- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Event Counter Sensor
- // Copyright (C) 2017-2018 by Xose Pérez <xose dot perez at gmail dot com>
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #pragma once
- #include "Arduino.h"
- #include "BaseSensor.h"
- #include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
- #include <HLW8012.h>
- class HLW8012Sensor : public BaseSensor {
- public:
- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Public
- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- HLW8012Sensor(): BaseSensor() {
- _count = 7;
- _sensor_id = SENSOR_HLW8012_ID;
- _hlw8012 = new HLW8012();
- }
- ~HLW8012Sensor() {
- _enableInterrupts(false);
- delete _hlw8012;
- }
- void expectedCurrent(double expected) {
- _hlw8012->expectedCurrent(expected);
- }
- void expectedVoltage(unsigned int expected) {
- _hlw8012->expectedVoltage(expected);
- }
- void expectedPower(unsigned int expected) {
- _hlw8012->expectedActivePower(expected);
- }
- void resetRatios() {
- _hlw8012->resetMultipliers();
- }
- void resetEnergy(double value = 0) {
- _energy_offset = value;
- _hlw8012->resetEnergy();
- }
- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- void setSEL(unsigned char sel) {
- if (_sel == sel) return;
- _sel = sel;
- _dirty = true;
- }
- void setCF(unsigned char cf) {
- if (_cf == cf) return;
- _cf = cf;
- _dirty = true;
- }
- void setCF1(unsigned char cf1) {
- if (_cf1 == cf1) return;
- _cf1 = cf1;
- _dirty = true;
- }
- void setSELCurrent(bool value) {
- _sel_current = value;
- }
- void setCurrentRatio(double value) {
- _hlw8012->setCurrentMultiplier(value);
- };
- void setVoltageRatio(double value) {
- _hlw8012->setVoltageMultiplier(value);
- };
- void setPowerRatio(double value) {
- _hlw8012->setPowerMultiplier(value);
- };
- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- unsigned char getSEL() {
- return _sel;
- }
- unsigned char getCF() {
- return _cf;
- }
- unsigned char getCF1() {
- return _cf1;
- }
- unsigned char getSELCurrent() {
- return _sel_current;
- }
- double getCurrentRatio() {
- return _hlw8012->getCurrentMultiplier();
- };
- double getVoltageRatio() {
- return _hlw8012->getVoltageMultiplier();
- };
- double getPowerRatio() {
- return _hlw8012->getPowerMultiplier();
- };
- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Sensors API
- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Initialization method, must be idempotent
- // Defined outside the class body
- void begin() {
- // Initialize HLW8012
- // void begin(unsigned char cf_pin, unsigned char cf1_pin, unsigned char sel_pin, unsigned char currentWhen = HIGH, bool use_interrupts = false, unsigned long pulse_timeout = PULSE_TIMEOUT);
- // * cf_pin, cf1_pin and sel_pin are GPIOs to the HLW8012 IC
- // * currentWhen is the value in sel_pin to select current sampling
- // * set use_interrupts to true to use interrupts to monitor pulse widths
- // * leave pulse_timeout to the default value, recommended when using interrupts
- _hlw8012->begin(_cf, _cf1, _sel, _sel_current, true);
- #else
- _hlw8012->begin(_cf, _cf1, _sel, _sel_current, false, 1000000);
- #endif
- // These values are used to calculate current, voltage and power factors as per datasheet formula
- // These are the nominal values for the Sonoff POW resistors:
- // * The CURRENT_RESISTOR is the 1milliOhm copper-manganese resistor in series with the main line
- // * The VOLTAGE_RESISTOR_UPSTREAM are the 5 470kOhm resistors in the voltage divider that feeds the V2P pin in the HLW8012
- // * The VOLTAGE_RESISTOR_DOWNSTREAM is the 1kOhm resistor in the voltage divider that feeds the V2P pin in the HLW8012
- _hlw8012->setResistors(HLW8012_CURRENT_R, HLW8012_VOLTAGE_R_UP, HLW8012_VOLTAGE_R_DOWN);
- // Handle interrupts
- #if HLW8012_WAIT_FOR_WIFI == 0
- _enableInterrupts(false);
- _enableInterrupts(true);
- #endif
- #endif
- _ready = true;
- }
- // Descriptive name of the sensor
- String description() {
- char buffer[25];
- snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "HLW8012 @ GPIO(%u,%u,%u)", _sel, _cf, _cf1);
- return String(buffer);
- }
- // Descriptive name of the slot # index
- String slot(unsigned char index) {
- return description();
- };
- // Address of the sensor (it could be the GPIO or I2C address)
- String address(unsigned char index) {
- char buffer[10];
- snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%u:%u:%u", _sel, _cf, _cf1);
- return String(buffer);
- }
- // Type for slot # index
- unsigned char type(unsigned char index) {
- if (index == 0) return MAGNITUDE_CURRENT;
- if (index == 1) return MAGNITUDE_VOLTAGE;
- if (index == 2) return MAGNITUDE_POWER_ACTIVE;
- if (index == 3) return MAGNITUDE_POWER_REACTIVE;
- if (index == 4) return MAGNITUDE_POWER_APPARENT;
- if (index == 5) return MAGNITUDE_POWER_FACTOR;
- if (index == 6) return MAGNITUDE_ENERGY;
- }
- // Current value for slot # index
- double value(unsigned char index) {
- if (index == 0) return _hlw8012->getCurrent();
- if (index == 1) return _hlw8012->getVoltage();
- if (index == 2) return _hlw8012->getActivePower();
- if (index == 3) return _hlw8012->getReactivePower();
- if (index == 4) return _hlw8012->getApparentPower();
- if (index == 5) return 100 * _hlw8012->getPowerFactor();
- if (index == 6) return (_energy_offset + _hlw8012->getEnergy());
- return 0;
- }
- // Pre-read hook (usually to populate registers with up-to-date data)
- void pre() {
- _enableInterrupts(wifiConnected());
- }
- #endif
- #endif
- // Toggle between current and voltage monitoring
- #if HLW8012_USE_INTERRUPTS == 0
- // Post-read hook (usually to reset things)
- void post() { _hlw8012->toggleMode(); }
- #endif // HLW8012_USE_INTERRUPTS == 0
- // Handle interrupt calls
- void ICACHE_RAM_ATTR handleInterrupt(unsigned char gpio) {
- if (gpio == _cf) _hlw8012->cf_interrupt();
- if (gpio == _cf1) _hlw8012->cf1_interrupt();
- }
- protected:
- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Interrupt management
- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- void _attach(HLW8012Sensor * instance, unsigned char gpio, unsigned char mode);
- void _detach(unsigned char gpio);
- void _enableInterrupts(bool value) {
- static bool state = false;
- static unsigned char _interrupt_cf = GPIO_NONE;
- static unsigned char _interrupt_cf1 = GPIO_NONE;
- if (value == state) return;
- state = value;
- if (value) {
- if (_interrupt_cf != GPIO_NONE) _detach(_interrupt_cf);
- _attach(this, _cf, HLW8012_INTERRUPT_ON);
- _interrupt_cf = _cf;
- if (_interrupt_cf1 != GPIO_NONE) _detach(_interrupt_cf1);
- _attach(this, _cf1, HLW8012_INTERRUPT_ON);
- _interrupt_cf1 = _cf1;
- } else {
- _detach(_cf);
- _detach(_cf1);
- _interrupt_cf = GPIO_NONE;
- _interrupt_cf1 = GPIO_NONE;
- }
- }
- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- unsigned char _sel = GPIO_NONE;
- unsigned char _cf = GPIO_NONE;
- unsigned char _cf1 = GPIO_NONE;
- bool _sel_current = true;
- double _energy_offset = 0;
- HLW8012 * _hlw8012 = NULL;
- };
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Interrupt helpers
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HLW8012Sensor * _hlw8012_sensor_instance[10] = {NULL};
- void ICACHE_RAM_ATTR _hlw8012_sensor_isr(unsigned char gpio) {
- unsigned char index = gpio > 5 ? gpio-6 : gpio;
- if (_hlw8012_sensor_instance[index]) {
- _hlw8012_sensor_instance[index]->handleInterrupt(gpio);
- }
- }
- void ICACHE_RAM_ATTR _hlw8012_sensor_isr_0() { _hlw8012_sensor_isr(0); }
- void ICACHE_RAM_ATTR _hlw8012_sensor_isr_1() { _hlw8012_sensor_isr(1); }
- void ICACHE_RAM_ATTR _hlw8012_sensor_isr_2() { _hlw8012_sensor_isr(2); }
- void ICACHE_RAM_ATTR _hlw8012_sensor_isr_3() { _hlw8012_sensor_isr(3); }
- void ICACHE_RAM_ATTR _hlw8012_sensor_isr_4() { _hlw8012_sensor_isr(4); }
- void ICACHE_RAM_ATTR _hlw8012_sensor_isr_5() { _hlw8012_sensor_isr(5); }
- void ICACHE_RAM_ATTR _hlw8012_sensor_isr_12() { _hlw8012_sensor_isr(12); }
- void ICACHE_RAM_ATTR _hlw8012_sensor_isr_13() { _hlw8012_sensor_isr(13); }
- void ICACHE_RAM_ATTR _hlw8012_sensor_isr_14() { _hlw8012_sensor_isr(14); }
- void ICACHE_RAM_ATTR _hlw8012_sensor_isr_15() { _hlw8012_sensor_isr(15); }
- static void (*_hlw8012_sensor_isr_list[10])() = {
- _hlw8012_sensor_isr_0, _hlw8012_sensor_isr_1, _hlw8012_sensor_isr_2,
- _hlw8012_sensor_isr_3, _hlw8012_sensor_isr_4, _hlw8012_sensor_isr_5,
- _hlw8012_sensor_isr_12, _hlw8012_sensor_isr_13, _hlw8012_sensor_isr_14,
- _hlw8012_sensor_isr_15
- };
- void HLW8012Sensor::_attach(HLW8012Sensor * instance, unsigned char gpio, unsigned char mode) {
- if (!gpioValid(gpio)) return;
- _detach(gpio);
- unsigned char index = gpio > 5 ? gpio-6 : gpio;
- _hlw8012_sensor_instance[index] = instance;
- attachInterrupt(gpio, _hlw8012_sensor_isr_list[index], mode);
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[SENSOR] GPIO%u interrupt attached to %s\n"), gpio, instance->description().c_str());
- #endif
- }
- void HLW8012Sensor::_detach(unsigned char gpio) {
- if (!gpioValid(gpio)) return;
- unsigned char index = gpio > 5 ? gpio-6 : gpio;
- if (_hlw8012_sensor_instance[index]) {
- detachInterrupt(gpio);
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[SENSOR] GPIO%u interrupt detached from %s\n"), gpio, _hlw8012_sensor_instance[index]->description().c_str());
- #endif
- _hlw8012_sensor_instance[index] = NULL;
- }
- }