sys: clean-up system-specific functions
- shrink utils source file, move heartbeat and boot management into system
- improvise with 'heartbeat' functionality. include scheduler implementation that will
manage the per-module heartbeat callbacks with individual 'mode' and
'interval' settings. current ones are mqtt (including relays, lights, thermostat), debug and
influxdb. preserve heartbeat NONE, ONCE and REPEAT, REPEAT_STATUS is effectively a hbReport & status bit.
- mqtt heartbeat is managed through mqttHeartbeat() callbacks
- tweak mqtt callbacks to use lists instead of the vector, slighly reducing the size of the .bin
- update WebUI, include report setting and update hbMode values
- make sure general.h settings include new heartbeat,
move constant definitions outside of the header
- correctly include dependencies through the .cpp, avoid leaking
internal details.
- as a side-effect, base headers are no longer included recursively
4 years ago sys: clean-up system-specific functions
- shrink utils source file, move heartbeat and boot management into system
- improvise with 'heartbeat' functionality. include scheduler implementation that will
manage the per-module heartbeat callbacks with individual 'mode' and
'interval' settings. current ones are mqtt (including relays, lights, thermostat), debug and
influxdb. preserve heartbeat NONE, ONCE and REPEAT, REPEAT_STATUS is effectively a hbReport & status bit.
- mqtt heartbeat is managed through mqttHeartbeat() callbacks
- tweak mqtt callbacks to use lists instead of the vector, slighly reducing the size of the .bin
- update WebUI, include report setting and update hbMode values
- make sure general.h settings include new heartbeat,
move constant definitions outside of the header
- correctly include dependencies through the .cpp, avoid leaking
internal details.
- as a side-effect, base headers are no longer included recursively
4 years ago |
- /*
- Original module
- Copyright (C) 2017-2019 by Xose Pérez <xose dot perez at gmail dot com>
- Reworked queueing and RAM usage reduction
- Copyright (C) 2019-2021 by Maxim Prokhorov <prokhorov dot max at outlook dot com>
- */
- #include "espurna.h"
- #include "light.h"
- #include "mqtt.h"
- #include "relay.h"
- #include "sensor.h"
- #include "ws.h"
- #include <ArduinoJson.h>
- #include <forward_list>
- #include <memory>
- namespace homeassistant {
- // Output is supposed to be used as both part of the MQTT config topic and the `uniq_id` field
- // TODO: manage UTF8 strings? in case we somehow receive `desc`, like it was done originally
- String normalize_ascii(String&& value, bool lower = false) {
- auto* ptr = const_cast<char*>(value.c_str());
- for (;;) {
- switch (*ptr) {
- case '\0':
- goto return_value;
- case '0' ... '9':
- case 'a' ... 'z':
- break;
- case 'A' ... 'Z':
- if (lower) {
- *ptr += 32;
- }
- break;
- default:
- *ptr = '_';
- break;
- }
- ++ptr;
- }
- return_value:
- return std::move(value);
- }
- // Common data used across the discovery payloads.
- // ref.
- class Device {
- public:
- struct Strings {
- Strings() = delete;
- Strings(const Strings&) = delete;
- Strings(Strings&&) = default;
- Strings(String&& prefix_, String&& name_, const String& identifier_, const String& version_, const String& manufacturer_, const String& device_) :
- prefix(std::move(prefix_)),
- name(std::move(name_)),
- identifier(identifier_),
- version(version_),
- manufacturer(manufacturer_),
- device(device_)
- {
- name = normalize_ascii(std::move(name));
- identifier = normalize_ascii(std::move(identifier), true);
- }
- String prefix;
- String name;
- String identifier;
- String version;
- String manufacturer;
- String device;
- };
- using StringsPtr = std::unique_ptr<Strings>;
- static constexpr size_t BufferSize { JSON_ARRAY_SIZE(1) + JSON_OBJECT_SIZE(1) + JSON_OBJECT_SIZE(5) };
- using Buffer = StaticJsonBuffer<BufferSize>;
- using BufferPtr = std::unique_ptr<Buffer>;
- Device() = delete;
- Device(const Device&) = delete;
- Device(Device&&) = default;
- Device(String&& prefix, String&& name, const String& identifier, const String& version, const String& manufacturer, const String& device) :
- _strings(std::make_unique<Strings>(std::move(prefix), std::move(name), identifier, version, manufacturer, device)),
- _buffer(std::make_unique<Buffer>()),
- _root(_buffer->createObject())
- {
- JsonArray& ids = _root.createNestedArray("ids");
- ids.add(_strings->identifier.c_str());
- _root["name"] = _strings->name.c_str();
- _root["sw"] = _strings->version.c_str();
- _root["mf"] = _strings->manufacturer.c_str();
- _root["mdl"] = _strings->device.c_str();
- }
- const String& name() const {
- return _strings->name;
- }
- const String& prefix() const {
- return _strings->prefix;
- }
- const String& identifier() const {
- return _strings->identifier;
- }
- JsonObject& root() {
- return _root;
- }
- private:
- StringsPtr _strings;
- BufferPtr _buffer;
- JsonObject& _root;
- };
- using DevicePtr = std::unique_ptr<Device>;
- using JsonBufferPtr = std::unique_ptr<DynamicJsonBuffer>;
- class Context {
- public:
- Context() = delete;
- Context(DevicePtr&& device, size_t capacity) :
- _device(std::move(device)),
- _capacity(capacity)
- {}
- const String& name() const {
- return _device->name();
- }
- const String& prefix() const {
- return _device->prefix();
- }
- const String& identifier() const {
- return _device->identifier();
- }
- JsonObject& device() {
- return _device->root();
- }
- void reset() {
- _json = std::make_unique<DynamicJsonBuffer>(_capacity);
- }
- size_t capacity() const {
- return _capacity;
- }
- size_t size() {
- if (_json) {
- return _json->size();
- }
- return 0;
- }
- JsonObject& makeObject() {
- if (!_json) {
- reset();
- }
- return _json->createObject();
- }
- private:
- String _prefix;
- DevicePtr _device;
- JsonBufferPtr _json;
- size_t _capacity { 0ul };
- };
- Context makeContext() {
- auto device = std::make_unique<Device>(
- getSetting("haPrefix", HOMEASSISTANT_PREFIX),
- getSetting("hostname", getIdentifier()),
- getIdentifier(),
- getVersion(),
- getManufacturer(),
- getDevice()
- );
- return Context(std::move(device), 2048ul);
- }
- String quote(String&& value) {
- if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("y")
- || value.equalsIgnoreCase("n")
- || value.equalsIgnoreCase("yes")
- || value.equalsIgnoreCase("no")
- || value.equalsIgnoreCase("true")
- || value.equalsIgnoreCase("false")
- || value.equalsIgnoreCase("on")
- || value.equalsIgnoreCase("off")
- ) {
- String result;
- result.reserve(value.length() + 2);
- result += '"';
- result += value;
- result += '"';
- return result;
- }
- return std::move(value);
- }
- // - Discovery object is expected to accept Context reference as input
- // (and all implementations do just that)
- // - topic() & message() return refs, since those *may* be called multiple times before advancing to the next 'entity'
- // - We use short-hand names right away, since we don't expect this to be used to generate yaml
- // - In case the object uses the JSON makeObject() as state, make sure we don't use it (state)
- // and the object itself after next() or ok() return false
- // - Make sure JSON state is not created on construction, but lazy-loaded as soon as it is needed.
- // Meaning, we don't cause invalid refs immediatly when there are more than 1 discovery object present and we reset the storage.
- class Discovery {
- public:
- virtual ~Discovery() {
- }
- virtual bool ok() const = 0;
- virtual const String& topic() = 0;
- virtual const String& message() = 0;
- virtual bool next() = 0;
- };
- struct RelayContext {
- String availability;
- String payload_available;
- String payload_not_available;
- String payload_on;
- String payload_off;
- };
- RelayContext makeRelayContext() {
- return {
- mqttTopic(MQTT_TOPIC_STATUS, false),
- quote(mqttPayloadStatus(true)),
- quote(mqttPayloadStatus(false)),
- quote(relayPayload(PayloadStatus::On)),
- quote(relayPayload(PayloadStatus::Off))
- };
- }
- class RelayDiscovery : public Discovery {
- public:
- RelayDiscovery() = delete;
- explicit RelayDiscovery(Context& ctx) :
- _ctx(ctx),
- _relay(makeRelayContext()),
- _relays(relayCount())
- {
- if (!_relays) {
- return;
- }
- auto& json = root();
- json["dev"] = _ctx.device();
- json["avty_t"] = _relay.availability.c_str();
- json["pl_avail"] = _relay.payload_available.c_str();
- json["pl_not_avail"] = _relay.payload_not_available.c_str();
- json["pl_on"] = _relay.payload_on.c_str();
- json["pl_off"] = _relay.payload_off.c_str();
- }
- JsonObject& root() {
- if (!_root) {
- _root = &_ctx.makeObject();
- }
- return *_root;
- }
- bool ok() const override {
- return (_relays) && (_index < _relays);
- }
- const String& uniqueId() {
- if (!_unique_id.length()) {
- _unique_id = _ctx.identifier() + '_' + F("relay") + '_' + _index;
- }
- return _unique_id;
- }
- const String& topic() override {
- if (!_topic.length()) {
- _topic = _ctx.prefix();
- _topic += F("/switch/");
- _topic += uniqueId();
- _topic += F("/config");
- }
- return _topic;
- }
- const String& message() override {
- if (!_message.length()) {
- auto& json = root();
- json["uniq_id"] = uniqueId();
- json["name"] = + ' ' + _index;
- json["stat_t"] = mqttTopic(MQTT_TOPIC_RELAY, _index, false);
- json["cmd_t"] = mqttTopic(MQTT_TOPIC_RELAY, _index, true);
- json.printTo(_message);
- }
- return _message;
- }
- bool next() override {
- if (_index < _relays) {
- auto current = _index;
- ++_index;
- if ((_index > current) && (_index < _relays)) {
- _unique_id = "";
- _topic = "";
- _message = "";
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- private:
- Context& _ctx;
- JsonObject* _root { nullptr };
- RelayContext _relay;
- unsigned char _index { 0u };
- unsigned char _relays { 0u };
- String _unique_id;
- String _topic;
- String _message;
- };
- #endif
- // Example payload:
- // {
- // "brightness": 255,
- // "color_temp": 155,
- // "color": {
- // "r": 255,
- // "g": 180,
- // "b": 200,
- // "x": 0.406,
- // "y": 0.301,
- // "h": 344.0,
- // "s": 29.412
- // },
- // "effect": "colorloop",
- // "state": "ON",
- // "transition": 2,
- // "white_value": 150
- // }
- // Notice that we only support JSON schema payloads, leaving it to the user to configure special
- // per-channel topics, as those don't really fit into the HASS idea of lights controls for a single device
- static_assert(
- "Can't reliably send / receive JSON payloads with small TCP buffers"
- );
- class LightDiscovery : public Discovery {
- public:
- explicit LightDiscovery(Context& ctx) :
- _ctx(ctx)
- {}
- JsonObject& root() {
- if (!_root) {
- _root = &_ctx.makeObject();
- }
- return *_root;
- }
- bool ok() const override {
- return true;
- }
- bool next() override {
- return false;
- }
- const String& uniqueId() {
- if (!_unique_id.length()) {
- _unique_id = _ctx.identifier() + '_' + F("light");
- }
- return _unique_id;
- }
- const String& topic() override {
- if (!_topic.length()) {
- _topic = _ctx.prefix();
- _topic += F("/light/");
- _topic += uniqueId();
- _topic += F("/config");
- }
- return _topic;
- }
- const String& message() override {
- if (!_message.length()) {
- auto& json = root();
- json["schema"] = "json";
- json["uniq_id"] = uniqueId();
- json["name"] = + ' ' + F("Light");
- json["stat_t"] = mqttTopic(MQTT_TOPIC_LIGHT_JSON, false);
- json["cmd_t"] = mqttTopic(MQTT_TOPIC_LIGHT_JSON, true);
- json["avty_t"] = mqttTopic(MQTT_TOPIC_STATUS, false);
- json["pl_avail"] = quote(mqttPayloadStatus(true));
- json["pl_not_avail"] = quote(mqttPayloadStatus(false));
- // ref. SUPPORT_... flags throughout the light component
- // send `true` for every payload we support sending / receiving
- // already enabled by default: "state", "transition"
- // TODO: handle "rgb", "color_temp" and "white_value"
- json["brightness"] = true;
- if (lightHasColor()) {
- json["rgb"] = true;
- }
- if (lightHasColor() || lightUseCCT()) {
- json["max_mireds"] = LIGHT_WARMWHITE_MIRED;
- json["min_mireds"] = LIGHT_COLDWHITE_MIRED;
- json["color_temp"] = true;
- }
- json.printTo(_message);
- }
- return _message;
- }
- private:
- Context& _ctx;
- JsonObject* _root { nullptr };
- String _unique_id;
- String _topic;
- String _message;
- };
- void publishLightJson() {
- if (!mqttConnected()) {
- return;
- }
- DynamicJsonBuffer buffer(512);
- JsonObject& root = buffer.createObject();
- root["state"] = lightState() ? "ON" : "OFF";
- root["brightness"] = lightBrightness();
- String message;
- root.printTo(message);
- String topic = mqttTopic(MQTT_TOPIC_LIGHT_JSON, false);
- mqttSendRaw(topic.c_str(), message.c_str(), false);
- }
- void receiveLightJson(char* payload) {
- DynamicJsonBuffer buffer(1024);
- JsonObject& root = buffer.parseObject(payload);
- if (!root.success()) {
- return;
- }
- if (!root.containsKey("state")) {
- return;
- }
- auto state = root["state"].as<String>();
- if (state == F("ON")) {
- lightState(true);
- } else if (state == F("OFF")) {
- lightState(false);
- } else {
- return;
- }
- unsigned long transition { lightTransitionTime() };
- if (root.containsKey("transition")) {
- auto seconds = root["transition"].as<float>();
- if (seconds > 0) {
- transition = static_cast<unsigned long>(seconds * 1000.0);
- }
- }
- if (root.containsKey("brightness")) {
- lightBrightness(root["brightness"].as<long>());
- }
- // TODO: handle "rgb", "color_temp" and "white_value"
- lightUpdate({transition, lightTransitionStep()});
- }
- #endif
- class SensorDiscovery : public Discovery {
- public:
- SensorDiscovery() = delete;
- explicit SensorDiscovery(Context& ctx) :
- _ctx(ctx),
- _magnitudes(magnitudeCount())
- {}
- JsonObject& root() {
- if (!_root) {
- _root = &_ctx.makeObject();
- }
- return *_root;
- }
- bool ok() const {
- return _index < _magnitudes;
- }
- const String& topic() override {
- if (!_topic.length()) {
- _topic = _ctx.prefix();
- _topic += F("/sensor/");
- _topic += uniqueId();
- _topic += F("/config");
- }
- return _topic;
- }
- const String& message() override {
- if (!_message.length()) {
- auto& json = root();
- json["dev"] = _ctx.device();
- json["uniq_id"] = uniqueId();
- json["name"] = + ' ' + name() + ' ' + localId();
- json["stat_t"] = mqttTopic(magnitudeTopicIndex(_index).c_str(), false);
- json["unit_of_meas"] = magnitudeUnits(_index);
- json.printTo(_message);
- }
- return _message;
- }
- const String& name() {
- if (!_name.length()) {
- _name = magnitudeTopic(magnitudeType(_index));
- }
- return _name;
- }
- unsigned char localId() const {
- return magnitudeIndex(_index);
- }
- const String& uniqueId() {
- if (!_unique_id.length()) {
- _unique_id = _ctx.identifier() + '_' + name() + '_' + localId();
- }
- return _unique_id;
- }
- bool next() override {
- if (_index < _magnitudes) {
- auto current = _index;
- ++_index;
- if ((_index > current) && (_index < _magnitudes)) {
- _unique_id = "";
- _name = "";
- _topic = "";
- _message = "";
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- private:
- Context& _ctx;
- JsonObject* _root { nullptr };
- unsigned char _index { 0u };
- unsigned char _magnitudes { 0u };
- String _unique_id;
- String _name;
- String _topic;
- String _message;
- };
- #endif
- // Reworked discovery class. Continiously schedules itself until we have no more entities to send.
- // Topic and message are generated on demand and most of JSON payload is cached for re-use.
- // (both, to avoid manually generating JSON and to avoid possible UTF8 issues when concatenating char raw strings)
- class DiscoveryTask {
- public:
- using Entity = std::unique_ptr<Discovery>;
- using Entities = std::forward_list<Entity>;
- using Action = std::function<bool(const String&, const String&)>;
- static constexpr int Retries { 5 };
- DiscoveryTask(bool enabled, Action action) :
- _enabled(enabled),
- _action(action)
- {}
- void add(Entity&& entity) {
- _entities.push_front(std::move(entity));
- }
- template <typename T>
- void add() {
- _entities.push_front(std::make_unique<T>(_ctx));
- }
- Context& context() {
- return _ctx;
- }
- bool empty() const {
- return _entities.empty();
- }
- bool operator()() {
- if (!mqttConnected() || _entities.empty()) {
- return false;
- }
- auto& entity = _entities.front();
- if (!entity->ok()) {
- _entities.pop_front();
- _ctx.reset();
- return true;
- }
- const auto* topic = entity->topic().c_str();
- const auto* msg = _enabled
- ? entity->message().c_str()
- : "";
- auto res = _action(topic, msg);
- if (!res) {
- if (--_retry < 0) {
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[HASS] Discovery failed after %d retries\n"), Retries);
- return false;
- }
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[HASS] Sending failed, retrying %d / %d\n"), (Retries - _retry), Retries);
- return true;
- }
- _retry = Retries;
- if (entity->next()) {
- return true;
- }
- _entities.pop_front();
- if (!_entities.empty()) {
- _ctx.reset();
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- private:
- bool _enabled { false };
- int _retry { Retries };
- Context _ctx { makeContext() };
- Action _action;
- Entities _entities;
- };
- namespace internal {
- constexpr unsigned long interval { 100ul };
- bool retain { false };
- bool enabled { false };
- bool sent { false };
- Ticker timer;
- } // namespace internal
- bool mqttSend(const String& topic, const String& message) {
- return ::mqttSendRaw(topic.c_str(), message.c_str(), internal::retain) > 0;
- }
- bool enabled() {
- return internal::enabled;
- }
- void publishDiscovery() {
- static bool busy { false };
- if (busy) {
- return;
- }
- if (internal::sent) {
- return;
- }
- bool current = internal::enabled;
- internal::enabled = getSetting("haEnabled", 1 == HOMEASSISTANT_ENABLED);
- internal::retain = getSetting("haRetain", 1 == HOMEASSISTANT_RETAIN);
- if (current != internal::enabled) {
- auto task = std::make_shared<DiscoveryTask>(internal::enabled, homeassistant::mqttSend);
- task->add<LightDiscovery>();
- #endif
- task->add<RelayDiscovery>();
- #endif
- task->add<SensorDiscovery>();
- #endif
- if (task->empty()) {
- return;
- }
- internal::timer.attach_ms(internal::interval, [task]() {
- if (!(*task)()) {
- internal::timer.detach();
- internal::sent = true;
- busy = false;
- }
- });
- }
- }
- void mqttCallback(unsigned int type, const char* topic, char* payload) {
- if (MQTT_DISCONNECT_EVENT == type) {
- internal::sent = false;
- return;
- }
- if (MQTT_CONNECT_EVENT == type) {
- ::mqttSubscribe(MQTT_TOPIC_LIGHT_JSON);
- schedule_function(publishLightJson);
- #endif
- schedule_function(publishDiscovery);
- return;
- }
- if (type == MQTT_MESSAGE_EVENT) {
- String t = ::mqttMagnitude(topic);
- if (t.equals(MQTT_TOPIC_LIGHT_JSON)) {
- receiveLightJson(payload);
- }
- return;
- }
- #endif
- }
- namespace web {
- void onVisible(JsonObject& root) {
- root["haVisible"] = 1;
- }
- void onConnected(JsonObject& root) {
- root["haPrefix"] = getSetting("haPrefix", HOMEASSISTANT_PREFIX);
- root["haEnabled"] = getSetting("haEnabled", 1 == HOMEASSISTANT_ENABLED);
- root["haRetain"] = getSetting("haRetain", 1 == HOMEASSISTANT_RETAIN);
- }
- bool onKeyCheck(const char* key, JsonVariant& value) {
- return (strncmp(key, "ha", 2) == 0);
- }
- #endif
- } // namespace web
- } // namespace homeassistant
- void haSetup() {
- wsRegister()
- .onVisible(homeassistant::web::onVisible)
- .onConnected(homeassistant::web::onConnected)
- .onKeyCheck(homeassistant::web::onKeyCheck);
- #endif
- lightSetReportListener(homeassistant::publishLightJson);
- #endif
- mqttRegister(homeassistant::mqttCallback);
- espurnaRegisterReload([]() {
- if (mqttConnected()) {
- homeassistant::publishDiscovery();
- }
- });
- }