- /*
- Copyright (C) 2017-2019 by Xose Pérez <xose dot perez at gmail dot com>
- */
- #include <limits>
- #include "config/buildtime.h"
- #include "board.h"
- #include "mqtt.h"
- #include "ntp.h"
- #include "utils.h"
- #include "libs/HeapStats.h"
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Reset reasons
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- PROGMEM const char custom_reset_hardware[] = "Hardware button";
- PROGMEM const char custom_reset_web[] = "Reboot from web interface";
- PROGMEM const char custom_reset_terminal[] = "Reboot from terminal";
- PROGMEM const char custom_reset_mqtt[] = "Reboot from MQTT";
- PROGMEM const char custom_reset_rpc[] = "Reboot from RPC";
- PROGMEM const char custom_reset_ota[] = "Reboot after successful OTA update";
- PROGMEM const char custom_reset_http[] = "Reboot from HTTP";
- PROGMEM const char custom_reset_nofuss[] = "Reboot after successful NoFUSS update";
- PROGMEM const char custom_reset_upgrade[] = "Reboot after successful web update";
- PROGMEM const char custom_reset_factory[] = "Factory reset";
- PROGMEM const char* const custom_reset_string[] = {
- custom_reset_hardware, custom_reset_web, custom_reset_terminal,
- custom_reset_mqtt, custom_reset_rpc, custom_reset_ota,
- custom_reset_http, custom_reset_nofuss, custom_reset_upgrade,
- custom_reset_factory
- };
- void setDefaultHostname() {
- if (strlen(HOSTNAME) > 0) {
- setSetting("hostname", F(HOSTNAME));
- } else {
- setSetting("hostname", getIdentifier());
- }
- }
- const String& getDevice() {
- static const String value(F(DEVICE));
- return value;
- }
- const String& getManufacturer() {
- static const String value(F(MANUFACTURER));
- return value;
- }
- String getBoardName() {
- static const String defaultValue(F(DEVICE_NAME));
- return getSetting("boardName", defaultValue);
- }
- void setBoardName() {
- if (!isEspurnaCore()) {
- setSetting("boardName", F(DEVICE_NAME));
- }
- }
- String getAdminPass() {
- static const String defaultValue(F(ADMIN_PASS));
- return getSetting("adminPass", defaultValue);
- }
- const String& getCoreVersion() {
- static String version;
- if (!version.length()) {
- version = ESP.getCoreVersion();
- if (version.equals("00000000")) {
- version = String(ARDUINO_ESP8266_RELEASE);
- }
- version.replace("_", ".");
- #else
- #endif
- }
- return version;
- }
- const String& getCoreRevision() {
- static String revision;
- if (!revision.length()) {
- #ifdef ARDUINO_ESP8266_GIT_VER
- revision = String(ARDUINO_ESP8266_GIT_VER, 16);
- #else
- revision = "(unspecified)";
- #endif
- }
- return revision;
- }
- int getHeartbeatMode() {
- return getSetting("hbMode", HEARTBEAT_MODE);
- }
- unsigned long getHeartbeatInterval() {
- return getSetting("hbInterval", HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL);
- }
- String buildTime() {
- return ntpDateTime(__UNIX_TIMESTAMP__);
- constexpr const time_t ts = __UNIX_TIMESTAMP__;
- tm timestruct;
- gmtime_r(&ts, ×truct);
- return ntpDateTime(×truct);
- #else
- char buffer[20];
- snprintf_P(
- buffer, sizeof(buffer), PSTR("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d"),
- );
- return String(buffer);
- #endif
- }
- unsigned long getUptime() {
- static unsigned long last_uptime = 0;
- static unsigned char uptime_overflows = 0;
- if (millis() < last_uptime) ++uptime_overflows;
- last_uptime = millis();
- unsigned long uptime_seconds = uptime_overflows * (UPTIME_OVERFLOW / 1000) + (last_uptime / 1000);
- return uptime_seconds;
- }
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Heartbeat helper
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- namespace Heartbeat {
- enum Report : uint32_t {
- Status = 1 << 1,
- Ssid = 1 << 2,
- Ip = 1 << 3,
- Mac = 1 << 4,
- Rssi = 1 << 5,
- Uptime = 1 << 6,
- Datetime = 1 << 7,
- Freeheap = 1 << 8,
- Vcc = 1 << 9,
- Relay = 1 << 10,
- Light = 1 << 11,
- Hostname = 1 << 12,
- App = 1 << 13,
- Version = 1 << 14,
- Board = 1 << 15,
- Loadavg = 1 << 16,
- Interval = 1 << 17,
- Description = 1 << 18,
- Range = 1 << 19,
- RemoteTemp = 1 << 20,
- Bssid = 1 << 21
- };
- constexpr uint32_t defaultValue() {
- return (Status * (HEARTBEAT_REPORT_STATUS)) | \
- }
- uint32_t currentValue() {
- // use default without any setting / when it is empty
- const String cfg = getSetting("hbReport");
- if (!cfg.length()) {
- return defaultValue();
- }
- const auto value = u32fromString(cfg);
- // because we start shifting from 1, we could use the
- // first bit as a flag to enable all of the messages
- if (value == 1) {
- return std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
- }
- return value;
- }
- }
- void infoUptime() {
- const auto uptime [[gnu::unused]] = getUptime();
- PSTR("[MAIN] Uptime: %02dd %02dh %02dm %02ds\n"),
- elapsedDays(uptime), numberOfHours(uptime),
- numberOfMinutes(uptime), numberOfSeconds(uptime)
- );
- #else
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[MAIN] Uptime: %lu seconds\n"), uptime);
- #endif // NTP_SUPPORT
- }
- void heartbeat() {
- auto heap_stats [[gnu::unused]] = getHeapStats();
- unsigned char _heartbeat_mode = getHeartbeatMode();
- bool serial = !mqttConnected();
- #else
- bool serial = true;
- #endif
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Serial
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if (serial) {
- infoUptime();
- infoHeapStats();
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[MAIN] Power: %lu mV\n"), ESP.getVcc());
- #endif
- if (ntpSynced()) DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[MAIN] Time: %s\n"), (char *) ntpDateTime().c_str());
- #endif
- }
- const uint32_t hb_cfg = Heartbeat::currentValue();
- if (!hb_cfg) return;
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // MQTT
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if (!serial && (_heartbeat_mode == HEARTBEAT_REPEAT || systemGetHeartbeat())) {
- if (hb_cfg & Heartbeat::Interval)
- mqttSend(MQTT_TOPIC_INTERVAL, String(getHeartbeatInterval()).c_str());
- if (hb_cfg & Heartbeat::App)
- if (hb_cfg & Heartbeat::Version)
- if (hb_cfg & Heartbeat::Board)
- mqttSend(MQTT_TOPIC_BOARD, getBoardName().c_str());
- if (hb_cfg & Heartbeat::Hostname)
- mqttSend(MQTT_TOPIC_HOSTNAME, getSetting("hostname", getIdentifier()).c_str());
- if (hb_cfg & Heartbeat::Description) {
- if (hasSetting("desc")) {
- mqttSend(MQTT_TOPIC_DESCRIPTION, getSetting("desc").c_str());
- }
- }
- if (hb_cfg & Heartbeat::Ssid)
- mqttSend(MQTT_TOPIC_SSID, WiFi.SSID().c_str());
- if (hb_cfg & Heartbeat::Bssid)
- mqttSend(MQTT_TOPIC_BSSID, WiFi.BSSIDstr().c_str());
- if (hb_cfg & Heartbeat::Ip)
- mqttSend(MQTT_TOPIC_IP, getIP().c_str());
- if (hb_cfg & Heartbeat::Mac)
- mqttSend(MQTT_TOPIC_MAC, WiFi.macAddress().c_str());
- if (hb_cfg & Heartbeat::Rssi)
- mqttSend(MQTT_TOPIC_RSSI, String(WiFi.RSSI()).c_str());
- if (hb_cfg & Heartbeat::Uptime)
- mqttSend(MQTT_TOPIC_UPTIME, String(getUptime()).c_str());
- if ((hb_cfg & Heartbeat::Datetime) && (ntpSynced()))
- mqttSend(MQTT_TOPIC_DATETIME, ntpDateTime().c_str());
- #endif
- if (hb_cfg & Heartbeat::Freeheap)
- mqttSend(MQTT_TOPIC_FREEHEAP, String(heap_stats.available).c_str());
- if (hb_cfg & Heartbeat::Relay)
- relayMQTT();
- if (hb_cfg & Heartbeat::Light)
- lightMQTT();
- #endif
- if ((hb_cfg & Heartbeat::Vcc) && (ADC_MODE_VALUE == ADC_VCC))
- mqttSend(MQTT_TOPIC_VCC, String(ESP.getVcc()).c_str());
- if (hb_cfg & Heartbeat::Status)
- mqttSendStatus();
- if (hb_cfg & Heartbeat::Loadavg)
- mqttSend(MQTT_TOPIC_LOADAVG, String(systemLoadAverage()).c_str());
- if (hb_cfg & Heartbeat::Range) {
- mqttSend(MQTT_TOPIC_HOLD_TEMP "_" MQTT_TOPIC_HOLD_TEMP_MIN, String(_temp_range.min).c_str());
- mqttSend(MQTT_TOPIC_HOLD_TEMP "_" MQTT_TOPIC_HOLD_TEMP_MAX, String(_temp_range.max).c_str());
- }
- if (hb_cfg & Heartbeat::RemoteTemp) {
- char remote_temp[16];
- dtostrf(_remote_temp.temp, 1, 1, remote_temp);
- mqttSend(MQTT_TOPIC_REMOTE_TEMP, remote_temp);
- }
- #endif
- } else if (!serial && _heartbeat_mode == HEARTBEAT_REPEAT_STATUS) {
- mqttSendStatus();
- }
- #endif
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // InfluxDB
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if (hb_cfg & Heartbeat::Uptime)
- idbSend(MQTT_TOPIC_UPTIME, String(getUptime()).c_str());
- if (hb_cfg & Heartbeat::Freeheap)
- idbSend(MQTT_TOPIC_FREEHEAP, String(heap_stats.available).c_str());
- if (hb_cfg & Heartbeat::Rssi)
- idbSend(MQTT_TOPIC_RSSI, String(WiFi.RSSI()).c_str());
- if ((hb_cfg & Heartbeat::Vcc) && (ADC_MODE_VALUE == ADC_VCC))
- idbSend(MQTT_TOPIC_VCC, String(ESP.getVcc()).c_str());
- if (hb_cfg & Heartbeat::Loadavg)
- idbSend(MQTT_TOPIC_LOADAVG, String(systemLoadAverage()).c_str());
- if (hb_cfg & Heartbeat::Ssid)
- idbSend(MQTT_TOPIC_SSID, WiFi.SSID().c_str());
- if (hb_cfg & Heartbeat::Bssid)
- idbSend(MQTT_TOPIC_BSSID, WiFi.BSSIDstr().c_str());
- #endif
- }
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // INFO
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- extern "C" uint32_t _SPIFFS_start;
- extern "C" uint32_t _SPIFFS_end;
- unsigned int info_bytes2sectors(size_t size) {
- return (int) (size + SPI_FLASH_SEC_SIZE - 1) / SPI_FLASH_SEC_SIZE;
- }
- unsigned long info_ota_space() {
- return (ESP.getFreeSketchSpace() - 0x1000) & 0xFFFFF000;
- }
- unsigned long info_filesystem_space() {
- return ((uint32_t)&_SPIFFS_end - (uint32_t)&_SPIFFS_start);
- }
- unsigned long info_eeprom_space() {
- return EEPROMr.reserved() * SPI_FLASH_SEC_SIZE;
- }
- void _info_print_memory_layout_line(const char * name, unsigned long bytes, bool reset) {
- static unsigned long index = 0;
- if (reset) index = 0;
- if (0 == bytes) return;
- unsigned int _sectors = info_bytes2sectors(bytes);
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[MAIN] %-20s: %8lu bytes / %4d sectors (%4d to %4d)\n"), name, bytes, _sectors, index, index + _sectors - 1);
- index += _sectors;
- }
- void _info_print_memory_layout_line(const char * name, unsigned long bytes) {
- _info_print_memory_layout_line(name, bytes, false);
- }
- void infoMemory(const char * name, unsigned int total_memory, unsigned int free_memory) {
- PSTR("[MAIN] %-6s: %5u bytes initially | %5u bytes used (%2u%%) | %5u bytes free (%2u%%)\n"),
- name,
- total_memory,
- total_memory - free_memory,
- 100 * (total_memory - free_memory) / total_memory,
- free_memory,
- 100 * free_memory / total_memory
- );
- }
- const char* _info_wifi_sleep_mode(WiFiSleepType_t type) {
- switch (type) {
- case WIFI_NONE_SLEEP: return "NONE";
- case WIFI_LIGHT_SLEEP: return "LIGHT";
- case WIFI_MODEM_SLEEP: return "MODEM";
- default: return "UNKNOWN";
- }
- }
- void info(bool first) {
- // Avoid printing on early boot when buffering is enabled
- if (first && debugLogBuffer()) return;
- #endif
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("\n\n---8<-------\n\n"));
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #if defined(APP_REVISION)
- #else
- #endif
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[MAIN] CPU chip ID: 0x%06X\n"), ESP.getChipId());
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[MAIN] CPU frequency: %u MHz\n"), ESP.getCpuFreqMHz());
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[MAIN] SDK version: %s\n"), ESP.getSdkVersion());
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[MAIN] Core version: %s\n"), getCoreVersion().c_str());
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[MAIN] Core revision: %s\n"), getCoreRevision().c_str());
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[MAIN] Build time: %lu\n"), __UNIX_TIMESTAMP__);
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("\n"));
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- FlashMode_t mode [[gnu::unused]] = ESP.getFlashChipMode();
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[MAIN] Flash chip ID: 0x%06X\n"), ESP.getFlashChipId());
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[MAIN] Flash speed: %u Hz\n"), ESP.getFlashChipSpeed());
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[MAIN] Flash mode: %s\n"), mode == FM_QIO ? "QIO" : mode == FM_QOUT ? "QOUT" : mode == FM_DIO ? "DIO" : mode == FM_DOUT ? "DOUT" : "UNKNOWN");
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("\n"));
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- _info_print_memory_layout_line("Flash size (CHIP)", ESP.getFlashChipRealSize(), true);
- _info_print_memory_layout_line("Flash size (SDK)", ESP.getFlashChipSize(), true);
- _info_print_memory_layout_line("Reserved", 1 * SPI_FLASH_SEC_SIZE, true);
- _info_print_memory_layout_line("Firmware size", ESP.getSketchSize());
- _info_print_memory_layout_line("Max OTA size", info_ota_space());
- _info_print_memory_layout_line("SPIFFS size", info_filesystem_space());
- _info_print_memory_layout_line("EEPROM size", info_eeprom_space());
- _info_print_memory_layout_line("Reserved", 4 * SPI_FLASH_SEC_SIZE);
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("\n"));
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- FSInfo fs_info;
- bool fs = SPIFFS.info(fs_info);
- if (fs) {
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[MAIN] SPIFFS total size : %8u bytes / %4d sectors\n"), fs_info.totalBytes, info_bytes2sectors(fs_info.totalBytes));
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[MAIN] used size : %8u bytes\n"), fs_info.usedBytes);
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[MAIN] block size : %8u bytes\n"), fs_info.blockSize);
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[MAIN] page size : %8u bytes\n"), fs_info.pageSize);
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[MAIN] max files : %8u\n"), fs_info.maxOpenFiles);
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[MAIN] max length : %8u\n"), fs_info.maxPathLength);
- } else {
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[MAIN] No SPIFFS partition\n"));
- }
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("\n"));
- #endif
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- eepromSectorsDebug();
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("\n"));
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- infoMemory("EEPROM", SPI_FLASH_SEC_SIZE, SPI_FLASH_SEC_SIZE - settingsSize());
- infoHeapStats(!first);
- infoMemory("Stack", CONT_STACKSIZE, getFreeStack());
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("\n"));
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[MAIN] Boot version: %d\n"), ESP.getBootVersion());
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[MAIN] Boot mode: %d\n"), ESP.getBootMode());
- unsigned char reason = customResetReason();
- if (reason > 0) {
- char buffer[32];
- strcpy_P(buffer, custom_reset_string[reason-1]);
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[MAIN] Last reset reason: %s\n"), buffer);
- } else {
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[MAIN] Last reset reason: %s\n"), (char *) ESP.getResetReason().c_str());
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[MAIN] Last reset info: %s\n"), (char *) ESP.getResetInfo().c_str());
- }
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("\n"));
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[MAIN] Board: %s\n"), getBoardName().c_str());
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[MAIN] Support: %s\n"), getEspurnaModules().c_str());
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[MAIN] OTA: %s\n"), getEspurnaOTAModules().c_str());
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[MAIN] Sensors: %s\n"), getEspurnaSensors().c_str());
- #endif // SENSOR_SUPPORT
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[MAIN] WebUI image: %s\n"), getEspurnaWebUI().c_str());
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("\n"));
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if (!first) {
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[MAIN] Firmware MD5: %s\n"), (char *) ESP.getSketchMD5().c_str());
- }
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[MAIN] Power: %u mV\n"), ESP.getVcc());
- #endif
- if (espurnaLoopDelay()) {
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[MAIN] Power saving delay value: %lu ms\n"), espurnaLoopDelay());
- }
- const WiFiSleepType_t sleep_mode = WiFi.getSleepMode();
- if (sleep_mode != WIFI_NONE_SLEEP) {
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[MAIN] WiFi Sleep Mode: %s\n"), _info_wifi_sleep_mode(sleep_mode));
- }
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if (!systemCheck()) {
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("\n"));
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[MAIN] Device is in SAFE MODE\n"));
- }
- #endif
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("\n\n---8<-------\n\n"));
- #endif // DEBUG_SUPPORT == 1
- }
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // SSL
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- bool sslCheckFingerPrint(const char * fingerprint) {
- return (strlen(fingerprint) == 59);
- }
- bool sslFingerPrintArray(const char * fingerprint, unsigned char * bytearray) {
- // check length (20 2-character digits ':' or ' ' separated => 20*2+19 = 59)
- if (!sslCheckFingerPrint(fingerprint)) return false;
- // walk the fingerprint
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<20; i++) {
- bytearray[i] = strtol(fingerprint + 3*i, NULL, 16);
- }
- return true;
- }
- bool sslFingerPrintChar(const char * fingerprint, char * destination) {
- // check length (20 2-character digits ':' or ' ' separated => 20*2+19 = 59)
- if (!sslCheckFingerPrint(fingerprint)) return false;
- // copy it
- strncpy(destination, fingerprint, 59);
- // walk the fingerprint replacing ':' for ' '
- for (unsigned char i = 0; i<59; i++) {
- if (destination[i] == ':') destination[i] = ' ';
- }
- return true;
- }
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Reset
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Use fixed method for Core 2.3.0, because it erases only 2 out of 4 SDK-reserved sectors
- // Fixed since 2.4.0, see: esp8266/core/esp8266/Esp.cpp: ESP::eraseConfig()
- bool eraseSDKConfig() {
- #if defined(ARDUINO_ESP8266_RELEASE_2_3_0)
- constexpr size_t cfgsize = 0x4000;
- size_t cfgaddr = ESP.getFlashChipSize() - cfgsize;
- for (size_t offset = 0; offset < cfgsize; offset += SPI_FLASH_SEC_SIZE) {
- if (!ESP.flashEraseSector((cfgaddr + offset) / SPI_FLASH_SEC_SIZE)) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- #else
- return ESP.eraseConfig();
- #endif
- }
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Helper functions
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- char * ltrim(char * s) {
- char *p = s;
- while ((unsigned char) *p == ' ') ++p;
- return p;
- }
- double roundTo(double num, unsigned char positions) {
- double multiplier = 1;
- while (positions-- > 0) multiplier *= 10;
- return round(num * multiplier) / multiplier;
- }
- void nice_delay(unsigned long ms) {
- unsigned long start = millis();
- while (millis() - start < ms) delay(1);
- }
- // This method is called by the SDK to know where to connect the ADC
- int __get_adc_mode() {
- return (int) (ADC_MODE_VALUE);
- }
- bool isNumber(const char * s) {
- unsigned char len = strlen(s);
- if (0 == len) return false;
- bool decimal = false;
- bool digit = false;
- for (unsigned char i=0; i<len; i++) {
- if (('-' == s[i]) || ('+' == s[i])) {
- if (i>0) return false;
- } else if (s[i] == '.') {
- if (!digit) return false;
- if (decimal) return false;
- decimal = true;
- } else if (!isdigit(s[i])) {
- return false;
- } else {
- digit = true;
- }
- }
- return digit;
- }
- // ref: lwip2 lwip_strnstr with strnlen
- char* strnstr(const char* buffer, const char* token, size_t n) {
- size_t token_len = strnlen(token, n);
- if (token_len == 0) {
- return const_cast<char*>(buffer);
- }
- for (const char* p = buffer; *p && (p + token_len <= buffer + n); p++) {
- if ((*p == *token) && (strncmp(p, token, token_len) == 0)) {
- return const_cast<char*>(p);
- }
- }
- return nullptr;
- }
- // TODO: force getSetting return type to handle settings
- uint32_t u32fromString(const String& string, int base) {
- const char *ptr = string.c_str();
- char *value_endptr = nullptr;
- // invalidate the whole string when invalid chars are detected
- const auto value = strtoul(ptr, &value_endptr, base);
- if (value_endptr == ptr || value_endptr[0] != '\0') {
- return 0;
- }
- return value;
- }
- uint32_t u32fromString(const String& string) {
- if (!string.length()) {
- return 0;
- }
- int base = 10;
- if (string.length() > 2) {
- if (string.startsWith("0b")) {
- base = 2;
- } else if (string.startsWith("0o")) {
- base = 8;
- } else if (string.startsWith("0x")) {
- base = 16;
- }
- }
- return u32fromString((base == 10) ? string : string.substring(2), base);
- }
- String u32toString(uint32_t value, int base) {
- String result;
- result.reserve(32 + 2);
- if (base == 2) {
- result += "0b";
- } else if (base == 8) {
- result += "0o";
- } else if (base == 16) {
- result += "0x";
- }
- char buffer[33] = {0};
- ultoa(value, buffer, base);
- result += buffer;
- return result;
- }