* **HLW8012** using the [HLW8012 Library](https://bitbucket.org/xoseperez/hlw8012) (Sonoff POW)
* **CSE7766** and **CSE7759B** power monitor chips
@ -220,77 +227,134 @@ For more information please refer to the [ESPurna Wiki](https://github.com/xosep
Here is the list of supported hardware. For more information please refer to the [ESPurna Wiki Hardware page](https://github.com/xoseperez/espurna/wiki/Hardware).
### Power monitoring devices
|**Blitzwolf BW-SHP6**|**Blitzwolf BW-SHP2<br/>(also by Coosa, Goosund, HomeCube, Teckin)**|**Power meters based on V9261F**|
|**Itead Sonoff S31**|**Blitzwolf BW-SHP2<br/>(also by Coosa, Goosund, HomeCube, Teckin)**|**Power meters based on V9261F**|
|**Tonbux PowerStrip02**|**Fornorm Power Strip**|**Zhilde ZLD-EU55-W**|
|**Tonbux XS-SSA06**|**Litesun LA-WF3**|**Maxcio W DE-004**|
This setting defines the behaviour of the main LED in the board.<br/>
When in "WiFi status" it will blink at 1Hz when trying to connect. If successfully connected it will briefly blink every 5 seconds if in STA mode or every second if in AP mode.<br/>
When in "Relay status" mode the LED will be ON whenever any relay is ON, and OFF otherwise. This is global status notification.<br/>
When in "MQTT managed" mode you will be able to set the LED state sending a message to "<base_topic>/led/0/set" with a payload of 0, 1 or 2 (to toggle it).<br/>
When in "Find me" mode the LED will be ON when all relays are OFF. This is meant to locate switches at night.<br/>
When in "Relay & WiFi" mode it will follow the WiFi status but will stay mostly off when relays are OFF, and mostly ON when any of them is ON.<br/>
When in "Find me & WiFi" mode is the opposite of the "Relay & WiFi", it will follow the WiFi status but will stay mostly on when relays are OFF, and mostly OFF when any of them is ON.<br/>
"Always ON" and "Always OFF" modes are self-explanatory.
<li><strong>WiFi status</strong> will blink at 1Hz when trying to connect. If successfully connected it will briefly blink every 5 seconds if in STA mode or every second if in AP mode.</li>
<li><strong>Follow switch</strong> will force the LED to follow the status of a given switch (you must define which switch to follow in the side field).</li>
<li><strong>Inverse switch</strong> will force the LED to not-follow the status of a given switch (you must define which switch to follow in the side field).</li>
<li><strong>Find me</strong> will turn the LED ON when all switches are OFF. This is meant to locate switches at night.</li>
<li><strong>Find me & WiFi</strong> will follow the WiFi status but will stay mostly on when switches are OFF, and mostly OFF when any of them is ON.</li>
<li><strong>Switches status</strong> will turn the LED ON whenever any switch is ON, and OFF otherwise. This is global status notification.</li>
<li><strong>Switches status & WiFi</strong> will follow the WiFi status but will stay mostly off when switches are OFF, and mostly ON when any of them is ON.</li>
<li><strong>MQTT managed</strong> will let you manage the LED status via MQTT by sending a message to "<base_topic>/led/0/set" with a payload of 0, 1 or 2 (to toggle it).</li>
<li><strong>Always ON</strong> and <strong>Always OFF</strong> modes are self-explanatory.</li>