Mirror of espurna firmware for wireless switches and more
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Copyright (C) 2017-2019 by Xose Pérez <xose dot perez at gmail dot com>
#include "espurna.h"
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <bitset>
#include <utility>
#include "mcp23s08_pin.h"
#include "rtcmem.h"
#include "terminal.h"
#include "ws.h"
namespace espurna {
namespace peripherals {
namespace {
// TODO: `struct Register { ... }` with additional size params?
// e.g. GPIO IN / OUT register is techically u16, and we don't detect writing past the allowed 'mask'
// something with direct field access may be useful, too; like handling function-select for io mux
// but, *something other than bitfields*, since we can't really guarantee compiler won't optimize reads / writes
// (and since we are not bound by the SDK requirement of writing in C, and could just write C++ code)
inline uint32_t reg_read(uintptr_t) __attribute__((always_inline));
uint32_t reg_read(uintptr_t address) {
return *reinterpret_cast<volatile uint32_t*>(address);
inline void reg_write(uintptr_t, uint32_t) __attribute__((always_inline));
void reg_write(uintptr_t address, uint32_t value) {
*reinterpret_cast<volatile uint32_t*>(address) = value;
template <typename T>
inline void reg_apply(uintptr_t, T&&) __attribute__((always_inline));
template <typename T>
void reg_apply(uintptr_t address, T&& func) {
static_assert(!std::is_integral<T>::value, "");
reg_write(address, func(reg_read(address)));
// At the time of writing this...
// Current version of Arduino Core uses NONOS, plus a set of "AVR-Style" macros
// - https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino/blob/3.0.2/cores/esp8266/esp8266_peri.h
// NONOS does not really have a very good register reference
// - https://github.com/espressif/ESP8266_NONOS_SDK/blob/release/v3.0.5/include/eagle_soc.h
// (base addresses, register get / set macros, etc.)
// - https://github.com/espressif/ESP8266_NONOS_SDK/blob/release/v3.0.5/driver_lib/include/driver/slc_register.h
// - https://github.com/espressif/ESP8266_NONOS_SDK/blob/release/v3.0.5/driver_lib/include/driver/spi_register.h
// - https://github.com/espressif/ESP8266_NONOS_SDK/blob/release/v3.0.5/driver_lib/include/driver/uart_register.h
// (note that Core still uses v2.2, but it is not available through github)
// While the more recent RTOS SDK (based on esp-idf v3.4) has even more *_register.h headers
// Plus, especially helpful are the newly introduced *_struct.h headers, where structs are mapped
// on register memory addresses and specific bits or range of bits are declared through bitfields.
// - https://github.com/espressif/ESP8266_RTOS_SDK/blob/release/v3.4/components/esp8266/include/esp8266/eagle_soc.h
// - https://github.com/espressif/ESP8266_RTOS_SDK/blob/release/v3.4/components/esp8266/include/esp8266/efuse_register.h
// - https://github.com/espressif/ESP8266_RTOS_SDK/blob/release/v3.4/components/esp8266/include/esp8266/pin_mux_register.h
// - https://github.com/espressif/ESP8266_RTOS_SDK/blob/release/v3.4/components/esp8266/include/esp8266/rtc_register.h
// - https://github.com/espressif/ESP8266_RTOS_SDK/blob/release/v3.4/components/esp8266/include/esp8266/slc_register.h
// - https://github.com/espressif/ESP8266_RTOS_SDK/blob/release/v3.4/components/esp8266/include/esp8266/spi_register.h
// - https://github.com/espressif/ESP8266_RTOS_SDK/blob/release/v3.4/components/esp8266/include/esp8266/timer_register.h
// - https://github.com/espressif/ESP8266_RTOS_SDK/blob/release/v3.4/components/esp8266/include/esp8266/uart_register.h
// Current ESP32 boards have CMSIS-SVD (.svd) that may be used for code generation
// - https://github.com/espressif/svd/
// But, there does not seem to be anything up-to-date for ESP8266.
// Rust-based esp-pacs project provides one
// - https://github.com/esp-rs/esp-pacs/blob/main/esp8266/svd/esp8266.base.svd
// Be aware that it suffers the same problem as RTOS implementation, though,
// sometimes mixing in ESP32 terms that don't really apply to ESP8266
// Here we opt into the RTOS-style approach, but have it private to this file.
static constexpr uintptr_t AddressBase { 0x60000000 };
namespace efuse {
static constexpr uintptr_t AddressBase { 0x3ff00050 };
static constexpr uintptr_t Data0 { AddressBase };
static constexpr uintptr_t Data1 { AddressBase + 0x4 };
static constexpr uintptr_t Data2 { AddressBase + 0x8 };
static constexpr uintptr_t Data3 { AddressBase + 0xc };
using Data = std::array<uint32_t, 4>;
inline Data data() {
return {{
} // namespace efuse
namespace rtc {
static constexpr uintptr_t AddressBase { peripherals::AddressBase + 0x700 };
static constexpr uintptr_t PadXpdDcdcConf { AddressBase + 0xA0 };
static constexpr uintptr_t GpioOutput { AddressBase + 0x68 };
static constexpr uintptr_t GpioEnable { AddressBase + 0x74 };
static constexpr uintptr_t GpioInput { AddressBase + 0x8C };
static constexpr uintptr_t GpioConf { AddressBase + 0x90 };
// 2 low bits, 1 high; same as iomux register
static constexpr uint32_t FunctionSelectMask { (1 << 6) | (1 << 1) | 1 };
// no other pin allows pulldown
static constexpr uint32_t Pulldown { (1 << 3) };
inline bool gpio16_get() __attribute__((always_inline));
bool gpio16_get() {
return reg_read(GpioInput) & 0b1;
inline void gpio16_set(bool) __attribute__((always_inline));
void gpio16_set(bool status) {
[=](uint32_t value) {
return status ? (value | 0b1) : (value & ~0b1);
void gpio16_mode(int8_t mode) {
[=](uint32_t value) {
// Like RTOS attempts to preserve existing function-select,
// first masking with the full mask and then setting the 1st bit
// (neither RTOS or NONOS really explain it... so, :shrug:)
value &= ~FunctionSelectMask;
value |= 0b1;
// ESP8266 does not have INPUT_PULLDOWN definition, and instead
// has a GPIO16-specific INPUT_PULLDOWN_16:
// - https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino/issues/478
// - https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino/commit/1b3581d55ebf0f8c91e081f9af4cf7433d492ec9
// Only RTOS SDK includes GPIO definitions, so we include our own unused flag for compatibility
// (and continue to hope it does not collide with FUNCTION... mask checks)
value &= ~Pulldown;
if ((mode == INPUT_PULLDOWN) || (mode == INPUT_PULLDOWN_16)) {
value |= Pulldown;
return value;
// Arduino always erased this, RTOS applies mask. just to be safe
[=](uint32_t value) {
return value & ~0b1;
// Same as above, 1st bit controls the direction
[=](uint32_t value) {
value &= ~0b1;
if (mode == OUTPUT) {
value |= 0b1;
return value;
} // namespace rtc
namespace pin {
static constexpr uintptr_t AddressBase { peripherals::AddressBase + 0x300 };
static constexpr uintptr_t GpioOutput { AddressBase };
static constexpr uintptr_t GpioOutputSet { AddressBase + 0x4 };
static constexpr uintptr_t GpioOutputClear { AddressBase + 0x8 };
static constexpr uintptr_t GpioEnable { AddressBase + 0xC };
static constexpr uintptr_t GpioEnableSet { AddressBase + 0x10 };
static constexpr uintptr_t GpioEnableClear { AddressBase + 0x14 };
static constexpr uintptr_t GpioInput { AddressBase + 0x18 };
static constexpr uintptr_t GpioInterupt { AddressBase + 0x1C };
static constexpr uintptr_t GpioInteruptSet { AddressBase + 0x20 };
static constexpr uintptr_t GpioInteruptClear { AddressBase + 0x24 };
static constexpr uintptr_t GpioControlBase { peripherals::AddressBase + 0x328 };
static constexpr uintptr_t IoMuxBase { peripherals::AddressBase + 0x800 };
// IO Mux values
// the actual 'function' is described purely through the token name
// we see in pin_mux_register.h, it may not be the same for two
// different pins. plus, gpio16 has a completely different register layout
// (see rtc namespace)
static constexpr uint32_t FunctionLowBit1 { (1 << 4) };
static constexpr uint32_t FunctionLowBit2 { (1 << 5) };
static constexpr uint32_t FunctionHighBit { (1 << 8) };
static constexpr uint32_t PullupMask { (1 << 7) };
static constexpr uint32_t FunctionSelectMask { FunctionHighBit | FunctionLowBit2 | FunctionLowBit1 };
static constexpr uint32_t IoMuxMask { PullupMask | FunctionSelectMask };
// Control values
static constexpr uint32_t Source { 1 };
static constexpr uint32_t Driver { (1 << 2) };
// normal interrupt types
static constexpr uint32_t InterruptRising { (1 << 7) }; // aka positive edge
static constexpr uint32_t InterruptFalling { (1 << 8) }; // aka negative edge
static constexpr uint32_t InterruptChange { (1 << 8) | (1 << 7) }; // aka any edge
// special wake-up interrupts
static constexpr uint32_t InterruptLow { (1 << 9) }; // aka low level trigger
static constexpr uint32_t InterruptHigh { (1 << 9) | (1 << 7) }; // aka high level trigger
static constexpr uint32_t WakeupEnabled { (1 << 10) }; // ^ should set this bit as well when low or high are set
static constexpr uint32_t InterruptMask { (1 << 9) | (1 << 8) | (1 << 7) };
static constexpr uint32_t ControlMask { WakeupEnabled | InterruptMask | Driver | Source };
// ref. PERIPHS_IO_MUX_...
constexpr uintptr_t ioMuxOffset(uint8_t pin) {
return (pin == 0) ? 0x34 :
(pin == 1) ? 0x18 :
(pin == 2) ? 0x38 :
(pin == 3) ? 0x14 :
(pin == 4) ? 0x3C :
(pin == 5) ? 0x40 :
(pin == 6) ? 0x1C :
(pin == 7) ? 0x20 :
(pin == 8) ? 0x24 :
(pin == 9) ? 0x28 :
(pin == 10) ? 0x2C :
(pin == 11) ? 0x30 :
(pin == 12) ? 0x04 :
(pin == 13) ? 0x08 :
(pin == 14) ? 0x0C :
(pin == 15) ? 0x10 : 0;
constexpr uintptr_t ioMuxAddress(uint8_t pin) {
return IoMuxBase + ioMuxOffset(pin);
constexpr uintptr_t controlOffset(uint8_t pin) {
return (pin & 0xf) * 4;
constexpr uintptr_t controlAddress(uint8_t pin) {
return GpioControlBase + controlOffset(pin);
inline void set(uint8_t, bool) __attribute__((always_inline));
void set(uint8_t pin, bool status) {
reg_write(status ? GpioOutputSet : GpioOutputClear, (1 << pin));
inline bool get(uint8_t) __attribute__((always_inline));
bool get(uint8_t pin) {
return reg_read(GpioInput) & (1 << pin);
// ref. function numbers (FUNC_...) used in the header and techical reference
// with the exception of 4 pins, everything sets it to 3 (0b11)
// ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
// #define GPFFS_GPIO(p)
// (((p) == 0 || (p) == 2 || (p) == 4 || (p) == 5) ? 0
// : ((p) == 16) ? 1
// : 3)
constexpr uint32_t function_select_gpio(uint8_t pin) {
return ((pin == 0) || (pin == 2) || (pin == 4) || (pin == 5))
? 0 : (FunctionLowBit2 | FunctionLowBit1);
// NONOS SDK `GPFFS_BUS`, with 'bus' function bits for certain pins (like SPI, UART, I2S, etc.)
// ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
// #define GPFFS_BUS(p)
// (((p) == 1 || (p) == 3) ? 0
// : ((p) == 2 || (p) == 12 || (p) == 13 || (p) == 14 || (p) == 15) ? 2
// : ((p) == 0) ? 4
// : 1)
constexpr uint32_t function_select_arduino_special(uint8_t pin) {
return ((pin == 1) || (pin == 3))
? 0 :
((pin == 2) || (pin == 12)
|| (pin == 13) || (pin == 14)
|| (pin == 15))
? FunctionLowBit2 :
(pin == 0)
? FunctionHighBit
: FunctionLowBit1;
// Arduino, like SDK, encodes function select in a 3bit mask that is later 'unpacked'
// into a real mask. Simple if-else, since the original involves unnecessary optional shifts.
constexpr uint32_t function_select_arduino_mask(uint8_t mode) {
return (mode == FUNCTION_1) ? FunctionLowBit1 :
(mode == FUNCTION_2) ? FunctionLowBit2 :
(mode == FUNCTION_3) ? (FunctionLowBit2 | FunctionLowBit1) :
(mode == FUNCTION_4) ? FunctionHighBit : 0;
// For some reason, PULLUP was not encoded in the mode directly, so UART
// should be configured by us as well to avoid these exceptional cases
constexpr uint32_t pullup_arduino_mask(uint8_t pin, uint8_t mode) {
return (((pin == 13) && (mode == FUNCTION_4))
|| ((pin == 3) && (mode == SPECIAL))) ? PullupMask : 0;
// Will be exposed as `pinMode(pin, mode)`, must maintain Arduino compatibility with mode selection
void mode(uint8_t pin, uint8_t mode) {
[=](uint32_t value) {
value &= ~PullupMask;
if (mode == INPUT_PULLUP) {
value |= PullupMask;
// b/c Arduino core only has `pinMode` and does not
// have something like `pinPullup` or `pinFunction`,
// we are forced into handling these special cases
value |= pullup_arduino_mask(pin, mode);
value &= ~FunctionSelectMask;
if (mode == SPECIAL) {
value |= function_select_arduino_special(pin);
} else if (mode & FUNCTION_0) {
value |= function_select_arduino_mask(mode);
} else {
value |= function_select_gpio(pin);
return value;
// Notice that Core also implements WAKEUP_PULL{UP,DOWN}, that attempt to wrap around
// the LOW and HIGH wakeup triggers (respectively). The issue is, pull{up,down} means
// internal bit setting as well, since only the UP bits works for GPIO0...15
// Simply ignoring those modes
switch (mode) {
case INPUT:
case FUNCTION_1:
case FUNCTION_2:
case FUNCTION_3:
case FUNCTION_4:
[=](uint32_t value) {
return value | (1 << pin);
// notice that we preserve interrupt mask, but it is not yet clear
// whether it is the right approach.
[=](uint32_t value) {
value &= (WakeupEnabled | InterruptMask);
if ((mode == INPUT) || (mode == OUTPUT_OPEN_DRAIN)) {
value |= Driver;
return value;
// FUNCTION_0 special case for TX pin. Does not really seem to matter in hardware,
// but useful for debug code checking whether it's INPUT or OUTPUT
if ((mode == OUTPUT) || (mode == OUTPUT_OPEN_DRAIN) || (mode == FUNCTION_0)) {
[=](uint32_t value) {
return value | (1 << pin);
} // namespace pin
} // namespace
} // namespace peripherals
namespace gpio {
namespace {
struct PinInfo {
int8_t mode;
bool reading;
struct Info {
uint32_t outputs;
uint32_t readings;
bool gpio16_output;
bool gpio16_reading;
bool gpio16_pulldown;
Info info() {
using peripherals::reg_read;
using namespace peripherals;
return Info{
.outputs = reg_read(pin::GpioEnable),
.readings = reg_read(pin::GpioInput),
.gpio16_output = (reg_read(rtc::GpioEnable) & 0b1) != 0,
.gpio16_reading = (reg_read(rtc::GpioInput) & 0b1) != 0,
.gpio16_pulldown = (reg_read(rtc::PadXpdDcdcConf) & rtc::Pulldown) != 0,
struct Reading {
bool value;
Reading pin_reading(uint8_t pin, Info info) {
Reading out;
if (pin == 16) {
out.value = info.gpio16_reading;
} else {
out.value = (info.readings & (1 << pin)) != 0;
return out;
Mode pin_mode(uint8_t pin, Info info) {
Mode out;
out.value = OUTPUT;
if (((pin == 16) && info.gpio16_output)
|| ((info.outputs & (pin << pin)) != 0))
return out;
if ((pin == 16) && (info.gpio16_pulldown)) {
out.value = INPUT_PULLDOWN;
return out;
using namespace peripherals;
const auto iomux = reg_read(pin::ioMuxAddress(pin));
if ((iomux & pin::PullupMask) != 0) {
out.value = INPUT_PULLUP;
} else {
out.value = INPUT;
return out;
namespace settings {
namespace options {
using espurna::settings::options::Enumeration;
PROGMEM_STRING(None, "none");
PROGMEM_STRING(Hardware, "hardware");
PROGMEM_STRING(Mcp23s08, "mcp23s08");
static constexpr Enumeration<GpioType> GpioTypeOptions[] PROGMEM {
{GpioType::Hardware, Hardware},
{GpioType::Mcp23s08, Mcp23s08},
{GpioType::None, None},
} // namespace options
} // namespace settings
// TODO(?)
// will probably stay cached, but... note that both vtable and method are in flash
// may not be safe from within ISR (50/50), and our sensor code still uses Core methods
// possibly, declare and define in header as previous version for forcibly inline?
class Gpio16Pin final : public BasePin {
static constexpr unsigned char Pin { 16 };
Gpio16Pin() = default;
void pinMode(int8_t mode) override {
void digitalWrite(int8_t val) override {
peripherals::rtc::gpio16_set(val == 1);
int digitalRead() override {
return peripherals::rtc::gpio16_get();
unsigned char pin() const override {
return Pin;
const char* id() const override {
return "Gpio16Pin";
class GpioPin final : public BasePin {
GpioPin() = delete;
explicit GpioPin(unsigned char pin) :
void pinMode(int8_t mode) override {
peripherals::pin::mode(_pin, mode);
void digitalWrite(int8_t val) override {
peripherals::pin::set(_pin, (val == 1));
int digitalRead() override {
return peripherals::pin::get(_pin);
unsigned char pin() const override {
return _pin;
const char* id() const override {
return "GpioPin";
unsigned char _pin;
class Hardware : public GpioBase {
static constexpr size_t Pins { 17 };
Hardware() {
// https://github.com/espressif/esptool/blob/f04d34bcab29ace798d2d3800ba87020cccbbfdd/esptool.py#L1060-L1070
// "One or the other efuse bit is set for ESP8285"
// https://github.com/espressif/ESP8266_RTOS_SDK/blob/3c055779e9793e5f082afff63a011d6615e73639/components/esp8266/include/esp8266/efuse_register.h#L20-L21
// "define EFUSE_IS_ESP8285 (1 << 4)"
const auto data = peripherals::efuse::data();
_esp8285 = (data[0] & (1 << 4))
|| (data[2] & (1 << 16));
const char* id() const override {
return "hardware";
size_t pins() const override {
return Pins;
bool lock(unsigned char index) const override {
return _mask[index];
void lock(unsigned char index, bool value) override {
_mask.set(index, value);
bool valid(unsigned char index) const override {
switch (index) {
case 0 ... 5:
return true;
case 9:
case 10:
return _esp8285;
case 12 ... 16:
return true;
return false;
BasePinPtr pin(unsigned char pin) override {
if (pin == 16) {
return std::make_unique<Gpio16Pin>();
return std::make_unique<GpioPin>(pin);
using Mask = std::bitset<Pins>;
bool _esp8285 { false };
Mask _mask;
namespace web {
void onVisible(JsonObject& root) {
JsonObject& config = root.createNestedObject(F("gpioConfig"));
constexpr GpioType known_types[] {
JsonArray& types = config.createNestedArray(F("types"));
for (auto& type : known_types) {
auto* base = gpioBase(type);
if (base) {
JsonArray& entry = types.createNestedArray();
JsonArray& pins = config.createNestedArray(base->id());
for (size_t pin = 0; pin < base->pins(); ++pin) {
if (base->valid(pin)) {
void setup() {
} // namespace web
namespace origin {
namespace internal {
std::forward_list<Origin> origins;
} // namespace internal
void add(Origin origin) {
} // namespace origin
namespace terminal {
void gpio_list_origins(::terminal::CommandContext&& ctx) {
for (const auto& origin : origin::internal::origins) {
ctx.output.printf_P(PSTR("%c %s GPIO%hhu\t%d:%s:%s\n"),
origin.lock ? '*' : ' ',
origin.base, origin.pin,
void gpio_read_write(::terminal::CommandContext&& ctx) {
const int pin = (ctx.argv.size() >= 2)
? espurna::settings::internal::convert<int>(ctx.argv[1])
: -1;
if ((pin >= 0) && !gpioValid(pin)) {
terminalError(ctx, F("Invalid pin number"));
int start = 0;
int end = gpioPins();
const auto gpio_info = info();
switch (ctx.argv.size()) {
case 3:
// even in INPUT mode, we are still techically allowed to set output register
// (like it is used in software I2C implementation with INPUT_PULLUP)
const bool status = espurna::settings::internal::convert<bool>(ctx.argv[2]);
if (pin == 16) {
} else {
peripherals::pin::set(pin, status);
case 2:
start = pin;
end = pin + 1;
// fallthrough!
case 1:
for (auto current = start; current < end; ++current) {
if (!gpioValid(current)) {
const auto mode = pin_mode(current, gpio_info);
PSTR("%c %6s @ GPIO%02d%s\n"),
gpioLocked(current) ? '*' : ' ',
(mode.value == OUTPUT)
(mode.value == OUTPUT)
? ""
: pin_reading(current, gpio_info).value
? PSTR(" (HIGH)")
: PSTR(" (LOW)"));
void reg_read(::terminal::CommandContext&& ctx) {
if (ctx.argv.size() == 2) {
const auto convert = espurna::settings::internal::convert<uint32_t>;
const auto address = convert(ctx.argv[1]);
ctx.output.printf_P(PSTR("0x%08X -> 0x%08X\n"),
address, peripherals::reg_read(address));
terminalError(ctx, F("REG.READ <ADDRESS>"));
void reg_write(::terminal::CommandContext&& ctx) {
if (ctx.argv.size() == 3) {
const auto convert = espurna::settings::internal::convert<uint32_t>;
const auto address = convert(ctx.argv[1]);
const auto value = convert(ctx.argv[2]);
ctx.output.printf_P(PSTR("0x%08X -> 0x%08X\n"), address, value);
peripherals::reg_write(address, value);
terminalError(ctx, F("REG.WRITE <ADDRESS> <VALUE>"));
static constexpr espurna::terminal::Command Commands[] PROGMEM {
{GpioLocks, gpio_list_origins},
{Gpio, gpio_read_write},
{RegRead, reg_read},
{RegWrite, reg_write},
void setup() {
} // namespace terminal
} // namespace
Mode pin_mode(uint8_t pin) {
return pin_mode(pin, info());
} // namespace gpio
namespace settings {
namespace internal {
namespace {
using gpio::settings::options::GpioTypeOptions;
} // namespace
template <>
GpioType convert(const String& value) {
return convert(GpioTypeOptions, value, GpioType::None);
String serialize(GpioType value) {
return serialize(GpioTypeOptions, value);
} // namespace internal
} // namespace settings
} // namespace espurna
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Per https://llvm.org/docs/CodingStandards.html#provide-a-virtual-method-anchor-for-classes-in-headers
// > If a class is defined in a header file and has a vtable (either it has virtual methods or it derives from classes with virtual methods),
// > it must always have at least one out-of-line virtual method in the class. Without this, the compiler will copy the vtable and RTTI into
// > every .o file that #includes the header, bloating .o file sizes and increasing link times.
// - http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2018/p1263r0.pdf
// > This technique is unfortunate as it relies on detailed knowledge of how common toolchains work, and it may also require creating
// > a dummy virtual function.
// `~BasePin() = default;` is technically inlined, so leaving that in the header.
// Thus, ::description() implementation here becomes that anchor for the BasePin.
String BasePin::description() const {
char buffer[64];
snprintf_P(buffer, sizeof(buffer),
PSTR("%s @ GPIO%02hhu"), id(), pin());
return buffer;
GpioBase& hardwareGpio() {
static espurna::gpio::Hardware gpio;
return gpio;
GpioBase* gpioBase(GpioType type) {
GpioBase* ptr { nullptr };
switch (type) {
case GpioType::Hardware:
ptr = &hardwareGpio();
case GpioType::Mcp23s08:
ptr = &mcp23s08Gpio();
case GpioType::None:
return ptr;
BasePinPtr gpioRegister(GpioBase& base, unsigned char gpio,
espurna::SourceLocation source_location)
BasePinPtr result;
if (gpioLock(base, gpio, source_location)) {
result = base.pin(gpio);
return result;
BasePinPtr gpioRegister(unsigned char gpio, espurna::SourceLocation source_location) {
return gpioRegister(hardwareGpio(), gpio, source_location);
void gpioSetup() {
void hardwareGpioIgnore(unsigned char gpio) {
const auto value = Rtcmem->gpio_ignore;
Rtcmem->gpio_ignore = value | (1 << gpio);
void gpioLockOrigin(espurna::gpio::Origin origin) {
extern "C" {
// All of these have __attribute__((weak)) in the Core files. While the original intent
// seems to be for internal use to override things throuhg 'variant' files, we (so far)
// never used anything but the base ESP8266 implementations.
// Which ones get picked up the linker depends on the build system used, and order
// of the files in the resulting build command.
// *Must* be in IRAM by default, ISR almost certainly include these calls
int IRAM_ATTR digitalRead(uint8_t);
int digitalRead(uint8_t pin) {
using namespace espurna::peripherals;
return (pin == 16)
? rtc::gpio16_get()
: pin::get(pin);
// *Must* be in IRAM by default, ISR almost certainly include these calls
void IRAM_ATTR digitalWrite(uint8_t, uint8_t);
void digitalWrite(uint8_t pin, uint8_t val) {
using namespace espurna::peripherals;
if (pin == 16) {
rtc::gpio16_set(val == 1);
} else {
pin::set(pin, val == 1);
void pinMode(uint8_t pin, uint8_t mode) {
using namespace espurna::peripherals;
if (pin == 16) {
} else {
pin::mode(pin, mode);
// Special override for Core, allows us to skip init for certain pins when needed
void resetPins() {
const auto& hardware = hardwareGpio();
const auto ignore = Rtcmem->gpio_ignore;
for (size_t pin = 0; pin < espurna::gpio::Hardware::Pins; ++pin) {
if (!hardware.valid(pin)) {
if ((ignore & (1 << pin)) > 0) {
// TODO: actually check which pin is set as TX via function select
if (pin == 1) {
pinMode(pin, INPUT);
} // extern "C"