blob/b4efac3cc09abcab6cd063df80b23d0da70acc70/test/golang/005_mtags.re
// Example code MTAG updates are stored in a tree-like structure (in the submatch example, a flat vector of TAG and YYCURSOR)
// Using the observed parser behaviour, instead try to parse things inline right when the MTAG function is called,
// by comparing the last TAG value with the current one, noticing the increment that will only happen when the match actually happens.
// May be problematic, but at least there is some safety in the fact that the previous values are only updated when the match block is executed.
// TODO: same as the 'simple' variant, does not really notify about any errors
struct TimeRange {
int tag;
const char* start;
ParseResult<Payload> parse(StringView view) {
const char* YYCURSOR { view.begin() };
const char* YYLIMIT { view.end() };
const char* YYMARKER;
const char *d0, *d1;
const char *s0, *s1;
const char *f0, *f1;
static constexpr int Root { -1 };
TimeRange range { Root, nullptr };
int t0 { Root };
int t1 { Root };
decltype(Payload::time) time;
ParseResult<Payload> out;
auto update_range = [&](const char* ptr, int tag) {
if (ptr && !range.start) {
time.reserve(std::count(view.begin(), view.end(), ','));
range.start = ptr;
if (ptr && range.start) {
if (range.tag != tag) {
range.start = ptr;
range.tag = tag;
if (ptr - range.start) {
time.push_back(payload::time(StringView{range.start, ptr}));
/*!stags:re2c format = 'const char *@@{tag};\n'; */
/*!mtags:re2c format = 'int @@{tag} { Root };\n'; */
re2c:eof = 0;
re2c:api:style = free-form;
re2c:flags:tags = 1;
re2c:yyfill:enable = 0;
re2c:define:YYMTAGP = "update_range(YYCURSOR, @@{tag}++);";
re2c:define:YYMTAGN = "update_range(nullptr, @@{tag}++);";
re2c:define:YYFILL = "goto return_out;";
re2c:define:YYCTYPE = "char";
@f0 [0-9]+ @f1 [:]
@s0 [0-9]+ @s1 [:]
@d0 [0-9]+ @d1 [:]
(#t0 [0-9]+ #t1 [,]?)+ {
if ((t0 != Root) && (t1 != Root)) {
goto update_out;
goto return_out;
* { goto return_out; }
$ { goto return_out; }
out = prepare(
StringView{f0, f1},
StringView{s0, s1},
StringView{d0, d1},
return out;