Mirror of espurna firmware for wireless switches and more
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

817 lines
20 KiB

Copyright (C) 2017 by faina09
Adapted by Xose Pérez <xose dot perez at gmail dot com>
#include "espurna.h"
#include "api.h"
#include "light.h"
#include "mqtt.h"
#include "ntp.h"
#include "ntp_timelib.h"
#include "curtain_kingart.h"
#include "relay.h"
#include "scheduler.h"
#include "ws.h"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace espurna {
namespace scheduler {
enum class Type {
namespace {
struct Weekdays {
Weekdays() = default;
// TimeLib mask, with Monday as 1 and Sunday as 7
// ctime order is Sunday as 0 and Saturday as 6
explicit Weekdays(const String& pattern) {
const char* p = pattern.c_str();
while (*p != '\0') {
switch (*p) {
case '1':
case '2':
case '3':
case '4':
case '5':
case '6':
case '7':
_mask |= 1 << (*p - '1');
String toString() const {
String out;
for (int day = 0; day < 7; ++day) {
if (_mask & (1 << day)) {
if (out.length()) {
out += ',';
out += static_cast<char>('0' + day + 1);
return out;
bool match(const tm& other) const {
switch (other.tm_wday) {
case 0:
return _mask & (1 << 6);
case 1 ... 6:
return _mask & (1 << (other.tm_wday - 1));
return false;
int mask() const {
return _mask;
int _mask { 0 };
struct Schedule {
bool enabled;
size_t target;
Type type;
int action;
bool restore;
bool utc;
Weekdays weekdays;
int hour;
int minute;
using Schedules = std::vector<Schedule>;
} // namespace
} // namespace scheduler
namespace settings {
namespace options {
namespace {
alignas(4) static constexpr char None[] PROGMEM = "none";
alignas(4) static constexpr char Relay[] PROGMEM = "relay";
alignas(4) static constexpr char Channel[] PROGMEM = "channel";
alignas(4) static constexpr char Curtain[] PROGMEM = "curtain";
static constexpr std::array<Enumeration<scheduler::Type>, 4> SchedulerTypeOptions PROGMEM {
{{scheduler::Type::None, None},
{scheduler::Type::Relay, Relay},
{scheduler::Type::Channel, Channel},
{scheduler::Type::Curtain, Curtain}}
} // namespace
} // namespace options
namespace internal {
espurna::scheduler::Type convert(const String& value) {
return convert(options::SchedulerTypeOptions, value,
String serialize(scheduler::Type value) {
return serialize(options::SchedulerTypeOptions, value);
} // namespace internal
} // namespace settings
namespace scheduler {
namespace {
namespace build {
constexpr size_t max() {
constexpr int restoreOffsetMax() {
return 2; // today and yesterday
constexpr size_t defaultTarget() {
return 0; // aka relay#0 or channel#0
constexpr Type defaultType() {
return Type::None;
constexpr bool utc() {
return false; // use local time by default
constexpr int hour() {
return 0;
constexpr int minute() {
return 0;
constexpr int action() {
return 0;
const __FlashStringHelper* weekdays() {
constexpr bool restoreLast() {
} // namespace build
bool supported(Type type) {
switch (type) {
case Type::None:
case Type::Relay:
return true;
return false;
case Type::Channel:
return true;
return false;
case Type::Curtain:
return true;
return false;
return false;
bool schedulable() {
return false
|| relayCount()
|| lightChannels()
|| curtainCount()
namespace debug {
String type(Type type) {
return espurna::settings::internal::serialize(type);
String type(const Schedule& schedule) {
return type(schedule.type);
void show(const Schedules& schedules) {
size_t index { 0 };
for (auto& schedule : schedules) {
PSTR("[SCH] #%d: %s #%d => %d at %02d:%02d (%s) on %s%s\n"),
index++, scheduler::debug::type(schedule).c_str(), schedule.target,
schedule.action, schedule.hour, schedule.minute,
schedule.utc ? "UTC" : "local time",
schedule.enabled ? "" : " (disabled)");
} // namespace debug
namespace settings {
namespace keys {
namespace {
alignas(4) static constexpr char Enabled[] PROGMEM = "schEnabled";
alignas(4) static constexpr char Target[] PROGMEM = "schTarget";
alignas(4) static constexpr char Type[] PROGMEM = "schType";
alignas(4) static constexpr char Action[] PROGMEM = "schAction";
alignas(4) static constexpr char Restore[] PROGMEM = "schRestore";
alignas(4) static constexpr char UseUTC[] PROGMEM = "schUTC";
alignas(4) static constexpr char Weekdays[] PROGMEM = "schWDs";
alignas(4) static constexpr char Hour[] PROGMEM = "schHour";
alignas(4) static constexpr char Minute[] PROGMEM = "schMinute";
} // namespace
} // namespace keys
bool enabled(size_t index) {
return getSetting({keys::Enabled, index}, false);
size_t target(size_t index) {
return getSetting({keys::Target, index}, build::defaultTarget());
Type type(size_t index) {
return getSetting({keys::Type, index}, build::defaultType());
int action(size_t index) {
return getSetting({keys::Action, index}, build::action());
bool restore(size_t index) {
return getSetting({keys::Restore, index}, build::restoreLast());
Weekdays weekdays(size_t index) {
return Weekdays(getSetting({keys::Weekdays, index}, build::weekdays()));
bool utc(size_t index) {
return getSetting({keys::UseUTC, index}, build::utc());
int hour(size_t index) {
return getSetting({keys::Hour, index}, build::hour());
int minute(size_t index) {
return getSetting({keys::Minute, index}, build::minute());
namespace internal {
String NAME (size_t id) {\
return espurna::settings::internal::serialize(FUNC(id));\
ID_VALUE(enabled, settings::enabled)
ID_VALUE(target, settings::target)
ID_VALUE(type, settings::type)
ID_VALUE(action, settings::action)
ID_VALUE(restore, settings::restore)
ID_VALUE(utc, settings::utc)
String weekdays(size_t index) {
return settings::weekdays(index).toString();
ID_VALUE(hour, settings::hour)
ID_VALUE(minute, settings::minute)
#undef ID_VALUE
} // namespace internal
static constexpr espurna::settings::query::IndexedSetting IndexedSettings[] PROGMEM {
{keys::Enabled, internal::enabled},
{keys::Target, internal::target},
{keys::Type, internal::type},
{keys::Action, internal::action},
{keys::Restore, internal::restore},
{keys::UseUTC, internal::utc},
{keys::Weekdays, internal::weekdays},
{keys::Hour, internal::hour},
{keys::Minute, internal::minute}
Schedule schedule(size_t index, Type type) {
return {
.enabled = enabled(index),
.target = target(index),
.type = type,
.action = action(index),
.restore = restore(index),
.utc = utc(index),
.weekdays = weekdays(index),
.hour = hour(index),
.minute = minute(index)
Schedule schedule(size_t index) {
return schedule(index, type(index));
size_t count() {
size_t out { 0 };
for (size_t index = 0; index < build::max(); ++index) {
auto type = settings::type(index);
if (!supported(type)) {
return out;
void gc(size_t total) {
for (size_t index = total; index < build::max(); ++index) {
for (auto setting : IndexedSettings) {
delSetting({setting.prefix().c_str(), index});
Schedules schedules() {
Schedules out;
for (size_t index = 0; index < build::max(); ++index) {
auto type = settings::type(index);
if (!supported(type)) {
out.emplace_back(settings::schedule(index, type));
return out;
void migrate(int version) {
if (version < 6) {
moveSettings(PSTR("schSwitch"), keys::Target);
namespace query {
bool checkSamePrefix(StringView key) {
alignas(4) static constexpr char Prefix[] PROGMEM = "sch";
return espurna::settings::query::samePrefix(key, Prefix);
String findIndexedValueFrom(StringView key) {
return espurna::settings::query::IndexedSetting::findValueFrom(count(), IndexedSettings, key);
void setup() {
.check = checkSamePrefix,
.get = findIndexedValueFrom
} // namespace query
} // namespace settings
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace api {
namespace keys {
alignas(4) static constexpr char Enabled[] PROGMEM = "enabled";
alignas(4) static constexpr char Target[] PROGMEM = "enabled";
alignas(4) static constexpr char Type[] PROGMEM = "type";
alignas(4) static constexpr char Action[] PROGMEM = "action";
alignas(4) static constexpr char Restore[] PROGMEM = "restore";
alignas(4) static constexpr char UseUTC[] PROGMEM = "utc";
alignas(4) static constexpr char Weekdays[] PROGMEM = "weekdays";
alignas(4) static constexpr char Hour[] PROGMEM = "hour";
alignas(4) static constexpr char Minute[] PROGMEM = "minute";
} // namespace keys
void print(JsonObject& root, const Schedule& schedule) {
root[FPSTR(keys::Enabled)] = schedule.enabled;
root[FPSTR(keys::Target)] = schedule.target;
root[FPSTR(keys::Type)] = espurna::settings::internal::serialize(schedule.type);
root[FPSTR(keys::Action)] = schedule.action;
root[FPSTR(keys::Restore)] = schedule.restore;
root[FPSTR(keys::UseUTC)] = schedule.utc;
root[FPSTR(keys::Weekdays)] = schedule.weekdays.toString();
root[FPSTR(keys::Hour)] = schedule.hour;
root[FPSTR(keys::Minute)] = schedule.minute;
template <typename T>
bool setFromJsonIf(JsonObject& root, const char* key, size_t id, const char* jsonKey) {
const auto* jsonKeyFpstr = FPSTR(jsonKey);
if (root.containsKey(jsonKeyFpstr) && root.is<T>(jsonKeyFpstr)) {
setSetting({key, id}, espurna::settings::internal::serialize(root[jsonKeyFpstr].as<T>()));
return true;
return false;
template <>
bool setFromJsonIf<String>(JsonObject& root, const char* key, size_t id, const char* jsonKey) {
const auto* jsonKeyFpstr = FPSTR(jsonKey);
if (root.containsKey(jsonKeyFpstr) && root.is<String>(jsonKeyFpstr)) {
setSetting({key, id}, root[jsonKeyFpstr].as<String>());
return true;
return false;
bool set(JsonObject& root, const size_t id) {
if (setFromJsonIf<int>(root, settings::keys::Type, id, keys::Type)) {
setFromJsonIf<bool>(root, settings::keys::Enabled, id, keys::Enabled);
setFromJsonIf<int>(root, settings::keys::Target, id, keys::Target);
setFromJsonIf<int>(root, settings::keys::Action, id, keys::Action);
setFromJsonIf<bool>(root, settings::keys::Restore, id, keys::Restore);
setFromJsonIf<bool>(root, settings::keys::UseUTC, id, keys::UseUTC);
setFromJsonIf<String>(root, settings::keys::Weekdays, id, keys::Weekdays);
setFromJsonIf<int>(root, settings::keys::Hour, id, keys::Hour);
setFromJsonIf<int>(root, settings::keys::Minute, id, keys::Minute);
return true;
return false;
namespace schedules {
bool get(ApiRequest&, JsonObject& root) {
JsonArray& out = root.createNestedArray("schedules");
auto schedules = settings::schedules();
for (auto& schedule : schedules) {
auto& root = out.createNestedObject();
print(root, schedule);
return true;
bool set(ApiRequest&, JsonObject& root) {
size_t id = 0;
while (hasSetting({settings::keys::Type, id})) {
if (id < build::max()) {
return api::set(root, id);
return false;
} // namespace schedules
namespace schedule {
bool get(ApiRequest& req, JsonObject& root) {
size_t id;
if (tryParseId(req.wildcard(0).c_str(), build::max, id)) {
print(root, settings::schedule(id));
return true;
return false;
bool set(ApiRequest& req, JsonObject& root) {
size_t id;
if (tryParseId(req.wildcard(0).c_str(), build::max, id)) {
return api::set(root, id);
return false;
} // namespace schedule
void setup() {
apiRegister(F(MQTT_TOPIC_SCHEDULE), schedules::get, schedules::set);
apiRegister(F(MQTT_TOPIC_SCHEDULE "/+"), schedule::get, schedule::set);
} // namespace api
#endif // API_SUPPORT
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace web {
bool onKey(StringView key, const JsonVariant&) {
return espurna::settings::query::samePrefix(key, STRING_VIEW("sch"));
void onVisible(JsonObject& root) {
if (schedulable()) {
wsPayloadModule(root, PSTR("sch"));
void onConnected(JsonObject& root){
if (schedulable()) {
espurna::web::ws::EnumerableConfig config{ root, STRING_VIEW("schConfig") };
config(STRING_VIEW("schedules"), settings::count(), settings::IndexedSettings);
auto& schedules = config.root();
schedules["max"] = build::max();
void setup() {
} // namespace web
// TODO: consider providing action as a string, which could be parsed by the
// respective module API (e.g. for lights, there could be + / - offsets)
void action(scheduler::Type type, size_t target, int action) {
switch (type) {
case scheduler::Type::None:
case scheduler::Type::Relay:
if (action == 2) {
} else {
relayStatus(target, action);
case scheduler::Type::Channel:
lightChannel(target, action);
case scheduler::Type::Curtain:
curtainSetPosition(target, action);
void action(const Schedule& schedule) {
action(schedule.type, schedule.target, schedule.action);
// libc underlying implementation allows us to shift month's day (even making it negative)
// although, it is preferable to return the 'correct' struct with all of the fields updated
// XXX: newlib does not support `timegm`, this only makes sense for local time
// but, technically, this *could* do tzset and restore the original TZ before returning
tm localtimeDaysAgo(tm day, int days) {
if (days) {
day.tm_mday -= days;
day.tm_hour = 0;
day.tm_min = 0;
day.tm_sec = 0;
auto ts = mktime(&day);
tm out{};
localtime_r(&ts, &out);
day = out;
return day;
int minutesLeft(const Schedule& schedule, int hour, int minute) {
return (schedule.hour - hour) * 60 + schedule.minute - minute;
int minutesLeft(const Schedule& schedule, const tm& now) {
return minutesLeft(schedule, now.tm_hour, now.tm_min);
// For 'restore'able schedules, do the most recent action, Normal check will take care of the current setting
// Note that this only works for local-time schedules, b/c there is no timegm to compliment mktime to offset the `tm` by a specific number of days
struct RestoredAction {
size_t target;
Type type;
int action;
int hour;
int minute;
int daysAgo;
using RestoredActions = std::forward_list<RestoredAction>;
RestoredAction prepareAction(const Schedule& schedule, int daysAgo) {
return {schedule.target, schedule.type, schedule.action,
schedule.hour, schedule.minute, daysAgo};
void restore(time_t timestamp, const Schedules& schedules) {
RestoredActions restored;
tm today;
localtime_r(&timestamp, &today);
for (auto& schedule : schedules) {
if (schedule.enabled && schedule.restore && !schedule.utc) {
for (int offset = 0; offset < build::restoreOffsetMax(); ++offset) {
auto offsetDay = localtimeDaysAgo(today, offset);
// If it is going to happen later this day or right now, simply skip and allow check() to handle it
// Otherwise, make sure `restored` only contains actions that happened today (or N days ago), and
// filter by the most recent ones of the same type (i.e. max hour and minute, but min daysAgo)
if (schedule.weekdays.match(offsetDay)) {
if ((offset == 0) && (minutesLeft(schedule, offsetDay) >= 0)) {
auto pending = prepareAction(schedule, offset);
auto found = std::find_if(std::begin(restored), std::end(restored),
[&](const RestoredAction& lhs) {
return (lhs.type == pending.type) && (lhs.target == pending.target);
if (found != std::end(restored)) {
if (((*found).daysAgo >= pending.daysAgo)
&& ((*found).hour <= pending.hour)
&& ((*found).minute <= pending.minute)) {
*found = pending;
} else {
for (auto& v : restored) {
DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[SCH] Restoring %s #%u => %u (scheduled at %02d:%02d "
"%d day(s) ago)\n"),
scheduler::debug::type(v.type).c_str(), v.target, v.action,
v.hour, v.minute, v.daysAgo);
action(v.type, v.target, v.action);
void check(time_t timestamp, const Schedules& schedules) {
tm utc;
gmtime_r(&timestamp, &utc);
tm local;
localtime_r(&timestamp, &local);
for (auto& schedule : schedules) {
if (!schedule.enabled) {
auto& today = schedule.utc
? utc
: local;
if (!schedule.weekdays.match(today)) {
// 'Next scheduled' only happens at exactly the -15min
// e.g. at 0:00 updating the scheduler to trigger at 0:14 will not show the notification
auto left = minutesLeft(schedule, today);
if (left == 0) {
DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[SCH] Action at %02d:%02d (%s #%u => %u)\n"),
schedule.hour, schedule.minute,
scheduler::debug::type(schedule).c_str(), schedule.target,
} else if (left > 0) {
if ((left % 15 == 0) || (left < 15)) {
DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[SCH] Next scheduled action at %02d:%02d\n"),
schedule.hour, schedule.minute);
void ntp_tick(NtpTick tick) {
static bool initial { true };
if (tick != NtpTick::EveryMinute) {
auto timestamp = now();
auto schedules = settings::schedules();
if (initial) {
initial = false;
restore(timestamp, schedules);
check(timestamp, schedules);
void setup() {
} // namespace
} // namespace scheduler
} // namespace espurna
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void schSetup() {