Mirror of espurna firmware for wireless switches and more
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

449 lines
9.4 KiB

Part of the SETTINGS module
Copyright (C) 2016-2019 by Xose Pérez <xose dot perez at gmail dot com>
Copyright (C) 2020-2023 by Maxim Prokhorov <prokhorov dot max at outlook dot com>
#pragma once
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include "types.h"
namespace espurna {
namespace settings {
class Key {
Key() = default;
Key(const Key&) = default;
Key(Key&&) = default;
Key(const char* key) :
Key(const __FlashStringHelper* key) :
Key(const String& key) :
Key(String&& key) :
Key(StringView key) :
Key(const String& prefix, size_t index) :
_key += index;
Key(String&& prefix, size_t index) :
_key += index;
Key(StringView key, size_t index) :
Key(key.toString(), index)
Key(const char* prefix, size_t index) :
_key += index;
Key(const __FlashStringHelper* prefix, size_t index) :
Key(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(prefix), index)
const char* c_str() const {
return _key.c_str();
size_t length() const {
return _key.length();
template <typename T>
bool operator==(T&& other) const {
return _key == other;
const String& value() const {
return _key;
explicit operator String() const & {
return _key;
explicit operator String() && {
return std::move(_key);
explicit operator StringView() {
return StringView(_key.c_str(), _key.length());
String _key;
// 'optional' type for a byte range (...from the settings storage)
struct ValueResult {
ValueResult() = default;
ValueResult(const ValueResult&) = default;
ValueResult(ValueResult&&) = default;
explicit ValueResult(const String& value) :
explicit ValueResult(String&& value) :
template <typename T>
ValueResult& operator=(T&& value) {
if (!_result) {
_result = true;
_value = std::forward<T>(value);
return *this;
explicit operator bool() const {
return _result;
String get() && {
auto moved = std::move(_value);
_result = false;
return moved;
espurna::StringView view() const {
return _value;
const String& ref() const {
return _value;
const char* c_str() const {
return _value.c_str();
size_t length() const {
return _value.length();
String _value;
bool _result { false };
// generic number range
struct Iota {
Iota() = default;
constexpr explicit Iota(size_t end) noexcept :
constexpr Iota(size_t begin, size_t end) noexcept :
constexpr Iota(size_t begin, size_t end, size_t step) noexcept :
#if __cplusplus >= 201703L
Iota& operator++() {
if (_it != _end) {
_it = ((_it + _step) > _end)
? _end : (_it + _step);
return *this;
#if __cplusplus >= 201703L
Iota operator++(int) {
Iota out(*this);
return out;
constexpr explicit operator bool() const {
return _it != _end;
constexpr size_t operator*() const {
return _it;
constexpr size_t end() const {
return _end;
size_t _it { 0 };
size_t _end { 0 };
size_t _step { 1 };
namespace options {
struct EnumerationNumericHelper {
static bool check(const String& value);
template <typename Value>
struct alignas(8) Enumeration {
static_assert(std::is_enum<Value>::value, "");
using ValueType = Value;
using UnderlyingType = typename std::underlying_type<Value>::type;
static_assert((alignof(UnderlyingType) % 4) == 0, "");
struct Numeric {
using Convert = UnderlyingType(*)(const String&);
bool check(const String& value, Convert convert) {
_checked = false;
if (EnumerationNumericHelper::check(value)) {
_value = convert(value);
_checked = true;
return _checked;
explicit operator bool() const {
return _checked;
UnderlyingType value() const {
return _value;
UnderlyingType _value{};
bool _checked { false };
Enumeration() = delete;
constexpr Enumeration(ValueType value, const char* string) noexcept :
constexpr ValueType value() const {
return _value;
constexpr UnderlyingType numeric() const {
return static_cast<UnderlyingType>(_value);
constexpr const char* string() const {
return _string;
bool operator==(const String& string) const {
return strcmp_P(string.c_str(), _string) == 0;
ValueType _value;
const char* _string;
} // namespace options
namespace query {
inline bool samePrefix(StringView key, StringView prefix) {
return key.startsWith(prefix);
struct StringViewIterator {
using Element = const StringView*;
StringViewIterator() = delete;
StringViewIterator(const StringViewIterator&) = default;
StringViewIterator(StringViewIterator&&) = default;
constexpr StringViewIterator(Element begin, Element end) noexcept :
StringViewIterator(std::initializer_list<StringView>&& values) noexcept :
StringViewIterator& operator++() {
if (_it != _end) {
return *this;
StringViewIterator operator++(int) {
StringViewIterator out(*this);
return out;
constexpr Element operator*() const {
return _it;
constexpr Element begin() const {
return _begin;
constexpr Element end() const {
return _end;
Element _it;
Element _begin;
Element _end;
// static container to allow queries on an array of key<->serialized value pairs
// both require a linear iterators as input e.g. most commonly - a static array
// (either a plain [], or an std::array. template should treat both equally)
// single key variant, exact match of the provided string
struct alignas(8) Setting {
using ValueFunc = String(*)();
Setting() = delete;
constexpr Setting(StringView key, ValueFunc func) noexcept :
constexpr StringView key() const {
return _key;
String value() const {
return _func();
bool operator==(const String& key) const {
return _key == key;
bool operator==(StringView key) const {
return _key == key;
static const Setting* findFrom(const Setting* begin, const Setting* end, StringView key);
template <typename T>
static const Setting* findFrom(const T& settings, StringView key) {
return findFrom(std::begin(settings), std::end(settings), key);
static String findValueFrom(const Setting* begin, const Setting* end, StringView key);
template <typename T>
static String findValueFrom(const T& settings, StringView key) {
return findValueFrom(std::begin(settings), std::end(settings), key);
StringView _key;
ValueFunc _func;
// 'indexed' variant, for a group of objects under the same prefix with a numeric suffix
// (suffix range depends on the external 'iota', only known at runtime)
struct alignas(8) IndexedSetting {
using ValueFunc = String(*)(size_t);
IndexedSetting() = delete;
constexpr IndexedSetting(StringView prefix, ValueFunc func) noexcept :
String value(size_t id) const {
return _func(id);
constexpr ValueFunc func() const {
return _func;
constexpr StringView prefix() const {
return _prefix;
static bool findSamePrefix(const IndexedSetting* begin, const IndexedSetting* end, StringView key);
template <typename T>
static bool findSamePrefix(const T& settings, StringView key) {
return findSamePrefix(std::begin(settings), std::end(settings), key);
static String findValueFrom(Iota iota, const IndexedSetting* begin, const IndexedSetting* end, StringView key);
template <typename T>
static String findValueFrom(Iota iota, const T& settings, StringView key) {
return findValueFrom(iota, std::begin(settings), std::end(settings), key);
template <typename T>
static String findValueFrom(size_t size, const T& settings, StringView key) {
return findValueFrom(Iota{size}, settings, key);
StringView _prefix;
ValueFunc _func;
} // namespace query
} // namespace settings
} // namespace espurna