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Part of the DEBUG MODULE
Copyright (C) 2016-2019 by Xose Pérez <xose dot perez at gmail dot com>
Copyright (C) 2019-2020 by Maxim Prokhorov <prokhorov dot max at outlook dot com>
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Save crash info
// Original code by @krzychb
// https://github.com/krzychb/EspSaveCrash
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "espurna.h"
#include "crash.h"
#include "system.h"
#include "rtcmem.h"
#include "storage_eeprom.h"
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdarg>
* Structure of the single crash data set
* 1. Crash time
* 2. Restart reason
* 3. Exception cause
* 4. epc1
* 5. epc2
* 6. epc3
* 7. excvaddr
* 8. depc
* 9. adress of stack start
* 10. adress of stack end
* 11. stack trace size
* 12. stack trace bytes
* ...
#define SAVE_CRASH_CRASH_TIME 0x00 // 4 bytes
#define SAVE_CRASH_RESTART_REASON 0x04 // 1 byte
#define SAVE_CRASH_EXCEPTION_CAUSE 0x05 // 1 byte
#define SAVE_CRASH_EPC1 0x06 // 4 bytes
#define SAVE_CRASH_EPC2 0x0A // 4 bytes
#define SAVE_CRASH_EPC3 0x0E // 4 bytes
#define SAVE_CRASH_EXCVADDR 0x12 // 4 bytes
#define SAVE_CRASH_DEPC 0x16 // 4 bytes
#define SAVE_CRASH_STACK_START 0x1A // 4 bytes
#define SAVE_CRASH_STACK_END 0x1E // 4 bytes
#define SAVE_CRASH_STACK_SIZE 0x22 // 2 bytes
#define SAVE_CRASH_STACK_TRACE 0x24 // variable, 4 bytes per value
static constexpr int EepromCrashBegin = EepromReservedSize;
static constexpr int EepromCrashEnd = 256;
static constexpr size_t CrashReservedSize = EepromCrashEnd - EepromCrashBegin;
static constexpr size_t CrashTraceReservedSize = CrashReservedSize - SAVE_CRASH_STACK_TRACE;
static constexpr uint32_t EmptyTimestamp { 0xffffffff };
namespace debug {
namespace {
namespace crash {
namespace internal {
bool enabled = true;
} // namespace internal
namespace build {
constexpr bool enabled() {
} // namespace build
namespace settings {
bool enabled() {
return getSetting("sysCrashSave", build::enabled());
} // namespace settings
bool enabled() {
return internal::enabled;
void enableFromSettings() {
internal::enabled = settings::enabled();
size_t reserved() {
if (enabled()) {
return CrashReservedSize;
return 0;
// Simply reset the timestamp to stop dump() from printing the output more than once per crash.
void clear() {
eepromPut(EepromCrashBegin + SAVE_CRASH_CRASH_TIME, EmptyTimestamp);
// Print out crash information that has been previusly saved in EEPROM
// Optionally, check whether the timestamp is erased / EEPROM contains no data.
void dump(Print& print, bool check) {
char buffer[256] = {0};
uint32_t crash_time;
eepromGet(EepromCrashBegin + SAVE_CRASH_CRASH_TIME, crash_time);
bool crash_time_erased = ((crash_time == 0) || (crash_time == EmptyTimestamp));
if (check && crash_time_erased) {
uint8_t reason = eepromRead(EepromCrashBegin + SAVE_CRASH_RESTART_REASON);
if (!crash_time_erased) {
snprintf_P(buffer, sizeof(buffer), PSTR("\nlatest crash was at %lu ms after boot\n"), crash_time);
snprintf_P(buffer, sizeof(buffer), PSTR("Reason of restart: %u\n"), reason);
if (reason == REASON_EXCEPTION_RST) {
snprintf_P(buffer, sizeof(buffer), PSTR("\nException (%u):\n"),
eepromRead(EepromCrashBegin + SAVE_CRASH_EXCEPTION_CAUSE));
uint32_t epc1, epc2, epc3, excvaddr, depc;
eepromGet(EepromCrashBegin + SAVE_CRASH_EPC1, epc1);
eepromGet(EepromCrashBegin + SAVE_CRASH_EPC2, epc2);
eepromGet(EepromCrashBegin + SAVE_CRASH_EPC3, epc3);
eepromGet(EepromCrashBegin + SAVE_CRASH_EXCVADDR, excvaddr);
eepromGet(EepromCrashBegin + SAVE_CRASH_DEPC, depc);
snprintf_P(buffer, sizeof(buffer), PSTR("epc1=0x%08x epc2=0x%08x epc3=0x%08x excvaddr=0x%08x depc=0x%08x\n"),
epc1, epc2, epc3, excvaddr, depc);
// We need something like
//ctx: sys
//sp: 3fffecf0 end: 3fffffb0 offset: 0000
// Also note that we should always recommend using latest toolchain to decode the .elf,
// older versions (the one used by the 2.3.0 specifically) binutils are broken.
uint32_t stack_start, stack_end;
uint16_t stack_size;
eepromGet(EepromCrashBegin + SAVE_CRASH_STACK_START, stack_start);
eepromGet(EepromCrashBegin + SAVE_CRASH_STACK_END, stack_end);
eepromGet(EepromCrashBegin + SAVE_CRASH_STACK_SIZE, stack_size);
if ((0 == stack_size) || (0xffff == stack_size)) {
static constexpr uint16_t StackMin { 0 };
static constexpr uint16_t StackMax { CrashTraceReservedSize };
stack_size = std::clamp(stack_size, StackMin, StackMax);
// offset is technically an unknown, Core's crash handler only gives us `stack_start` as `sp_dump + offset`
// (...maybe we can hack Core / walk the stack / etc... but, that's not really portable between versions)
snprintf_P(buffer, sizeof(buffer),
PSTR("\n>>>stack>>>\n\nctx: todo\nsp: %08x end: %08x offset: 0000\n"),
stack_start, stack_end);
constexpr auto step = sizeof(uint32_t);
int eeprom_addr = EepromCrashBegin + SAVE_CRASH_STACK_TRACE;
uint16_t offset = 0;
uint32_t addr1, addr2, addr3, addr4;
while ((eeprom_addr + (4 * step)) < EepromCrashEnd) {
eepromGet(eeprom_addr, addr1);
eepromGet((eeprom_addr += step), addr2);
eepromGet((eeprom_addr += step), addr3);
eepromGet((eeprom_addr += step), addr4);
snprintf_P(buffer, sizeof(buffer),
PSTR("%08x: %08x %08x %08x %08x \n"),
stack_start + (offset * 4),
addr1, addr2, addr3, addr4
eeprom_addr += step;
offset += step;
static const char Tail[] PROGMEM = "<<<stack<<<\n";
memcpy_P(buffer, Tail, sizeof(Tail));
void forceDump(Print& print) {
dump(print, false);
void dump(Print& print) {
dump(print, true);
alignas(4) static constexpr char Name[] PROGMEM = "CRASH";
void command(::terminal::CommandContext&& ctx) {
static constexpr ::terminal::Command Commands[] PROGMEM {
{Name, command},
} // namespace crash
} // namespace
} // namespace debug
* Save crash information in EEPROM
* This function is called automatically if ESP8266 suffers an exception
* It should be kept quick / consise to be able to execute before hardware wdt may kick in
* This method assumes EEPROM has already been initialized, which is the first thing ESPurna does
extern "C" void custom_crash_callback(struct rst_info * rst_info, uint32_t stack_start, uint32_t stack_end ) {
// Small safeguard to protect from calling crash handler very early on boot.
if (!eepromReady()) {
// If we crash more than once in a row, don't store (similar) crash log every time
if (systemStabilityCounter() > 1) {
// Do not record crash data when doing a normal reboot or when crash trace was disabled
if (pendingDeferredReset()) {
if (!debug::crash::enabled()) {
// We will use this later as a marker that there was a crash
uint32_t crash_time = millis();
eepromPut(EepromCrashBegin + SAVE_CRASH_CRASH_TIME, crash_time);
// XXX rst_info::reason and ::exccause are uint32_t, but are holding small values
// make sure we are using ::write() instead of ::put(), former tries to deduce the required size based on variable type
eepromWrite(EepromCrashBegin + SAVE_CRASH_RESTART_REASON,
eepromWrite(EepromCrashBegin + SAVE_CRASH_EXCEPTION_CAUSE,
// write epc1, epc2, epc3, excvaddr and depc to EEPROM as uint32_t
eepromPut(EepromCrashBegin + SAVE_CRASH_EPC1, rst_info->epc1);
eepromPut(EepromCrashBegin + SAVE_CRASH_EPC2, rst_info->epc2);
eepromPut(EepromCrashBegin + SAVE_CRASH_EPC3, rst_info->epc3);
eepromPut(EepromCrashBegin + SAVE_CRASH_EXCVADDR, rst_info->excvaddr);
eepromPut(EepromCrashBegin + SAVE_CRASH_DEPC, rst_info->depc);
// EEPROM size is limited, write as little as possible.
// we definitely want to avoid big stack traces, e.g. like when stack_end == 0x3fffffb0 and we are in SYS context.
// but still should get enough relevant info and it is possible to set needed size at build/runtime
static constexpr uint32_t StackMin { 0 };
static constexpr uint32_t StackMax { CrashTraceReservedSize };
const uint16_t stack_size = std::clamp((stack_end - stack_start), StackMin, StackMax);
eepromPut(EepromCrashBegin + SAVE_CRASH_STACK_START, stack_start);
eepromPut(EepromCrashBegin + SAVE_CRASH_STACK_END, stack_end);
eepromPut(EepromCrashBegin + SAVE_CRASH_STACK_SIZE, stack_size);
// write stack trace to EEPROM and avoid overwriting settings and reserved data
int eeprom_addr = EepromCrashBegin + SAVE_CRASH_STACK_TRACE;
auto *addr = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(stack_start);
while (EepromCrashEnd > eeprom_addr) {
eepromPut(eeprom_addr, *addr);
eeprom_addr += sizeof(uint32_t);
void crashForceDump(Print& print) {
void crashDump(Print& print) {
void crashResetReason(Print& print) {
const auto reason = customResetReason();
bool custom { CustomResetReason::None != reason };
print.printf_P(PSTR("last reset reason: %s\n"), custom
? customResetReasonToPayload(reason).c_str()
: ESP.getResetReason().c_str());
if (!custom) {
print.printf_P(PSTR("extra info: %s\n"), ESP.getResetInfo().c_str());
size_t crashReservedSize() {
return debug::crash::reserved();
void crashClear() {
void crashSetup() {
if (!rtcmemStatus()) {