sys: clean-up system-specific functions
- shrink utils source file, move heartbeat and boot management into system
- improvise with 'heartbeat' functionality. include scheduler implementation that will
manage the per-module heartbeat callbacks with individual 'mode' and
'interval' settings. current ones are mqtt (including relays, lights, thermostat), debug and
influxdb. preserve heartbeat NONE, ONCE and REPEAT, REPEAT_STATUS is effectively a hbReport & status bit.
- mqtt heartbeat is managed through mqttHeartbeat() callbacks
- tweak mqtt callbacks to use lists instead of the vector, slighly reducing the size of the .bin
- update WebUI, include report setting and update hbMode values
- make sure general.h settings include new heartbeat,
move constant definitions outside of the header
- correctly include dependencies through the .cpp, avoid leaking
internal details.
- as a side-effect, base headers are no longer included recursively
4 years ago sys: clean-up system-specific functions
- shrink utils source file, move heartbeat and boot management into system
- improvise with 'heartbeat' functionality. include scheduler implementation that will
manage the per-module heartbeat callbacks with individual 'mode' and
'interval' settings. current ones are mqtt (including relays, lights, thermostat), debug and
influxdb. preserve heartbeat NONE, ONCE and REPEAT, REPEAT_STATUS is effectively a hbReport & status bit.
- mqtt heartbeat is managed through mqttHeartbeat() callbacks
- tweak mqtt callbacks to use lists instead of the vector, slighly reducing the size of the .bin
- update WebUI, include report setting and update hbMode values
- make sure general.h settings include new heartbeat,
move constant definitions outside of the header
- correctly include dependencies through the .cpp, avoid leaking
internal details.
- as a side-effect, base headers are no longer included recursively
4 years ago sys: clean-up system-specific functions
- shrink utils source file, move heartbeat and boot management into system
- improvise with 'heartbeat' functionality. include scheduler implementation that will
manage the per-module heartbeat callbacks with individual 'mode' and
'interval' settings. current ones are mqtt (including relays, lights, thermostat), debug and
influxdb. preserve heartbeat NONE, ONCE and REPEAT, REPEAT_STATUS is effectively a hbReport & status bit.
- mqtt heartbeat is managed through mqttHeartbeat() callbacks
- tweak mqtt callbacks to use lists instead of the vector, slighly reducing the size of the .bin
- update WebUI, include report setting and update hbMode values
- make sure general.h settings include new heartbeat,
move constant definitions outside of the header
- correctly include dependencies through the .cpp, avoid leaking
internal details.
- as a side-effect, base headers are no longer included recursively
4 years ago sys: clean-up system-specific functions
- shrink utils source file, move heartbeat and boot management into system
- improvise with 'heartbeat' functionality. include scheduler implementation that will
manage the per-module heartbeat callbacks with individual 'mode' and
'interval' settings. current ones are mqtt (including relays, lights, thermostat), debug and
influxdb. preserve heartbeat NONE, ONCE and REPEAT, REPEAT_STATUS is effectively a hbReport & status bit.
- mqtt heartbeat is managed through mqttHeartbeat() callbacks
- tweak mqtt callbacks to use lists instead of the vector, slighly reducing the size of the .bin
- update WebUI, include report setting and update hbMode values
- make sure general.h settings include new heartbeat,
move constant definitions outside of the header
- correctly include dependencies through the .cpp, avoid leaking
internal details.
- as a side-effect, base headers are no longer included recursively
4 years ago sys: clean-up system-specific functions
- shrink utils source file, move heartbeat and boot management into system
- improvise with 'heartbeat' functionality. include scheduler implementation that will
manage the per-module heartbeat callbacks with individual 'mode' and
'interval' settings. current ones are mqtt (including relays, lights, thermostat), debug and
influxdb. preserve heartbeat NONE, ONCE and REPEAT, REPEAT_STATUS is effectively a hbReport & status bit.
- mqtt heartbeat is managed through mqttHeartbeat() callbacks
- tweak mqtt callbacks to use lists instead of the vector, slighly reducing the size of the .bin
- update WebUI, include report setting and update hbMode values
- make sure general.h settings include new heartbeat,
move constant definitions outside of the header
- correctly include dependencies through the .cpp, avoid leaking
internal details.
- as a side-effect, base headers are no longer included recursively
4 years ago sys: clean-up system-specific functions
- shrink utils source file, move heartbeat and boot management into system
- improvise with 'heartbeat' functionality. include scheduler implementation that will
manage the per-module heartbeat callbacks with individual 'mode' and
'interval' settings. current ones are mqtt (including relays, lights, thermostat), debug and
influxdb. preserve heartbeat NONE, ONCE and REPEAT, REPEAT_STATUS is effectively a hbReport & status bit.
- mqtt heartbeat is managed through mqttHeartbeat() callbacks
- tweak mqtt callbacks to use lists instead of the vector, slighly reducing the size of the .bin
- update WebUI, include report setting and update hbMode values
- make sure general.h settings include new heartbeat,
move constant definitions outside of the header
- correctly include dependencies through the .cpp, avoid leaking
internal details.
- as a side-effect, base headers are no longer included recursively
4 years ago |
- /*
- Copyright (C) 2017 by Dmitry Blinov <dblinov76 at gmail dot com>
- */
- #include "thermostat.h"
- #include "ntp.h"
- #include "relay.h"
- #include "sensor.h"
- #include "mqtt.h"
- #include "ws.h"
- #include <ArduinoJson.h>
- // alias for `#include "SSD1306Wire.h"`
- #include <SSD1306.h>
- #endif
- #include <limits>
- #include <cmath>
- #include <cfloat>
- const char* NAME_THERMOSTAT_ENABLED = "thermostatEnabled";
- const char* NAME_THERMOSTAT_MODE = "thermostatMode";
- const char* NAME_TEMP_RANGE_MIN = "tempRangeMin";
- const char* NAME_TEMP_RANGE_MAX = "tempRangeMax";
- const char* NAME_REMOTE_SENSOR_NAME = "remoteSensorName";
- const char* NAME_REMOTE_TEMP_MAX_WAIT = "remoteTempMaxWait";
- const char* NAME_ALONE_ON_TIME = "aloneOnTime";
- const char* NAME_ALONE_OFF_TIME = "aloneOffTime";
- const char* NAME_MAX_ON_TIME = "maxOnTime";
- const char* NAME_MIN_OFF_TIME = "minOffTime";
- const char* NAME_BURN_TOTAL = "burnTotal";
- const char* NAME_BURN_TODAY = "burnToday";
- const char* NAME_BURN_YESTERDAY = "burnYesterday";
- const char* NAME_BURN_THIS_MONTH = "burnThisMonth";
- const char* NAME_BURN_PREV_MONTH = "burnPrevMonth";
- const char* NAME_BURN_DAY = "burnDay";
- const char* NAME_BURN_MONTH = "burnMonth";
- const char* NAME_OPERATION_MODE = "thermostatOperationMode";
- unsigned long _thermostat_remote_temp_max_wait = THERMOSTAT_REMOTE_TEMP_MAX_WAIT * MILLIS_IN_SEC;
- unsigned long _thermostat_alone_on_time = THERMOSTAT_ALONE_ON_TIME * MILLIS_IN_MIN;
- unsigned long _thermostat_alone_off_time = THERMOSTAT_ALONE_OFF_TIME * MILLIS_IN_MIN;
- unsigned long _thermostat_max_on_time = THERMOSTAT_MAX_ON_TIME * MILLIS_IN_MIN;
- unsigned long _thermostat_min_off_time = THERMOSTAT_MIN_OFF_TIME * MILLIS_IN_MIN;
- unsigned int _thermostat_on_time_for_day = 0;
- unsigned int _thermostat_burn_total = 0;
- unsigned int _thermostat_burn_today = 0;
- unsigned int _thermostat_burn_yesterday = 0;
- unsigned int _thermostat_burn_this_month = 0;
- unsigned int _thermostat_burn_prev_month = 0;
- unsigned int _thermostat_burn_day = 0;
- unsigned int _thermostat_burn_month = 0;
- enum temperature_source_t {temp_none, temp_local, temp_remote};
- struct thermostat_t {
- unsigned long last_update = 0;
- unsigned long last_switch = 0;
- String remote_sensor_name;
- unsigned int temperature_source = temp_none;
- };
- bool _thermostat_enabled = true;
- bool _thermostat_mode_cooler = false;
- temp_t _remote_temp;
- temp_range_t _temp_range;
- thermostat_t _thermostat;
- enum thermostat_cycle_type {cooling, heating};
- unsigned int _thermostat_cycle = heating;
- String thermostat_remote_sensor_topic;
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- const temp_t& thermostatRemoteTemp() {
- return _remote_temp;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- const temp_range_t& thermostatRange() {
- return _temp_range;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void thermostatEnabled(bool enabled) {
- _thermostat_enabled = enabled;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- bool thermostatEnabled() {
- return _thermostat_enabled;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void thermostatModeCooler(bool cooler) {
- _thermostat_mode_cooler = cooler;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- bool thermostatModeCooler() {
- return _thermostat_mode_cooler;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- std::vector<thermostat_callback_f> _thermostat_callbacks;
- void thermostatRegister(thermostat_callback_f callback) {
- _thermostat_callbacks.push_back(callback);
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void updateRemoteTemp(bool remote_temp_actual) {
- char tmp_str[16];
- if (remote_temp_actual) {
- dtostrf(_remote_temp.temp, 1, 1, tmp_str);
- } else {
- strcpy(tmp_str, "\"?\"");
- }
- char buffer[128];
- snprintf_P(buffer, sizeof(buffer), PSTR("{\"thermostatVisible\": 1, \"remoteTmp\": %s}"), tmp_str);
- wsSend(buffer);
- #endif
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void updateOperationMode() {
- String message(F("{\"thermostatVisible\": 1, \"thermostatOperationMode\": \""));
- if (_thermostat.temperature_source == temp_remote) {
- message += F("remote temperature");
- updateRemoteTemp(true);
- } else if (_thermostat.temperature_source == temp_local) {
- message += F("local temperature");
- updateRemoteTemp(false);
- } else {
- message += F("autonomous");
- updateRemoteTemp(false);
- }
- message += F("\"}");
- wsSend(message.c_str());
- #endif
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // MQTT
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- bool _thermostatMqttHeartbeat(heartbeat::Mask mask) {
- if (mask & heartbeat::Report::Range) {
- const auto& range = thermostatRange();
- mqttSend(MQTT_TOPIC_HOLD_TEMP "_" MQTT_TOPIC_HOLD_TEMP_MIN, String(range.min).c_str());
- mqttSend(MQTT_TOPIC_HOLD_TEMP "_" MQTT_TOPIC_HOLD_TEMP_MAX, String(range.max).c_str());
- }
- if (mask & heartbeat::Report::RemoteTemp) {
- const auto& remote_temp = thermostatRemoteTemp();
- char buffer[16];
- dtostrf(remote_temp.temp, 1, 1, buffer);
- mqttSend(MQTT_TOPIC_REMOTE_TEMP, buffer);
- }
- return mqttConnected();
- }
- void thermostatMqttCallback(unsigned int type, const char * topic, const char * payload) {
- if (type == MQTT_CONNECT_EVENT) {
- mqttSubscribeRaw(thermostat_remote_sensor_topic.c_str());
- mqttSubscribe(MQTT_TOPIC_HOLD_TEMP);
- }
- if (type == MQTT_MESSAGE_EVENT) {
- // Match topic
- String t = mqttMagnitude((char *) topic);
- if (strcmp(topic, thermostat_remote_sensor_topic.c_str()) != 0
- && !t.equals(MQTT_TOPIC_HOLD_TEMP))
- return;
- // Parse JSON input
- DynamicJsonBuffer jsonBuffer;
- JsonObject& root = jsonBuffer.parseObject(payload);
- if (!root.success()) {
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[THERMOSTAT] Error parsing data\n"));
- return;
- }
- // Check rempte sensor temperature
- if (strcmp(topic, thermostat_remote_sensor_topic.c_str()) == 0) {
- if (root.containsKey(magnitudeTopic(MAGNITUDE_TEMPERATURE))) {
- String remote_temp = root[magnitudeTopic(MAGNITUDE_TEMPERATURE)];
- _remote_temp.temp = remote_temp.toFloat();
- _remote_temp.last_update = millis();
- _remote_temp.need_display_update = true;
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[THERMOSTAT] Remote sensor temperature: %s\n"), remote_temp.c_str());
- updateRemoteTemp(true);
- }
- }
- // Check temperature range change
- if (t.equals(MQTT_TOPIC_HOLD_TEMP)) {
- if (root.containsKey(MQTT_TOPIC_HOLD_TEMP_MIN)) {
- int t_min = root[MQTT_TOPIC_HOLD_TEMP_MIN];
- int t_max = root[MQTT_TOPIC_HOLD_TEMP_MAX];
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[THERMOSTAT] Hold temperature range error\n"));
- return;
- }
- _temp_range.min = root[MQTT_TOPIC_HOLD_TEMP_MIN];
- _temp_range.max = root[MQTT_TOPIC_HOLD_TEMP_MAX];
- setSetting(NAME_TEMP_RANGE_MIN, _temp_range.min);
- setSetting(NAME_TEMP_RANGE_MAX, _temp_range.max);
- saveSettings();
- _temp_range.ask_interval = ASK_TEMP_RANGE_INTERVAL_REGULAR;
- _temp_range.last_update = millis();
- _temp_range.need_display_update = true;
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[THERMOSTAT] Hold temperature range: (%d - %d)\n"), _temp_range.min, _temp_range.max);
- // Update websocket clients
- char buffer[100];
- snprintf_P(buffer, sizeof(buffer), PSTR("{\"thermostatVisible\": 1, \"tempRangeMin\": %d, \"tempRangeMax\": %d}"), _temp_range.min, _temp_range.max);
- wsSend(buffer);
- #endif
- } else {
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[THERMOSTAT] Error temperature range data\n"));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void notifyRangeChanged(bool min) {
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[THERMOSTAT] notifyRangeChanged %s = %d\n"), min ? "MIN" : "MAX", min ? _temp_range.min : _temp_range.max);
- char tmp_str[6];
- sprintf(tmp_str, "%d", min ? _temp_range.min : _temp_range.max);
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Setup
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void commonSetup() {
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[THERMOSTAT] _thermostat_enabled = %d\n"), _thermostat_enabled);
- _thermostat_mode_cooler = getSetting(NAME_THERMOSTAT_MODE, THERMOSTAT_MODE_COOLER_BY_DEFAULT);
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[THERMOSTAT] _thermostat_mode_cooler = %d\n"), _thermostat_mode_cooler);
- _temp_range.min = getSetting(NAME_TEMP_RANGE_MIN, THERMOSTAT_TEMP_RANGE_MIN);
- _temp_range.max = getSetting(NAME_TEMP_RANGE_MAX, THERMOSTAT_TEMP_RANGE_MAX);
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[THERMOSTAT] _temp_range.min = %d\n"), _temp_range.min);
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[THERMOSTAT] _temp_range.max = %d\n"), _temp_range.max);
- _thermostat.remote_sensor_name = getSetting(NAME_REMOTE_SENSOR_NAME, THERMOSTAT_REMOTE_SENSOR_NAME);
- thermostat_remote_sensor_topic = _thermostat.remote_sensor_name + String("/") + String(MQTT_TOPIC_JSON);
- _thermostat_remote_temp_max_wait = getSetting(NAME_REMOTE_TEMP_MAX_WAIT, THERMOSTAT_REMOTE_TEMP_MAX_WAIT) * MILLIS_IN_SEC;
- _thermostat_alone_on_time = getSetting(NAME_ALONE_ON_TIME, THERMOSTAT_ALONE_ON_TIME) * MILLIS_IN_MIN;
- _thermostat_alone_off_time = getSetting(NAME_ALONE_OFF_TIME, THERMOSTAT_ALONE_OFF_TIME) * MILLIS_IN_MIN;
- _thermostat_max_on_time = getSetting(NAME_MAX_ON_TIME, THERMOSTAT_MAX_ON_TIME) * MILLIS_IN_MIN;
- _thermostat_min_off_time = getSetting(NAME_MIN_OFF_TIME, THERMOSTAT_MIN_OFF_TIME) * MILLIS_IN_MIN;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void _thermostatReload() {
- int prev_temp_range_min = _temp_range.min;
- int prev_temp_range_max = _temp_range.max;
- commonSetup();
- if (_temp_range.min != prev_temp_range_min)
- notifyRangeChanged(true);
- if (_temp_range.max != prev_temp_range_max)
- notifyRangeChanged(false);
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void sendTempRangeRequest() {
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[THERMOSTAT] sendTempRangeRequest\n"));
- mqttSend(MQTT_TOPIC_ASK_TEMP_RANGE, "", true);
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void setThermostatState(bool state) {
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[THERMOSTAT] setThermostatState: %s\n"), state ? "ON" : "OFF");
- relayStatus(THERMOSTAT_RELAY, state, mqttForward(), false);
- _thermostat.last_switch = millis();
- // Send thermostat change state event to subscribers
- for (unsigned char i = 0; i < _thermostat_callbacks.size(); i++) {
- (_thermostat_callbacks[i])(state);
- }
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void debugPrintSwitch(bool state, double temp) {
- char tmp_str[16];
- dtostrf(temp, 1, 1, tmp_str);
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[THERMOSTAT] switch %s, temp: %s, min: %d, max: %d, mode: %s, relay: %s, last switch %d\n"),
- state ? "ON" : "OFF", tmp_str, _temp_range.min, _temp_range.max, _thermostat_mode_cooler ? "COOLER" : "HEATER", relayStatus(THERMOSTAT_RELAY) ? "ON" : "OFF", millis() - _thermostat.last_switch);
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- inline bool lastSwitchEarlierThan(unsigned int comparing_time) {
- return millis() - _thermostat.last_switch > comparing_time;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- inline void switchThermostat(bool state, double temp) {
- debugPrintSwitch(state, temp);
- setThermostatState(state);
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //----------- Main function that make decision ---------------------------------
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void checkTempAndAdjustRelay(double temp) {
- if (_thermostat_mode_cooler == false) { // Main operation mode. Thermostat is HEATER.
- // if thermostat switched ON and t > max - switch it OFF and start cooling
- if (relayStatus(THERMOSTAT_RELAY) && temp > _temp_range.max) {
- _thermostat_cycle = cooling;
- switchThermostat(false, temp);
- // if thermostat switched ON for max time - switch it OFF for rest
- } else if (relayStatus(THERMOSTAT_RELAY) && lastSwitchEarlierThan(_thermostat_max_on_time)) {
- switchThermostat(false, temp);
- // if t < min and thermostat switched OFF for at least minimum time - switch it ON and start
- } else if (!relayStatus(THERMOSTAT_RELAY) && temp < _temp_range.min
- && (_thermostat.last_switch == 0 || lastSwitchEarlierThan(_thermostat_min_off_time))) {
- _thermostat_cycle = heating;
- switchThermostat(true, temp);
- // if heating cycle and thermostat switchaed OFF for more than min time - switch it ON
- // continue heating cycle
- } else if (!relayStatus(THERMOSTAT_RELAY) && _thermostat_cycle == heating
- && lastSwitchEarlierThan(_thermostat_min_off_time)) {
- switchThermostat(true, temp);
- }
- } else { // Thermostat is COOLER. Inverse logic.
- // if thermostat switched ON and t < min - switch it OFF and start heating
- if (relayStatus(THERMOSTAT_RELAY) && temp < _temp_range.min) {
- _thermostat_cycle = heating;
- switchThermostat(false, temp);
- // if thermostat switched ON for max time - switch it OFF for rest
- } else if (relayStatus(THERMOSTAT_RELAY) && lastSwitchEarlierThan(_thermostat_max_on_time)) {
- switchThermostat(false, temp);
- // if t > max and thermostat switched OFF for at least minimum time - switch it ON and start
- } else if (!relayStatus(THERMOSTAT_RELAY) && temp > _temp_range.max
- && (_thermostat.last_switch == 0 || lastSwitchEarlierThan(_thermostat_min_off_time))) {
- _thermostat_cycle = cooling;
- switchThermostat(true, temp);
- // if cooling cycle and thermostat switchaed OFF for more than min time - switch it ON
- // continue cooling cycle
- } else if (!relayStatus(THERMOSTAT_RELAY) && _thermostat_cycle == cooling
- && lastSwitchEarlierThan(_thermostat_min_off_time)) {
- switchThermostat(true, temp);
- }
- }
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void updateCounters() {
- if (relayStatus(THERMOSTAT_RELAY)) {
- setSetting(NAME_BURN_TOTAL, ++_thermostat_burn_total);
- setSetting(NAME_BURN_TODAY, ++_thermostat_burn_today);
- setSetting(NAME_BURN_THIS_MONTH, ++_thermostat_burn_this_month);
- }
- if (ntpSynced()) {
- const auto ts = now();
- unsigned int now_day = day(ts);
- unsigned int now_month = month(ts);
- if (now_day != _thermostat_burn_day) {
- _thermostat_burn_yesterday = _thermostat_burn_today;
- _thermostat_burn_today = 0;
- _thermostat_burn_day = now_day;
- setSetting(NAME_BURN_YESTERDAY, _thermostat_burn_yesterday);
- setSetting(NAME_BURN_TODAY, _thermostat_burn_today);
- setSetting(NAME_BURN_DAY, _thermostat_burn_day);
- }
- if (now_month != _thermostat_burn_month) {
- _thermostat_burn_prev_month = _thermostat_burn_this_month;
- _thermostat_burn_this_month = 0;
- _thermostat_burn_month = now_month;
- setSetting(NAME_BURN_PREV_MONTH, _thermostat_burn_prev_month);
- setSetting(NAME_BURN_THIS_MONTH, _thermostat_burn_this_month);
- setSetting(NAME_BURN_MONTH, _thermostat_burn_month);
- }
- }
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- double _getLocalValue(const char* description, unsigned char type) {
- for (unsigned char index = 0; index < magnitudeCount(); ++index) {
- if (magnitudeType(index) != type) continue;
- auto value = magnitudeValue(index);
- char tmp_str[16];
- magnitudeFormat(value, tmp_str, sizeof(tmp_str));
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[THERMOSTAT] %s: %s\n"), description, tmp_str);
- return value.get();
- }
- #endif
- return std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
- }
- double getLocalTemperature() {
- return _getLocalValue("getLocalTemperature", MAGNITUDE_TEMPERATURE);
- }
- double getLocalHumidity() {
- return _getLocalValue("getLocalHumidity", MAGNITUDE_HUMIDITY);
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Loop
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void thermostatLoop(void) {
- if (!thermostatEnabled())
- return;
- // Update temperature range
- if (mqttConnected()) {
- if (millis() - _temp_range.ask_time > _temp_range.ask_interval) {
- _temp_range.ask_time = millis();
- sendTempRangeRequest();
- }
- }
- // Update thermostat state
- if (millis() - _thermostat.last_update > THERMOSTAT_STATE_UPDATE_INTERVAL) {
- _thermostat.last_update = millis();
- updateCounters();
- unsigned int last_temp_src = _thermostat.temperature_source;
- if (_remote_temp.last_update != 0 && millis() - _remote_temp.last_update < _thermostat_remote_temp_max_wait) {
- // we have remote temp
- _thermostat.temperature_source = temp_remote;
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[THERMOSTAT] setup thermostat by remote temperature\n"));
- checkTempAndAdjustRelay(_remote_temp.temp);
- } else if (!std::isnan(getLocalTemperature())) {
- // we have local temp
- _thermostat.temperature_source = temp_local;
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[THERMOSTAT] setup thermostat by local temperature\n"));
- checkTempAndAdjustRelay(getLocalTemperature());
- // updateRemoteTemp(false);
- } else {
- // we don't have any temp - switch thermostat on for N minutes every hour
- _thermostat.temperature_source = temp_none;
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[THERMOSTAT] setup thermostat by timeout\n"));
- if (relayStatus(THERMOSTAT_RELAY) && millis() - _thermostat.last_switch > _thermostat_alone_on_time) {
- setThermostatState(false);
- } else if (!relayStatus(THERMOSTAT_RELAY) && millis() - _thermostat.last_switch > _thermostat_alone_off_time) {
- setThermostatState(false);
- }
- }
- if (last_temp_src != _thermostat.temperature_source) {
- updateOperationMode();
- }
- }
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- String getBurnTimeStr(unsigned int burn_time) {
- char burnTimeStr[24] = { 0 };
- if (burn_time < 60) {
- sprintf(burnTimeStr, "%d мин.", burn_time);
- } else {
- sprintf(burnTimeStr, "%d ч. %d мин.", (int)floor(burn_time / 60), (int)(burn_time % 60));
- }
- return String(burnTimeStr);
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void resetBurnCounters() {
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[THERMOSTAT] resetBurnCounters\n"));
- setSetting(NAME_BURN_TOTAL, 0);
- setSetting(NAME_BURN_TODAY, 0);
- setSetting(NAME_BURN_YESTERDAY, 0);
- setSetting(NAME_BURN_THIS_MONTH, 0);
- setSetting(NAME_BURN_PREV_MONTH, 0);
- _thermostat_burn_total = 0;
- _thermostat_burn_today = 0;
- _thermostat_burn_yesterday = 0;
- _thermostat_burn_this_month = 0;
- _thermostat_burn_prev_month = 0;
- }
- //#######################################################################
- // ___ _ _
- // | \ (_) ___ _ __ | | __ _ _ _
- // | |) || |(_-<| '_ \| |/ _` || || |
- // |___/ |_|/__/| .__/|_|\__,_| \_, |
- // |_| |__/
- //#######################################################################
- #define wifi_on_width 16
- #define wifi_on_height 16
- const char wifi_on_bits[] PROGMEM = {
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x0E, 0x00, 0x7E, 0x00, 0xFE, 0x01, 0xE0, 0x03, 0x80, 0x07,
- 0x02, 0x0F, 0x1E, 0x1E, 0x3E, 0x1C, 0x78, 0x38, 0xE0, 0x38, 0xC0, 0x31,
- 0xC6, 0x71, 0x8E, 0x71, 0x8E, 0x73, 0x00, 0x00, };
- #define mqtt_width 16
- #define mqtt_height 16
- const char mqtt_bits[] PROGMEM = {
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x08, 0x00, 0x18, 0x00, 0x38, 0xEA, 0x7F, 0xEA, 0x7F,
- 0x00, 0x38, 0x10, 0x18, 0x18, 0x08, 0x1C, 0x00, 0xFE, 0x57, 0xFE, 0x57,
- 0x1C, 0x00, 0x18, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, };
- #define remote_temp_width 16
- #define remote_temp_height 16
- const char remote_temp_bits[] PROGMEM = {
- 0x00, 0x00, 0xE0, 0x18, 0x10, 0x25, 0x10, 0x25, 0x90, 0x19, 0x50, 0x01,
- 0x50, 0x01, 0xD0, 0x01, 0x50, 0x01, 0x50, 0x01, 0xD0, 0x01, 0x50, 0x01,
- 0xE0, 0x00, 0xE0, 0x00, 0xE0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, };
- #define server_width 16
- #define server_height 16
- const char server_bits[] PROGMEM = {
- 0x00, 0x00, 0xF8, 0x1F, 0xFC, 0x3F, 0x0C, 0x30, 0x0C, 0x30, 0x0C, 0x30,
- 0x0C, 0x30, 0x0C, 0x30, 0x0C, 0x30, 0xF8, 0x1F, 0xFC, 0x3F, 0xFE, 0x7F,
- 0x1E, 0x78, 0xFE, 0x7F, 0xFC, 0x3F, 0x00, 0x00, };
- SSD1306 display(0x3c, 1, 3);
- unsigned long _local_temp_last_update = 0xFFFF;
- unsigned long _local_hum_last_update = 0xFFFF;
- unsigned long _thermostat_display_off_interval = THERMOSTAT_DISPLAY_OFF_INTERVAL * MILLIS_IN_SEC;
- unsigned long _thermostat_display_on_time = millis();
- bool _thermostat_display_is_on = true;
- bool _display_wifi_status = true;
- bool _display_mqtt_status = true;
- bool _display_server_status = true;
- bool _display_remote_temp_status = true;
- bool _display_need_refresh = true;
- bool _temp_range_need_update = true;
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void drawIco(int16_t x, int16_t y, const char *ico, bool on = true) {
- display.drawIco16x16(x, y, ico, !on);
- _display_need_refresh = true;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void display_wifi_status(bool on) {
- _display_wifi_status = on;
- drawIco(0, 0, wifi_on_bits, on);
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void display_mqtt_status(bool on) {
- _display_mqtt_status = on;
- drawIco(17, 0, mqtt_bits, on);
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void display_server_status(bool on) {
- _display_server_status = on;
- drawIco(34, 0, server_bits, on);
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void display_remote_temp_status(bool on) {
- _display_remote_temp_status = on;
- drawIco(51, 0, remote_temp_bits, on);
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void display_temp_range() {
- _temp_range.need_display_update = false;
- display.setColor(BLACK);
- display.fillRect(68, 0, 60, 16);
- display.setColor(WHITE);
- display.setTextAlignment(TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT);
- display.setFont(ArialMT_Plain_16);
- String temp_range = String(_temp_range.min) + "°- " + String(_temp_range.max) + "°";
- display.drawString(128, 0, temp_range);
- _display_need_refresh = true;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void display_remote_temp() {
- _remote_temp.need_display_update = false;
- display.setColor(BLACK);
- display.fillRect(0, 16, 128, 16);
- display.setColor(WHITE);
- display.setFont(ArialMT_Plain_16);
- display.setTextAlignment(TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT);
- String temp_range_title = String("Remote t");
- display.drawString(0, 16, temp_range_title);
- String temp_range_vol = String("= ") + (_display_remote_temp_status ? String(_remote_temp.temp, 1) : String("?")) + "°";
- display.drawString(75, 16, temp_range_vol);
- _display_need_refresh = true;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void display_local_temp() {
- display.setColor(BLACK);
- display.fillRect(0, 32, 128, 16);
- display.setColor(WHITE);
- display.setFont(ArialMT_Plain_16);
- display.setTextAlignment(TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT);
- String local_temp_title = String("Local t");
- display.drawString(0, 32, local_temp_title);
- String local_temp_vol = String("= ") + (!std::isnan(getLocalTemperature()) ? String(getLocalTemperature(), 1) : String("?")) + "°";
- display.drawString(75, 32, local_temp_vol);
- _display_need_refresh = true;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void display_local_humidity() {
- display.setColor(BLACK);
- display.fillRect(0, 48, 128, 16);
- display.setColor(WHITE);
- display.setFont(ArialMT_Plain_16);
- display.setTextAlignment(TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT);
- String local_hum_title = String("Local h ");
- display.drawString(0, 48, local_hum_title);
- String local_hum_vol = String("= ") + (!std::isnan(getLocalHumidity()) ? String(getLocalHumidity(), 0) : String("?")) + "%";
- display.drawString(75, 48, local_hum_vol);
- _display_need_refresh = true;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void displayOn() {
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[THERMOSTAT] Display is On.\n"));
- _thermostat_display_on_time = millis();
- _thermostat_display_is_on = true;
- _display_need_refresh = true;
- display_wifi_status(_display_wifi_status);
- display_mqtt_status(_display_mqtt_status);
- display_server_status(_display_server_status);
- display_remote_temp_status(_display_remote_temp_status);
- _temp_range.need_display_update = true;
- _remote_temp.need_display_update = true;
- display_local_temp();
- display_local_humidity();
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Setup
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void displaySetup() {
- display.init();
- display.flipScreenVertically();
- displayOn();
- espurnaRegisterLoop(displayLoop);
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void displayLoop() {
- if (THERMOSTAT_DISPLAY_OFF_INTERVAL > 0 && millis() - _thermostat_display_on_time > _thermostat_display_off_interval) {
- if (_thermostat_display_is_on) {
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[THERMOSTAT] Display Off by timeout\n"));
- _thermostat_display_is_on = false;
- display.resetDisplay();
- }
- return;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Indicators
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if (!_display_wifi_status) {
- if (wifiConnected() && WiFi.getMode() != WIFI_AP)
- display_wifi_status(true);
- } else if (!wifiConnected() || WiFi.getMode() == WIFI_AP) {
- display_wifi_status(false);
- }
- if (!_display_mqtt_status) {
- if (mqttConnected())
- display_mqtt_status(true);
- } else if (!mqttConnected()) {
- display_mqtt_status(false);
- }
- if (_temp_range.last_update != 0 && millis() - _temp_range.last_update < THERMOSTAT_SERVER_LOST_INTERVAL) {
- if (!_display_server_status)
- display_server_status(true);
- } else if (_display_server_status) {
- display_server_status(false);
- }
- if (_remote_temp.last_update != 0 && millis() - _remote_temp.last_update < _thermostat_remote_temp_max_wait) {
- if (!_display_remote_temp_status)
- display_remote_temp_status(true);
- } else if (_display_remote_temp_status) {
- display_remote_temp_status(false);
- display_remote_temp();
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Temp range
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if (_temp_range.need_display_update) {
- display_temp_range();
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Remote temp
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if (_remote_temp.need_display_update) {
- display_remote_temp();
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Local temp
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if (millis() - _local_temp_last_update > LOCAL_TEMP_UPDATE_INTERVAL) {
- _local_temp_last_update = millis();
- display_local_temp();
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Local temp
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if (millis() - _local_hum_last_update > LOCAL_HUM_UPDATE_INTERVAL) {
- _local_hum_last_update = millis();
- display_local_humidity();
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Display update
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if (_display_need_refresh) {
- yield();
- display.display();
- _display_need_refresh = false;
- }
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void _thermostatWebSocketOnConnected(JsonObject& root) {
- root["thermostatEnabled"] = thermostatEnabled();
- root["thermostatMode"] = thermostatModeCooler();
- root["thermostatVisible"] = 1;
- root[NAME_TEMP_RANGE_MIN] = _temp_range.min;
- root[NAME_TEMP_RANGE_MAX] = _temp_range.max;
- root[NAME_REMOTE_SENSOR_NAME] = _thermostat.remote_sensor_name;
- root[NAME_REMOTE_TEMP_MAX_WAIT] = _thermostat_remote_temp_max_wait / MILLIS_IN_SEC;
- root[NAME_MAX_ON_TIME] = _thermostat_max_on_time / MILLIS_IN_MIN;
- root[NAME_MIN_OFF_TIME] = _thermostat_min_off_time / MILLIS_IN_MIN;
- root[NAME_ALONE_ON_TIME] = _thermostat_alone_on_time / MILLIS_IN_MIN;
- root[NAME_ALONE_OFF_TIME] = _thermostat_alone_off_time / MILLIS_IN_MIN;
- root[NAME_BURN_TODAY] = _thermostat_burn_today;
- root[NAME_BURN_YESTERDAY] = _thermostat_burn_yesterday;
- root[NAME_BURN_THIS_MONTH] = _thermostat_burn_this_month;
- root[NAME_BURN_PREV_MONTH] = _thermostat_burn_prev_month;
- root[NAME_BURN_TOTAL] = _thermostat_burn_total;
- if (_thermostat.temperature_source == temp_remote) {
- root[NAME_OPERATION_MODE] = "remote temperature";
- root["remoteTmp"] = _remote_temp.temp;
- } else if (_thermostat.temperature_source == temp_local) {
- root[NAME_OPERATION_MODE] = "local temperature";
- root["remoteTmp"] = "?";
- } else {
- root[NAME_OPERATION_MODE] = "autonomous";
- root["remoteTmp"] = "?";
- }
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- bool _thermostatWebSocketOnKeyCheck(const char * key, JsonVariant& value) {
- if (strncmp(key, NAME_THERMOSTAT_ENABLED, strlen(NAME_THERMOSTAT_ENABLED)) == 0) return true;
- if (strncmp(key, NAME_THERMOSTAT_MODE, strlen(NAME_THERMOSTAT_MODE)) == 0) return true;
- if (strncmp(key, NAME_TEMP_RANGE_MIN, strlen(NAME_TEMP_RANGE_MIN)) == 0) return true;
- if (strncmp(key, NAME_TEMP_RANGE_MAX, strlen(NAME_TEMP_RANGE_MAX)) == 0) return true;
- if (strncmp(key, NAME_REMOTE_SENSOR_NAME, strlen(NAME_REMOTE_SENSOR_NAME)) == 0) return true;
- if (strncmp(key, NAME_REMOTE_TEMP_MAX_WAIT, strlen(NAME_REMOTE_TEMP_MAX_WAIT)) == 0) return true;
- if (strncmp(key, NAME_MAX_ON_TIME, strlen(NAME_MAX_ON_TIME)) == 0) return true;
- if (strncmp(key, NAME_MIN_OFF_TIME, strlen(NAME_MIN_OFF_TIME)) == 0) return true;
- if (strncmp(key, NAME_ALONE_ON_TIME, strlen(NAME_ALONE_ON_TIME)) == 0) return true;
- if (strncmp(key, NAME_ALONE_OFF_TIME, strlen(NAME_ALONE_OFF_TIME)) == 0) return true;
- return false;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void _thermostatWebSocketOnAction(uint32_t client_id, const char * action, JsonObject& data) {
- if (strcmp(action, "thermostat_reset_counters") == 0) resetBurnCounters();
- }
- #endif
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void thermostatSetup() {
- commonSetup();
- _thermostat.temperature_source = temp_none;
- _thermostat_burn_total = getSetting(NAME_BURN_TOTAL, 0);
- _thermostat_burn_today = getSetting(NAME_BURN_TODAY, 0);
- _thermostat_burn_yesterday = getSetting(NAME_BURN_YESTERDAY, 0);
- _thermostat_burn_this_month = getSetting(NAME_BURN_THIS_MONTH, 0);
- _thermostat_burn_prev_month = getSetting(NAME_BURN_PREV_MONTH, 0);
- _thermostat_burn_day = getSetting(NAME_BURN_DAY, 0);
- _thermostat_burn_month = getSetting(NAME_BURN_MONTH, 0);
- mqttHeartbeat(_thermostatMqttHeartbeat);
- mqttRegister(thermostatMqttCallback);
- // Websockets
- wsRegister()
- .onConnected(_thermostatWebSocketOnConnected)
- .onKeyCheck(_thermostatWebSocketOnKeyCheck)
- .onAction(_thermostatWebSocketOnAction);
- #endif
- espurnaRegisterLoop(thermostatLoop);
- espurnaRegisterReload(_thermostatReload);
- }