Operating specifications / Communication and signal
"Data-bus's free status is high voltage level. When communication
between MCU and DHT22 begin, program of MCU will transform data-bus's
voltage level from high to low level and this process must beyond at least
**1ms** to ensure DHT22 could detect MCU's signal, then MCU will wait 20-40us for
DHT22's response."
* gpio: detect esp8285 chip to allow the use of GPIO9 and GPIO10
* add another reference to the current rtos headers (but not used anywhere in the sdk code)
* fix typo in register order
* fixup! fix typo in register order
* Added T6613
* Added T6613
* Added T6613
* Added T6613
* Added T6613
* Added T6613
* Added T6613
* Added T6613
* Added T6613
* Updated copyright string
* Buffer from 6 bytes to 8 bytes
Current gcc-4 does not mark this as warning, but gcc-9 notices the 3 char size requirement. Buffer should be 8
* Use 5000ppm max
* Added restore last schedule support
* Merged RestoreLastScheduleState function into the _schCheck function
* handle lights in restore action
* hide webui chbox when not using scheduler
* use settings instead of struct member, hide under ifdef scheduler_support
* relayLastSchedule uses SCHEDULER_RESTORE_LAST_SCHEDULE as default
* Changed all the variable names to be the same so there would be no confusions
* Fixed client side to create an array from relayLastschedule
* Fixed cosmetic issue with the toggle display in webui
* Fixed variable name and disabled comparison at the end
* Added another check if the switch type is light provider
* Changed variables naming
* Naming mistake
* utils/version: use git description token as version, add memoization
* pio: move extra scripts to a separate directory
* pio: add -DAPP_REVISION=... as local build flag
* terminal: avoid softlock when comparing signed with unsigned
* move offset increment to condition
* adjust settings and crash handler available space
* key
* offset embedis writer and reader too
* rollback settings change
* travis: move build flags tests outside of hardware header
* mqtt: fix typo
* travis: use files instead of bundling test cases into script
* fixup! travis: use files instead of bundling test cases into script
* fix variable expansion, remove custom h at the end
* add ade7953 to sensors list
* custom.h path as variable
* shellcheck
* fix printf syntax, silent again
* fix bash 4.3 treating empty array as unset variable
* telnet: buffered output for async server
* telnet: make async buffer an option
* just use the queue containers directly
* try with simpler list
* exhaust buffers as much as possible in a single try
* don't forget to destroy the client object
* naming
* kill the connection earlier
* fix merge issues
* light: fix inconsistent transitions
- capture step variable for the current transition
- use one-shot timer, restart from the timer callback
* schedule inside provider func, not transition