# ESPurna Firmware ESPurna ("spark" in Catalan) is a custom firmware for ESP8266 based smart switches. It was originally developed with the **[IteadStudio Sonoff][1]** in mind but now it supports a growing number of ESP8266-based boards. It uses the Arduino Core for ESP8266 framework and a number of 3rd party libraries. **Current Release Version is 1.2.0**, read the [changelog](CHANGELOG.md). ## Features * Support for **multiple ESP8266-based boards** ([check list](#supported-hardware)) * Wifi **AP Mode** or **STA mode** with **multiple network definitions** * **MQTT** enabled * Switch on/off and toggle relays * LED notifications * Support for different **sensors** * DHT11 / DHT22 / DHT21 / AM2301 * DS18B20 * HLW8012 (Sonoff POW) * Non-invasive current sensor using the [EmonLiteESP Library][3] (requires some hacking) * Fast asynchronous **HTTP Server** * Basic authentication * Web-based configuration * Relay switching from the web * Websockets-based communication between the device and the browser * **REST API** * GET and PUT relay status * **Command line configuration** * **Over-The-Air** (OTA) updates even for 1Mb boards * Manually from PlatformIO or Arduino Inside * Automatic updates through the [NoFUSS Library][2] * **Alexa** integration (requires staging version of Arduino Core for ESP8266) ## Documentation For more information please refer to the [ESPurna Wiki](https://bitbucket.org/xoseperez/espurna/wiki/Home). ## Supported hardware
![Sonoff](images/devices/s20.jpg) **IteadStudio S20** |
![Sonoff](images/devices/slampher.jpg) **IteadStudio Slampher** |
![Sonoff](images/devices/sonoff-4ch.jpg) **IteadStudio Sonoff 4CH** |
![Sonoff](images/devices/sonoff-basic.jpg) **IteadStudio Sonoff Basic** |
![Sonoff](images/devices/motor-switch.jpg) **IteadStudio Motor Switch** |
![Sonoff](images/devices/1ch-inching.jpg) **IteadStudio 1CH Inching** |
![Sonoff](images/devices/sonoff-dual.jpg) **IteadStudio Sonoff Dual** |
![Sonoff](images/devices/sonoff-pow.jpg) **IteadStudio Sonoff POW** |
![Sonoff](images/devices/sonoff-th10-th16.jpg) **IteadStudio Sonoff TH10/TH16** |
![Sonoff](images/devices/sonoff-rf.jpg) **IteadStudio Sonoff RF** |
![Sonoff](images/devices/sonoff-sv.jpg) **IteadStudio Sonoff SV** |
![Sonoff](images/devices/sonoff-led.jpg) **IteadStudio Sonoff LED** |
![Sonoff](images/devices/sonoff-touch.jpg) **IteadStudio Sonoff Touch** |
![Sonoff](images/devices/electrodragon-relay-board.jpg) **Electrodragon Relay Board** |
![Sonoff](images/devices/workchoice-ecoplug.jpg) **WorkChoice EcoPlug** |