Per PR comment:
> I'm running simple 1-channel led dimmer and couldn't get brightness control working, as it was called only if lightHasColor().
> This PR changes conditions slightly, and allows domoticz's dimmer device to control brightness as well. I think this device type is more appropriate/comfortable in this case."
- remove lightHasColor() check, try to parse the payload and manually adjust the channels
- when domoticz payload does not have "Color" field, still fall-through to the brightness update
- share relay dummypin instance between relay objects, replace unique_ptr with basic pointer (as we never destroy things, everything is brought up on boot and is essentially static)
- reduce overall size of the Api (web_api_t) structure, store a single required unsigned char id inside of the Api object itself.
- drop std::function for the same reason, current implementation only needs a single u8 ID in all cases
- tweak internal functions to expect a certain path size, drop strange comparisons with sprintf return value
- (kind of a hack) add manual calls to vector<Api>::reserve() as we go over the current capacity and vector increases it's size times 2. e.g. for 9 relays, we would allocate space for 32 Api objects as vector size goes from 16 to 32, after we add 18 Api objects with relay + pulse
- (breaking) json calls on a separate path, don't waste time encoding a single entity as json object when we can encode more things
- rfbridge API learn will return the current status instead of a plain OK
- reduce overall size of the structure, store a single required entity
inside of Api object itself.
- tweak internal functions to expect a certain path size
- (kind of a hack) add manual calls to vector<Api>::reserve() as we go over
the current capacity and vector increases it's size times 2.
e.g. for 9 relays, we would allocate space for 32 Api objects
when vector size goes from 16 to 32, after we add 18 Api objects with relay + pulse
- (breaking) json calls on a separate path, don't waste time encoding
a single entity as json object when we can encode more things
* rpn: bump to rpnlib 0.24.1
- `i` and `u` suffixes for numbers in expressions, parse as Integer or Unsigned respectively
- `checkedTo...()` method variants for numeric conversions
- strings can contain escape sequences (\x61\x62\x63, \n, \t, \r)
- improve float number parsing
- more consistent whitespace checks, tokens also can be separated by \n or \t
- various parser fixes
* fix captures
## [0.23.0] 2020-07-26
### Added
- `p` operator to print the top of the stack via debug function
- `&var` syntax to create variable reference in expression
- `=` operator for variable assignment in expression
- `exists` operator to check for variable existance (only for references)
- `deref` operator to convert variable reference into a value (only for references)
- Allow to use either float or double as floating type, parse numbers in expressions as specified type
- Add boolean type, parse `true` and `false` in expressions
- Add null type, parse `null` in expressions
- Add string type, parse double-quoted `"string"` in expressions
- Add integer and unsigned integer type, used in operators
- Allow to configure underlying types from rpnlib\_config.h and -D... flags
- Return `rpn_error` from operators, split error types into categories
- Create a new stack by using `[` keyword. Move stack contents into the previous stack + size by using `]`.
### Changed
- Stack structure no longer holds raw `float`, but internal `rpn_value` type
- rpn\_... setter and getter methods use `rpn_value` type
- Operator functions return `rpn_error` type, allowing to return both value and operator errors
- Variables in expressions are no longer required to exist when using `&var`
Expression will automatically create the variable, set it to `null` and push it's reference on the stack
- It is possible to create 'reference' stack values
- Improve precision of `e` and `pi`
### Fixed
- Proper value for `e` constant
- Allow to use multiple contexts simultaniously, replace `rpn_error` and `rpn_debug_callback`
with the current `rpn_context` members `error` and `debug_callback` respectively
Add support for BME680 using libalgobsec proprietary algorithms for precise Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) measurement. Unlike traditional CO2 sensors - and good ones are expensive - it measures nearly all VOCs compounds in the air (plus other gases) and compensates those measurements with its built-in temperature and humidity sensors to determine indoor air quality.
Co-authored-by: Max Prokhorov <>
This reverts commit d57eb0721b.
We can use raw value as-is. While the lack of unit is true for the value represented as cos θ , we don't specifically have any other sensors using it as such. As comment suggest (huh), we want to express the thing as a percentage.
- revert unintended change to include 2 bytes as part of empty value
fixes compatibility with old versions including Embedis and having empty values
- overwrite now empty space when moving
- re-shuffle internal logic to be more strict with cursor oob read / writes
- update comments
- bump to espressif8266@2.5.3 (but, 2.5.4 will be here soon...)
- pwm asm -> __asm__
- re-shuffle dependencies a bit, remove brzo from -git and -latest, ref
- replace `apmode` with `wifiApMode`
- deprecate `WIFI_FALLBACK_APMODE` in favour of the AP mode setting
- allow to set custom SSID and passphrase for the softAP via `wifiApSsid` & `wifiApPass`
- identifier fallback for hostname
Add new V3.0 version of PZEM004T, not tested. Default to factory default address 0xf8, configurable through pzemv30Addr 8-bit number
Add 'frequency' measurement & 'hz' unit
Add pz.address that configures address
Implemented energy reset
Right now we only support a single device. No way to test this properly (mostly, how exactly we need to connect this stuff), so left as not implemented.
- introduce zero threshold setting to reset value to 0 below a certain point (resolve#2264)
for example, set pwrPZeroThreshold0 10.0 for active power (or pwrQ... for apparent, pwrModS... for reactive) will reset always reset value to 0, similar to what turned off relay does. Default value is nan, since we can't use 0.0 on account of negative values.
- fix energy magnitude indexes usage, properly reset in API
- simplify sending pwr and emon Visible flags
- allow to use settings prefixes more, remove snsMinDelta & snsMaxDelta and use relative magnitude indexes
* wip based on early draft. todo benchmarking
* fixup eraser, assume keys are unique
* fix cursor copy, test removal at random
* small benchmark via permutations. todo lambdas and novirtual
* fix empty condition / reset
* overwrite optimizations, fix move offsets overflows
* ...erase using 0xff instead of 0
* test the theory with code, different length kv were bugged
* try to check for out-of-bounds writes / reads
* style
* trying to fix mover again
* clarify length, defend against reading len on edge
* fix uncommited rewind change
* prove space assumptions
* more concise traces, fix move condition (agrh!!!)
* slightly more internal knowledge (estimates API?)
* make sure cursor is only valid within the range
* ensure 0 does not blow things
* go back up
* cursor comments
* comments
* rewrite writes through cursor
* in del too
* estimate kv storage requirements, return available size
* move raw erase / move into a method, allow ::set to avoid scanning storage twice
* refactor naming, use in code
* amend storage slicing test
* fix crash handler offsets, cleanup configuration
* start -> begin
* eeprom readiness
* dependencies
* unused
* SPI_FLASH constants for older Core
* vtables -> templates
* less include dependencies
* gcov help, move estimate outside of the class
* writer position can never match, use begin + offset
* tweak save_crash to trigger only once in a serious crash
* doh, header function should be inline
* foreach api, tweak structs for public api
* use test helper class
* when not using foreach, move cursor reset closer to the loop using read_kv
* coverage comments, fix typo in tests decltype
* ensure set() does not break with offset
* make codacy happy again
Change the underlying command line handling:
- switch to a custom parser, inspired by redis / sds
- update terminalRegisterCommand signature, pass only bare minimum
- clean-up `help` & `commands`. update settings `set`, `get` and `del`
- allow our custom test suite to run command-line tests
- clean-up Stream IO to allow us to print large things into debug stream (for example, `eeprom.dump`)
- send parsing errors to the debug log
As a proof of concept, introduce `TERMINAL_MQTT_SUPPORT` and `TERMINAL_WEB_API_SUPPORT`
- MQTT subscribes to the `<root>/cmd/set` and sends response to the `<root>/cmd`. We can't output too much, as we don't have any large-send API.
- Web API listens to the `/api/cmd?apikey=...&line=...` (or PUT, params inside the body). This one is intended as a possible replacement of the `API_SUPPORT`. Internals introduce a 'task' around the AsyncWebServerRequest object that will simulate what WiFiClient does and push data into it continuously, switching between CONT and SYS.
Both are experimental. We only accept a single command and not every command is updated to use Print `ctx.output` object. We are also somewhat limited by the Print / Stream overall, perhaps I am overestimating the usefulness of Arduino compatibility to such an extent :)
Web API handler can also sometimes show only part of the result, whenever the command tries to yield() by itself waiting for something. Perhaps we would need to create a custom request handler for that specific use-case.