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Based on esp8266 / esp32 configTime and C date and time functions:
- https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino/blob/master/libraries/esp8266/examples/NTP-TZ-DST/NTP-TZ-DST.ino
- https://www.nongnu.org/lwip/2_1_x/group__sntp.html
- man 3 ctime
Copyright (C) 2019 by Maxim Prokhorov <prokhorov dot max at outlook dot com>
#include "ntp.h"
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <coredecls.h>
#include <Ticker.h>
#include <lwip/apps/sntp.h>
#include <TZ.h>
#include <forward_list>
"lwip must be configured with SNTP_SERVER_DNS"
#include "config/buildtime.h"
#include "ntp_timelib.h"
#include "ws.h"
// Arduino/esp8266 lwip2 custom functions that can be redefined
// Must return time in milliseconds, legacy settings are in seconds.
namespace {
uint32_t _ntp_startup_delay = (NTP_START_DELAY * 1000);
uint32_t _ntp_update_delay = (NTP_UPDATE_INTERVAL * 1000);
} // namespace
uint32_t sntp_startup_delay_MS_rfc_not_less_than_60000() {
return _ntp_startup_delay;
uint32_t sntp_update_delay_MS_rfc_not_less_than_15000() {
return _ntp_update_delay;
// We also must shim TimeLib functions until everything else is ported.
// We can't sometimes avoid TimeLib as dependancy though, which would be really bad
namespace {
static bool _ntp_synced = false;
static time_t _ntp_last = 0;
static time_t _ntp_ts = 0;
static tm _ntp_tm_local;
static tm _ntp_tm_utc;
void _ntpTmCache(time_t ts) {
if (_ntp_ts != ts) {
_ntp_ts = ts;
localtime_r(&_ntp_ts, &_ntp_tm_local);
gmtime_r(&_ntp_ts, &_ntp_tm_utc);
} // namespace
int hour(time_t ts) {
return _ntp_tm_local.tm_hour;
int minute(time_t ts) {
return _ntp_tm_local.tm_min;
int second(time_t ts) {
return _ntp_tm_local.tm_sec;
int day(time_t ts) {
return _ntp_tm_local.tm_mday;
// `tm.tm_wday` range is 0..6, TimeLib is 1..7
int weekday(time_t ts) {
return _ntp_tm_local.tm_wday + 1;
// `tm.tm_mon` range is 0..11, TimeLib range is 1..12
int month(time_t ts) {
return _ntp_tm_local.tm_mon + 1;
int year(time_t ts) {
return _ntp_tm_local.tm_year + 1900;
int utc_hour(time_t ts) {
return _ntp_tm_utc.tm_hour;
int utc_minute(time_t ts) {
return _ntp_tm_utc.tm_min;
int utc_second(time_t ts) {
return _ntp_tm_utc.tm_sec;
int utc_day(time_t ts) {
return _ntp_tm_utc.tm_mday;
int utc_weekday(time_t ts) {
return _ntp_tm_utc.tm_wday + 1;
int utc_month(time_t ts) {
return _ntp_tm_utc.tm_mon + 1;
int utc_year(time_t ts) {
return _ntp_tm_utc.tm_year + 1900;
time_t now() {
return time(nullptr);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace {
bool _ntpWebSocketOnKeyCheck(const char * key, JsonVariant& value) {
return (strncmp(key, "ntp", 3) == 0);
void _ntpWebSocketOnVisible(JsonObject& root) {
wsPayloadModule(root, "ntp");
void _ntpWebSocketOnData(JsonObject& root) {
root["ntpStatus"] = ntpSynced();
void _ntpWebSocketOnConnected(JsonObject& root) {
root["ntpServer"] = getSetting("ntpServer", F(NTP_SERVER));
root["ntpTZ"] = getSetting("ntpTZ", NTP_TIMEZONE);
String _ntpGetServer() {
String server;
server = sntp_getservername(0);
if (!server.length()) {
auto ip = IPAddress(sntp_getserver(0));
if (ip) {
server = ip.toString();
return server;
} // namespace
NtpInfo ntpInfo() {
NtpInfo result;
auto ts = now();
result.now = ts;
tm sync_tm;
gmtime_r(&_ntp_last, &sync_tm);
result.sync = ntpDateTime(&sync_tm);
tm utc_tm;
gmtime_r(&ts, &utc_tm);
result.utc = ntpDateTime(&utc_tm);
const char* cfg_tz = getenv("TZ");
if ((cfg_tz != nullptr) && (strcmp(cfg_tz, "UTC0") != 0)) {
tm local_tm;
localtime_r(&ts, &local_tm);
result.local = ntpDateTime(&local_tm);
result.tz = cfg_tz;
return result;
namespace {
String _ntp_server;
void _ntpReport() {
if (!ntpSynced()) {
DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[NTP] Not synced\n"));
auto info = ntpInfo();
DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[NTP] Server : %s\n"), _ntp_server.c_str());
DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[NTP] Sync Time : %s (UTC)\n"), info.sync.c_str());
DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[NTP] UTC Time : %s\n"), info.utc.c_str());
if (info.tz.length()) {
DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[NTP] Local Time : %s (%s)\n"), info.local.c_str(), info.tz.c_str());
void _ntpConfigure() {
// Ignore or accept the DHCP SNTP option
// When enabled, it is possible that lwip will replace the NTP server pointer from under us
sntp_servermode_dhcp(getSetting("ntpDhcp", 1 == NTP_DHCP_SERVER));
// Note: TZ_... provided by the Core are already wrapped with PSTR(...)
// but, String() already handles every char pointer as a flash-string
auto cfg_tz = getSetting("ntpTZ", NTP_TIMEZONE);
const char* active_tz = getenv("TZ");
bool changed = cfg_tz != active_tz;
if (changed) {
if (cfg_tz.length()) {
setenv("TZ", cfg_tz.c_str(), 1);
} else {
const auto cfg_server = getSetting("ntpServer", F(NTP_SERVER));
const auto active_server = _ntpGetServer();
changed = (cfg_server != active_server) || changed;
// We skip configTime() API since we already set the TZ just above
// (and most of the time we expect NTP server to proxy to multiple servers instead of defining more than one here)
if (changed) {
_ntp_server = cfg_server;
sntp_setservername(0, _ntp_server.c_str());
DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[NTP] Server: %s, TZ: %s\n"), cfg_server.c_str(),
cfg_tz.length() ? cfg_tz.c_str() : "UTC0");
} // namespace
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool ntpSynced() {
return _ntp_synced;
String ntpDateTime(tm* timestruct) {
char buffer[32];
snprintf_P(buffer, sizeof(buffer),
PSTR("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d"),
timestruct->tm_year + 1900,
timestruct->tm_mon + 1,
return String(buffer);
String ntpDateTime(time_t ts) {
tm timestruct;
localtime_r(&ts, &timestruct);
return ntpDateTime(&timestruct);
String ntpDateTime() {
if (ntpSynced()) {
return ntpDateTime(now());
return String();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace {
using NtpTickCallbacks = std::forward_list<NtpTickCallback>;
NtpTickCallbacks _ntp_tick_callbacks;
Ticker _ntp_tick;
void _ntpTickSchedule(int offset);
void _ntpTickCallback() {
if (!ntpSynced()) {
const auto ts = now();
tm local_tm;
localtime_r(&ts, &local_tm);
int now_hour = local_tm.tm_hour;
int now_minute = local_tm.tm_min;
static int last_hour = -1;
static int last_minute = -1;
// notify subscribers about each tick interval (note that both can happen simultaneously)
if (last_hour != now_hour) {
last_hour = now_hour;
for (auto& callback : _ntp_tick_callbacks) {
if (last_minute != now_minute) {
last_minute = now_minute;
for (auto& callback : _ntp_tick_callbacks) {
// try to autocorrect each invocation
_ntpTickSchedule(60 - local_tm.tm_sec);
// XXX: NONOS SDK docs for some reason mention 100 micros as minimum time. Schedule next second in case this is 0
void _ntpTickSchedule(int offset) {
static bool scheduled { false };
if (!scheduled) {
scheduled = true;
_ntp_tick.once_scheduled(offset ? offset : 1, []() {
scheduled = false;
void _ntpSetTimeOfDayCallback() {
_ntp_synced = true;
_ntp_last = time(nullptr);
static bool once = true;
if (once) {
once = false;
void _ntpSetTimestamp(time_t ts) {
timeval tv { ts, 0 };
timezone tz { 0, 0 };
settimeofday(&tv, &tz);
} // namespace
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace {
void _ntpConvertLegacyOffsets() {
bool save { true };
bool found { false };
bool europe { true };
bool dst { true };
int offset { 60 };
settings::internal::foreach([&](settings::kvs_type::KeyValueResult&& kv) {
const auto key = kv.key.read();
if (key == F("ntpTZ")) {
save = false;
} else if (key == F("ntpOffset")) {
offset = settings::internal::convert<int>(kv.value.read());
found = true;
} else if (key == F("ntpDST")) {
dst = settings::internal::convert<bool>(kv.value.read());
found = true;
} else if (key == F("ntpRegion")) {
europe = (0 == settings::internal::convert<int>(kv.value.read()));
found = true;
if (save && found) {
// XXX: only expect offsets in hours
String custom { europe ? F("CET") : F("CST") };
if (offset > 0) {
custom += '-';
custom += abs(offset) / 60;
if (dst) {
custom += europe ? F("CEST") : F("EDT");
if (europe) {
custom += F(",M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3");
} else {
custom += F(",M3.2.0,M11.1.0");
setSetting("ntpTZ", custom);
} // namespace
void ntpOnTick(NtpTickCallback callback) {
void ntpSetup() {
// Randomized in time to avoid clogging the server with simultaneous requests from multiple devices
// (for example, when multiple devices start up at the same time)
const uint32_t startup_delay = getSetting("ntpStartDelay", NTP_START_DELAY);
const uint32_t update_delay = getSetting("ntpUpdateIntvl", NTP_UPDATE_INTERVAL);
_ntp_startup_delay = secureRandom(startup_delay, startup_delay * 2);
_ntp_update_delay = secureRandom(update_delay, update_delay * 2);
DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[NTP] Startup delay: %u (s), Update delay: %u (s)\n"),
_ntp_startup_delay, _ntp_update_delay);
_ntp_startup_delay = _ntp_startup_delay * 1000;
_ntp_update_delay = _ntp_update_delay * 1000;
// start up with some reasonable timestamp already available
// will be called every time after ntp syncs AND loop() finishes
// generic configuration, always handled
// make sure our logic does know about the actual server
// in case dhcp sends out ntp settings
static WiFiEventHandler on_sta = WiFi.onStationModeGotIP([](WiFiEventStationModeGotIP) {
if (!sntp_enabled()) {
auto server = _ntpGetServer();
if (!server.length()) {
DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[NTP] Updating `ntpDhcp` to ignore the DHCP values\n"));
setSetting("ntpDhcp", "0");
if (!_ntp_server.length() || (server != _ntp_server)) {
DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[NTP] Updating `ntpServer` setting from DHCP: %s\n"), server.c_str());
_ntp_server = server;
setSetting("ntpServer", server);
// optional functionality
terminalRegisterCommand(F("NTP"), [](const terminal::CommandContext&) {
terminalRegisterCommand(F("NTP.SETTIME"), [](const terminal::CommandContext& ctx) {
if (ctx.argc != 2) return;
_ntp_synced = true;
// TODO:
// terminalRegisterCommand(F("NTP.SYNC"), [](const terminal::CommandContext&) { ... }
#endif // NTP_SUPPORT