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  222. <h1 id="troubleshooting-common-problems">Troubleshooting &amp; Common Problems<a class="headerlink" href="#troubleshooting-common-problems" title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h1>
  223. <h2 id="heating-or-fan-issues">Heating or fan issues<a class="headerlink" href="#heating-or-fan-issues" title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h2>
  224. <p>One possible challenge with a refurbished laptop is that there can be heating
  225. issues. All LC230 units that we sell are well tested for such issues to ensure
  226. that the laptop's CPU cools well during heavy CPU usage. This is done by
  227. ensuring two things:</p>
  228. <ol>
  229. <li>
  230. <p>The CPU fan is clean of dust and other foreign material that might affect
  231. its ability to offer good CPU cooling.</p>
  232. </li>
  233. <li>
  234. <p>The CPU fan's heatsink is able to conduct heat properly</p>
  235. </li>
  236. </ol>
  237. <p>Check out what a dirty and clean fan looks like.</p>
  238. <div style="text-align: center">
  239. <figure style="display: inline-block" >
  240. <img src="/images/dirty-fan.jpg" width="250" />
  241. <figcaption> A dirty fan! </figcaption>
  242. </figure>
  243. &nbsp; &nbsp;
  244. <figure style="display: inline-block" >
  245. <img src="/images/clean-fan.jpg" width="250" />
  246. <figcaption> A very clean fan! </figcaption>
  247. </figure>
  248. </div>
  249. <p>If you face any heating issues (or a noisy fan) a few months after purchasing a
  250. LC230, one thing that would help is cleaning the fan using an air blower.</p>
  251. <p>Here is what a clean CPU fan achieves:</p>
  252. <figure style="box-shadow: 0px 0px 20px #888888; margin-bottom: -2em;" >
  253. <img src="/images/htop.png" />
  254. </figure>
  255. <p><br></p>
  256. <figure style="box-shadow: 0px 0px 20px #888888;" >
  257. <img src="/images/stress-test.png" />
  258. </figure>
  259. <p>As you can see, even under very heavy CPU utilisation (and system load), the
  260. CPU fan running at <strong>5380 RPM</strong> is able to cool down the CPU to keep the core
  261. temperature around +84&#176; C.</p>
  262. <h2 id="battery-management">Battery management<a class="headerlink" href="#battery-management" title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h2>
  263. <p>In case your current LC230 battery does not give you sufficient backup, you can
  264. purchase a new 6-cell or 9-cell battery. The part numbers are as follows:</p>
  265. <ul>
  266. <li>Lenovo Thinkpad 6-cell Battery 44+ (Part Number: 0A36306)</li>
  267. <li>Lenovo ThinkPad 9-cell Battery 44++ (Part Number: 0A36307)</li>
  268. </ul>
  269. <h2 id="swapping-the-keyboard">Swapping the keyboard<a class="headerlink" href="#swapping-the-keyboard" title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h2>
  270. <p>It is possible to use the Lenovo Classic keyboard (last seen on the X220
  271. Thinkpad model) with the X230. This involves three steps:</p>
  272. <ul>
  273. <li>Modifying the keyboard connector</li>
  274. <li>Flashing a modified BIOS (over the default Lenovo one)</li>
  275. <li>Replacing the palm-rest with an x220 one</li>
  276. </ul>
  277. <p>We will be glad to help you with this modification. The steps are detailed on the
  278. <a href="">Thinkwiki</a>.</p>
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