Rework settings (#2282)
* wip based on early draft. todo benchmarking
* fixup eraser, assume keys are unique
* fix cursor copy, test removal at random
* small benchmark via permutations. todo lambdas and novirtual
* fix empty condition / reset
* overwrite optimizations, fix move offsets overflows
* ...erase using 0xff instead of 0
* test the theory with code, different length kv were bugged
* try to check for out-of-bounds writes / reads
* style
* trying to fix mover again
* clarify length, defend against reading len on edge
* fix uncommited rewind change
* prove space assumptions
* more concise traces, fix move condition (agrh!!!)
* slightly more internal knowledge (estimates API?)
* make sure cursor is only valid within the range
* ensure 0 does not blow things
* go back up
* cursor comments
* comments
* rewrite writes through cursor
* in del too
* estimate kv storage requirements, return available size
* move raw erase / move into a method, allow ::set to avoid scanning storage twice
* refactor naming, use in code
* amend storage slicing test
* fix crash handler offsets, cleanup configuration
* start -> begin
* eeprom readiness
* dependencies
* unused
* SPI_FLASH constants for older Core
* vtables -> templates
* less include dependencies
* gcov help, move estimate outside of the class
* writer position can never match, use begin + offset
* tweak save_crash to trigger only once in a serious crash
* doh, header function should be inline
* foreach api, tweak structs for public api
* use test helper class
* when not using foreach, move cursor reset closer to the loop using read_kv
* coverage comments, fix typo in tests decltype
* ensure set() does not break with offset
* make codacy happy again 4 years ago |
- /*
- Copyright (C) 2019 by Xose Pérez <xose dot perez at gmail dot com>
- */
- #include "espurna.h"
- #include <Ticker.h>
- #include <Schedule.h>
- #include <cstdint>
- #include "rtcmem.h"
- #include "ws.h"
- #include "ntp.h"
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- bool _system_send_heartbeat = false;
- int _heartbeat_mode = HEARTBEAT_MODE;
- unsigned long _heartbeat_interval = HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL;
- // Calculated load average 0 to 100;
- unsigned short int _load_average = 100;
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- union system_rtcmem_t {
- struct {
- uint8_t stability_counter;
- uint8_t reset_reason;
- uint16_t _reserved_;
- } packed;
- uint32_t value;
- };
- uint8_t systemStabilityCounter() {
- system_rtcmem_t data;
- data.value = Rtcmem->sys;
- return data.packed.stability_counter;
- }
- void systemStabilityCounter(uint8_t count) {
- system_rtcmem_t data;
- data.value = Rtcmem->sys;
- data.packed.stability_counter = count;
- Rtcmem->sys = data.value;
- }
- uint8_t _systemResetReason() {
- system_rtcmem_t data;
- data.value = Rtcmem->sys;
- return data.packed.reset_reason;
- }
- void _systemResetReason(uint8_t reason) {
- system_rtcmem_t data;
- data.value = Rtcmem->sys;
- data.packed.reset_reason = reason;
- Rtcmem->sys = data.value;
- }
- // Call this method on boot with start=true to increase the crash counter
- // Call it again once the system is stable to decrease the counter
- // If the counter reaches SYSTEM_CHECK_MAX then the system is flagged as unstable
- // setting _systemOK = false;
- //
- // An unstable system will only have serial access, WiFi in AP mode and OTA
- bool _systemStable = true;
- void systemCheck(bool stable) {
- uint8_t value = 0;
- if (stable) {
- value = 0;
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[MAIN] System OK\n"));
- } else {
- if (!rtcmemStatus()) {
- systemStabilityCounter(1);
- return;
- }
- value = systemStabilityCounter();
- if (++value > SYSTEM_CHECK_MAX) {
- _systemStable = false;
- value = 0;
- }
- }
- systemStabilityCounter(value);
- }
- bool systemCheck() {
- return _systemStable;
- }
- void systemCheckLoop() {
- static bool checked = false;
- if (!checked && (millis() > SYSTEM_CHECK_TIME)) {
- // Flag system as stable
- systemCheck(true);
- checked = true;
- }
- }
- #endif
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Reset
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Ticker _defer_reset;
- uint8_t _reset_reason = 0;
- // system_get_rst_info() result is cached by the Core init for internal use
- uint32_t systemResetReason() {
- return resetInfo.reason;
- }
- void customResetReason(unsigned char reason) {
- _reset_reason = reason;
- _systemResetReason(reason);
- }
- unsigned char customResetReason() {
- static unsigned char status = 255;
- if (status == 255) {
- if (rtcmemStatus()) status = _systemResetReason();
- if (status > 0) customResetReason(0);
- if (status > CUSTOM_RESET_MAX) status = 0;
- }
- return status;
- }
- void reset() {
- ESP.restart();
- }
- void deferredReset(unsigned long delay, unsigned char reason) {
- _defer_reset.once_ms(delay, customResetReason, reason);
- }
- bool checkNeedsReset() {
- return _reset_reason > 0;
- }
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void systemSendHeartbeat() {
- _system_send_heartbeat = true;
- }
- bool systemGetHeartbeat() {
- return _system_send_heartbeat;
- }
- unsigned long systemLoadAverage() {
- return _load_average;
- }
- void _systemSetupHeartbeat() {
- _heartbeat_mode = getSetting("hbMode", HEARTBEAT_MODE);
- _heartbeat_interval = getSetting("hbInterval", HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL);
- }
- bool _systemWebSocketOnKeyCheck(const char * key, JsonVariant& value) {
- if (strncmp(key, "sys", 3) == 0) return true;
- if (strncmp(key, "hb", 2) == 0) return true;
- return false;
- }
- #endif
- void systemLoop() {
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // User requested reset
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if (checkNeedsReset()) {
- reset();
- return;
- }
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Check system stability
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- systemCheckLoop();
- #endif
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Heartbeat
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if (_system_send_heartbeat && _heartbeat_mode == HEARTBEAT_ONCE) {
- heartbeat();
- _system_send_heartbeat = false;
- } else if (_heartbeat_mode == HEARTBEAT_REPEAT || _heartbeat_mode == HEARTBEAT_REPEAT_STATUS) {
- static unsigned long last_hbeat = 0;
- if ((_system_send_heartbeat && ntpSynced()) || (millis() - last_hbeat > _heartbeat_interval * 1000)) {
- #else
- if (_system_send_heartbeat || (millis() - last_hbeat > _heartbeat_interval * 1000)) {
- #endif
- last_hbeat = millis();
- heartbeat();
- _system_send_heartbeat = false;
- }
- }
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Load Average calculation
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- static unsigned long last_loadcheck = 0;
- static unsigned long load_counter_temp = 0;
- load_counter_temp++;
- if (millis() - last_loadcheck > LOADAVG_INTERVAL) {
- static unsigned long load_counter = 0;
- static unsigned long load_counter_max = 1;
- load_counter = load_counter_temp;
- load_counter_temp = 0;
- if (load_counter > load_counter_max) {
- load_counter_max = load_counter;
- }
- _load_average = 100 - (100 * load_counter / load_counter_max);
- last_loadcheck = millis();
- }
- }
- void _systemSetupSpecificHardware() {
- //The ESPLive has an ADC MUX which needs to be configured.
- pinMode(16, OUTPUT);
- digitalWrite(16, HIGH); //Defualt CT input (pin B, solder jumper B)
- #endif
- // These devices use the hardware UART
- // to communicate to secondary microcontrollers
- Serial.begin(SERIAL_BAUDRATE);
- #endif
- }
- void systemSetup() {
- SPIFFS.begin();
- #endif
- // Question system stability
- systemCheck(false);
- #endif
- wsRegister().onKeyCheck(_systemWebSocketOnKeyCheck);
- #endif
- // Init device-specific hardware
- _systemSetupSpecificHardware();
- // Register Loop
- espurnaRegisterLoop(systemLoop);
- // Cache Heartbeat values
- _systemSetupHeartbeat();
- }