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// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Abstract emon sensor class (other sensor classes extend this class)
// Copyright (C) 2017-2019 by Xose Pérez <xose dot perez at gmail dot com>
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma once
#include "BaseSensor.h"
class BaseEmonSensor : public BaseSensor {
static const BaseSensor::ClassKind Kind;
BaseSensor::ClassKind kind() const override {
return Kind;
struct EnergyMapping {
unsigned char index;
espurna::sensor::Energy energy;
struct EnergyIndex {
using Entries = std::vector<EnergyMapping>;
template <typename T>
void update(unsigned char index, T&& callback) {
process(_entries, index, std::forward<T>(callback));
template <typename T>
void find(unsigned char index, T&& callback) const {
process(_entries, index, std::forward<T>(callback));
espurna::sensor::Energy& operator[](size_t index) {
return _entries[index].energy;
void add(unsigned char index) {
_entries.push_back({index, {}});
void reset() {
for (auto& entry : _entries) {
espurna::sensor::Energy frontTotal() const {
if (_entries.size()) {
return _entries.front().energy;
return {};
size_t size() const {
return _entries.size();
const EnergyMapping& front() const {
return _entries.front();
template <typename T, typename Callback>
static void process(T&& entries, unsigned char index, Callback&& callback) {
auto it = std::find_if(entries.begin(), entries.end(), [&](const EnergyMapping& mapping) {
return index == mapping.index;
if (it != entries.end()) {
Entries _entries;
// TODO: Updated BaseEmonSensor no longer generates at least 1 slot for energy b/c Magnitudes
// container is not accessible unless it is visible through virtual method or ctpr (ref. i2c class)
// And that means trying to work with _energy[0] will crash accessing not-yet-initialized vector
// - One option is to make this a class type property, where the container becomes tuple of magnitude types
// Proxying typedefs and members though inheritance is not always obvious, though. But, it might help with
// _id and _count members of the BaseSensor
// - Another is to return begin and end as virtual methods... but, that is again a runtime access that should
// be implemented by the child class
template <size_t Size>
BaseEmonSensor(const Magnitude (&container)[Size]) {
findMagnitudes(container, MAGNITUDE_ENERGY, [&](unsigned char index) {
// Forcibly set energy value at the specified magnitude index
virtual void resetEnergy(unsigned char index, espurna::sensor::Energy energy) {
_energy.update(index, [&](EnergyMapping& entry) {
entry.energy = energy;
// Initial energy value, should **only** be called once
// In case sensor does not want to implement resets
virtual void initialEnergy(unsigned char index, espurna::sensor::Energy energy) {
resetEnergy(index, energy);
// Forcibly set energy value to 0 at the specified magnitude index
virtual void resetEnergy(unsigned char index) {
_energy.update(index, [](EnergyMapping& entry) {
// Forciby set energy value to 0 for **all** energy magnitudes
// (**only** if initialized by the sensor class)
virtual void resetEnergy() {
// Retrieve energy value at the specified magnitude index
// Usually, this value is accumulated for the duration of the sensors lifetime
virtual espurna::sensor::Energy totalEnergy(unsigned char index) const {
espurna::sensor::Energy out{};
_energy.find(index, [&](const EnergyMapping& mapping) {
out = mapping.energy;
return out;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Generic ratio configuration, default is a no-op and must be implemented by the sensor class
static constexpr double DefaultRatio { 1.0 };
// Default ratio value for the magnitude slot
virtual double defaultRatio(unsigned char index) const {
return DefaultRatio;
// Current ratio value for the magnitude slot
virtual double getRatio(unsigned char index) const {
return defaultRatio(index);
// Update ratio value for the magnitude slot
virtual void setRatio(unsigned char index, double value) {
// pass by default, no point updating ratios when they
// are not supported (or cannot be supported)
// Reset *all* magnitude ratios to sensor defaults
virtual void resetRatios() {
_current_ratio = DefaultRatio;
_voltage_ratio = DefaultRatio;
_power_active_ratio = DefaultRatio;
_energy_ratio = DefaultRatio;
_ratios_changed = true;
// Return ratio value for the slot, that would make the current value closer to the expected one
virtual double ratioFromValue(unsigned char index, double value, double expected) const {
if ((value > 0.0) && (expected > 0.0)) {
return getRatio(index) * (expected / value);
return getRatio(index);
// helper methods to either get or set our internal ratio values
// notice that only a single magnitude-index <-> ratio is supported
template <size_t Size>
double simpleGetRatio(const Magnitude (&magnitudes)[Size] , unsigned char index) const {
const auto* ratio = magnitudeRatio(magnitudes, index);
if (ratio) {
return *ratio;
return defaultRatio(index);
template <size_t Size>
void simpleSetRatio(const Magnitude (&magnitudes)[Size], unsigned char index, double value) {
auto* ratio = magnitudeRatio(magnitudes, index);
if (ratio) {
if (!almostEqual(*ratio, value)) {
_ratios_changed = true;
*ratio = value;
template <size_t Size>
const double* magnitudeRatio(const Magnitude (&magnitudes)[Size], unsigned char index) const {
return magnitudeRatioImpl<const double*>(*this, magnitudes, index);
template <size_t Size>
double* magnitudeRatio(const Magnitude (&magnitudes)[Size], unsigned char index) {
return magnitudeRatioImpl<double*>(*this, magnitudes, index);
template <typename Result, typename T, size_t Size>
static Result magnitudeRatioImpl(T& instance, const Magnitude (&magnitudes)[Size], unsigned char index) {
if (index < Size) {
switch (magnitudes[index].type) {
return &(instance._current_ratio);
return &(instance._voltage_ratio);
return &(instance._power_active_ratio);
return &(instance._energy_ratio);
return nullptr;
bool _ratios_changed = false;
double _current_ratio { DefaultRatio };
double _voltage_ratio { DefaultRatio };
double _power_active_ratio { DefaultRatio };
double _energy_ratio { DefaultRatio };
EnergyIndex _energy{};
const BaseSensor::ClassKind BaseEmonSensor::Kind;