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- <h1 id="lc230-the-liberated-computer">LC230 - The Liberated Computer<a class="headerlink" href="#lc230-the-liberated-computer" title="Permanent link">¶</a></h1>
- <figure>
- <img src="/images/x230.png"/>
- </figure>
- <h2 id="why-lc230">Why LC230?<a class="headerlink" href="#why-lc230" title="Permanent link">¶</a></h2>
- <p>Why does LC230 exist?</p>
- <p>Some of the most fundamental questions that we need to answer about the hardware that we possess are those of "ownership":</p>
- <div class="admonition question">
- <p class="admonition-title">Question</p>
- <ul class="task-list">
- <li class="task-list-item"><label class="task-list-control"><input type="checkbox" disabled/><span class="task-list-indicator"></span></label> What is the definition of owning a piece of hardware? </li>
- <li class="task-list-item"><label class="task-list-control"><input type="checkbox" disabled/><span class="task-list-indicator"></span></label> Are we the owners of the hardware merely because we paid for it and now have possession of it?</li>
- <li class="task-list-item"><label class="task-list-control"><input type="checkbox" disabled/><span class="task-list-indicator"></span></label> If we are owners do we have the necessary freedom and opportunity to do what we want with it? </li>
- <li class="task-list-item"><label class="task-list-control"><input type="checkbox" disabled/><span class="task-list-indicator"></span></label> How much control does the manufacturer of a device exert after "selling" the device to us?</li>
- <li class="task-list-item"><label class="task-list-control"><input type="checkbox" disabled/><span class="task-list-indicator"></span></label> If such control does exist, then how do we re-define ownership now?</li>
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- <p>The answers to these questions are not easy, universal or simple. Hence, we might define ownership in the following terms:</p>
- <div class="admonition info">
- <p class="admonition-title">Info</p>
- <p>We are the true owners of our hardware if we can <strong>do whatever we want</strong> with hardware <strong>without then
- permission of the manufacturer</strong>. This includes the <strong>freedom to change or upgrade hardware components</strong>
- at will, <strong>repair and refurbish</strong> the hardware and <strong>install the software we want</strong> (without constraints).</p>
- </div>
- <p>The <strong>"Liberated Computer"</strong> project exists to provide users with convenient access to
- reliable, libre-software friendly and hackable computers. The key to having the freedom to compute in a manner
- we deem respectful is to first liberate the computers from the locks and constraints imposed by the manufacturer.</p>
- <div class="admonition failure">
- <p class="admonition-title">Failure</p>
- <p><figure>
- <img src="/images/lenovo-error.jpg" />
- <figcaption style="text-align: justify;">
- Even 8 years after the model ceased production, Lenovo's BIOS does not give you the freedom to change the
- wireless card of the laptop to one that would work without proprietary firmware! <br> <br>
- This is a classic example of a manufacturer exerting control over the hardware well beyond its intended lifespan. <br> <br>
- Unless a wireless card that is "white-listed" by the BIOS is plugged in, the system will not boot up. The only way to
- move beyond this limitation is to replace the BIOS and hence, liberate the computer.
- </figcaption>
- </figure></p>
- </div>
- <h2 id="what-is-coreboot">What is Coreboot?<a class="headerlink" href="#what-is-coreboot" title="Permanent link">¶</a></h2>
- <p>Coreboot is a free/libre software BIOS replacement. It was developed to allow computers users the ability to exert
- greater control on their computers by being able to control the BIOS. Coreboot is a very modular BIOS and runs on a wide
- variety of computer mainboards. More details are available at: <a href="https://coreboot.org">coreboot.org</a></p>
- <p>Coreboot's main advantage is that of software freedom at the BIOS level. It liberates the computer and allows a
- user to load multiple types of boot payloads while also allowing us to cripple and neuter the Intel ME.</p>
- <p>Some of the common payloads supported by Coreboot are:</p>
- <ul>
- <li>SeaBIOS - the default payload that ships with your LC230</li>
- <li>Linux - you can embed and load a Linux kernel on the BIOS chip</li>
- <li>Grub - You can also daisy-chain and boot Grub from Coreboot so that you can perform the rest of the boot process via Grub</li>
- <li><code>nvramtui</code> - a utility to configure the Embedded Controller (EC) firmware on thinkpad laptops</li>
- <li><code>memtest</code> - perform memory tests at the BIOS level!</li>
- <li><code>coreinfo</code> - provides low-level information about Coreboot</li>
- <li>TINC - play tetris without even booting an OS!</li>
- </ul>
- <div class="admonition info">
- <p class="admonition-title">Info</p>
- <p><figure>
- <img src="/images/tinc.png" style="height: auto; width: 400px;"/>
- <figcaption style="text-align: justify;">
- The TINC Coreboot payload - Tetris at the BIOS level. No Operating System!
- </figcaption>
- </figure></p>
- </div>
- <h2 id="introducing-skulls">Introducing Skulls<a class="headerlink" href="#introducing-skulls" title="Permanent link">¶</a></h2>
- <p>The <a href="https://github.com/merge/skulls">Skulls Project</a> is a <a href="https://doc.coreboot.org/distributions.html">Coreboot
- distribution</a>. They ship a
- pre-compiled Coreboot binary for the Lenovo X230 Thinkpad along with a set of
- scripts that make it it simple to install and use it.</p>
- <p>The LC230 ships pre-installed with the latest release of Skulls.</p>
- <h2 id="how-is-an-lc230-assembled">How is an LC230 assembled?<a class="headerlink" href="#how-is-an-lc230-assembled" title="Permanent link">¶</a></h2>
- <p>Your LC230 laptop is refurbished and liberated with a mix of new and used components. Here is the process of refurbishing it:</p>
- <ol>
- <li>We first purchase a used Lenovo x230 Thinkpad laptop</li>
- <li>Once we inspect it for physical and other defects, the process of liberating it starts.</li>
- <li>First the laptop is opened up and cleaned - all the internal and external plus the CPU fan.</li>
- <li>Next using a SIOC-8 clip, coreboot is flashed to SPI flash that is used to store the system firmware.</li>
- <li>Once the sytem is running coreboot, the default Intel wireless card is replaced with an Atheros one.</li>
- <li>After that, based on the requested configuration, a new mSATA or SATA SSD is added, more RAM or even a brand new battery.</li>
- <li>Finally - an OS is installed and the system is tested for heating issues, networking and so on.</li>
- </ol>
- <p>Now your liberated computer is ready for you to play with ! :-) </p>
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