@ -243,10 +243,15 @@ Here is the list of supported hardware. For more information please refer to the |
|**Heltec Touch Relay**|**Generic Relay v4.0**|**Generic RGBLed v1.0**| |
|||| |
|**Generic DHT11 v1.0**|**Generic DS18B20 v1.0**|| |
|||| |
|**Tonbux Mosquito Killer**||| |
**Other supported boards:** |
IteadStudio Sonoff S31, IteadStudio Sonoff POW R2, Zhilde ZLD-EU55-W, Luani HVIO |
**Other supported boards (beta):** |
KMC 4 Outlet, Gosund WS1, Smart Dual Plug, MakerFocus Intelligent Module LM33 for Lamps |
## License |
Copyright (C) 2016-2018 by Xose Pérez (@xoseperez) |