- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // V9261F based power monitor
- // Copyright (C) 2017-2018 by Xose Pérez <xose dot perez at gmail dot com>
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #pragma once
- #include "Arduino.h"
- #include "BaseSensor.h"
- #include <SoftwareSerial.h>
- class V9261FSensor : public BaseSensor {
- public:
- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Public
- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- V9261FSensor(): BaseSensor() {
- _count = 6;
- _sensor_id = SENSOR_V9261F_ID;
- }
- ~V9261FSensor() {
- if (_serial) delete _serial;
- }
- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- void setRX(unsigned char pin_rx) {
- if (_pin_rx == pin_rx) return;
- _pin_rx = pin_rx;
- _dirty = true;
- }
- void setInverted(bool inverted) {
- if (_inverted == inverted) return;
- _inverted = inverted;
- _dirty = true;
- }
- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- unsigned char getRX() {
- return _pin_rx;
- }
- bool getInverted() {
- return _inverted;
- }
- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Sensor API
- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Initialization method, must be idempotent
- void begin() {
- if (!_dirty) return;
- _dirty = false;
- if (_serial) delete _serial;
- _serial = new SoftwareSerial(_pin_rx, SW_SERIAL_UNUSED_PIN, _inverted, 256);
- _serial->begin(V9261F_BAUDRATE);
- }
- // Descriptive name of the sensor
- String description() {
- char buffer[28];
- snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "V9261F @ SwSerial(%i,NULL)", _pin_rx);
- return String(buffer);
- }
- // Descriptive name of the slot # index
- String slot(unsigned char index) {
- return description();
- };
- // Loop-like method, call it in your main loop
- void tick() {
- _read();
- }
- // Type for slot # index
- unsigned char type(unsigned char index) {
- _error = SENSOR_ERROR_OK;
- if (index == 0) return MAGNITUDE_CURRENT;
- if (index == 1) return MAGNITUDE_VOLTAGE;
- if (index == 2) return MAGNITUDE_POWER_ACTIVE;
- if (index == 3) return MAGNITUDE_POWER_REACTIVE;
- if (index == 4) return MAGNITUDE_POWER_APPARENT;
- if (index == 5) return MAGNITUDE_POWER_FACTOR;
- }
- // Current value for slot # index
- double value(unsigned char index) {
- _error = SENSOR_ERROR_OK;
- if (index == 0) return _current;
- if (index == 1) return _voltage;
- if (index == 2) return _active;
- if (index == 3) return _reactive;
- if (index == 4) return _apparent;
- if (index == 5) return _apparent > 0 ? 100 * _active / _apparent : 100;
- return 0;
- }
- protected:
- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Protected
- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- void _read() {
- static unsigned char state = 0;
- static unsigned long last = 0;
- static bool found = false;
- static unsigned char index = 0;
- if (state == 0) {
- while (_serial->available()) {
- _serial->flush();
- found = true;
- last = millis();
- }
- if (found && (millis() - last > V9261F_SYNC_INTERVAL)) {
- _serial->flush();
- index = 0;
- state = 1;
- }
- } else if (state == 1) {
- while (_serial->available()) {
- _serial->read();
- if (index++ >= 7) {
- _serial->flush();
- index = 0;
- state = 2;
- }
- }
- } else if (state == 2) {
- while (_serial->available()) {
- _data[index] = _serial->read();
- if (index++ >= 19) {
- _serial->flush();
- last = millis();
- state = 3;
- }
- }
- } else if (state == 3) {
- if (_checksum()) {
- _active = (double) (
- (_data[3]) +
- (_data[4] << 8) +
- (_data[5] << 16) +
- (_data[6] << 24)
- ) / _ratioP;
- _reactive = (double) (
- (_data[7]) +
- (_data[8] << 8) +
- (_data[9] << 16) +
- (_data[10] << 24)
- ) / _ratioR;
- _voltage = (double) (
- (_data[11]) +
- (_data[12] << 8) +
- (_data[13] << 16) +
- (_data[14] << 24)
- ) / _ratioV;
- _current = (double) (
- (_data[15]) +
- (_data[16] << 8) +
- (_data[17] << 16) +
- (_data[18] << 24)
- ) / _ratioC;
- if (_active < 0) _active = 0;
- if (_reactive < 0) _reactive = 0;
- if (_voltage < 0) _voltage = 0;
- if (_current < 0) _current = 0;
- _apparent = sqrt(_reactive * _reactive + _active * _active);
- }
- last = millis();
- index = 0;
- state = 4;
- } else if (state == 4) {
- while (_serial->available()) {
- _serial->flush();
- last = millis();
- }
- if (millis() - last > V9261F_SYNC_INTERVAL) {
- state = 1;
- }
- }
- }
- bool _checksum() {
- unsigned char checksum = 0;
- for (unsigned char i = 0; i < 19; i++) {
- checksum = checksum + _data[i];
- }
- checksum = ~checksum + 0x33;
- return checksum == _data[19];
- }
- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- unsigned int _pin_rx = V9261F_PIN;
- bool _inverted = V9261F_PIN_INVERSE;
- SoftwareSerial * _serial = NULL;
- double _active = 0;
- double _reactive = 0;
- double _voltage = 0;
- double _current = 0;
- double _apparent = 0;
- double _ratioP = V9261F_POWER_FACTOR;
- double _ratioC = V9261F_CURRENT_FACTOR;
- double _ratioV = V9261F_VOLTAGE_FACTOR;
- double _ratioR = V9261F_RPOWER_FACTOR;
- unsigned char _data[24];
- };
- #endif // SENSOR_SUPPORT && V9261F_SUPPORT