User documentation and guides for products sold on the Libre Tech Shop.
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  1. # Project information
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  3. site_description: 'Accessible & Free Documentation for Libre Products'
  4. site_author: 'Abhas Abhinav'
  5. site_logo: /images/lts-icon.png
  6. # Repository
  7. #repo_name: 'abhas/lts-docs'
  8. #repo_url:
  9. # Copyright
  10. copyright: 'Copyright © Mostly Harmless'
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  26. nav:
  27. - Home:
  28. - LC230:
  29. - (LC230) Overview: lc230/
  30. - (LC230) User Guide: lc230/
  31. - (LC230) Troubleshooting: lc230/
  32. - LE01: le01/
  33. - LEDC: ledc/
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