@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ ESPurna ("spark" in Catalan) is a custom firmware for ESP8285/ESP8266 based smar
It uses the Arduino Core for ESP8266 framework and a number of 3rd party libraries.
[](https://github.com/xoseperez/espurna/tree/sensors /)
[](https://github.com/xoseperez/espurna/tree/dev /)
< br / >
@ -239,8 +239,8 @@ Here is the list of supported hardware. For more information please refer to the
|**Maxcio W-US002S**|**HEYGO HY02**|**YiDian XS-SSA05**|
|**WiOn 50055**|**LINGAN SWA1**|**HomeCube 16A**|
|**WorkChoice EcoPlug**|||
|| ||
|**WorkChoice EcoPlug**|**Bestek MRJ1011** ||
|**Tonbux PowerStrip02**|**Fornorm Power Strip**|**Zhilde ZLD-EU55-W**|
@ -249,8 +249,8 @@ Here is the list of supported hardware. For more information please refer to the
|**Itead Slampher**|**Arilux E27**|**Itead Sonoff B1**|
|**AI-Thinker Wifi Light / Noduino OpenLight**|**Authometion LYT8266**|**AG-L4**|
|**Lohas 9W**|||
|| | |
|**Lohas 9W**|**Xiaomi Smart Desk Lamp** |**iWoole LED Table Lamp** |
|**Itead Sonoff LED**|**Itead BN-SZ01**|**InterMitTech QuinLED 2.6**|
@ -261,8 +261,8 @@ Here is the list of supported hardware. For more information please refer to the
|**Itead Sonoff SV**|**Itead 1CH Inching**|**Itead Motor Clockwise/Anticlockwise**|
|**Jan Goedeke Wifi Relay (NO/NC)**|**Jorge García Wifi + Relays Board Kit**|**EXS Wifi Relay v3.1**|
|**EXS Wifi Relay v5.0**|**Alterco Shelly1**||
||| |
|**EXS Wifi Relay v5.0**|**Alterco Shelly1**|**Alterco Shelly2** |
|**ManCaveMade ESP-Live**|**Wemos D1 Mini Relay Shield**|**Witty Cloud**|
@ -273,6 +273,8 @@ Here is the list of supported hardware. For more information please refer to the
|**Generic DHT11 v1.0**|**Generic DS18B20 v1.0**|**Bruno Horta's OnOfre**|
|**Allnet ESP8266-UP-Relay**|**RH Electronics Geiger Counter**|**Luani HVIO**|
|**Phyx ESP12 RGBW**||||
|**Tonbux Mosquito Killer**|**Itead Sonoff IFAN02**|||