- /*
- Copyright (C) 2017-2018 by Xose Pérez <xose dot perez at gmail dot com>
- */
- #include <queue>
- #include <Ticker.h>
- #include <RCSwitch.h>
- #endif
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // EFM8 Protocol
- #define RF_MESSAGE_SIZE 9
- #define RF_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE (112+4)
- #define RF_CODE_START 0xAA
- #define RF_CODE_ACK 0xA0
- #define RF_CODE_LEARN 0xA1
- #define RF_CODE_LEARN_KO 0xA2
- #define RF_CODE_LEARN_OK 0xA3
- #define RF_CODE_RFIN 0xA4
- #define RF_CODE_RFOUT 0xA5
- #define RF_CODE_SNIFFING_ON 0xA6
- #define RF_CODE_RFOUT_NEW 0xA8
- #define RF_CODE_LEARN_NEW 0xA9
- #define RF_CODE_STOP 0x55
- // Settings
- #define RF_MAX_KEY_LENGTH (9)
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- unsigned char _uartbuf[RF_MESSAGE_SIZE+3] = {0};
- unsigned char _uartpos = 0;
- unsigned char _learnId = 0;
- bool _learnStatus = true;
- bool _rfbin = false;
- typedef struct {
- byte code[RF_MESSAGE_SIZE];
- byte times;
- } rfb_message_t;
- static std::queue<rfb_message_t> _rfb_message_queue;
- Ticker _rfb_ticker;
- bool _rfb_ticker_active = false;
- RCSwitch * _rfModem;
- bool _learning = false;
- #endif
- Ticker _rfb_sendcodes;
- #endif
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /*
- From an hexa char array ("A220EE...") to a byte array (half the size)
- */
- static int _rfbToArray(const char * in, byte * out, int length = RF_MESSAGE_SIZE * 2) {
- int n = strlen(in);
- if (n > RF_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE*2 || (length > 0 && n != length)) return 0;
- char tmp[3] = {0,0,0};
- n /= 2;
- for (unsigned char p = 0; p<n; p++) {
- memcpy(tmp, &in[p*2], 2);
- out[p] = strtol(tmp, NULL, 16);
- }
- return n;
- }
- /*
- From a byte array to an hexa char array ("A220EE...", double the size)
- */
- static bool _rfbToChar(byte * in, char * out, int n = RF_MESSAGE_SIZE) {
- for (unsigned char p = 0; p<n; p++) {
- sprintf_P(&out[p*2], PSTR("%02X"), in[p]);
- }
- return true;
- }
- void _rfbWebSocketSendCode(unsigned char id, bool status, const char * code) {
- char wsb[192];
- snprintf_P(wsb, sizeof(wsb), PSTR("{\"rfb\":[{\"id\": %d, \"status\": %d, \"data\": \"%s\"}]}"), id, status ? 1 : 0, code);
- wsSend(wsb);
- }
- void _rfbWebSocketSendCodes() {
- for (unsigned char id=0; id<relayCount(); id++) {
- _rfbWebSocketSendCode(id, true, rfbRetrieve(id, true).c_str());
- _rfbWebSocketSendCode(id, false, rfbRetrieve(id, false).c_str());
- }
- }
- void _rfbWebSocketOnSend(JsonObject& root) {
- root["rfbVisible"] = 1;
- root["rfbCount"] = relayCount();
- root["rfbrawVisible"] = 1;
- #endif
- _rfb_sendcodes.once_ms(1000, _rfbWebSocketSendCodes);
- }
- void _rfbWebSocketOnAction(uint32_t client_id, const char * action, JsonObject& data) {
- if (strcmp(action, "rfblearn") == 0) rfbLearn(data["id"], data["status"]);
- if (strcmp(action, "rfbforget") == 0) rfbForget(data["id"], data["status"]);
- if (strcmp(action, "rfbsend") == 0) rfbStore(data["id"], data["status"], data["data"].as<const char*>());
- }
- #endif // WEB_SUPPORT
- void _rfbAck() {
- #if not RFB_DIRECT
- Serial.println();
- Serial.write(RF_CODE_START);
- Serial.write(RF_CODE_ACK);
- Serial.write(RF_CODE_STOP);
- Serial.flush();
- Serial.println();
- #endif
- }
- void _rfbLearn() {
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[RFBRIDGE] Entering LEARN mode\n"));
- _learning = true;
- #else
- Serial.println();
- Serial.write(RF_CODE_START);
- Serial.write(RF_CODE_LEARN);
- Serial.write(RF_CODE_STOP);
- Serial.flush();
- Serial.println();
- #endif
- char buffer[100];
- snprintf_P(buffer, sizeof(buffer), PSTR("{\"action\": \"rfbLearn\", \"data\":{\"id\": %d, \"status\": %d}}"), _learnId, _learnStatus ? 1 : 0);
- wsSend(buffer);
- #endif
- }
- void _rfbSendRaw(const byte *message, const unsigned char n = RF_MESSAGE_SIZE) {
- for (unsigned char j=0; j<n; j++) {
- Serial.write(message[j]);
- }
- }
- void _rfbSend(byte * message) {
- unsigned int protocol = message[1];
- unsigned int timing =
- (message[2] << 8) |
- (message[3] << 0) ;
- unsigned int bitlength = message[4];
- unsigned long rf_code =
- (message[5] << 24) |
- (message[6] << 16) |
- (message[7] << 8) |
- (message[8] << 0) ;
- _rfModem->setProtocol(protocol);
- if (timing > 0) {
- _rfModem->setPulseLength(timing);
- }
- _rfModem->send(rf_code, bitlength);
- _rfModem->resetAvailable();
- #else
- Serial.println();
- Serial.write(RF_CODE_START);
- Serial.write(RF_CODE_RFOUT);
- _rfbSendRaw(message);
- Serial.write(RF_CODE_STOP);
- Serial.flush();
- Serial.println();
- #endif
- }
- void _rfbSend() {
- // Check if there is something in the queue
- if (_rfb_message_queue.empty()) return;
- // Pop the first element
- rfb_message_t message = _rfb_message_queue.front();
- _rfb_message_queue.pop();
- // Send the message
- _rfbSend(message.code);
- // If it should be further sent, push it to the stack again
- if (message.times > 1) {
- message.times = message.times - 1;
- _rfb_message_queue.push(message);
- }
- // if there are still messages in the queue...
- if (_rfb_message_queue.empty()) {
- _rfb_ticker.detach();
- _rfb_ticker_active = false;
- }
- }
- void _rfbSend(byte * code, unsigned char times) {
- times = 1;
- #endif
- char buffer[RF_MESSAGE_SIZE];
- _rfbToChar(code, buffer);
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[RFBRIDGE] Enqueuing MESSAGE '%s' %d time(s)\n"), buffer, times);
- rfb_message_t message;
- memcpy(message.code, code, RF_MESSAGE_SIZE);
- message.times = times;
- _rfb_message_queue.push(message);
- // Enable the ticker if not running
- if (!_rfb_ticker_active) {
- _rfb_ticker_active = true;
- _rfb_ticker.attach_ms(RF_SEND_DELAY, _rfbSend);
- }
- }
- void _rfbSendRawOnce(byte *code, unsigned char length) {
- char buffer[length*2];
- _rfbToChar(code, buffer, length);
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[RFBRIDGE] Sending RAW MESSAGE '%s'\n"), buffer);
- _rfbSendRaw(code, length);
- }
- #endif // RF_RAW_SUPPORT
- bool _rfbMatch(char* code, unsigned char& relayID, unsigned char& value, char* buffer = NULL) {
- if (strlen(code) != 18) return false;
- bool found = false;
- String compareto = String(&code[12]);
- compareto.toUpperCase();
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[RFBRIDGE] Trying to match code %s\n"), compareto.c_str());
- for (unsigned char i=0; i<relayCount(); i++) {
- String code_on = rfbRetrieve(i, true);
- if (code_on.length() && code_on.endsWith(compareto)) {
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[RFBRIDGE] Match ON code for relay %d\n"), i);
- value = 1;
- found = true;
- if (buffer) strcpy(buffer, code_on.c_str());
- }
- String code_off = rfbRetrieve(i, false);
- if (code_off.length() && code_off.endsWith(compareto)) {
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[RFBRIDGE] Match OFF code for relay %d\n"), i);
- if (found) value = 2;
- found = true;
- if (buffer) strcpy(buffer, code_off.c_str());
- }
- if (found) {
- relayID = i;
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- void _rfbDecode() {
- static unsigned long last = 0;
- if (millis() - last < RF_RECEIVE_DELAY) return;
- last = millis();
- byte action = _uartbuf[0];
- char buffer[RF_MESSAGE_SIZE * 2 + 1] = {0};
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[RFBRIDGE] Action 0x%02X\n"), action);
- if (action == RF_CODE_LEARN_KO) {
- _rfbAck();
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[RFBRIDGE] Learn timeout\n"));
- wsSend_P(PSTR("{\"action\": \"rfbTimeout\"}"));
- #endif
- }
- if (action == RF_CODE_LEARN_OK || action == RF_CODE_RFIN) {
- _rfbAck();
- _rfbToChar(&_uartbuf[1], buffer);
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[RFBRIDGE] Received message '%s'\n"), buffer);
- }
- if (action == RF_CODE_LEARN_OK) {
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[RFBRIDGE] Learn success\n"));
- rfbStore(_learnId, _learnStatus, buffer);
- // Websocket update
- _rfbWebSocketSendCode(_learnId, _learnStatus, buffer);
- #endif
- }
- if (action == RF_CODE_RFIN) {
- /* Look for the code, possibly replacing the code with the exact learned one on match
- * we want to do this on learn too to be sure that the learned code is the same if it
- * is equivalent
- */
- unsigned char id;
- unsigned char status;
- bool matched = _rfbMatch(buffer, id, status, buffer);
- if (matched) {
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[RFBRIDGE] Matched message '%s'\n"), buffer);
- _rfbin = true;
- if (status == 2) {
- relayToggle(id);
- } else {
- relayStatus(id, status == 1);
- }
- }
- mqttSend(MQTT_TOPIC_RFIN, buffer);
- #endif
- }
- }
- void _rfbReceive() {
- static long learn_start = 0;
- if (!_learning && learn_start) {
- learn_start = 0;
- }
- if (_learning) {
- if (!learn_start) {
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[RFBRIDGE] arming learn timeout\n"));
- learn_start = millis();
- }
- if (learn_start > 0 && millis() - learn_start > RF_LEARN_TIMEOUT) {
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[RFBRIDGE] learn timeout triggered\n"));
- memset(_uartbuf, 0, sizeof(_uartbuf));
- _uartbuf[0] = RF_CODE_LEARN_KO;
- _rfbDecode();
- _learning = false;
- }
- }
- if (_rfModem->available()) {
- static unsigned long last = 0;
- if (millis() - last > RF_DEBOUNCE) {
- last = millis();
- unsigned long rf_code = _rfModem->getReceivedValue();
- if ( rf_code > 0) {
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[RFBRIDGE] Received code: %08X\n"), rf_code);
- unsigned int timing = _rfModem->getReceivedDelay();
- memset(_uartbuf, 0, sizeof(_uartbuf));
- unsigned char *msgbuf = _uartbuf + 1;
- _uartbuf[0] = _learning ? RF_CODE_LEARN_OK: RF_CODE_RFIN;
- msgbuf[0] = 0xC0;
- msgbuf[1] = _rfModem->getReceivedProtocol();
- msgbuf[2] = timing >> 8;
- msgbuf[3] = timing >> 0;
- msgbuf[4] = _rfModem->getReceivedBitlength();
- msgbuf[5] = rf_code >> 24;
- msgbuf[6] = rf_code >> 16;
- msgbuf[7] = rf_code >> 8;
- msgbuf[8] = rf_code >> 0;
- _rfbDecode();
- _learning = false;
- }
- }
- _rfModem->resetAvailable();
- }
- #else
- static bool receiving = false;
- while (Serial.available()) {
- yield();
- byte c = Serial.read();
- //DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[RFBRIDGE] Received 0x%02X\n"), c);
- if (receiving) {
- if (c == RF_CODE_STOP && (_uartpos == 1 || _uartpos == RF_MESSAGE_SIZE + 1)) {
- _rfbDecode();
- receiving = false;
- } else if (_uartpos <= RF_MESSAGE_SIZE) {
- _uartbuf[_uartpos++] = c;
- } else {
- // wrong message, should have received a RF_CODE_STOP
- receiving = false;
- }
- } else if (c == RF_CODE_START) {
- _uartpos = 0;
- receiving = true;
- }
- }
- #endif
- }
- bool _rfbCompare(const char * code1, const char * code2) {
- return strcmp(&code1[12], &code2[12]) == 0;
- }
- bool _rfbSameOnOff(unsigned char id) {
- return _rfbCompare(rfbRetrieve(id, true).c_str(), rfbRetrieve(id, false).c_str());
- }
- void _rfbMqttCallback(unsigned int type, const char * topic, const char * payload) {
- if (type == MQTT_CONNECT_EVENT) {
- char buffer[strlen(MQTT_TOPIC_RFLEARN) + 3];
- snprintf_P(buffer, sizeof(buffer), PSTR("%s/+"), MQTT_TOPIC_RFLEARN);
- mqttSubscribe(buffer);
- mqttSubscribe(MQTT_TOPIC_RFOUT);
- mqttSubscribe(MQTT_TOPIC_RFRAW);
- #endif
- }
- if (type == MQTT_MESSAGE_EVENT) {
- // Match topic
- String t = mqttMagnitude((char *) topic);
- // Check if should go into learn mode
- if (t.startsWith(MQTT_TOPIC_RFLEARN)) {
- _learnId = t.substring(strlen(MQTT_TOPIC_RFLEARN)+1).toInt();
- if (_learnId >= relayCount()) {
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[RFBRIDGE] Wrong learnID (%d)\n"), _learnId);
- return;
- }
- _learnStatus = (char)payload[0] != '0';
- _rfbLearn();
- return;
- }
- bool isRFOut = t.equals(MQTT_TOPIC_RFOUT);
- bool isRFRaw = !isRFOut && t.equals(MQTT_TOPIC_RFRAW);
- #else
- bool isRFRaw = false;
- #endif
- if (isRFOut || isRFRaw) {
- // The payload may be a code in HEX format ([0-9A-Z]{18}) or
- // the code comma the number of times to transmit it.
- char * tok = strtok((char *) payload, ",");
- // Check if a switch is linked to that message
- unsigned char id;
- unsigned char status = 0;
- if (_rfbMatch(tok, id, status)) {
- if (status == 2) {
- relayToggle(id);
- } else {
- relayStatus(id, status == 1);
- }
- return;
- }
- byte message[RF_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE];
- int len = _rfbToArray(tok, message, 0);
- if ((len > 0) && (isRFRaw || len != RF_MESSAGE_SIZE)) {
- _rfbSendRawOnce(message, len);
- } else {
- tok = strtok(NULL, ",");
- byte times = (tok != NULL) ? atoi(tok) : 1;
- _rfbSend(message, times);
- }
- #else // RF_RAW_SUPPORT
- byte message[RF_MESSAGE_SIZE];
- if (_rfbToArray(tok, message)) {
- tok = strtok(NULL, ",");
- byte times = (tok != NULL) ? atoi(tok) : 1;
- _rfbSend(message, times);
- }
- #endif // RF_RAW_SUPPORT
- }
- }
- }
- #endif
- void _rfbInitCommands() {
- settingsRegisterCommand(F("LEARN"), [](Embedis* e) {
- if (e->argc < 3) {
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("-ERROR: Wrong arguments\n"));
- return;
- }
- int id = String(e->argv[1]).toInt();
- if (id >= relayCount()) {
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("-ERROR: Wrong relayID (%d)\n"), id);
- return;
- }
- int status = String(e->argv[2]).toInt();
- rfbLearn(id, status == 1);
- });
- settingsRegisterCommand(F("FORGET"), [](Embedis* e) {
- if (e->argc < 3) {
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("-ERROR: Wrong arguments\n"));
- return;
- }
- int id = String(e->argv[1]).toInt();
- if (id >= relayCount()) {
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("-ERROR: Wrong relayID (%d)\n"), id);
- return;
- }
- int status = String(e->argv[2]).toInt();
- rfbForget(id, status == 1);
- });
- }
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void rfbStore(unsigned char id, bool status, const char * code) {
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[RFBRIDGE] Storing %d-%s => '%s'\n"), id, status ? "ON" : "OFF", code);
- char key[RF_MAX_KEY_LENGTH] = {0};
- snprintf_P(key, sizeof(key), PSTR("rfb%s%d"), status ? "ON" : "OFF", id);
- setSetting(key, code);
- }
- String rfbRetrieve(unsigned char id, bool status) {
- char key[RF_MAX_KEY_LENGTH] = {0};
- snprintf_P(key, sizeof(key), PSTR("rfb%s%d"), status ? "ON" : "OFF", id);
- return getSetting(key);
- }
- void rfbStatus(unsigned char id, bool status) {
- String value = rfbRetrieve(id, status);
- if (value.length() > 0) {
- bool same = _rfbSameOnOff(id);
- byte message[RF_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE];
- int len = _rfbToArray(value.c_str(), message, 0);
- if (len == RF_MESSAGE_SIZE && // probably a standard msg
- (message[0] != RF_CODE_START || // raw would start with 0xAA
- message[1] != RF_CODE_RFOUT_BUCKET || // followed by 0xB0,
- message[2] + 4 != len || // needs a valid length,
- message[len-1] != RF_CODE_STOP)) { // and finish with 0x55
- if (!_rfbin) {
- unsigned char times = same ? 1 : RF_SEND_TIMES;
- _rfbSend(message, times);
- }
- } else {
- _rfbSendRawOnce(message, len); // send a raw message
- }
- #else // RF_RAW_SUPPORT
- if (!_rfbin) {
- byte message[RF_MESSAGE_SIZE];
- _rfbToArray(value.c_str(), message);
- unsigned char times = same ? 1 : RF_SEND_TIMES;
- _rfbSend(message, times);
- }
- #endif // RF_RAW_SUPPORT
- }
- _rfbin = false;
- }
- void rfbLearn(unsigned char id, bool status) {
- _learnId = id;
- _learnStatus = status;
- _rfbLearn();
- }
- void rfbForget(unsigned char id, bool status) {
- char key[RF_MAX_KEY_LENGTH] = {0};
- snprintf_P(key, sizeof(key), PSTR("rfb%s%d"), status ? "ON" : "OFF", id);
- delSetting(key);
- // Websocket update
- char wsb[100];
- snprintf_P(wsb, sizeof(wsb), PSTR("{\"rfb\":[{\"id\": %d, \"status\": %d, \"data\": \"\"}]}"), id, status ? 1 : 0);
- wsSend(wsb);
- #endif
- }
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void rfbSetup() {
- mqttRegister(_rfbMqttCallback);
- #endif
- wsOnSendRegister(_rfbWebSocketOnSend);
- wsOnActionRegister(_rfbWebSocketOnAction);
- #endif
- _rfbInitCommands();
- #endif
- _rfModem = new RCSwitch();
- _rfModem->enableReceive(RFB_RX_PIN);
- _rfModem->enableTransmit(RFB_TX_PIN);
- _rfModem->setRepeatTransmit(6);
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[RFBRIDGE] RF receiver on GPIO %u\n"), RFB_RX_PIN);
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[RFBRIDGE] RF transmitter on GPIO %u\n"), RFB_TX_PIN);
- #endif
- // Register loop
- espurnaRegisterLoop(rfbLoop);
- }
- void rfbLoop() {
- _rfbReceive();
- }
- #endif