var websock; var password = false; var maxNetworks; var protocol; var host; var port; var useWhite = false; // function checkPassword(str) { // at least one number, one lowercase and one uppercase letter // at least eight characters that are letters, numbers or the underscore var re = /^(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])\w{8,}$/; return re.test(str); } function validateForm(form) { // password var adminPass1 = $("input[name='adminPass1']", form).val(); if (adminPass1.length > 0 && !checkPassword(adminPass1)) { alert("The password you have entered is not valid, it must have at least 8 characters, 1 lower and 1 uppercase and 1 number!"); return false; } var adminPass2 = $("input[name='adminPass2']", form).val(); if (adminPass1 != adminPass2) { alert("Passwords are different!"); return false; } return true; } function valueSet(data, name, value) { for (var i in data) { if (data[i]['name'] == name) { data[i]['value'] = value; return; } } data.push({'name': name, 'value': value}); } function zeroPad(number, positions) { return ("0".repeat(positions) + number).slice(-positions); } function doUpdate() { var form = $("#formSave"); if (validateForm(form)) { // Get data var data = form.serializeArray(); // Post-process delete(data['filename']); $("input[type='checkbox']").each(function() { var name = $(this).attr("name"); if (name) { valueSet(data, name, $(this).is(':checked') ? 1 : 0); } }); websock.send(JSON.stringify({'config': data})); $(".powExpected").val(0); $("input[name='powExpectedReset']") .prop("checked", false) .iphoneStyle("refresh"); } return false; } function doUpgrade() { var contents = $("input[name='upgrade']")[0].files[0]; if (typeof contents == 'undefined') { alert("First you have to select a file from your computer."); return false; } var filename = $("input[name='upgrade']").val().split('\\').pop(); var data = new FormData(); data.append('upgrade', contents, filename); $.ajax({ // Your server script to process the upload url: protocol + '//' + host + ':' + port + '/upgrade', type: 'POST', // Form data data: data, // Tell jQuery not to process data or worry about content-type // You *must* include these options! cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false, success: function(data, text) { $("#upgrade-progress").hide(); if (data == 'OK') { alert("Firmware image uploaded, board rebooting. This page will be refreshed in 5 seconds."); setTimeout(function() { window.location = "/"; }, 5000); } else { alert("There was an error trying to upload the new image, please try again (" + data + ")."); } }, // Custom XMLHttpRequest xhr: function() { $("#upgrade-progress").show(); var myXhr = $.ajaxSettings.xhr(); if (myXhr.upload) { // For handling the progress of the upload myXhr.upload.addEventListener('progress', function(e) { if (e.lengthComputable) { $('progress').attr({ value: e.loaded, max: }); } } , false); } return myXhr; }, }); return false; } function doUpdatePassword() { var form = $("#formPassword"); if (validateForm(form)) { var data = form.serializeArray(); websock.send(JSON.stringify({'config': data})); } return false; } function doReset() { var response = window.confirm("Are you sure you want to reset the device?"); if (response == false) return false; websock.send(JSON.stringify({'action': 'reset'})); return false; } function doReconnect() { var response = window.confirm("Are you sure you want to disconnect from the current WIFI network?"); if (response == false) return false; websock.send(JSON.stringify({'action': 'reconnect'})); return false; } function doToggle(element, value) { var relayID = parseInt(element.attr("data")); websock.send(JSON.stringify({'action': 'relay', 'data': { 'id': relayID, 'status': value ? 1 : 0 }})); return false; } function backupSettings() { document.getElementById('downloader').src = protocol + '//' + host + ':' + port + '/config'; return false; } function onFileUpload(event) { var inputFiles = this.files; if (inputFiles == undefined || inputFiles.length == 0) return false; var inputFile = inputFiles[0]; this.value = ""; var response = window.confirm("Previous settings will be overwritten. Are you sure you want to restore this settings?"); if (response == false) return false; var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = function(e) { var data = getJson(; if (data) { websock.send(JSON.stringify({'action': 'restore', 'data': data})); } else { alert("The file is not a configuration backup or is corrupted"); } }; reader.readAsText(inputFile); return false; } function restoreSettings() { if (typeof window.FileReader !== 'function') { alert("The file API isn't supported on this browser yet."); } else { $("#uploader").click(); } return false; } function randomString(length, chars) { var mask = ''; if (chars.indexOf('a') > -1) mask += 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'; if (chars.indexOf('A') > -1) mask += 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'; if (chars.indexOf('#') > -1) mask += '0123456789'; if (chars.indexOf('@') > -1) mask += 'ABCDEF'; if (chars.indexOf('!') > -1) mask += '~`!@#$%^&*()_+-={}[]:";\'<>?,./|\\'; var result = ''; for (var i = length; i > 0; --i) result += mask[Math.round(Math.random() * (mask.length - 1))]; return result; } function doGenerateAPIKey() { var apikey = randomString(16, '@#'); $("input[name=\"apiKey\"]").val(apikey); return false; } function showPanel() { $(".panel").hide(); $("#" + $(this).attr("data")).show(); if ($("#layout").hasClass('active')) toggleMenu(); $("input[type='checkbox']").iphoneStyle("calculateDimensions").iphoneStyle("refresh"); }; function toggleMenu() { $("#layout").toggleClass('active'); $("#menu").toggleClass('active'); $("#menuLink").toggleClass('active'); } function createRelays(count) { var current = $("#relays > div").length; if (current > 0) return; var template = $("#relayTemplate .pure-g")[0]; for (var relayID=0; relayID 1) $(".relay_id", line).html(" " + (relayID+1)); line.appendTo("#relays"); $(":checkbox", line).iphoneStyle({ onChange: doToggle, resizeContainer: true, resizeHandle: true, checkedLabel: 'ON', uncheckedLabel: 'OFF' }); } } function createIdxs(count) { var current = $("#idxs > div").length; if (current > 0) return; var template = $("#idxTemplate .pure-g")[0]; for (var id=0; id 1) $(".id", line).html(" " + id); line.appendTo("#idxs"); } } function delNetwork() { var parent = $(this).parents(".pure-g"); $(parent).remove(); } function moreNetwork() { var parent = $(this).parents(".pure-g"); $("div.more", parent).toggle(); } function addNetwork() { var numNetworks = $("#networks > div").length; if (numNetworks >= maxNetworks) { alert("Max number of networks reached"); return; } var tabindex = 200 + numNetworks * 10; var template = $("#networkTemplate").children(); var line = $(template).clone(); $(line).find("input").each(function() { $(this).attr("tabindex", tabindex++); }); $(line).find(".button-del-network").on('click', delNetwork); $(line).find(".button-more-network").on('click', moreNetwork); line.appendTo("#networks"); return line; } function initColor() { // check if already initialized var done = $("#colors > div").length; if (done > 0) return; // add template var template = $("#colorTemplate").children(); var line = $(template).clone(); line.appendTo("#colors"); // init color wheel $('input[name="color"]').wheelColorPicker({ sliders: 'wrgbp' }).on('sliderup', function() { var value = $(this).wheelColorPicker('getValue', 'css'); websock.send(JSON.stringify({'action': 'color', 'data' : value})); }); // init bright slider noUiSlider.create($("#brightness").get(0), { start: 255, connect: [true, false], tooltips: true, format: { to: function (value) { return parseInt(value); }, from: function (value) { return value; } }, orientation: "horizontal", range: { 'min': 0, 'max': 255} }).on("change", function() { var value = parseInt(this.get()); websock.send(JSON.stringify({'action': 'brightness', 'data' : value})); }); } function initChannels(num) { // check if already initialized var done = $("#channels > div").length > 0; if (done) return; // does it have color channels? var colors = $("#colors > div").length > 0; // calculate channels to create var max = num; if (colors) { max = num % 3; if ((max > 0) & useWhite) max--; } var start = num - max; // add templates var template = $("#channelTemplate").children(); for (var i=0; i fieldset").length; var template = $("#rfbNodeTemplate").children(); var line = $(template).clone(); var status = true; $("span", line).html(numNodes+1); $(line).find("input").each(function() { $(this).attr("data_id", numNodes); $(this).attr("data_status", status ? 1 : 0); status = !status; }); $(line).find(".button-rfb-learn").on('click', rfbLearn); $(line).find(".button-rfb-forget").on('click', rfbForget); $(line).find(".button-rfb-send").on('click', rfbSend); line.appendTo("#rfbNodes"); return line; } function rfbLearn() { var parent = $(this).parents(".pure-g"); var input = $("input", parent); websock.send(JSON.stringify({'action': 'rfblearn', 'data' : {'id' : input.attr("data_id"), 'status': input.attr("data_status")}})); } function rfbForget() { var parent = $(this).parents(".pure-g"); var input = $("input", parent); websock.send(JSON.stringify({'action': 'rfbforget', 'data' : {'id' : input.attr("data_id"), 'status': input.attr("data_status")}})); } function rfbSend() { var parent = $(this).parents(".pure-g"); var input = $("input", parent); websock.send(JSON.stringify({'action': 'rfbsend', 'data' : {'id' : input.attr("data_id"), 'status': input.attr("data_status"), 'data': input.val()}})); } function forgetCredentials() { $.ajax({ 'method': 'GET', 'url': '/', 'async': false, 'username': "logmeout", 'password': "123456", 'headers': { "Authorization": "Basic xxx" } }).done(function(data) { return false; // If we don't get an error, we actually got an error as we expect an 401! }).fail(function(){ // We expect to get an 401 Unauthorized error! In this case we are successfully // logged out and we redirect the user. return true; }); } function processData(data) { // title if ("app" in data) { var title =; if ("version" in data) { title = title + " " + data.version; } $(".pure-menu-heading").html(title); if ("hostname" in data) { title = data.hostname + " - " + title; } document.title = title; } Object.keys(data).forEach(function(key) { // Web Modes if (key == "webMode") { password = data.webMode == 1; $("#layout").toggle(data.webMode == 0); $("#password").toggle(data.webMode == 1); $("#credentials").hide(); } // Actions if (key == "action") { if (data.action == "reload") { if (password) forgetCredentials(); setTimeout(function() { window.location = "/"; }, 1000); } if (data.action == "rfbLearn") { // Nothing to do? } if (data.action == "rfbTimeout") { // Nothing to do? } return; } if (key == "rfbCount") { for (var i=0; i 0) { element .prop("checked", relays[relayID]) .iphoneStyle("refresh"); } } return; } // Domoticz if (key == "dczRelayIdx") { var idxs = data.dczRelayIdx; createIdxs(idxs.length); for (var i in idxs) { var element = $(".dczRelayIdx[data=" + i + "]"); if (element.length > 0) element.val(idxs[i]); } return; } // Messages if (key == "message") { window.alert(data.message); return; } // Enable options if (key.endsWith("Visible")) { var module = key.slice(0,-7); $(".module-" + module).show(); return; } // Pre-process if (key == "network") { =; } if (key == "mqttStatus") { data.mqttStatus = data.mqttStatus ? "CONNECTED" : "NOT CONNECTED"; } if (key == "ntpStatus") { data.ntpStatus = data.ntpStatus ? "SYNC'D" : "NOT SYNC'D"; } if (key == "tmpUnits") { $("span#tmpUnit").html(data[key] == 1 ? "ºF" : "ºC"); } // Look for INPUTs var element = $("input[name=" + key + "]"); if (element.length > 0) { if (element.attr('type') == 'checkbox') { element .prop("checked", data[key]) .iphoneStyle("refresh"); } else if (element.attr('type') == 'radio') { element.val([data[key]]); } else { var pre = element.attr("pre") || ""; var post = element.attr("post") || ""; element.val(pre + data[key] + post); } return; } // Look for SPANs var element = $("span[name=" + key + "]"); if (element.length > 0) { var pre = element.attr("pre") || ""; var post = element.attr("post") || ""; element.html(pre + data[key] + post); return; } // Look for SELECTs var element = $("select[name=" + key + "]"); if (element.length > 0) { element.val(data[key]); return; } }); // Auto generate an APIKey if none defined yet if ($("input[name='apiKey']").val() == "") { doGenerateAPIKey(); } } function getJson(str) { try { return JSON.parse(str); } catch (e) { return false; } } function connect(h, p) { if (typeof h === 'undefined') { h = window.location.hostname; } if (typeof p === 'undefined') { p = location.port; } host = h; port = p; protocol = location.protocol; wsproto = (protocol == 'https:') ? 'wss:' : 'ws:'; if (websock) websock.close(); websock = new WebSocket(wsproto + '//' + host + ':' + port + '/ws'); websock.onopen = function(evt) { console.log("Connected"); }; websock.onclose = function(evt) { console.log("Disconnected"); }; websock.onerror = function(evt) { console.log("Error: ", evt); }; websock.onmessage = function(evt) { var data = getJson(; if (data) processData(data); }; } function init() { $("#menuLink").on('click', toggleMenu); $(".button-update").on('click', doUpdate); $(".button-update-password").on('click', doUpdatePassword); $(".button-reset").on('click', doReset); $(".button-reconnect").on('click', doReconnect); $(".button-settings-backup").on('click', backupSettings); $(".button-settings-restore").on('click', restoreSettings); $('#uploader').on('change', onFileUpload); $(".button-apikey").on('click', doGenerateAPIKey); $(".button-upgrade").on('click', doUpgrade); $(".button-upgrade-browse").on('click', function() { $("input[name='upgrade']")[0].click(); return false; }); $("input[name='upgrade']").change(function (){ var fileName = $(this).val(); $("input[name='filename']").val(fileName.replace(/^.*[\\\/]/, '')); }); $('progress').attr({ value: 0, max: 100 }); $(".pure-menu-link").on('click', showPanel); $(".button-add-network").on('click', function() { $("div.more", addNetwork()).toggle(); }); $(".button-ha-send").on('click', function() { websock.send(JSON.stringify({'action': 'ha_send', 'data': $("input[name='haPrefix']").val()})); }); var protocol = location.protocol; var host = window.location.hostname; var port = location.port; $.ajax({ 'method': 'GET', 'url': protocol + '//' + host + ':' + port + '/auth' }).done(function(data) { connect(); }).fail(function(){ $("#credentials").show(); }); } $(init);