- #!/bin/bash
- ip=
- board=
- auth=
- flags=
- export boards=()
- ips=""
- exists() {
- command -v "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1
- }
- echo_pad() {
- string=$1
- pad=$2
- printf '%s' "$string"
- printf '%*s' $(( $pad - ${#string} ))
- }
- useAvahi() {
- echo_pad "#" 4
- echo_pad "HOSTNAME" 20
- echo_pad "IP" 20
- echo_pad "DEVICE" 30
- echo_pad "VERSION" 10
- echo
- printf -v line '%*s\n' 84
- echo ${line// /-}
- counter=0
- ip_file="/tmp/espurna.flash.ips"
- board_file="/tmp/espurna.flash.boards"
- count_file="/tmp/espurna.flash.count"
- echo -n "" > $ip_file
- echo -n "" > $board_file
- echo -n "$counter" > $count_file
- avahi-browse -t -r -p "_arduino._tcp" 2>/dev/null | grep ^= | while read line; do
- (( counter++ ))
- echo "$counter" > $count_file
- hostname=`echo $line | cut -d ';' -f4`
- ip=`echo $line | cut -d ';' -f8`
- txt=`echo $line | cut -d ';' -f10`
- board=`echo $txt | sed -n "s/.*espurna_board=\([^\"]*\).*/\1/p"`
- version=`echo $txt | sed -n "s/.*espurna_version=\([^\"]*\).*/\1/p"`
- echo -n "$ip;" >> $ip_file
- echo -n "$board;" >> $board_file
- echo_pad "$counter" 4
- echo_pad "$hostname" 20
- echo_pad "$ip" 20
- echo_pad "$board" 30
- echo_pad "$version" 10
- echo
- done
- echo
- read -p "Choose the board you want to flash (empty if none of these): " num
- # None of these
- if [ "$num" == "" ]; then
- return
- fi
- # Check boundaries
- counter=`cat $count_file`
- if [ $num -lt 1 ] || [ $num -gt $counter ]; then
- echo "Board number must be between 1 and $counter"
- exit 1
- fi
- # Fill the fields
- ip=`cat $ip_file | cut -d ';' -f$num`
- board=`cat $board_file | cut -d ';' -f$num`
- }
- getBoard() {
- boards=(`cat espurna/config/hardware.h | grep "defined" | sed "s/.*(\(.*\)).*/\1/" | sort`)
- echo_pad "#" 4
- echo_pad "DEVICE" 30
- echo
- printf -v line '%*s\n' 34
- echo ${line// /-}
- counter=0
- for board in "${boards[@]}"; do
- (( counter++ ))
- echo_pad "$counter" 4
- echo_pad "$board" 30
- echo
- done
- echo
- read -p "Choose the board you want to flash (empty if none of these): " num
- # None of these
- if [ "$num" == "" ]; then
- return
- fi
- # Check boundaries
- counter=${#boards[*]}
- if [ $num -lt 1 ] || [ $num -gt $counter ]; then
- echo "Board code must be between 1 and $counter"
- exit 1
- fi
- # Fill the fields
- (( num -- ))
- board=${boards[$num]}
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Welcome
- echo
- echo "--------------------------------------------------------------"
- # Get current version
- version=`cat espurna/config/version.h | grep APP_VERSION | awk '{print $3}' | sed 's/"//g'`
- echo "Building for version $version"
- echo "--------------------------------------------------------------"
- echo
- if exists avahi-browse; then
- useAvahi
- fi
- if [ "$board" == "" ]; then
- getBoard
- fi
- if [ "$board" == "" ]; then
- read -p "Board type of the device to flash: " -e -i "NODEMCU_LOLIN" board
- fi
- if [ "$board" == "" ]; then
- echo "You must define the board type"
- exit 2
- fi
- if [ "$ip" == "" ]; then
- read -p "IP of the device to flash: " -e -i ip
- fi
- if [ "$ip" == "" ]; then
- echo "You must define the IP of the device"
- exit 2
- fi
- if [ "$auth" == "" ]; then
- read -p "Authorization key of the device to flash: " auth
- fi
- if [ "$flags" == "" ]; then
- read -p "Extra flags for the build: " -e -i "-DTELNET_ONLY_AP=0" flags
- fi
- read -p "Environment to build: " -e -i "esp8266-1m-ota" env
- echo
- echo "IP = $ip"
- echo "BOARD = $board"
- echo "AUTH = $auth"
- echo "FLAGS = $flags"
- echo "ENV = $env"
- echo
- echo -n "Are these values corrent [y/N]: "
- read response
- if [ "$response" != "y" ]; then
- exit
- fi
- export IP=$ip
- export BOARD=$board
- export AUTH=$auth
- export FLAGS=$flags
- pio run -e $env -t upload