Mirror of espurna firmware for wireless switches and more
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

3031 lines
91 KiB

var Debug = false;
class UrlsBase {
constructor(root) {
this.root = root;
const paths = ["ws", "upgrade", "config", "auth"];
paths.forEach((path) => {
this[path] = new URL(path, root);
this[path].protocol = root.protocol;
if (this.root.protocol === "https:") {
this.ws.protocol = "wss:";
} else {
this.ws.protocol = "ws:";
var Urls = null;
var WebsockPingPong = null;
var Websock = {
send: function() {
close: function() {
class SettingsBase {
constructor() {
this.counters = {};
this.saved = false;
resetCounters() {
this.counters.changed = 0;
this.counters.reboot = 0;
this.counters.reconnect = 0;
this.counters.reload = 0;
var Settings = new SettingsBase();
var Enumerable = {};
var FreeSize = 0;
var Now = 0;
var Ago = 0;
class CmdOutputBase {
constructor(elem) {
this.elem = elem;
this.lastScrollHeight = elem.scrollHeight;
this.lastScrollTop = elem.scrollTop;
this.followScroll = true;
elem.addEventListener("scroll", () => {
// in case we adjust the scroll manually
const current = this.elem.scrollHeight - this.elem.scrollTop;
const last = this.lastScrollHeight - this.lastScrollTop;
if ((current - last) > 16) {
this.followScroll = false;
// ...and, in case we return to the bottom row
const offset = current - this.elem.offsetHeight;
if (offset < 16) {
this.followScroll = true;
this.lastScrollHeight = this.elem.scrollHeight;
this.lastScrollTop = this.elem.scrollTop;
follow() {
if (this.followScroll) {
this.elem.scrollTop = this.elem.scrollHeight;
this.lastScrollHeight = this.elem.scrollHeight;
this.lastScrollTop = this.elem.scrollTop;
clear() {
this.elem.textContent = "";
this.followScroll = true;
push(line) {
this.elem.appendChild(new Text(line));
pushAndFollow(line) {
this.elem.appendChild(new Text(`${line}\n`));
this.followScroll = true
var CmdOutput = null;
var ColorPicker;
var Rfm69 = {
filters: {}
var Magnitudes = {
properties: {},
errors: {},
types: {},
units: {
names: {},
supported: {}
typePrefix: {},
prefixType: {}
function magnitudeTypedKey(magnitude, name) {
const prefix = Magnitudes.typePrefix[magnitude.type];
const index = magnitude.index_global;
return `${prefix}${name}${index}`;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Utils
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function notifyError(message, source, lineno, colno, error) {
let container = document.getElementById("error-notification");
if (container.childElementCount > 0) {
container.style.display = "inherit";
container.style.whiteSpace = "pre-wrap";
let notification = document.createElement("div");
if (error) {
notification.textContent += error.stack;
} else {
notification.textContent += message;
notification.textContent += "\n\nFor more info see the Developer Tools console.";
return false;
window.onerror = notifyError;
// TODO: per https://www.chromestatus.com/feature/6140064063029248, using <base target="_blank"> should be enough with recent browsers
// but, side menu needs to be reworked for it to correctly handle panel switching, since it uses <a href="#" ...>
// TODO: also could be done in htmlparser2 + gulp (even, preferably)
function initExternalLinks() {
for (let elem of document.getElementsByClassName("external")) {
if (elem.tagName === "A") {
elem.setAttribute("target", "_blank");
elem.setAttribute("rel", "noopener");
elem.setAttribute("tabindex", "-1");
// TODO: note that we also include kv schema as 'data-settings-schema' on the container.
// produce a 'set' and compare instead of just matching length?
function fromSchema(source, schema) {
if (schema.length !== source.length) {
throw `Schema mismatch! Expected length ${schema.length} vs. ${source.length}`;
var target = {};
schema.forEach((key, index) => {
target[key] = source[index];
return target;
function keepTime() {
document.querySelector("span[data-key='ago']").textContent = Ago;
if (0 === Now) {
let text = (new Date(Now * 1000))
.toISOString().substring(0, 19)
.replace("T", " ");
document.querySelector("span[data-key='now']").textContent = text;
function setUptime(value) {
let uptime = parseInt(value, 10);
let seconds = uptime % 60;
uptime = parseInt(uptime / 60, 10);
let minutes = uptime % 60;
uptime = parseInt(uptime / 60, 10);
let hours = uptime % 24;
uptime = parseInt(uptime / 24, 10);
let days = uptime;
let container = document.querySelector("span[data-key='uptime']");
container.textContent = days + "d " + zeroPad(hours, 2) + "h " + zeroPad(minutes, 2) + "m " + zeroPad(seconds, 2) + "s";
Ago = 0;
function zeroPad(number, positions) {
return number.toString().padStart(positions, "0");
function validatePassword(password) {
// http://www.the-art-of-web.com/javascript/validate-password/
// at least one lowercase and one uppercase letter or number
// at least eight characters (letters, numbers or special characters)
// MUST be 8..63 printable ASCII characters. See:
// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wi-Fi_Protected_Access#Target_users_(authentication_key_distribution)
// https://github.com/xoseperez/espurna/issues/1151
const Pattern = /^(?=.*[A-Z\d])(?=.*[a-z])[\w~!@#$%^&*()<>,.?;:{}[\]\\|]{8,63}/;
return (
(password !== undefined)
&& (typeof password === "string")
&& (password.length > 0)
&& Pattern.test(password));
// Try to validate 'adminPass{0,1}', searching the first form containing both.
// In case it's default webMode, avoid checking things when both fields are empty (`required === false`)
function validateFormsPasswords(forms, required) {
let [passwords] = Array.from(forms).filter(
form => form.elements.adminPass0 && form.elements.adminPass1);
if (passwords) {
let first = passwords.elements.adminPass0;
let second = passwords.elements.adminPass1;
if (!required && !first.value.length && !second.value.length) {
return true;
let firstValid = first.checkValidity() && validatePassword(first.value);
let secondValid = second.checkValidity() && validatePassword(second.value);
if (firstValid && secondValid) {
if (first.value === second.value) {
return true;
alert("Passwords are different!");
return false;
alert("The password you have entered is not valid, it must be 8..63 characters and have at least 1 lowercase and 1 uppercase / number!");
return false;
// Same as above, but only applies to the general settings page.
// Find the first available form that contains 'hostname' input
function validateFormsHostname(forms) {
// per. [RFC1035](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc1035)
// Hostname may contain:
// - the ASCII letters 'a' through 'z' (case-insensitive),
// - the digits '0' through '9', and the hyphen.
// Hostname labels cannot begin or end with a hyphen.
// No other symbols, punctuation characters, or blank spaces are permitted.
let [hostname] = Array.from(forms).filter(form => form.elements.hostname);
if (!hostname) {
return true;
// Validation pattern is attached to the element itself, so just check that.
// (and, we also re-use the hostname for fallback SSID, thus limited to 1...32 chars instead of 1...63)
hostname = hostname.elements.hostname;
let result = hostname.value.length
&& (!isChangedElement(hostname) || hostname.checkValidity());
if (!result) {
alert("Hostname cannot be empty and may only contain the ASCII letters ('A' through 'Z' and 'a' through 'z'), the digits '0' through '9', and the hyphen ('-')! They can neither start or end with an hyphen.");
return result;
function validateForms(forms) {
return validateFormsPasswords(forms) && validateFormsHostname(forms);
// Right now, group additions happen from:
// - WebSocket, likely to happen exactly once per connection through processData handler(s). Specific keys trigger functions that append into the container element.
// - User input. Same functions are triggered, but with an additional event for the container element that causes most recent element to be marked as changed.
// Removal only happens from user input. MutationObserver will refresh checkboxes and cause everything to be marked as changed.
// TODO: distinguish 'current' state to avoid sending keys when adding and immediatly removing the latest node?
// TODO: previous implementation relied on defaultValue and / or jquery $(...).val(), but this does not really work where 'line' only has <select>
function groupElementInfo(target) {
const out = [];
const inputs = target.querySelectorAll("input,select");
inputs.forEach((elem) => {
const name = elem.dataset.settingsRealName || elem.name;
if (name === undefined) {
element: elem,
key: name,
value: elem.dataset["original"] || getDataForElement(elem)
return out;
const groupSettingsHandler = {
// to 'instantiate' a new element, we must explicitly set 'target' keys in kvs
// notice that the 'row' creation *should* be handled by the group-specific
// event listener, we already expect the dom element to exist at this point
add: function(event) {
const group = event.target;
const index = group.children.length - 1;
const last = group.children[index];
addGroupPending(group, index);
for (const target of settingsTargets(group)) {
const elem = last.querySelector(`[name='${target}']`);
if (elem) {
// removing the element means we need to notify the kvs about the updated keys
// in case it's the last row, just remove those keys from the store
// in case we are in the middle, make sure to handle difference update
// in case change was 'ephemeral' (i.e. from the previous add that was not saved), do nothing
del: function(event) {
const group = event.currentTarget;
const elems = Array.from(group.children);
const shiftFrom = elems.indexOf(group);
const info = elems.map(groupElementInfo);
for (let index = -1; index < info.length; ++index) {
const prev = (index > 0)
? info[index - 1]
: null;
const current = info[index];
if ((index > shiftFrom) && prev && (prev.length === current.length)) {
for (let inner = 0; inner < prev.length; ++inner) {
const [lhs, rhs] = [prev[inner], current[inner]];
if (lhs.value !== rhs.value) {
if (elems.length) {
popGroupPending(group, elems.length - 1);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Settings groups & templates
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Styled checkboxes require unique label for=... and input id=..., which are
// generated based on the current position of the element. When removing the node,
// elements must be re-enumerated and assigned new id's to remain unique
// (and avoid having one line's checkbox affecting some other one)
function createCheckboxes(node) {
const checkboxes = node.querySelectorAll("input[type='checkbox']");
for (const checkbox of checkboxes) {
checkbox.id = checkbox.name;
let label = document.createElement("label");
label.htmlFor = checkbox.id;
let span = document.createElement("span");
function updateCheckboxes(node) {
for (let id = 0; id < node.childElementCount; ++id) {
let schedule = node.children[id];
for (let checkbox of schedule.querySelectorAll("input[type='checkbox']")) {
let realId = checkbox.name.concat(id);
checkbox.setAttribute("id", realId);
checkbox.nextElementSibling.setAttribute("for", realId);
// Generic parts of the HTML are placed into <template> container, which requires
// us to 'import' it into the currently loaded page to actually use it.
// (and notice that document.querySelector(...) won't be able to read inside of these)
function loadTemplate(name) {
let template = document.getElementById(`template-${name}`);
return document.importNode(template.content, true);
function loadConfigTemplate(id) {
let template = loadTemplate(id);
for (let elem of template.querySelectorAll("input,select")) {
elem.dataset["settingsGroupElement"] = "true";
for (let elem of template.querySelectorAll("button.button-del-parent")) {
elem.addEventListener("click", delParent);
for (let elem of template.querySelectorAll("button.button-more-parent")) {
elem.addEventListener("click", moreParent);
for (let elem of template.querySelectorAll("select.enumerable")) {
initEnumerableSelect(elem, initSelect);
return template;
function mergeTemplate(target, template) {
for (let child of Array.from(template.children)) {
function addFromTemplate(container, template, cfg) {
const line = loadConfigTemplate(template);
fillTemplateLineFromCfg(line, container.childElementCount, cfg);
mergeTemplate(container, line);
// 'settings-group' contain elements that represent kv list that is suffixed with an index in raw kvs
// 'button-add-settings-group' will trigger update on the specified 'data-settings-group' element id, which
// needs to have 'settings-group-add' event handler attached to it.
function groupSettingsOnAdd(elementId, listener) {
document.getElementById(elementId).addEventListener("settings-group-add", listener);
// handle addition to the group via the button
// (notice that since we still use the dataset for the elements, hyphens are just capitalized)
function groupSettingsAdd(event) {
const prefix = "settingsGroupDetail";
const elem = event.target;
let eventInit = {detail: null};
for (let key of Object.keys(elem.dataset)) {
if (!key.startsWith(prefix)) {
if (eventInit.detail === null) {
eventInit.detail = {};
let eventKey = key.replace(prefix, "");
eventKey = eventKey[0].toLowerCase() + eventKey.slice(1);
eventInit.detail[eventKey] = elem.dataset[key];
const group = document.getElementById(elem.dataset["settingsGroup"]);
group.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("settings-group-add", eventInit));
// When receiving / returning data, <select multiple=true> <option> values are treated as bitset (u32) indexes (i.e. individual bits that are set)
// For example 0b101 is translated to ["0", "2"], or 0b1111 is translated to ["0", "1", "2", "3"]
// Right now only `hbReport` uses such format, but it is not yet clear how such select element should behave when value is not an integer
function bitsetToSelectedValues(bitset) {
let values = [];
for (let index = 0; index < 31; ++index) {
if (bitset & (1 << index)) {
return values;
function bitsetFromSelectedValues(select) {
let result = 0;
for (let option of select.selectedOptions) {
result |= 1 << parseInt(option.value);
return result;
// <select data-original="..."> is read / saved as:
// - multiple=false -> value string of the selected option
// - multiple=true -> comma-separated values of all selected options
// If selectedIndex is -1, it means we never selected anything
// (TODO: could this actually happen with anything other than empty <select>?)
function stringifySelectedValues(select) {
if (select.multiple) {
return Array.from(select.selectedOptions)
.map(option => option.value)
} else if (select.selectedIndex >= 0) {
return select.options[select.selectedIndex].value;
return select.dataset["original"];
function elementSelectorListener(selector, event, listener) {
for (let elem of document.querySelectorAll(selector)) {
elem.addEventListener(event, listener);
function elementSelectorOnClick(selector, listener) {
elementSelectorListener(selector, "click", listener);
function isChangedElement(elem) {
return "true" === elem.dataset["changed"];
function setChangedElement(elem) {
elem.dataset["changed"] = "true";
function resetChangedElement(elem) {
elem.dataset["changed"] = "false";
function resetGroupPending(elem) {
elem.dataset["settingsGroupPending"] = "";
function resetSettingsGroup() {
const elems = document.getElementsByClassName("settings-group");
for (let elem of elems) {
function getGroupPending(elem) {
const raw = elem.dataset["settingsGroupPending"] || "";
if (!raw.length) {
return [];
return raw.split(",");
function addGroupPending(elem, index) {
const pending = getGroupPending(elem);
elem.dataset["settingsGroupPending"] = pending.join(",");
function popGroupPending(elem, index) {
const pending = getGroupPending(elem);
const added = pending.indexOf(`set:${index}`);
if (added >= 0) {
pending.splice(added, 1);
} else {
elem.dataset["settingsGroupPending"] = pending.join(",");
function isGroupElement(elem) {
return elem.dataset["settingsGroupElement"] !== undefined;
function isIgnoredElement(elem) {
return elem.dataset["settingsIngore"] !== undefined;
function settingsTargets(elem) {
let targets = elem.dataset["settingsTarget"];
if (!targets) {
return [];
return targets.split(" ");
function stringToBoolean(value) {
return (value === "1")
|| (value === "y")
|| (value === "yes")
|| (value === "true")
|| (value === "on");
function booleanToString(value) {
return value ? "true" : "false";
function setInputValue(input, value) {
switch (input.type) {
case "radio":
input.checked = (value === input.value);
case "checkbox":
input.checked =
(typeof(value) === "boolean") ? value :
(typeof(value) === "string") ? stringToBoolean(value) :
(typeof(value) === "number") ? (value !== 0) : false;
case "text":
case "password":
case "number":
input.value = value;
function setSpanValue(span, value) {
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
value.forEach((text) => {
setSpanValue(span, text);
} else {
let content = "";
if (span.attributes.pre) {
content += span.attributes.pre.value;
content += value;
if (span.attributes.post) {
content += span.attributes.post.value;
span.textContent = content;
function setSelectValue(select, value) {
const values = select.multiple
? bitsetToSelectedValues(value)
: [value.toString()];
.filter((option) => values.includes(option.value))
.forEach((option) => {
option.selected = true;
select.dataset["original"] = values.join(",");
// TODO: <input type="radio"> is a special beast, since the actual value is one of 'checked' elements with the same name=... attribute.
// Right now, WebUI does not use this kind of input, but in case it does this needs a once-over that the actual input value is picked up correctly through all of changed / original comparisons.
// Not all of available forms are used for settings:
// - terminal input, which is implemented with an input field. it is attributed with `action="none"`, so settings handler never treats it as 'changed'
// - initial setup. it is shown programatically, but is still available from the global list of forms
function getDataForElement(element) {
switch (element.tagName) {
case "INPUT":
switch (element.type) {
case "radio":
if (element.checked) {
return element.value;
return null;
case "checkbox":
return element.checked ? 1 : 0;
case "number":
case "text":
case "password":
case "hidden":
case "range":
// notice that we set directly to storage, thus strings are just fine
return element.value;
case "SELECT":
if (element.multiple) {
return bitsetFromSelectedValues(element);
} else if (element.selectedIndex >= 0) {
return element.options[element.selectedIndex].value;
return null;
function getData(forms, options) {
// Populate two sets of data, ones that had been changed and ones that stayed the same
if (options === undefined) {
options = {};
const data = {};
const changed_data = [];
if (options.cleanup === undefined) {
options.cleanup = true;
if (options.changed === undefined) {
options.changed = true;
const group_counter = {};
// TODO: <input type="radio"> can be found as both individual elements and as a `RadioNodeList` view.
// matching will extract the specific radio element, but will ignore the list b/c it has no tagName
// TODO: actually use type="radio" in the WebUI to check whether this works
for (let form of forms) {
for (let elem of form.elements) {
if ((elem.tagName !== "SELECT") && (elem.tagName !== "INPUT")) {
if (isIgnoredElement(elem)) {
const name = elem.dataset.settingsRealName || elem.name;
if (name === undefined) {
const group_element = isGroupElement(elem);
const group_index = group_counter[name] || 0;
const group_name = `${name}${group_index}`;
if (group_element) {
group_counter[name] = group_index + 1;
const value = getDataForElement(elem);
if (null !== value) {
const elem_indexed = changed_data.indexOf(name) >= 0;
if ((isChangedElement(elem) || !options.changed) && !elem_indexed) {
changed_data.push(group_element ? group_name : name);
data[group_element ? group_name : name] = value;
// Finally, filter out only fields that *must* be assigned.
const resulting_data = {
set: {
del: [
for (const name in data) {
if (!options.changed || (changed_data.indexOf(name) >= 0)) {
resulting_data.set[name] = data[name];
// Make sure to remove dynamic group entries from the kvs
// Only group keys can be removed atm, so only process .settings-group
if (options.cleanup) {
for (let elem of document.getElementsByClassName("settings-group")) {
for (let pair of getGroupPending(elem)) {
const [action, index] = pair.split(":");
if (action === "del") {
const keysRaw = elem.dataset["settingsSchema"] || elem.dataset["settingsTarget"];
const keys = !keysRaw ? [] : keysRaw.split(" ");
keys.forEach((key) => {
return resulting_data;
function randomString(length, args) {
if (typeof args === "undefined") {
args = {
lowercase: true,
uppercase: true,
numbers: true,
special: true
var mask = "";
if (args.lowercase) { mask += "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; }
if (args.uppercase) { mask += "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; }
if (args.numbers || args.hex) { mask += "0123456789"; }
if (args.hex) { mask += "ABCDEF"; }
if (args.special) { mask += "~`!@#$%^&*()_+-={}[]:\";'<>?,./|\\"; }
var source = new Uint32Array(length);
var result = new Array(length);
window.crypto.getRandomValues(source).forEach((value, i) => {
result[i] = mask[value % mask.length];
return result.join("");
function generateApiKey() {
let elem = document.forms["form-admin"].elements.apiKey;
elem.value = randomString(16, {hex: true});
function generatePassword() {
let password = "";
do {
password = randomString(10);
} while (!validatePassword(password));
return password;
function toggleVisiblePassword(event) {
let elem = event.target.previousElementSibling;
if (elem.type === "password") {
elem.type = "text";
} else {
elem.type = "password";
function generatePasswordsForForm(form) {
const value = generatePassword();
for (let elem of [form.elements.adminPass0, form.elements.adminPass1]) {
elem.type = "text";
elem.value = value;
function initSetupPassword(form) {
elementSelectorOnClick(".button-setup-password", (event) => {
const forms = [form];
if (validateFormsPasswords(forms, true)) {
applySettings(getData(forms, true, false));
elementSelectorOnClick(".button-generate-password", (event) => {
function moduleVisible(module) {
const style = document.createElement("style");
style.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
let pos = style.sheet.rules.length;
if (module === "sch") {
style.sheet.insertRule(`li.module-${module} { display: inherit; }`, pos++);
style.sheet.insertRule(`div.module-${module} { display: flex; }`, pos++);
} else {
style.sheet.insertRule(`.module-${module} { display: inherit; }`, pos++);
// Update <input> and <select> elements that were set externally. Generic change handler will allow to compare with user input,
// allowing to send configuration in parts instead of all of it at once.
function setOriginalsFromValuesForNode(node, elems) {
if (elems === undefined) {
elems = [...node.querySelectorAll("input,select")];
for (let elem of elems) {
switch (elem.tagName) {
case "INPUT":
if (elem.type === "checkbox") {
elem.dataset["original"] = booleanToString(elem.checked);
} else {
elem.dataset["original"] = elem.value;
case "SELECT":
elem.dataset["original"] = stringifySelectedValues(elem);
function setOriginalsFromValues(elems) {
setOriginalsFromValuesForNode(document, elems);
// <select> initialization from simple {id: ..., name: ...} that map as <option> value=... and textContent
// To avoid depending on order of incoming messages, always store real value inside of dataset["original"] and provide a way to re-initialize every 'enumerable' <select> element on the page
// Notice that <select multiple> input and output format is u32 number, but the 'original' string is comma-separated <option> value=... attributes
function initSelect(select, values) {
for (let value of values) {
let option = document.createElement("option");
option.setAttribute("value", value.id);
option.textContent = value.name;
function initEnumerableSelect(select, callback) {
for (let className of select.classList) {
const prefix = "enumerable-";
if (className.startsWith(prefix)) {
const name = className.replace(prefix, "");
if ((Enumerable[name] !== undefined) && Enumerable[name].length) {
callback(select, Enumerable[name]);
function refreshEnumerableSelect(name) {
const selector = (name !== undefined)
? `select.enumerable.enumerable-${name}`
: "select.enumerable";
for (let select of document.querySelectorAll(selector)) {
initEnumerableSelect(select, (_, enumerable) => {
while (select.childElementCount) {
initSelect(select, enumerable);
const original = select.dataset["original"];
if (typeof original === "string" && original.length) {
setSelectValue(select, original);
function addEnumerables(name, enumerables) {
Enumerable[name] = enumerables;
function addSimpleEnumerables(name, prettyName, count) {
if (count) {
let enumerables = [];
for (let id = 0; id < count; ++id) {
enumerables.push({"id": id, "name": `${prettyName} #${id}`});
addEnumerables(name, enumerables);
// Handle plain kv pairs when they are already on the page, and don't need special template handlers
// Notice that <span> uses a custom data attribute data-key=..., instead of name=...
function initGenericKeyValueElement(key, value) {
for (const span of document.querySelectorAll(`span[data-key='${key}']`)) {
setSpanValue(span, value);
const inputs = [];
for (const elem of document.querySelectorAll(`[name='${key}'`)) {
switch (elem.tagName) {
case "INPUT":
setInputValue(elem, value);
case "SELECT":
setSelectValue(elem, value);
// Or, handle special id-counted 'line' that was created from template
// Optional cfg kv object that will be used to pull values for input / select / span
// Additional handler for checkbox elements, since we need a document-wide unique id=...
// (also see {create,update}Checkboxes())
function fillTemplateLineFromCfg(line, id, cfg) {
if (cfg === undefined) {
cfg = {};
for (let elem of line.querySelectorAll("input,select,span")) {
let key = elem.name || elem.dataset.key;
if (key && (key in cfg)) {
switch (elem.tagName) {
case "INPUT":
setInputValue(elem, cfg[key]);
case "SELECT":
setSelectValue(elem, cfg[key]);
case "SPAN":
setSpanValue(elem, cfg[key]);
if (elem.tagName === "INPUT" && elem.type === "checkbox") {
const realId = elem.name.concat(id);
elem.id = realId;
elem.nextElementSibling.htmlFor = realId;
function delParent(event) {
new CustomEvent("settings-group-del", {bubbles: true}));
function moreElem(container) {
for (let elem of container.querySelectorAll(".more")) {
elem.style.display = (elem.style.display === "")
? "inherit" : "";
function moreParent(event) {
function idForTemplateContainer(container) {
let id = container.childElementCount;
let settingsMax = container.dataset["settingsMax"];
if (settingsMax === undefined) {
return id;
let max = parseInt(settingsMax, 10);
if (id < max) {
return id;
alert(`Max number of ${container.id} has been reached (${id} out of ${max})`);
return -1;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// WebSocket Actions
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function send(payload) {
if (Debug) {
function sendAction(action, data) {
if (data === undefined) {
data = {};
send(JSON.stringify({action, data}));
function askSaveSettings(ask) {
if (Settings.counters.changed > 0) {
return ask("There are pending changes to the settings, continue the operation without saving?");
return true;
function askDisconnect(ask) {
return ask("Are you sure you want to disconnect from the current WiFi network?");
function askReboot(ask) {
return ask("Are you sure you want to reboot the device?");
function askAndCall(questions, callback) {
for (let question of questions) {
if (!question(window.confirm)) {
function askAndCallReconnect() {
askAndCall([askSaveSettings, askDisconnect], () => {
function askAndCallReboot() {
askAndCall([askSaveSettings, askReboot], () => {
function askAndCallAction(event) {
askAndCall([(ask) => ask(`Confirm the action: "${event.target.textContent}"`)], () => {
// Settings kv as either {key: value} or {key: [value0, value1, ...etc...]}
function applySettings(settings) {
function resetOriginals() {
Settings.saved = false;
function pageReloadIn(milliseconds) {
setTimeout(() => {
}, parseInt(milliseconds, 10));
// Check whether the file object contains some known bytes
// - handle magic numbers at the start
// - handle SDK flash modes (and compare with the current one)
// Result is handled through callback:
// - success as callback(true)
// - failure as callback(false)
function checkFirmware(file, callback) {
const reader = new FileReader();
reader.onloadend = function(event) {
if (FileReader.DONE === event.target.readyState) {
const magic = event.target.result.charCodeAt(0);
if ((0x1F === magic) && (0x8B === event.target.result.charCodeAt(1))) {
if (0xE9 !== magic) {
alert("Binary image does not start with a magic byte");
const flash_mode = event.target.result.charCodeAt(2);
if (0x03 !== flash_mode) {
const modes = ['QIO', 'QOUT', 'DIO', 'DOUT'];
callback(window.confirm(`Binary image is using ${modes[flash_mode]} flash mode! Make sure that the device supports it before proceeding.`));
} else {
const blob = file.slice(0, 3);
function handleFirmwareUpgrade(event) {
let upgrade = document.querySelector("input[name='upgrade']");
let file = upgrade.files[0];
if (typeof file === "undefined") {
alert("First you have to select a file from your computer.");
if (file.size > FreeSize) {
alert("Image it too large to fit in the available space for OTA. Consider doing a two-step update.");
checkFirmware(file, (ok) => {
if (!ok) {
var data = new FormData();
data.append("upgrade", file, file.name);
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
var msg_ok = "Firmware image uploaded, board rebooting. This page will be refreshed in 5 seconds.";
var msg_err = "There was an error trying to upload the new image, please try again: ";
var network_error = function(e) {
alert(msg_err + " xhr request " + e.type);
xhr.addEventListener("error", network_error, false);
xhr.addEventListener("abort", network_error, false);
let progress = document.getElementById("upgrade-progress");
xhr.addEventListener("load", () => {
progress.style.display = "none";
if ("OK" === xhr.responseText) {
} else {
alert(msg_err + xhr.status.toString() + " " + xhr.statusText + ", " + xhr.responseText);
}, false);
xhr.upload.addEventListener("progress", (event) => {
progress.style.display = "inherit";
if (event.lengthComputable) {
progress.value = event.loaded;
progress.max = event.total;
}, false);
xhr.open("POST", Urls.upgrade.href);
function afterSaved() {
var response;
if (Settings.counters.reboot > 0) {
response = window.confirm("You have to reboot the board for the changes to take effect, do you want to do it now?");
if (response) {
} else if (Settings.counters.reconnect > 0) {
response = window.confirm("You have to reconnect to the WiFi for the changes to take effect, do you want to do it now?");
if (response) {
} else if (Settings.counters.reload > 0) {
response = window.confirm("You have to reload the page to see the latest changes, do you want to do it now?");
if (response) {
function waitForSaved(){
if (!Settings.saved) {
setTimeout(waitForSaved, 1000);
} else {
function applySettingsFromAllForms() {
// Since we have 2-page config, make sure we select the active one
let forms = document.getElementsByClassName("form-settings");
if (validateForms(forms)) {
Settings.counters.changed = 0;
return false;
function handleSettingsFile(event) {
const inputFiles = event.target.files;
if (typeof inputFiles === "undefined" || inputFiles.length === 0) {
return false;
const inputFile = inputFiles[0];
event.target.value = "";
if (!window.confirm("Previous settings will be overwritten. Are you sure you want to restore from this file?")) {
return false;
const reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function(event) {
try {
var data = JSON.parse(event.target.result);
sendAction("restore", data);
} catch (e) {
notifyError(null, null, 0, 0, e);
function resetToFactoryDefaults(event) {
let response = window.confirm("Are you sure you want to erase all settings from the device?");
if (response) {
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Visualization
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ref. vendor/side-menu.css
function toggleMenu(event) {
function showPanelByName(name) {
// only a single panel is shown on the 'layout'
const target = document.getElementById(`panel-${name}`);
if (!target) {
for (const panel of document.querySelectorAll(".panel")) {
panel.style.display = "none";
target.style.display = "inherit";
const layout = document.getElementById("layout");
// TODO: sometimes, switching view causes us to scroll past
// the header (e.g. emon ratios panel on small screen)
// layout itself stays put, but the root element seems to scroll,
// at least can be reproduced with Chrome
if (document.documentElement) {
document.documentElement.scrollTop = 0;
function showPanel(event) {
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Relays & magnitudes mapping
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function createRelayList(values, container, template_name) {
let target = document.getElementById(container);
if (target.childElementCount > 0) {
// TODO: let schema set the settings key
let template = loadConfigTemplate(template_name);
values.forEach((value, index) => {
let line = template.cloneNode(true);
line.querySelector("label").textContent = (Enumerable.relay)
? Enumerable.relay[index].name : `Switch #${index}`;
let input = line.querySelector("input");
input.value = value;
input.dataset["original"] = value;
mergeTemplate(target, line);
function initModuleMagnitudes(data) {
const targetId = `${data.prefix}Magnitudes`;
let target = document.getElementById(targetId);
if (target.childElementCount > 0) { return; }
data.values.forEach((values) => {
const entry = fromSchema(values, data.schema);
let line = loadConfigTemplate("module-magnitude");
line.querySelector("label").textContent =
`${Magnitudes.types[entry.type]} #${entry.index_global}`;
line.querySelector("span").textContent =
let input = line.querySelector("input");
input.name = `${data.prefix}Magnitude`;
input.value = entry.index_module;
input.dataset["original"] = input.value;
mergeTemplate(target, line);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RPN Rules
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function rpnAddRule(cfg) {
addFromTemplate(document.getElementById("rpn-rules"), "rpn-rule", cfg);
function rpnAddTopic(cfg) {
addFromTemplate(document.getElementById("rpn-topics"), "rpn-topic", cfg);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RFM69
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function rfm69AddMapping(cfg) {
addFromTemplate(document.getElementById("rfm69-mapping"), "rfm69-node", cfg);
function rfm69Messages() {
let [body] = document.getElementById("rfm69-messages").tBodies;
return body;
function rfm69AddMessage(message) {
let timestamp = (new Date()).toLocaleTimeString("en-US", {hour12: false});
let container = rfm69Messages();
let row = container.insertRow();
for (let value of [timestamp, ...message]) {
let cell = row.insertCell();
rfm69FilterRow(Rfm69.filters, row);
function rfm69ClearCounters() {
return false;
function rfm69ClearMessages() {
let container = rfm69Messages();
while (container.rows.length) {
return false;
function rfm69FilterRow(filters, row) {
row.style.display = "table-row";
for (const [cell, filter] of Object.entries(filters)) {
if (row.cells[cell].textContent !== filter) {
row.style.display = "none";
function rfm69Filter(filters, rows) {
for (let row of rows) {
rfm69FilterRow(filters, row);
function rfm69FilterEvent(event) {
if (event.target.classList.contains("filtered")) {
delete Rfm69.filters[event.target.cellIndex];
} else {
Rfm69.filters[event.target.cellIndex] = event.target.textContent;
rfm69Filter(Rfm69.filters, rfm69Messages().rows);
function rfm69ClearFilters() {
let container = rfm69Messages();
for (let elem of container.querySelectorAll("filtered")) {
Rfm69.filters = {};
rfm69Filter(Rfm69.filters, container.rows);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Wifi
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function wifiNetworkAdd(cfg, showMore) {
let container = document.getElementById("networks");
let id = idForTemplateContainer(container);
if (id < 0) {
if (showMore === undefined) {
showMore = true;
let line = loadConfigTemplate("network-config");
fillTemplateLineFromCfg(line, id, cfg);
if (showMore) {
mergeTemplate(container, line);
function wifiScanResult(values) {
let loading = document.querySelector("div.scan.loading");
loading.style.display = "none";
for (let button of document.querySelectorAll(".button-wifi-scan")) {
button.disabled = false;
let table = document.getElementById("scanResult");
table.style.display = "table";
let [results] = table.tBodies;
let row = results.insertRow();
for (let value of values) {
let cell = row.insertCell();
function startWifiScan(event) {
let [results] = document.getElementById("scanResult").tBodies;
while (results.rows.length) {
let loading = document.querySelector("div.scan.loading");
loading.style.display = "inherit";
for (let button of document.querySelectorAll(".button-wifi-scan")) {
button.disabled = true;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Simple LEDs configuration
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function ledAdd(cfg) {
let container = document.getElementById("leds");
let id = idForTemplateContainer(container);
if (id < 0) {
let line = loadConfigTemplate("led-config");
line.querySelector("span").textContent = id;
fillTemplateLineFromCfg(line, id, cfg);
mergeTemplate(container, line);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Date and time scheduler
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function schAdd(cfg) {
if (cfg.schType === undefined) {
let container = document.getElementById("schedules");
let id = idForTemplateContainer(container);
if (id < 0) {
let line = loadConfigTemplate("schedule-config");
if (cfg.schType !== "none") {
fillTemplateLineFromCfg(line, id, cfg);
mergeTemplate(container, line);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Relays
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function relayToggle(event) {
sendAction("relay", {
id: parseInt(event.target.dataset["id"], 10),
status: event.target.checked ? "1" : "0"});
function initRelayToggle(id, cfg) {
let line = loadConfigTemplate("relay-control");
let name = line.querySelector("span[data-key='relayName']");
name.textContent = cfg.relayName;
name.dataset["id"] = id;
name.setAttribute("title", cfg.relayProv);
let realId = "relay".concat(id);
let toggle = line.querySelector("input[type='checkbox']");
toggle.checked = false;
toggle.disabled = true;
toggle.dataset["id"] = id;
toggle.addEventListener("change", relayToggle);
toggle.setAttribute("id", realId);
toggle.nextElementSibling.setAttribute("for", realId);
mergeTemplate(document.getElementById("relays"), line);
function updateRelays(data) {
data.states.forEach((state, id) => {
const relay = fromSchema(state, data.schema);
let elem = document.querySelector(`input[name='relay'][data-id='${id}']`);
elem.checked = relay.status;
elem.disabled = ({
0: false,
1: !relay.status,
2: relay.status
})[relay.lock]; // TODO: specify lock statuses earlier?
function initRelayConfig(id, cfg) {
let line = loadConfigTemplate("relay-config");
fillTemplateLineFromCfg(line, id, cfg);
mergeTemplate(document.getElementById("relayConfig"), line);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sensors & Magnitudes
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function initMagnitudes(data) {
data.types.values.forEach((cfg) => {
const info = fromSchema(cfg, data.types.schema);
Magnitudes.types[info.type] = info.name;
Magnitudes.typePrefix[info.type] = info.prefix;
Magnitudes.prefixType[info.prefix] = info.type;
data.errors.values.forEach((cfg) => {
const error = fromSchema(cfg, data.errors.schema);
Magnitudes.errors[error.type] = error.name;
data.units.values.forEach((cfg, id) => {
const values = fromSchema(cfg, data.units.schema);
values.supported.forEach(([type, name]) => {
Magnitudes.units.names[type] = name;
Magnitudes.units.supported[id] = values.supported;
function initMagnitudesList(data, callbacks) {
data.values.forEach((cfg, id) => {
const magnitude = fromSchema(cfg, data.schema);
const prettyName = Magnitudes.types[magnitude.type]
.concat(" #").concat(parseInt(magnitude.index_global, 10));
const result = {
name: prettyName,
units: magnitude.units,
type: magnitude.type,
index_global: magnitude.index_global,
description: magnitude.description
Magnitudes.properties[id] = result;
callbacks.forEach((callback) => {
callback(id, result);
function createMagnitudeInfo(id, magnitude) {
const container = document.getElementById("magnitudes");
const info = loadTemplate("magnitude-info-form");
const label = info.querySelector("label");
label.textContent = magnitude.name;
const input = info.querySelector("input");
input.dataset["id"] = id;
input.dataset["type"] = magnitude.type;
input.dataset["units"] = Magnitudes.units.names[magnitude.units] || "";
const description = info.querySelector(".magnitude-description");
description.textContent = magnitude.description;
const extra = info.querySelector(".magnitude-info");
extra.style.display = "none";
mergeTemplate(container, info);
function createMagnitudeUnitSelector(id, magnitude) {
// but, no need for the element when there's no choice
const supported = Magnitudes.units.supported[id];
if ((supported !== undefined) && (supported.length > 1)) {
const line = loadTemplate("magnitude-units");
line.querySelector("label").textContent =
`${Magnitudes.types[magnitude.type]} #${magnitude.index_global}`;
const select = line.querySelector("select");
select.setAttribute("name", magnitudeTypedKey(magnitude, "Units"));
const options = [];
supported.forEach(([id, name]) => {
options.push({id, name});
initSelect(select, options);
setSelectValue(select, magnitude.units);
setOriginalsFromValuesForNode(line, [select]);
const container = document.getElementById("magnitude-units");
container.style.display = "block";
mergeTemplate(container, line);
function emonRatioInfo(id) {
const out = {
id: id,
name: Magnitudes.properties[id].name,
prefix: `${Magnitudes.typePrefix[Magnitudes.properties[id].type]}`,
index_global: `${Magnitudes.properties[id].index_global}`
out.key = `${out.prefix}Ratio${out.index_global}`;
return out;
function initMagnitudesRatio(id, ratio) {
const template = loadTemplate("emon-ratios");
const input = template.querySelector("input");
const info = emonRatioInfo(id);
input.id = info.key;
input.name = input.id;
input.value = ratio;
setOriginalsFromValuesForNode(template, [input]);
const label = template.querySelector("label");
label.textContent = info.name;
label.htmlFor = input.id;
mergeTemplate(document.getElementById("emon-ratios"), template);
function initMagnitudesExpected(id) {
// TODO: also display currently read value?
const template = loadTemplate("emon-expected");
const [expected, result] = template.querySelectorAll("input");
const info = emonRatioInfo(id);
const expectedClass = `emon-expected-${info.prefix}`;
const root = template.children[0];
expected.name += `${info.key}`;
expected.id = expected.name;
expected.dataset["id"] = info.id;
result.name += `${info.key}`;
result.id = result.name;
const label = template.querySelector("label");
label.textContent = info.name;
label.htmlFor = expected.id;
const container = document.getElementById("emon-expected")
const hint_shown = container.querySelector(`.show-${expectedClass}`);
if (hint_shown === null) {
const hint = template.querySelector(`.${expectedClass}`);
hint.style.display = "block";
mergeTemplate(container, template);
function emonCalculateRatios() {
const inputs = document.getElementById("emon-expected")
inputs.forEach((input) => {
if (input.value.length) {
sendAction("emon-expected", {
id: parseInt(input.dataset["id"], 10),
expected: parseFloat(input.value) });
function emonApplyRatios() {
const results = document.getElementById("emon-expected")
results.forEach((result) => {
if (result.value.length) {
const ratio = document.getElementById(
result.name.replace("result:", ""));
ratio.value = result.value;
result.value = "";
const expected = document.getElementById(
result.name.replace("result:", "expected:"));
expected.value = "";
function initMagnitudesSettings(data) {
data.values.forEach((cfg, id) => {
const settings = fromSchema(cfg, data.schema);
if (settings.Ratio) {
initMagnitudesRatio(id, settings.Ratio);
function updateMagnitudes(data) {
data.values.forEach((cfg, id) => {
if (!Magnitudes.properties[id]) {
const magnitude = fromSchema(cfg, data.schema);
const input = document.querySelector(`input[name='magnitude'][data-id='${id}']`);
const value = magnitude.value;
const units = input.dataset.units || "";
input.value = (0 !== magnitude.error)
? Magnitudes.errors[magnitude.error]
: (("nan" === magnitude.value)
? ""
: `${value}${units}`);
if (magnitude.info.length) {
const info = input.parentElement.parentElement.querySelector(".magnitude-info");
info.style.display = "inherit";
info.textContent = magnitude.info;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Thermostat
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function thermostatCheckTempRange(event) {
const min = document.getElementById("tempRangeMinInput");
const max = document.getElementById("tempRangeMaxInput");
if (event.target.id === max.id) {
const maxValue = parseInt(max.value, 10) - 1;
if (parseInt(min.value, 10) > maxValue) {
min.value = maxValue;
} else {
const minValue = parseInt(min.value, 10) + 1;
if (parseInt(max.value, 10) < minValue) {
max.value = minValue;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Curtains
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function curtainButtonHandler(event) {
if (event.type !== "click") {
let code = -1;
const list = event.target.classList;
if (list.contains("button-curtain-pause")) {
code = 0;
} else if (list.contains("button-curtain-open")) {
code = 1;
} else if (list.contains("button-curtain-close")) {
code = 2;
if (code >= 0) {
sendAction("curtainAction", {button: code});
event.target.style.background = "red";
function curtainSetHandler(event) {
sendAction("curtainAction", {position: event.target.value});
//Create the controls for one curtain. It is called when curtain is updated (so created the first time)
//Let this there as we plan to have more than one curtain per switch
function initCurtain() {
let container = document.getElementById("curtains");
if (container.childElementCount > 0) {
// simple position slider
document.getElementById("curtainSet").addEventListener("change", curtainSetHandler);
// add and init curtain template, prepare multi switches
let line = loadConfigTemplate("curtain-control");
line.querySelector(".button-curtain-open").addEventListener("click", curtainButtonHandler);
line.querySelector(".button-curtain-pause").addEventListener("click", curtainButtonHandler);
line.querySelector(".button-curtain-close").addEventListener("click", curtainButtonHandler);
mergeTemplate(container, line);
addSimpleEnumerables("curtain", "Curtain", 1);
function setCurtainBackground(a, b) {
let elem = document.getElementById("curtainGetPicture");
elem.style.background = `linear-gradient(${a}, black ${b}%, #a0d6ff ${b}%)`;
function setCurtainBackgroundTwoSides(a, b) {
let elem = document.getElementById("curtainGetPicture");
elem.style.background = `linear-gradient(90deg, black ${a}%, #a0d6ff ${a}% ${b}%, black ${b}%)`;
function updateCurtain(value) {
switch(value.type) {
case '1': //One side left to right
setCurtainBackground('90deg', value.get);
case '2': //One side right to left
setCurtainBackground('270deg', value.get);
case '3': //Two sides
setCurtainBackgroundTwoSides(value.get / 2, (100 - value.get/2));
case '0': //Roller
setCurtainBackground('180deg', value.get);
let set = document.getElementById("curtainSet");
set.value = value.set;
const backgroundMoving = 'rgb(192, 0, 0)';
const backgroundStopped = 'rgb(64, 184, 221)';
if (!value.moving) {
let button = document.querySelector("button.curtain-button");
button.style.background = backgroundStopped;
} else if (!value.button) {
let pause = document.querySelector("button.curtain-pause");
pause.style.background = backgroundMoving;
} else {
let open = document.querySelector("button.button-curtain-open");
let close = document.querySelector("button.button-curtain-close");
if (value.button === 1) {
open.style.background = backgroundMoving;
close.style.background = backgroundStopped;
} else if (value.button === 2) {
open.style.background = backgroundStopped;
close.style.background = backgroundMoving;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Lights
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function colorToHsvString(color) {
var h = String(Math.round(color.hsv.h));
var s = String(Math.round(color.hsv.s));
var v = String(Math.round(color.hsv.v));
return h + "," + s + "," + v;
function hsvStringToColor(hsv) {
var parts = hsv.split(",");
return {
h: parseInt(parts[0]),
s: parseInt(parts[1]),
v: parseInt(parts[2])
function colorSlider(type) {
return {component: iro.ui.Slider, options: {sliderType: type}};
function colorWheel() {
return {component: iro.ui.Wheel, options: {}};
function colorBox() {
return {component: iro.ui.Box, options: {}};
function updateColor(mode, value) {
if (ColorPicker) {
if (mode === "rgb") {
ColorPicker.color.hexString = value;
} else if (mode === "hsv") {
ColorPicker.color.hsv = hsvStringToColor(value);
// TODO: useRGB -> ltWheel?
// TODO: always show wheel + sliders like before?
var layout = []
if (mode === "rgb") {
} else if (mode === "hsv") {
var options = {
color: (mode === "rgb") ? value : hsvStringToColor(value),
layout: layout
// TODO: ref. #2451, this causes pretty fast updates.
// since we immediatly start the transition, debug print's yield() may interrupt us mid initialization
// api could also wait and hold the value for a bit, applying only some of the values between start and end, and then apply the last one
ColorPicker = new iro.ColorPicker("#color", options);
ColorPicker.on("input:change", (color) => {
if (mode === "rgb") {
sendAction("color", {rgb: color.hexString});
} else if (mode === "hsv") {
sendAction("color", {hsv: colorToHsvString(color)});
function onChannelSliderChange(event) {
event.target.nextElementSibling.textContent = event.target.value;
sendAction("channel", {id: event.target.dataset["id"], value: event.target.value});
function onBrightnessSliderChange(event) {
event.target.nextElementSibling.textContent = event.target.value;
sendAction("brightness", {value: event.target.value});
function updateMireds(value) {
let mireds = document.getElementById("mireds");
if (mireds !== null) {
mireds.setAttribute("min", value.cold);
mireds.setAttribute("max", value.warm);
mireds.value = value.value;
mireds.nextElementSibling.textContent = value.value;
let control = loadTemplate("mireds-control");
control.getElementById("mireds").addEventListener("change", (event) => {
event.target.nextElementSibling.textContent = event.target.value;
sendAction("mireds", {mireds: event.target.value});
mergeTemplate(document.getElementById("cct"), control);
function updateBrightness(value) {
let brightness = document.getElementById("brightness");
if (brightness !== null) {
brightness.value = value;
brightness.nextElementSibling.textContent = value;
let template = loadTemplate("brightness-control");
let slider = template.getElementById("brightness");
slider.value = value;
slider.nextElementSibling.textContent = value;
slider.addEventListener("change", onBrightnessSliderChange);
mergeTemplate(document.getElementById("light"), template);
function initChannels(container, channels) {
channels.forEach((value, channel) => {
let line = loadTemplate("channel-control");
line.querySelector("span.slider").dataset["id"] = channel;
let slider = line.querySelector("input.slider");
slider.value = value;
slider.nextElementSibling.textContent = value;
slider.dataset["id"] = channel;
slider.addEventListener("change", onChannelSliderChange);
line.querySelector("label").textContent = "Channel #".concat(channel);
mergeTemplate(container, line);
function updateChannels(channels) {
let container = document.getElementById("channels");
if (container.childElementCount > 0) {
channels.forEach((value, channel) => {
let slider = container.querySelector(`input.slider[data-id='${channel}']`);
if (!slider) {
// If there are RGB controls, no need for raw channel sliders
if (ColorPicker && (channel < 3)) {
slider.parentElement.style.display = "none";
// Or, when there are CCT controls
if ((channel === 3) || (channel === 4)) {
let cct = document.getElementById("cct");
if (cct.childElementCount > 0) {
slider.parentElement.style.display = "none";
slider.value = value;
slider.nextElementSibling.textContent = value;
initChannels(container, channels);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RFBridge
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function rfbAction(event) {
const prefix = "button-rfb-";
let [action] = Array.from(event.target.classList)
.filter(x => x.startsWith(prefix));
if (action) {
let container = event.target.parentElement.parentElement;
let input = container.querySelector("input");
action = action.replace(prefix, "");
sendAction(`rfb${action}`, {
id: input.dataset["id"],
status: input.dataset["status"]
function rfbAdd() {
let container = document.getElementById("rfbNodes");
const id = container.childElementCount;
let line = loadTemplate("rfb-node");
line.querySelector("span").textContent = id;
for (let input of line.querySelectorAll("input")) {
input.dataset["id"] = id;
elementSelectorOnClick(".button-rfb-learn", rfbAction);
elementSelectorOnClick(".button-rfb-forget", rfbAction);
elementSelectorOnClick(".button-rfb-send", rfbAction);
mergeTemplate(container, line);
return false;
function rfbSelector(id, status) {
return `input[name='rfbcode'][data-id='${id}'][data-status='${status}']`;
function rfbHandleCodes(value) {
value.codes.forEach((codes, id) => {
let realId = id + value.start;
let [off, on] = codes;
document.querySelector(rfbSelector(realId, 0)).value = off;
document.querySelector(rfbSelector(realId, 1)).value = on;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// LightFox
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function lightfoxLearn() {
function lightfoxClear() {
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Processing
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function processData(data) {
if (Debug) {
// title
if ("app_name" in data) {
let title = data.app_name;
if ("app_version" in data) {
let span = document.querySelector("span[data-key='version']");
span.textContent = data.app_version;
title = title + " " + data.app_version;
if ("hostname" in data) {
title = data.hostname + " - " + title;
document.title = title;
Object.keys(data).forEach((key) => {
let value = data[key];
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Web mode & modules
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if ("webMode" === key) {
let initial = (1 === value);
let layout = document.getElementById("layout");
layout.style.display = initial ? "none" : "inherit";
let password = document.getElementById("password");
password.style.display = initial ? "inherit" : "none";
if ("modulesVisible" === key) {
// TODO: Move to another 'module' that saves the energy data and have a common setting?
if (value.includes("pzem")) {
document.querySelector("input[name='snsSave']").disabled = true;
value.forEach((module) => {
if ("gpioConfig" === key) {
let types = [];
for (const [type, id] of value.types) {
"id": id,
"name": type
let gpios = [{"id": 153, "name": "NONE"}];
value[type].forEach((pin) => {
gpios.push({"id": pin, "name": `GPIO${pin}`});
addEnumerables(`gpio-${type}`, gpios);
addEnumerables("gpio-types", types);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Actions
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if ("action" === key) {
if ("reload" === data.action) {
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// RFBridge
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if ("rfbCount" === key) {
for (let i = 0; i < data.rfbCount; ++i) {
if ("rfb" === key) {
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// RFM69
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if ("rfm69" === key) {
if (value.message !== undefined) {
if (value.mapping !== undefined) {
value.mapping.forEach((mapping) => {
rfm69AddMapping(fromSchema(mapping, value.schema));
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// RPN Rules
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if ("rpnRules" === key) {
for (let rule of value) {
rpnAddRule({"rpnRule": rule});
if ("rpnTopics" === key) {
value.topics.forEach((topic) => {
rpnAddTopic(fromSchema(topic, value.schema));
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Curtains
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if ("curtainState" === key) {
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Lights
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if ("lightstate" === key) {
let color = document.getElementById("color");
color.style.display = value ? "inherit" : "none";
if (("rgb" === key) || ("hsv" === key)) {
updateColor(key, value);
if ("brightness" === key) {
if ("channels" === key) {
addSimpleEnumerables("channel", "Channel", value.length);
if ("mireds" === key) {
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sensors & Magnitudes
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if ("magnitudes-init" === key) {
if ("magnitudes-module" === key) {
if ("magnitudes-list" === key) {
initMagnitudesList(value, [
createMagnitudeUnitSelector, createMagnitudeInfo]);
if ("magnitudes-settings" === key) {
if ("magnitudes" === key) {
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// WiFi
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if ("wifiConfig" === key) {
let container = document.getElementById("networks");
container.dataset["settingsMax"] = value.max;
value.networks.forEach((entries) => {
wifiNetworkAdd(fromSchema(entries, value.schema), false);
if ("scanResult" === key) {
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Relays scheduler
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ("schConfig" === key) {
let container = document.getElementById("schedules");
container.dataset["settingsMax"] = value.max;
value.schedules.forEach((entries) => {
schAdd(fromSchema(entries, value.schema));
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Relays
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if ("relayConfig" === key) {
let container = document.getElementById("relays");
if (container.childElementCount > 0) {
let relays = [];
value.relays.forEach((entries, id) => {
let cfg = fromSchema(entries, value.schema);
if (!cfg.relayName || !cfg.relayName.length) {
cfg.relayName = `Switch #${id}`;
"id": id,
"name": `${cfg.relayName} (${cfg.relayProv})`
initRelayToggle(id, cfg);
initRelayConfig(id, cfg);
addEnumerables("relay", relays);
if ("relayState" === key) {
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// LEDs
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if ("ledConfig" === key) {
let container = document.getElementById("leds");
if (container.childElementCount > 0) {
value.leds.forEach((entries) => {
ledAdd(fromSchema(entries, value.schema));
addSimpleEnumerables("led", "LED", value.leds.length);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Special mapping for domoticz and thingspeak
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if ("dczRelays" === key) {
createRelayList(value, "dczRelays", "dcz-relay");
if ("tspkRelays" === key) {
createRelayList(value, "tspkRelays", "tspk-relay");
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// General
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if ("saved" === key) {
Settings.saved = value;
if ("message" === key) {
// TODO: squash into a single message, needs a reworked debug buffering
if ("log" === key) {
let msg = value["msg"];
let pre = value["pre"];
for (let i = 0; i < msg.length; ++i) {
if (pre[i]) {
if ("deviceip" === key) {
const deviceAddress = document.querySelector(`span[data-key='${key}']`);
deviceAddress.textContent = value;
deviceAddress.parentElement.setAttribute("href", "//".concat(value));
const telnetAddress = document.querySelector("span[data-key='telnetip']");
telnetAddress.textContent = value;
telnetAddress.parentElement.setAttribute("href", "telnet://".concat(value));
if ("uptime" === key) {
if ("now" === key) {
Now = parseInt(value, 10);
if ("free_size" === key) {
FreeSize = parseInt(value, 10);
initGenericKeyValueElement(key, value);
if ("mqttStatus" === key) {
initGenericKeyValueElement(key, value ? "CONNECTED" : "DISCONNECTED");
if ("ntpStatus" === key) {
initGenericKeyValueElement(key, value ? "SYNC'D" : "NOT SYNC'D");
initGenericKeyValueElement(key, value);
function onElementChange(event) {
let action = event.target.dataset["action"];
if ("none" === action) {
let originalValue = event.target.dataset["original"];
let newValue;
if ((event.target.tagName === "INPUT") && (event.target.type === "checkbox")) {
originalValue = stringToBoolean(originalValue);
newValue = event.target.checked;
} else if (event.target.tagName === "SELECT") {
newValue = stringifySelectedValues(event.target);
} else {
newValue = event.target.value;
if (typeof originalValue === "undefined") {
let changed = isChangedElement(event.target);
if (newValue !== originalValue) {
if (!changed) {
if (action in Settings.counters) {
} else {
if (changed) {
if (action in Settings.counters) {
function listenChanged(selector) {
for (let elem of document.querySelectorAll(selector)) {
elem.addEventListener("change", onElementChange);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Init & connect
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function onWebSocketMessage(event) {
var data = {};
try {
data = JSON.parse(event.data
.replace(/\n/g, "\\n")
.replace(/\r/g, "\\r")
.replace(/\t/g, "\\t"));
} catch (e) {
notifyError(null, null, 0, 0, e);
function webSocketPing() {
function onWebSocketOpen() {
WebsockPingPong = setInterval(webSocketPing, 5000);
function onWebSocketClose() {
if (window.confirm("Connection lost with the device, click OK to refresh the page")) {
let layout = document.getElementById("layout");
layout.style.display = "none";
function connectToURL(url) {
Urls = new UrlsBase(url);
setInterval(() => keepTime(), 1000);
fetch(Urls.auth.href, {
'method': 'GET',
'cors': true,
'credentials': 'same-origin'
}).then((response) => {
if (response.status === 200) {
if (Websock) {
Websock = new WebSocket(Urls.ws.href);
Websock.onmessage = onWebSocketMessage;
Websock.onclose = onWebSocketClose;
Websock.onopen = onWebSocketOpen;
document.getElementById("downloader").href = Urls.config.href;
// Nothing to do, reload page and retry on errors
notifyError(`${Urls.ws.href} responded with status code ${response.status}, reloading the page`, null, 0, 0, null);
}).catch((error) => {
notifyError(null, null, 0, 0, error);
function connect(host) {
if (!host.startsWith("http:") && !host.startsWith("https:")) {
host = "http://" + host;
connectToURL(new URL(host));
function connectToCurrentURL() {
connectToURL(new URL(window.location));
// TODO: modularize initialization with separate files?
function main() {
// Initial page, when webMode only allows to change the password
// Sidebar menu & buttons
elementSelectorOnClick(".menu-link", toggleMenu);
elementSelectorOnClick(".pure-menu-link", showPanel);
elementSelectorOnClick(".button-update", (event) => {
elementSelectorOnClick(".button-reconnect", askAndCallReconnect);
elementSelectorOnClick(".button-reboot", askAndCallReboot);
// Generic action sender
elementSelectorOnClick(".button-simple-action", askAndCallAction);
// WiFi config
elementSelectorOnClick(".button-wifi-scan", startWifiScan);
// OTA
let upgrade = document.querySelector("input[name='upgrade']");
elementSelectorOnClick(".button-upgrade-browse", () => {
upgrade.addEventListener("change", (event) => {
document.querySelector("input[name='filename']").value = event.target.files[0].name;
// Module specific elements
elementSelectorListener(".button-emon-expected", "click", showPanel);
elementSelectorListener(".button-emon-expected-calculate", "click", emonCalculateRatios);
elementSelectorListener(".button-emon-expected-apply", "click", emonApplyRatios);
elementSelectorListener(".checkbox-garland-enable", "change", (event) => {
sendAction("garland_switch", {status: event.target.checked ? 1 : 0});
elementSelectorListener(".slider-garland-brightness", "change", (event) => {
sendAction("garland_set_brightness", {brightness: event.target.value});
elementSelectorListener(".slider-garland-speed", "change", (event) => {
sendAction("garland_set_speed", {speed: event.target.value});
elementSelectorOnClick(".button-garland-set-default", () => {
sendAction("garland_set_default", {});
elementSelectorOnClick(".button-thermostat-reset-counters", () => {
const questions = [askSaveSettings, (ask) => ask("Are you sure you want to reset burning counters?")];
askAndCall(questions, () => {
elementSelectorListener("#tempRangeMaxInput", "change", thermostatCheckTempRange);
elementSelectorListener("#tempRangeMinInput", "change", thermostatCheckTempRange);
elementSelectorOnClick(".button-lightfox-learn", lightfoxLearn);
elementSelectorOnClick(".button-lightfox-clear", lightfoxClear);
elementSelectorOnClick(".button-clear-counts", rfm69ClearCounters);
elementSelectorOnClick(".button-clear-messages", rfm69ClearMessages);
elementSelectorOnClick(".button-clear-filters", rfm69ClearFilters);
elementSelectorOnClick("#rfm69-messages tbody", rfm69FilterEvent);
groupSettingsOnAdd("rfm69-mapping", () => {
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// While the settings are grouped using forms, actual submit is useless here
// b/c the data is intended to be sent with the websocket connection and never through some http endpoint
// *NOTICE* that manual event cancellation should happen asap, any exceptions will stop the specific
// handler function, but will not stop anything else left in the chain.
for (let form of document.forms) {
if (form.id === "form-cmd") {
form.addEventListener("submit", (event) => {
const line = event.target.elements.cmd.value;
event.target.elements.cmd.value = "";
sendAction("cmd", {line});
} else {
form.addEventListener("submit", (event) => {
// we also need a special handler for the output scroll keep-up
// make sure we allow scrolling up to search through the log, but stick
// to the bottom either after stopping the scroll there or a cmd input
CmdOutput = new CmdOutputBase(document.getElementById("cmd-output"));
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
elementSelectorOnClick(".password-reveal", toggleVisiblePassword);
elementSelectorOnClick(".button-dbg-clear", (event) => {
elementSelectorOnClick(".button-settings-backup", () => {
elementSelectorOnClick(".button-settings-factory", resetToFactoryDefaults);
elementSelectorOnClick(".button-upgrade", handleFirmwareUpgrade);
document.getElementById("uploader").addEventListener("change", handleSettingsFile);
elementSelectorOnClick(".button-settings-restore", () => {
elementSelectorOnClick(".button-apikey", generateApiKey);
elementSelectorOnClick(".button-add-settings-group", groupSettingsAdd);
groupSettingsOnAdd("networks", () => {
groupSettingsOnAdd("leds", () => {
groupSettingsOnAdd("schedules", () => {
if (event.detail.target) {
schAdd({schType: event.detail.target});
groupSettingsOnAdd("rpn-rules", () => {
groupSettingsOnAdd("rpn-topics", () => {
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// No group handler should be registered after this point, since we depend on the order
// of registration to trigger 'after-add' handler and update group attributes *after*
// module function finishes modifying the container
for (const group of document.querySelectorAll(".settings-group")) {
group.addEventListener("settings-group-add", groupSettingsHandler.add, false);
group.addEventListener("settings-group-del", groupSettingsHandler.del, false);
// don't autoconnect when opening from filesystem
if (window.location.protocol === "file:") {
processData({webMode: 0});
// Optionally, support host=... param that could redirect to somewhere else
// Note of the Cross-Origin rules that apply, and require device to handle them
const search = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search),
host = search.get("host");
if (host !== null) {
} else {
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", main);