/* WEBSOCKET MODULE Copyright (C) 2016-2019 by Xose PĂ©rez */ #if WEB_SUPPORT #include #include "system.h" #include "web.h" #include "utils.h" #include "ws.h" #include "ws_internal.h" #include "libs/WebSocketIncommingBuffer.h" AsyncWebSocket _ws("/ws"); Ticker _ws_defer; uint32_t _ws_last_update = 0; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // WS callbacks // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ws_callbacks_t& ws_callbacks_t::onVisible(ws_on_send_callback_f cb) { on_visible.push_back(cb); return *this; } ws_callbacks_t& ws_callbacks_t::onConnected(ws_on_send_callback_f cb) { on_connected.push_back(cb); return *this; } ws_callbacks_t& ws_callbacks_t::onData(ws_on_send_callback_f cb) { on_data.push_back(cb); return *this; } ws_callbacks_t& ws_callbacks_t::onAction(ws_on_action_callback_f cb) { on_action.push_back(cb); return *this; } ws_callbacks_t& ws_callbacks_t::onKeyCheck(ws_on_keycheck_callback_f cb) { on_keycheck.push_back(cb); return *this; } ws_callbacks_t _ws_callbacks; std::queue _ws_client_data; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // WS authentication // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ws_ticket_t _ws_tickets[WS_BUFFER_SIZE]; void _onAuth(AsyncWebServerRequest *request) { webLog(request); if (!webAuthenticate(request)) return request->requestAuthentication(); IPAddress ip = request->client()->remoteIP(); unsigned long now = millis(); unsigned short index; for (index = 0; index < WS_BUFFER_SIZE; index++) { if (_ws_tickets[index].ip == ip) break; if (_ws_tickets[index].timestamp == 0) break; if (now - _ws_tickets[index].timestamp > WS_TIMEOUT) break; } if (index == WS_BUFFER_SIZE) { request->send(429); } else { _ws_tickets[index].ip = ip; _ws_tickets[index].timestamp = now; request->send(200, "text/plain", "OK"); } } bool _wsAuth(AsyncWebSocketClient * client) { IPAddress ip = client->remoteIP(); unsigned long now = millis(); unsigned short index = 0; for (index = 0; index < WS_BUFFER_SIZE; index++) { if ((_ws_tickets[index].ip == ip) && (now - _ws_tickets[index].timestamp < WS_TIMEOUT)) break; } if (index == WS_BUFFER_SIZE) { return false; } return true; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Debug // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if DEBUG_WEB_SUPPORT ws_debug_t _ws_debug(WS_DEBUG_MSG_BUFFER); void ws_debug_t::send(const bool connected) { if (!connected && flush) { clear(); return; } if (!flush) return; // ref: http://arduinojson.org/v5/assistant/ // {"weblog": {"msg":[...],"pre":[...]}} DynamicJsonBuffer jsonBuffer(2*JSON_ARRAY_SIZE(messages.size()) + JSON_OBJECT_SIZE(1) + JSON_OBJECT_SIZE(2)); JsonObject& root = jsonBuffer.createObject(); JsonObject& weblog = root.createNestedObject("weblog"); JsonArray& msg = weblog.createNestedArray("msg"); JsonArray& pre = weblog.createNestedArray("pre"); for (auto& message : messages) { pre.add(message.first.c_str()); msg.add(message.second.c_str()); } wsSend(root); clear(); } bool wsDebugSend(const char* prefix, const char* message) { if (!wsConnected()) return false; _ws_debug.add(prefix, message); return true; } #endif // Check the existing setting before saving it // TODO: this should know of the default values, somehow? // TODO: move webPort handling somewhere else? bool _wsStore(const String& key, const String& value) { if (key == "webPort") { if ((value.toInt() == 0) || (value.toInt() == 80)) { return delSetting(key); } } if (!hasSetting(key) || value != getSetting(key)) { return setSetting(key, value); } return false; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Store indexed key (key0, key1, etc.) from array // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool _wsStore(const String& key, JsonArray& values) { bool changed = false; unsigned char index = 0; for (auto& element : values) { const auto value = element.as(); const auto keyobj = settings_key_t {key, index}; if (!hasSetting(keyobj) || value != getSetting(keyobj)) { setSetting(keyobj, value); changed = true; } ++index; } // Delete further values for (unsigned char next_index=index; next_index < SETTINGS_MAX_LIST_COUNT; ++next_index) { if (!delSetting({key, next_index})) break; changed = true; } return changed; } bool _wsCheckKey(const String& key, JsonVariant& value) { for (auto& callback : _ws_callbacks.on_keycheck) { if (callback(key.c_str(), value)) return true; // TODO: remove this to call all OnKeyCheckCallbacks with the // current key/value } return false; } void _wsParse(AsyncWebSocketClient *client, uint8_t * payload, size_t length) { //DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[WEBSOCKET] Parsing: %s\n"), length ? (char*) payload : ""); // Get client ID uint32_t client_id = client->id(); // Check early for empty object / nothing if ((length == 0) || (length == 1)) { return; } if ((length == 3) && (strcmp((char*) payload, "{}") == 0)) { return; } // Parse JSON input // TODO: json buffer should be pretty efficient with the non-const payload, // most of the space is taken by the object key references DynamicJsonBuffer jsonBuffer(512); JsonObject& root = jsonBuffer.parseObject((char *) payload); if (!root.success()) { DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[WEBSOCKET] JSON parsing error\n")); wsSend_P(client_id, PSTR("{\"message\": 3}")); return; } // Check actions ----------------------------------------------------------- const char* action = root["action"]; if (action) { if (strcmp(action, "ping") == 0) { wsSend_P(client_id, PSTR("{\"pong\": 1}")); return; } DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[WEBSOCKET] Requested action: %s\n"), action); if (strcmp(action, "reboot") == 0) { deferredReset(100, CUSTOM_RESET_WEB); return; } if (strcmp(action, "reconnect") == 0) { _ws_defer.once_ms(100, wifiDisconnect); return; } if (strcmp(action, "factory_reset") == 0) { DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("\n\nFACTORY RESET\n\n")); resetSettings(); deferredReset(100, CUSTOM_RESET_FACTORY); return; } JsonObject& data = root["data"]; if (data.success()) { // Callbacks for (auto& callback : _ws_callbacks.on_action) { callback(client_id, action, data); } // Restore configuration via websockets if (strcmp(action, "restore") == 0) { if (settingsRestoreJson(data)) { wsSend_P(client_id, PSTR("{\"message\": 5}")); } else { wsSend_P(client_id, PSTR("{\"message\": 4}")); } } return; } }; // Check configuration ----------------------------------------------------- JsonObject& config = root["config"]; if (config.success()) { DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[WEBSOCKET] Parsing configuration data\n")); String adminPass; bool save = false; for (auto kv: config) { bool changed = false; String key = kv.key; JsonVariant& value = kv.value; // Check password if (key == "adminPass") { if (!value.is()) continue; JsonArray& values = value.as(); if (values.size() != 2) continue; if (values[0].as().equals(values[1].as())) { String password = values[0].as(); if (password.length() > 0) { setSetting(key, password); save = true; wsSend_P(client_id, PSTR("{\"action\": \"reload\"}")); } } else { wsSend_P(client_id, PSTR("{\"message\": 7}")); } continue; } if (!_wsCheckKey(key, value)) { delSetting(key); continue; } // Store values if (value.is()) { if (_wsStore(key, value.as())) changed = true; } else { if (_wsStore(key, value.as())) changed = true; } // Update flags if value has changed if (changed) { save = true; } } // Save settings if (save) { // Callbacks espurnaReload(); // Persist settings saveSettings(); wsSend_P(client_id, PSTR("{\"message\": 8}")); } else { wsSend_P(client_id, PSTR("{\"message\": 9}")); } } } void _wsUpdate(JsonObject& root) { root["heap"] = getFreeHeap(); root["uptime"] = getUptime(); root["rssi"] = WiFi.RSSI(); root["loadaverage"] = systemLoadAverage(); #if ADC_MODE_VALUE == ADC_VCC root["vcc"] = ESP.getVcc(); #endif #if NTP_SUPPORT if (ntpSynced()) root["now"] = now(); #endif } void _wsResetUpdateTimer() { _ws_last_update = millis() + WS_UPDATE_INTERVAL; } void _wsDoUpdate(const bool connected) { if (!connected) return; if (millis() - _ws_last_update > WS_UPDATE_INTERVAL) { _ws_last_update = millis(); wsSend(_wsUpdate); } } bool _wsOnKeyCheck(const char * key, JsonVariant& value) { if (strncmp(key, "ws", 2) == 0) return true; if (strncmp(key, "admin", 5) == 0) return true; if (strncmp(key, "hostname", 8) == 0) return true; if (strncmp(key, "desc", 4) == 0) return true; if (strncmp(key, "webPort", 7) == 0) return true; return false; } void _wsOnConnected(JsonObject& root) { root["webMode"] = WEB_MODE_NORMAL; root["app_name"] = APP_NAME; root["app_version"] = APP_VERSION; root["app_build"] = buildTime(); #if defined(APP_REVISION) root["app_revision"] = APP_REVISION; #endif root["device"] = getDevice().c_str(); root["manufacturer"] = getManufacturer().c_str(); root["chipid"] = getChipId().c_str(); root["mac"] = WiFi.macAddress(); root["bssid"] = WiFi.BSSIDstr(); root["channel"] = WiFi.channel(); root["hostname"] = getSetting("hostname"); root["desc"] = getSetting("desc"); root["network"] = getNetwork(); root["deviceip"] = getIP(); root["sketch_size"] = ESP.getSketchSize(); root["free_size"] = ESP.getFreeSketchSpace(); root["sdk"] = ESP.getSdkVersion(); root["core"] = getCoreVersion(); root["webPort"] = getSetting("webPort", WEB_PORT); root["wsAuth"] = getSetting("wsAuth", 1 == WS_AUTHENTICATION); root["hbMode"] = getSetting("hbMode", HEARTBEAT_MODE); root["hbInterval"] = getSetting("hbInterval", HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL); } void wsSend(JsonObject& root) { // TODO: avoid serializing twice? size_t len = root.measureLength(); AsyncWebSocketMessageBuffer* buffer = _ws.makeBuffer(len); if (buffer) { root.printTo(reinterpret_cast(buffer->get()), len + 1); _ws.textAll(buffer); } } void wsSend(uint32_t client_id, JsonObject& root) { AsyncWebSocketClient* client = _ws.client(client_id); if (client == nullptr) return; // TODO: avoid serializing twice? size_t len = root.measureLength(); AsyncWebSocketMessageBuffer* buffer = _ws.makeBuffer(len); if (buffer) { root.printTo(reinterpret_cast(buffer->get()), len + 1); client->text(buffer); } } void _wsConnected(uint32_t client_id) { const bool changePassword = (USE_PASSWORD && WEB_FORCE_PASS_CHANGE) ? getAdminPass().equals(ADMIN_PASS) : false; if (changePassword) { StaticJsonBuffer jsonBuffer; JsonObject& root = jsonBuffer.createObject(); root["webMode"] = WEB_MODE_PASSWORD; wsSend(client_id, root); return; } wsPostAll(client_id, _ws_callbacks.on_visible); wsPostSequence(client_id, _ws_callbacks.on_connected); wsPostSequence(client_id, _ws_callbacks.on_data); } void _wsEvent(AsyncWebSocket * server, AsyncWebSocketClient * client, AwsEventType type, void * arg, uint8_t *data, size_t len){ if (type == WS_EVT_CONNECT) { client->_tempObject = nullptr; #ifndef NOWSAUTH if (!_wsAuth(client)) { wsSend_P(client->id(), PSTR("{\"message\": 10}")); DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[WEBSOCKET] Validation check failed\n")); client->close(); return; } #endif IPAddress ip = client->remoteIP(); DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[WEBSOCKET] #%u connected, ip: %d.%d.%d.%d, url: %s\n"), client->id(), ip[0], ip[1], ip[2], ip[3], server->url()); _wsConnected(client->id()); _wsResetUpdateTimer(); wifiReconnectCheck(); client->_tempObject = new WebSocketIncommingBuffer(_wsParse, true); } else if(type == WS_EVT_DISCONNECT) { DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[WEBSOCKET] #%u disconnected\n"), client->id()); if (client->_tempObject) { delete (WebSocketIncommingBuffer *) client->_tempObject; } wifiReconnectCheck(); } else if(type == WS_EVT_ERROR) { DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[WEBSOCKET] #%u error(%u): %s\n"), client->id(), *((uint16_t*)arg), (char*)data); } else if(type == WS_EVT_PONG) { DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[WEBSOCKET] #%u pong(%u): %s\n"), client->id(), len, len ? (char*) data : ""); } else if(type == WS_EVT_DATA) { //DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[WEBSOCKET] #%u data(%u): %s\n"), client->id(), len, len ? (char*) data : ""); if (!client->_tempObject) return; WebSocketIncommingBuffer *buffer = (WebSocketIncommingBuffer *)client->_tempObject; AwsFrameInfo * info = (AwsFrameInfo*)arg; buffer->data_event(client, info, data, len); } } // TODO: make this generic loop method to queue important ws messages? // or, if something uses ticker / async ctx to send messages, // it needs a retry mechanism built into the callback object void _wsHandleClientData(const bool connected) { if (!connected && !_ws_client_data.empty()) { _ws_client_data.pop(); return; } if (_ws_client_data.empty()) return; auto& data = _ws_client_data.front(); // client_id == 0 means we need to send the message to every client if (data.client_id) { AsyncWebSocketClient* ws_client = _ws.client(data.client_id); if (!ws_client) { _ws_client_data.pop(); return; } // wait until we can send the next batch of messages // XXX: enforce that callbacks send only one message per iteration if (ws_client->queueIsFull()) { return; } } // XXX: block allocation will try to create *2 next time, // likely failing and causing wsSend to reference empty objects // XXX: arduinojson6 will not do this, but we may need to use per-callback buffers constexpr const size_t BUFFER_SIZE = 3192; DynamicJsonBuffer jsonBuffer(BUFFER_SIZE); JsonObject& root = jsonBuffer.createObject(); data.send(root); if (data.client_id) { wsSend(data.client_id, root); } else { wsSend(root); } yield(); if (data.done()) { _ws_client_data.pop(); } } void _wsLoop() { const bool connected = wsConnected(); _wsDoUpdate(connected); _wsHandleClientData(connected); #if DEBUG_WEB_SUPPORT _ws_debug.send(connected); #endif } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Public API // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wsConnected() { return (_ws.count() > 0); } bool wsConnected(uint32_t client_id) { return _ws.hasClient(client_id); } ws_callbacks_t& wsRegister() { return _ws_callbacks; } void wsSend(ws_on_send_callback_f callback) { if (_ws.count() > 0) { DynamicJsonBuffer jsonBuffer(512); JsonObject& root = jsonBuffer.createObject(); callback(root); wsSend(root); } } void wsSend(const char * payload) { if (_ws.count() > 0) { _ws.textAll(payload); } } void wsSend_P(PGM_P payload) { if (_ws.count() > 0) { char buffer[strlen_P(payload)]; strcpy_P(buffer, payload); _ws.textAll(buffer); } } void wsSend(uint32_t client_id, ws_on_send_callback_f callback) { AsyncWebSocketClient* client = _ws.client(client_id); if (client == nullptr) return; DynamicJsonBuffer jsonBuffer(512); JsonObject& root = jsonBuffer.createObject(); callback(root); wsSend(client_id, root); } void wsSend(uint32_t client_id, const char * payload) { _ws.text(client_id, payload); } void wsSend_P(uint32_t client_id, PGM_P payload) { char buffer[strlen_P(payload)]; strcpy_P(buffer, payload); _ws.text(client_id, buffer); } void wsPost(const ws_on_send_callback_f& cb) { _ws_client_data.emplace(cb); } void wsPost(uint32_t client_id, const ws_on_send_callback_f& cb) { _ws_client_data.emplace(client_id, cb); } void wsPostAll(uint32_t client_id, const ws_on_send_callback_list_t& cbs) { _ws_client_data.emplace(client_id, cbs, ws_data_t::ALL); } void wsPostAll(const ws_on_send_callback_list_t& cbs) { _ws_client_data.emplace(0, cbs, ws_data_t::ALL); } void wsPostSequence(uint32_t client_id, const ws_on_send_callback_list_t& cbs) { _ws_client_data.emplace(client_id, cbs, ws_data_t::SEQUENCE); } void wsPostSequence(uint32_t client_id, ws_on_send_callback_list_t&& cbs) { _ws_client_data.emplace(client_id, std::forward(cbs), ws_data_t::SEQUENCE); } void wsPostSequence(const ws_on_send_callback_list_t& cbs) { _ws_client_data.emplace(0, cbs, ws_data_t::SEQUENCE); } void wsSetup() { _ws.onEvent(_wsEvent); webServer()->addHandler(&_ws); // CORS const String webDomain = getSetting("webDomain", WEB_REMOTE_DOMAIN); DefaultHeaders::Instance().addHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", webDomain); if (!webDomain.equals("*")) { DefaultHeaders::Instance().addHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "true"); } webServer()->on("/auth", HTTP_GET, _onAuth); wsRegister() .onConnected(_wsOnConnected) .onKeyCheck(_wsOnKeyCheck); espurnaRegisterLoop(_wsLoop); } #endif // WEB_SUPPORT