- Do you want to do a pull request?
- First things first: **THANK YOU!**. ESPurna started as a personal project and it will be great if it becomes a community project. There are so many things that can be improved, added and fixed (yeah, a lot a small bugs and not so small bugs there, I'm sure). And sometimes I just don't have the time to work on it as much as I'd like to.
- Second. Let's try to keep it homogeneous and readable. I have my coding style. It's mostly standard but sometimes it can be opinionated. It you are willing to do a pull request, there are a few things I would ask you first:
- ## Pull request ##
- * Do the pull request against the **`dev` branch**
- * **Only touch relevant files** (beware if your editor has auto-formatting feature enabled)
- * If you are adding a new functionality (new hardware, new library support) not related to an existing component move it to it's **own modules** (.cpp or .h file)
- * If you are adding new library, include it in one of the [**sample test/build/*.h profiles**](https://github.com/xoseperez/espurna/tree/dev/code/test/build), so our integrated CI will try to compile it.
- * Make sure you check [Coding Style](https://github.com/xoseperez/espurna/wiki/CodingStyle)
- * PRs that don't compile or cause more coding errors will not be merged. Please fix the issue. Same goes for PRs that are raised against older commit in dev - you might need to rebase and resolve conflicts.
- And thank you again!