//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // PROGMEM definitions //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Various strings //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROGMEM const char pstr_unknown[] = "UNKNOWN"; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Reset reasons //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROGMEM const char custom_reset_hardware[] = "Hardware button"; PROGMEM const char custom_reset_web[] = "Reboot from web interface"; PROGMEM const char custom_reset_terminal[] = "Reboot from terminal"; PROGMEM const char custom_reset_mqtt[] = "Reboot from MQTT"; PROGMEM const char custom_reset_rpc[] = "Reboot from RPC"; PROGMEM const char custom_reset_ota[] = "Reboot after successful OTA update"; PROGMEM const char custom_reset_http[] = "Reboot from HTTP"; PROGMEM const char custom_reset_nofuss[] = "Reboot after successful NoFUSS update"; PROGMEM const char custom_reset_upgrade[] = "Reboot after successful web update"; PROGMEM const char custom_reset_factory[] = "Factory reset"; PROGMEM const char* const custom_reset_string[] = { custom_reset_hardware, custom_reset_web, custom_reset_terminal, custom_reset_mqtt, custom_reset_rpc, custom_reset_ota, custom_reset_http, custom_reset_nofuss, custom_reset_upgrade, custom_reset_factory }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Capabilities //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROGMEM const char espurna_modules[] = #if ALEXA_SUPPORT "ALEXA " #endif #if API_SUPPORT "API " #endif #if BROKER_SUPPORT "BROKER " #endif #if BUTTON_SUPPORT "BUTTON " #endif #if DEBUG_SERIAL_SUPPORT "DEBUG_SERIAL " #endif #if DEBUG_TELNET_SUPPORT "DEBUG_TELNET " #endif #if DEBUG_UDP_SUPPORT "DEBUG_UDP " #endif #if DEBUG_WEB_SUPPORT "DEBUG_WEB " #endif #if DOMOTICZ_SUPPORT "DOMOTICZ " #endif #if ENCODER_SUPPORT "ENCODER " #endif #if HOMEASSISTANT_SUPPORT "HOMEASSISTANT " #endif #if I2C_SUPPORT "I2C " #endif #if INFLUXDB_SUPPORT "INFLUXDB " #endif #if IR_SUPPORT "IR " #endif #if LED_SUPPORT "LED " #endif #if LLMNR_SUPPORT "LLMNR " #endif #if MDNS_CLIENT_SUPPORT "MDNS_CLIENT " #endif #if MDNS_SERVER_SUPPORT "MDNS_SERVER " #endif #if MQTT_SUPPORT "MQTT " #endif #if NETBIOS_SUPPORT "NETBIOS " #endif #if NOFUSS_SUPPORT "NOFUSS " #endif #if NTP_SUPPORT "NTP " #endif #if RFM69_SUPPORT "RFM69 " #endif #if RF_SUPPORT "RF " #endif #if SCHEDULER_SUPPORT "SCHEDULER " #endif #if SENSOR_SUPPORT "SENSOR " #endif #if SPIFFS_SUPPORT "SPIFFS " #endif #if SSDP_SUPPORT "SSDP " #endif #if TELNET_SUPPORT "TELNET " #endif #if TERMINAL_SUPPORT "TERMINAL " #endif #if THERMOSTAT_SUPPORT "THERMOSTAT " #endif #if THERMOSTAT_DISPLAY_SUPPORT "THERMOSTAT_DISPLAY " #endif #if THINGSPEAK_SUPPORT "THINGSPEAK " #endif #if UART_MQTT_SUPPORT "UART_MQTT " #endif #if WEB_SUPPORT "WEB " #endif ""; PROGMEM const char espurna_ota_modules[] = #if OTA_ARDUINOOTA_SUPPORT "ARDUINO " #endif #if (OTA_CLIENT == OTA_CLIENT_ASYNCTCP) "ASYNCTCP " #endif #if (OTA_CLIENT == OTA_CLIENT_HTTPUPDATE) #if (SECURE_CLIENT == SECURE_CLIENT_NONE) "*HTTPUPDATE " #endif #if (SECURE_CLIENT == SECURE_CLIENT_AXTLS) "*HTTPUPDATE_AXTLS " #endif #if (SECURE_CLIENT == SECURE_CLIENT_BEARSSL) "*HTTPUPDATE_BEARSSL " #endif #endif // OTA_CLIENT_HTTPUPDATE #if OTA_MQTT_SUPPORT "MQTT " #endif #if WEB_SUPPORT "WEB " #endif ""; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sensors //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if SENSOR_SUPPORT PROGMEM const char espurna_sensors[] = #if AM2320_SUPPORT "AM2320_I2C " #endif #if ANALOG_SUPPORT "ANALOG " #endif #if BH1750_SUPPORT "BH1750 " #endif #if BMP180_SUPPORT "BMP180 " #endif #if BMX280_SUPPORT "BMX280 " #endif #if CSE7766_SUPPORT "CSE7766 " #endif #if DALLAS_SUPPORT "DALLAS " #endif #if DHT_SUPPORT "DHTXX " #endif #if DIGITAL_SUPPORT "DIGITAL " #endif #if ECH1560_SUPPORT "ECH1560 " #endif #if EMON_ADC121_SUPPORT "EMON_ADC121 " #endif #if EMON_ADS1X15_SUPPORT "EMON_ADX1X15 " #endif #if EMON_ANALOG_SUPPORT "EMON_ANALOG " #endif #if EVENTS_SUPPORT "EVENTS " #endif #if GEIGER_SUPPORT "GEIGER " #endif #if GUVAS12SD_SUPPORT "GUVAS12SD " #endif #if HLW8012_SUPPORT "HLW8012 " #endif #if LDR_SUPPORT "LDR " #endif #if MHZ19_SUPPORT "MHZ19 " #endif #if MICS2710_SUPPORT "MICS2710 " #endif #if MICS5525_SUPPORT "MICS5525 " #endif #if NTC_SUPPORT "NTC " #endif #if PMSX003_SUPPORT "PMSX003 " #endif #if PULSEMETER_SUPPORT "PULSEMETER " #endif #if PZEM004T_SUPPORT "PZEM004T " #endif #if SDS011_SUPPORT "SDS011 " #endif #if SENSEAIR_SUPPORT "SENSEAIR " #endif #if SHT3X_I2C_SUPPORT "SHT3X_I2C " #endif #if SI7021_SUPPORT "SI7021 " #endif #if SONAR_SUPPORT "SONAR " #endif #if TMP3X_SUPPORT "TMP3X " #endif #if V9261F_SUPPORT "V9261F " #endif #if VEML6075_SUPPORT "VEML6075 " #endif #if VL53L1X_SUPPORT "VL53L1X " #endif #if EZOPH_SUPPORT "EZOPH " #endif #if ADE7953_SUPPORT "ADE7953 " #endif ""; PROGMEM const unsigned char magnitude_decimals[] = { 0, 1, 0, 2, // THP 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // Power decimals 0, 0, 0, // analog, digital, event 0, 0, 0, // PM 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, // UVA, UVB, UVI 3, 0, 4, 4, // Geiger Counter decimals 0, 0, 0, 0, 3 // NO2, CO, Ohms, pH }; PROGMEM const char magnitude_unknown_topic[] = "unknown"; PROGMEM const char magnitude_temperature_topic[] = "temperature"; PROGMEM const char magnitude_humidity_topic[] = "humidity"; PROGMEM const char magnitude_pressure_topic[] = "pressure"; PROGMEM const char magnitude_current_topic[] = "current"; PROGMEM const char magnitude_voltage_topic[] = "voltage"; PROGMEM const char magnitude_active_power_topic[] = "power"; PROGMEM const char magnitude_apparent_power_topic[] = "apparent"; PROGMEM const char magnitude_reactive_power_topic[] = "reactive"; PROGMEM const char magnitude_power_factor_topic[] = "factor"; PROGMEM const char magnitude_energy_topic[] = "energy"; PROGMEM const char magnitude_energy_delta_topic[] = "energy_delta"; PROGMEM const char magnitude_analog_topic[] = "analog"; PROGMEM const char magnitude_digital_topic[] = "digital"; PROGMEM const char magnitude_event_topic[] = "event"; PROGMEM const char magnitude_pm1dot0_topic[] = "pm1dot0"; PROGMEM const char magnitude_pm2dot5_topic[] = "pm2dot5"; PROGMEM const char magnitude_pm10_topic[] = "pm10"; PROGMEM const char magnitude_co2_topic[] = "co2"; PROGMEM const char magnitude_lux_topic[] = "lux"; PROGMEM const char magnitude_uva_topic[] = "uva"; PROGMEM const char magnitude_uvb_topic[] = "uvb"; PROGMEM const char magnitude_uvi_topic[] = "uvi"; PROGMEM const char magnitude_distance_topic[] = "distance"; PROGMEM const char magnitude_hcho_topic[] = "hcho"; PROGMEM const char magnitude_geiger_cpm_topic[] = "ldr_cpm"; // local dose rate [Counts per minute] PROGMEM const char magnitude_geiger_sv_topic[] = "ldr_uSvh"; // local dose rate [µSievert per hour] PROGMEM const char magnitude_count_topic[] = "count"; PROGMEM const char magnitude_no2_topic[] = "no2"; PROGMEM const char magnitude_co_topic[] = "co"; PROGMEM const char magnitude_resistance_topic[] = "resistance"; PROGMEM const char magnitude_ph_topic[] = "ph"; PROGMEM const char* const magnitude_topics[] = { magnitude_unknown_topic, magnitude_temperature_topic, magnitude_humidity_topic, magnitude_pressure_topic, magnitude_current_topic, magnitude_voltage_topic, magnitude_active_power_topic, magnitude_apparent_power_topic, magnitude_reactive_power_topic, magnitude_power_factor_topic, magnitude_energy_topic, magnitude_energy_delta_topic, magnitude_analog_topic, magnitude_digital_topic, magnitude_event_topic, magnitude_pm1dot0_topic, magnitude_pm2dot5_topic, magnitude_pm10_topic, magnitude_co2_topic, magnitude_lux_topic, magnitude_uva_topic, magnitude_uvb_topic, magnitude_uvi_topic, magnitude_distance_topic, magnitude_hcho_topic, magnitude_geiger_cpm_topic, magnitude_geiger_sv_topic, magnitude_count_topic, magnitude_no2_topic, magnitude_co_topic, magnitude_resistance_topic, magnitude_ph_topic }; PROGMEM const char magnitude_empty[] = ""; PROGMEM const char magnitude_celsius[] = "°C"; PROGMEM const char magnitude_fahrenheit[] = "°F"; PROGMEM const char magnitude_percentage[] = "%"; PROGMEM const char magnitude_hectopascals[] = "hPa"; PROGMEM const char magnitude_amperes[] = "A"; PROGMEM const char magnitude_volts[] = "V"; PROGMEM const char magnitude_watts[] = "W"; PROGMEM const char magnitude_kw[] = "kW"; PROGMEM const char magnitude_joules[] = "J"; PROGMEM const char magnitude_kwh[] = "kWh"; PROGMEM const char magnitude_ugm3[] = "µg/m³"; PROGMEM const char magnitude_ppm[] = "ppm"; PROGMEM const char magnitude_lux[] = "lux"; PROGMEM const char magnitude_distance[] = "m"; PROGMEM const char magnitude_mgm3[] = "mg/m³"; PROGMEM const char magnitude_geiger_cpm[] = "cpm"; // Counts per Minute: Unit of local dose rate (Geiger counting) PROGMEM const char magnitude_geiger_sv[] = "µSv/h"; // µSievert per hour: 2nd unit of local dose rate (Geiger counting) PROGMEM const char magnitude_resistance[] = "ohm"; PROGMEM const char* const magnitude_units[] = { magnitude_empty, magnitude_celsius, magnitude_percentage, magnitude_hectopascals, magnitude_amperes, magnitude_volts, magnitude_watts, magnitude_watts, magnitude_watts, magnitude_percentage, magnitude_joules, magnitude_joules, magnitude_empty, magnitude_empty, magnitude_empty, magnitude_ugm3, magnitude_ugm3, magnitude_ugm3, magnitude_ppm, magnitude_lux, magnitude_empty, magnitude_empty, magnitude_empty, magnitude_distance, magnitude_mgm3, magnitude_geiger_cpm, magnitude_geiger_sv, // Geiger counter units magnitude_empty, // magnitude_ppm, magnitude_ppm, // NO2 & CO2 magnitude_resistance, magnitude_empty // pH }; #endif