* debug: store boot log
* order
* roll single header
* hide when not implemented
* fix capacity check
* dependencies
* refactor names, can just use malloc
* settings formatting
* dbgBuf prefix
* show size
* release memory after buffer is displayed
* fix uptime unused warning, combine printer
* comments
* use arg flag instead of static to handle boot
* ci test fix
* Hide whole info() without debug
* typo
* cleanup setDebugOutput condition
* webui: improve updater error message
* ota: properly check updater state and finalize on errors
* finish up ota handling refactor
* fail web upgrade when cannot find magic byte
* send updater status with no payload arg and always send payload with
* mention magic byte and flash mode in webui
* gzip magic
* make async ota at least usable. timeouts, show errors, try harder to find data after headers
* simplify setup and destruction
* cleanup class instantiations for ota and url
* handle default case of magicflashchipsize
* shorter
* blobs
* Use generic typechecks, OTA add followRedirects
* revamp using is_detected
* relative include
* mention ts draft instead, fix c++17 includes (still not buildable)
* typo
* Always create WiFiClient pointer
* Remove old CREATE_CHECK macro
* do not create wificlient obj when running old Core
* Core 2.6.0+ fixes
* fix env -> config, run travis04 job
* don't duplicate free heap in frag data, use single stats struct
* fix dtostrf warnings, bump buffer sizes
* ...and even less words for fragmentation stat
- update every dynamicjsonbuffer with fixed size constructor argument
- change to ws callback registration to use a class builder (just cosmetic)
- test multiple ws data callbacks for each module
- remove some of the static strings in favour of ws data callback
- improve sensor ws callback data size, remove duplicated strings
- use static buffer in wsDebugSend
- postpone wsSend until loop, implement wsPost to allow other modules to queue message callbacks. remove Ticker based ws callbacks for data
- update WebUI files
- add httpupdate ota impelementation
- move async ota into a separate module
- support bearssl & axtls through wificlientsecure
- allow to disable arduino ide ota module
* Update encoder
- import modified Encoder library
- customize minimum delta value
* minimum delta in header config
* fixup! minimum delta in header config
* fix dead code, actually use interrupts
* move static class methods to normal funcs, apply namespace
* drop hardcoded register use
- use peripheral api (see cores/esp8266/esp8266_peri.h)
- remove bitmask and register struct members
* add a note about changes
* fixup! add a note about changes
- chain debugSend_P into basic _debugSend instead of duplicating code, pass va_list between them
- check if new[] call was successful
- when possible, use stack buffer and fallback to heap buffer only when it is more that 64 chars
* debug: heap fragmentation stat
* Rework method detection
- return check integral type as a result of detection instead of method type
- type-tagging instead of enable_if
* fix alias
* typo
* only need one bool_type instance
* Move heap debug into HeapStats header
- don't show fragmentation stats on the first call
- prettify fragmentation display
- pack function params into helper struct
- naming
* pass external flag instead
* add missing prototypes
- wrapper NTPClient class to avoid inadvertently calling NTP::getTime() while
setting things up
- only call NTP::getTime() when in loop(), install async TimeLib
sync provider and manually set TimeLib time
- randomize sync and delay times