// // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Do not change this file unless you know what you are doing // Configuration settings are in the settings.h file //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // GENERAL //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #ifndef ADMIN_PASS #define ADMIN_PASS "fibonacci" // Default password (WEB, OTA, WIFI) #endif #ifndef USE_PASSWORD #define USE_PASSWORD 1 // Insecurity caution! Disabling this will disable password querying completely. #endif #ifndef LOOP_DELAY_TIME #define LOOP_DELAY_TIME 10 // Delay for this millis in the main loop [0-250] #endif #ifndef MAX_COMPONENTS #define MAX_COMPONENTS 8 // Max number of components (buttons, leds, relays,...) #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // DEBUG //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Serial debug log #ifndef DEBUG_SERIAL_SUPPORT #define DEBUG_SERIAL_SUPPORT 1 // Enable serial debug log #endif #ifndef DEBUG_PORT #define DEBUG_PORT Serial // Enable serial debug log #endif #ifndef DEBUG_SERIAL_SPEED #define DEBUG_SERIAL_SPEED 115200 // Default baudrate #endif #ifndef DEBUG_ADD_TIMESTAMP #define DEBUG_ADD_TIMESTAMP 1 // Add timestamp to debug messages // (in millis overflowing every 1000 seconds) #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // UDP debug log // To receive the message son the destination computer use nc: // nc -ul 8113 #ifndef DEBUG_UDP_SUPPORT #define DEBUG_UDP_SUPPORT 0 // Enable UDP debug log #endif #ifndef DEBUG_UDP_IP #define DEBUG_UDP_IP IPAddress(192, 168, 1, 100) #endif #ifndef DEBUG_UDP_PORT #define DEBUG_UDP_PORT 514 #endif // If DEBUG_UDP_PORT is set to 514 syslog format is assumed // (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3164) // DEBUG_UDP_FAC_PRI is the facility+priority #define DEBUG_UDP_FAC_PRI (SYSLOG_LOCAL0 | SYSLOG_DEBUG) //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #ifndef DEBUG_TELNET_SUPPORT #define DEBUG_TELNET_SUPPORT 1 // Enable telnet debug log (will only work if TELNET_SUPPORT is also 1) #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #ifndef DEBUG_WEB_SUPPORT #define DEBUG_WEB_SUPPORT 1 // Enable web debug log (will only work if WEB_SUPPORT is also 1) #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // TELNET //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #ifndef TELNET_SUPPORT #define TELNET_SUPPORT 1 // Enable telnet support by default (3.34Kb) #endif #ifndef TELNET_STA #define TELNET_STA 0 // By default, disallow connections via STA interface #endif #define TELNET_PORT 23 // Port to listen to telnet clients #define TELNET_MAX_CLIENTS 1 // Max number of concurrent telnet clients //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // TERMINAL //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #ifndef TERMINAL_SUPPORT #define TERMINAL_SUPPORT 1 // Enable terminal commands (0.97Kb) #endif #define TERMINAL_BUFFER_SIZE 128 // Max size for commands commands //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // SYSTEM CHECK //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #ifndef SYSTEM_CHECK_ENABLED #define SYSTEM_CHECK_ENABLED 1 // Enable crash check by default #endif #ifndef SYSTEM_CHECK_TIME #define SYSTEM_CHECK_TIME 60000 // The system is considered stable after these many millis #endif #ifndef SYSTEM_CHECK_MAX #define SYSTEM_CHECK_MAX 5 // After this many crashes on boot // the system is flagged as unstable #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // EEPROM //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #define EEPROM_SIZE 4096 // EEPROM size in bytes //#define EEPROM_RORATE_SECTORS 2 // Number of sectors to use for EEPROM rotation // If not defined the firmware will use a number based // on the number of available sectors #define EEPROM_RELAY_STATUS 0 // Address for the relay status (1 byte) #define EEPROM_ENERGY_COUNT 1 // Address for the energy counter (4 bytes) #define EEPROM_CUSTOM_RESET 5 // Address for the reset reason (1 byte) #define EEPROM_CRASH_COUNTER 6 // Address for the crash counter (1 byte) #define EEPROM_MESSAGE_ID 7 // Address for the MQTT message id (4 bytes) #define EEPROM_ROTATE_DATA 11 // Reserved for the EEPROM_ROTATE library (3 bytes) #define EEPROM_DATA_END 14 // End of custom EEPROM data block //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // HEARTBEAT //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #ifndef HEARTBEAT_ENABLED #define HEARTBEAT_ENABLED 1 #endif #ifndef HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL #define HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL 300000 // Interval between heartbeat messages (in ms) #endif #define UPTIME_OVERFLOW 4294967295 // Uptime overflow value // Topics that will be reported in heartbeat #define HEARTBEAT_REPORT_STATUS 1 #define HEARTBEAT_REPORT_IP 1 #define HEARTBEAT_REPORT_MAC 1 #define HEARTBEAT_REPORT_RSSI 1 #define HEARTBEAT_REPORT_UPTIME 1 #define HEARTBEAT_REPORT_DATETIME 1 #define HEARTBEAT_REPORT_FREEHEAP 1 #define HEARTBEAT_REPORT_VCC 1 #define HEARTBEAT_REPORT_RELAY 1 #define HEARTBEAT_REPORT_LIGHT 1 #define HEARTBEAT_REPORT_HOSTNAME 1 #define HEARTBEAT_REPORT_APP 1 #define HEARTBEAT_REPORT_VERSION 1 #define HEARTBEAT_REPORT_BOARD 1 #define HEARTBEAT_REPORT_INTERVAL 0 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Load average //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #ifndef LOADAVG_INTERVAL #define LOADAVG_INTERVAL 30000 // Interval between calculating load average (in ms) #endif #ifndef LOADAVG_REPORT #define LOADAVG_REPORT 1 // Should we report Load average over MQTT? #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // BUTTON //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #ifndef BUTTON_SUPPORT #define BUTTON_SUPPORT 1 #endif #ifndef BUTTON_DEBOUNCE_DELAY #define BUTTON_DEBOUNCE_DELAY 50 // Debounce delay (ms) #endif #ifndef BUTTON_DBLCLICK_DELAY #define BUTTON_DBLCLICK_DELAY 500 // Time in ms to wait for a second (or third...) click #endif #ifndef BUTTON_LNGCLICK_DELAY #define BUTTON_LNGCLICK_DELAY 1000 // Time in ms holding the button down to get a long click #endif #ifndef BUTTON_LNGLNGCLICK_DELAY #define BUTTON_LNGLNGCLICK_DELAY 10000 // Time in ms holding the button down to get a long-long click #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // LED //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #ifndef LED_SUPPORT #define LED_SUPPORT 1 #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // RELAY //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Default boot mode: 0 means OFF, 1 ON and 2 whatever was before #ifndef RELAY_BOOT_MODE #define RELAY_BOOT_MODE RELAY_BOOT_OFF #endif // 0 means ANY, 1 zero or one and 2 one and only one #ifndef RELAY_SYNC #define RELAY_SYNC RELAY_SYNC_ANY #endif // Default pulse mode: 0 means no pulses, 1 means normally off, 2 normally on #ifndef RELAY_PULSE_MODE #define RELAY_PULSE_MODE RELAY_PULSE_NONE #endif // Default pulse time in seconds #ifndef RELAY_PULSE_TIME #define RELAY_PULSE_TIME 1.0 #endif // Relay requests flood protection window - in seconds #ifndef RELAY_FLOOD_WINDOW #define RELAY_FLOOD_WINDOW 3 #endif // Allowed actual relay changes inside requests flood protection window #ifndef RELAY_FLOOD_CHANGES #define RELAY_FLOOD_CHANGES 5 #endif // Pulse with in milliseconds for a latched relay #ifndef RELAY_LATCHING_PULSE #define RELAY_LATCHING_PULSE 10 #endif // Do not save relay state after these many milliseconds #ifndef RELAY_SAVE_DELAY #define RELAY_SAVE_DELAY 1000 #endif // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // WIFI // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef WIFI_CONNECT_TIMEOUT #define WIFI_CONNECT_TIMEOUT 60000 // Connecting timeout for WIFI in ms #endif #ifndef WIFI_RECONNECT_INTERVAL #define WIFI_RECONNECT_INTERVAL 180000 // If could not connect to WIFI, retry after this time in ms #endif #ifndef WIFI_MAX_NETWORKS #define WIFI_MAX_NETWORKS 5 // Max number of WIFI connection configurations #endif #ifndef WIFI_AP_CAPTIVE #define WIFI_AP_CAPTIVE 1 // Captive portal enabled when in AP mode #endif #ifndef WIFI_SLEEP_MODE #define WIFI_SLEEP_MODE WIFI_NONE_SLEEP // WIFI_NONE_SLEEP, WIFI_LIGHT_SLEEP or WIFI_MODEM_SLEEP #endif #ifndef WIFI_SCAN_NETWORKS #define WIFI_SCAN_NETWORKS 1 // Perform a network scan before connecting #endif // Optional hardcoded configuration (up to 2 networks) #ifndef WIFI1_SSID #define WIFI1_SSID "" #endif #ifndef WIFI1_PASS #define WIFI1_PASS "" #endif #ifndef WIFI1_IP #define WIFI1_IP "" #endif #ifndef WIFI1_GW #define WIFI1_GW "" #endif #ifndef WIFI1_MASK #define WIFI1_MASK "" #endif #ifndef WIFI1_DNS #define WIFI1_DNS "" #endif #ifndef WIFI2_SSID #define WIFI2_SSID "" #endif #ifndef WIFI2_PASS #define WIFI2_PASS "" #endif #ifndef WIFI2_IP #define WIFI2_IP "" #endif #ifndef WIFI2_GW #define WIFI2_GW "" #endif #ifndef WIFI2_MASK #define WIFI2_MASK "" #endif #ifndef WIFI2_DNS #define WIFI2_DNS "" #endif #ifndef WIFI_RSSI_1M #define WIFI_RSSI_1M -30 // Calibrate it with your router reading the RSSI at 1m #endif #ifndef WIFI_PROPAGATION_CONST #define WIFI_PROPAGATION_CONST 4 // This is typically something between 2.7 to 4.3 (free space is 2) #endif // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // WEB // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef WEB_SUPPORT #define WEB_SUPPORT 1 // Enable web support (http, api, 121.65Kb) #endif #ifndef WEB_EMBEDDED #define WEB_EMBEDDED 1 // Build the firmware with the web interface embedded in #endif // This is not working at the moment!! // Requires ASYNC_TCP_SSL_ENABLED to 1 and ESP8266 Arduino Core 2.4.0 #ifndef WEB_SSL_ENABLED #define WEB_SSL_ENABLED 0 // Use HTTPS web interface #endif #ifndef WEB_USERNAME #define WEB_USERNAME "admin" // HTTP username #endif #ifndef WEB_FORCE_PASS_CHANGE #define WEB_FORCE_PASS_CHANGE 1 // Force the user to change the password if default one #endif #ifndef WEB_PORT #define WEB_PORT 80 // HTTP port #endif // Defining a WEB_REMOTE_DOMAIN will enable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) // so you will be able to login to this device from another domain. This will allow // you to manage all ESPurna devices in your local network from a unique installation // of the web UI. This installation could be in a local server (a Raspberry Pi, for instance) // or in the Internet. Since the WebUI is just one compressed file with HTML, CSS and JS // there are no special requirements. Any static web server will do (NGinx, Apache, Lighttpd,...). // The only requirement is that the resource must be available under this domain. #define WEB_REMOTE_DOMAIN "http://tinkerman.cat" // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // WEBSOCKETS // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This will only be enabled if WEB_SUPPORT is 1 (this is the default value) #ifndef WS_AUTHENTICATION #define WS_AUTHENTICATION 1 // WS authentication ON by default (see #507) #endif #ifndef WS_BUFFER_SIZE #define WS_BUFFER_SIZE 5 // Max number of secured websocket connections #endif #ifndef WS_TIMEOUT #define WS_TIMEOUT 1800000 // Timeout for secured websocket #endif #ifndef WS_UPDATE_INTERVAL #define WS_UPDATE_INTERVAL 30000 // Update clients every 30 seconds #endif // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // API // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This will only be enabled if WEB_SUPPORT is 1 (this is the default value) #ifndef API_ENABLED #define API_ENABLED 0 // Do not enable API by default #endif #ifndef API_BUFFER_SIZE #define API_BUFFER_SIZE 15 // Size of the buffer for HTTP GET API responses #endif #ifndef API_REAL_TIME_VALUES #define API_REAL_TIME_VALUES 0 // Show filtered/median values by default (0 => median, 1 => real time) #endif // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // MDNS / LLMNR / NETBIOS / SSDP // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef MDNS_SERVER_SUPPORT #define MDNS_SERVER_SUPPORT 1 // Publish services using mDNS by default (1.48Kb) #endif #ifndef MDNS_CLIENT_SUPPORT #define MDNS_CLIENT_SUPPORT 0 // Resolve mDNS names (3.44Kb) #endif #ifndef LLMNR_SUPPORT #define LLMNR_SUPPORT 0 // Publish device using LLMNR protocol by default (1.95Kb) - requires 2.4.0 #endif #ifndef NETBIOS_SUPPORT #define NETBIOS_SUPPORT 0 // Publish device using NetBIOS protocol by default (1.26Kb) - requires 2.4.0 #endif #ifndef SSDP_SUPPORT #define SSDP_SUPPORT 0 // Publish device using SSDP protocol by default (4.59Kb) // Not compatible with ALEXA_SUPPORT at the moment #endif #ifndef SSDP_DEVICE_TYPE #define SSDP_DEVICE_TYPE "upnp:rootdevice" //#define SSDP_DEVICE_TYPE "urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:BinaryLight:1" #endif // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SPIFFS // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef SPIFFS_SUPPORT #define SPIFFS_SUPPORT 0 // Do not add support for SPIFFS by default #endif // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // OTA // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef OTA_PORT #define OTA_PORT 8266 // OTA port #endif #define OTA_GITHUB_FP "D7:9F:07:61:10:B3:92:93:E3:49:AC:89:84:5B:03:80:C1:9E:2F:8B" // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // NOFUSS // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef NOFUSS_SUPPORT #define NOFUSS_SUPPORT 0 // Do not enable support for NoFuss by default (12.65Kb) #endif #ifndef NOFUSS_ENABLED #define NOFUSS_ENABLED 0 // Do not perform NoFUSS updates by default #endif #ifndef NOFUSS_SERVER #define NOFUSS_SERVER "" // Default NoFuss Server #endif #ifndef NOFUSS_INTERVAL #define NOFUSS_INTERVAL 3600000 // Check for updates every hour #endif // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // UART <-> MQTT // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef UART_MQTT_SUPPORT #define UART_MQTT_SUPPORT 0 // No support by default #endif #ifndef UART_MQTT_USE_SOFT #define UART_MQTT_USE_SOFT 0 // Use SoftwareSerial #endif #ifndef UART_MQTT_HW_PORT #define UART_MQTT_HW_PORT Serial // Hardware serial port (if UART_MQTT_USE_SOFT == 0) #endif #ifndef UART_MQTT_RX_PIN #define UART_MQTT_RX_PIN 4 // RX PIN (if UART_MQTT_USE_SOFT == 1) #endif #ifndef UART_MQTT_TX_PIN #define UART_MQTT_TX_PIN 5 // TX PIN (if UART_MQTT_USE_SOFT == 1) #endif #ifndef UART_MQTT_BAUDRATE #define UART_MQTT_BAUDRATE 115200 // Serial speed #endif #ifndef UART_MQTT_TERMINATION #define UART_MQTT_TERMINATION '\n' // Termination character #endif #define UART_MQTT_BUFFER_SIZE 100 // UART buffer size // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // MQTT // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef MQTT_SUPPORT #define MQTT_SUPPORT 1 // MQTT support (22.38Kb async, 12.48Kb sync) #endif #ifndef MQTT_USE_ASYNC #define MQTT_USE_ASYNC 1 // Use AysncMQTTClient (1) or PubSubClient (0) #endif // MQTT OVER SSL // Using MQTT over SSL works pretty well but generates problems with the web interface. // It could be a good idea to use it in conjuntion with WEB_SUPPORT=0. // Requires ASYNC_TCP_SSL_ENABLED to 1 and ESP8266 Arduino Core 2.4.0. // // You can use SSL with MQTT_USE_ASYNC=1 (AsyncMqttClient library) // but you might experience hiccups on the web interface, so my recommendation is: // WEB_SUPPORT=0 // // If you use SSL with MQTT_USE_ASYNC=0 (PubSubClient library) // you will have to disable all the modules that use ESPAsyncTCP, that is: // ALEXA_SUPPORT=0, INFLUXDB_SUPPORT=0, TELNET_SUPPORT=0, THINGSPEAK_SUPPORT=0 and WEB_SUPPORT=0 // // You will need the fingerprint for your MQTT server, example for CloudMQTT: // $ echo -n | openssl s_client -connect m11.cloudmqtt.com:24055 > cloudmqtt.pem // $ openssl x509 -noout -in cloudmqtt.pem -fingerprint -sha1 #ifndef MQTT_SSL_ENABLED #define MQTT_SSL_ENABLED 0 // By default MQTT over SSL will not be enabled #endif #ifndef MQTT_SSL_FINGERPRINT #define MQTT_SSL_FINGERPRINT "" // SSL fingerprint of the server #endif #ifndef MQTT_ENABLED #define MQTT_ENABLED 0 // Do not enable MQTT connection by default #endif #ifndef MQTT_AUTOCONNECT #define MQTT_AUTOCONNECT 1 // If enabled and MDNS_SERVER_SUPPORT=1 will perform an autodiscover and // autoconnect to the first MQTT broker found if none defined #endif #ifndef MQTT_SERVER #define MQTT_SERVER "" // Default MQTT broker address #endif #ifndef MQTT_USER #define MQTT_USER "" // Default MQTT broker usename #endif #ifndef MQTT_PASS #define MQTT_PASS "" // Default MQTT broker password #endif #ifndef MQTT_PORT #define MQTT_PORT 1883 // MQTT broker port #endif #ifndef MQTT_TOPIC #define MQTT_TOPIC "{hostname}" // Default MQTT base topic #endif #ifndef MQTT_RETAIN #define MQTT_RETAIN true // MQTT retain flag #endif #ifndef MQTT_QOS #define MQTT_QOS 0 // MQTT QoS value for all messages #endif #ifndef MQTT_KEEPALIVE #define MQTT_KEEPALIVE 300 // MQTT keepalive value #endif #ifndef MQTT_RECONNECT_DELAY_MIN #define MQTT_RECONNECT_DELAY_MIN 5000 // Try to reconnect in 5 seconds upon disconnection #endif #ifndef MQTT_RECONNECT_DELAY_STEP #define MQTT_RECONNECT_DELAY_STEP 5000 // Increase the reconnect delay in 5 seconds after each failed attempt #endif #ifndef MQTT_RECONNECT_DELAY_MAX #define MQTT_RECONNECT_DELAY_MAX 120000 // Set reconnect time to 2 minutes at most #endif #ifndef MQTT_SKIP_RETAINED #define MQTT_SKIP_RETAINED 1 // Skip retained messages on connection #endif #ifndef MQTT_SKIP_TIME #define MQTT_SKIP_TIME 1000 // Skip messages for 1 second anter connection #endif #ifndef MQTT_USE_JSON #define MQTT_USE_JSON 0 // Group messages in a JSON body #endif #ifndef MQTT_USE_JSON_DELAY #define MQTT_USE_JSON_DELAY 100 // Wait this many ms before grouping messages #endif #ifndef MQTT_QUEUE_MAX_SIZE #define MQTT_QUEUE_MAX_SIZE 20 // Size of the MQTT queue when MQTT_USE_JSON is enabled #endif // These are the properties that will be sent when useJson is true #ifndef MQTT_ENQUEUE_IP #define MQTT_ENQUEUE_IP 1 #endif #ifndef MQTT_ENQUEUE_MAC #define MQTT_ENQUEUE_MAC 1 #endif #ifndef MQTT_ENQUEUE_HOSTNAME #define MQTT_ENQUEUE_HOSTNAME 1 #endif #ifndef MQTT_ENQUEUE_DATETIME #define MQTT_ENQUEUE_DATETIME 1 #endif #ifndef MQTT_ENQUEUE_MESSAGE_ID #define MQTT_ENQUEUE_MESSAGE_ID 1 #endif // These particles will be concatenated to the MQTT_TOPIC base to form the actual topic #define MQTT_TOPIC_JSON "data" #define MQTT_TOPIC_ACTION "action" #define MQTT_TOPIC_RELAY "relay" #define MQTT_TOPIC_LED "led" #define MQTT_TOPIC_BUTTON "button" #define MQTT_TOPIC_IP "ip" #define MQTT_TOPIC_VERSION "version" #define MQTT_TOPIC_UPTIME "uptime" #define MQTT_TOPIC_DATETIME "datetime" #define MQTT_TOPIC_FREEHEAP "freeheap" #define MQTT_TOPIC_VCC "vcc" #define MQTT_TOPIC_STATUS "status" #define MQTT_TOPIC_MAC "mac" #define MQTT_TOPIC_RSSI "rssi" #define MQTT_TOPIC_MESSAGE_ID "id" #define MQTT_TOPIC_APP "app" #define MQTT_TOPIC_INTERVAL "interval" #define MQTT_TOPIC_HOSTNAME "host" #define MQTT_TOPIC_TIME "time" #define MQTT_TOPIC_RFOUT "rfout" #define MQTT_TOPIC_RFIN "rfin" #define MQTT_TOPIC_RFLEARN "rflearn" #define MQTT_TOPIC_RFRAW "rfraw" #define MQTT_TOPIC_UARTIN "uartin" #define MQTT_TOPIC_UARTOUT "uartout" #define MQTT_TOPIC_LOADAVG "loadavg" #define MQTT_TOPIC_BOARD "board" #define MQTT_TOPIC_PULSE "pulse" #define MQTT_TOPIC_SPEED "speed" // Light module #define MQTT_TOPIC_CHANNEL "channel" #define MQTT_TOPIC_COLOR_RGB "rgb" #define MQTT_TOPIC_COLOR_HSV "hsv" #define MQTT_TOPIC_ANIM_MODE "anim_mode" #define MQTT_TOPIC_ANIM_SPEED "anim_speed" #define MQTT_TOPIC_BRIGHTNESS "brightness" #define MQTT_TOPIC_MIRED "mired" #define MQTT_TOPIC_KELVIN "kelvin" #define MQTT_STATUS_ONLINE "1" // Value for the device ON message #define MQTT_STATUS_OFFLINE "0" // Value for the device OFF message (will) #define MQTT_ACTION_RESET "reboot" // RESET MQTT topic particle #define MQTT_MESSAGE_ID_SHIFT 1000 // Store MQTT message id into EEPROM every these many // Custom get and set postfixes // Use something like "/status" or "/set", with leading slash // Since 1.9.0 the default value is "" for getter and "/set" for setter #ifndef MQTT_GETTER #define MQTT_GETTER "" #endif #ifndef MQTT_SETTER #define MQTT_SETTER "/set" #endif // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // BROKER // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef BROKER_SUPPORT #define BROKER_SUPPORT 1 // The broker is a poor-man's pubsub manager #endif // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SETTINGS // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef SETTINGS_AUTOSAVE #define SETTINGS_AUTOSAVE 1 // Autosave settings o force manual commit #endif #define SETTINGS_MAX_LIST_COUNT 10 // Maximum index for settings lists // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // LIGHT // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // LIGHT_PROVIDER_DIMMER can have from 1 to 5 different channels. // They have to be defined for each device in the hardware.h file. // If 3 or more channels first 3 will be considered RGB. // Usual configurations are: // 1 channels => W // 2 channels => WW // 3 channels => RGB // 4 channels => RGBW // 5 channels => RGBWW #ifndef LIGHT_SAVE_ENABLED #define LIGHT_SAVE_ENABLED 1 // Light channel values saved by default after each change #endif #ifndef LIGHT_SAVE_DELAY #define LIGHT_SAVE_DELAY 5 // Persist color after 5 seconds to avoid wearing out #endif #ifndef LIGHT_MAX_PWM #if LIGHT_PROVIDER == LIGHT_PROVIDER_MY92XX #define LIGHT_MAX_PWM 255 #endif #if LIGHT_PROVIDER == LIGHT_PROVIDER_DIMMER #define LIGHT_MAX_PWM 10000 // 10000 * 200ns => 2 kHz #endif #endif // LIGHT_MAX_PWM #ifndef LIGHT_LIMIT_PWM #define LIGHT_LIMIT_PWM LIGHT_MAX_PWM // Limit PWM to this value (prevent 100% power) #endif #ifndef LIGHT_MAX_VALUE #define LIGHT_MAX_VALUE 255 // Maximum light value #endif #ifndef LIGHT_MAX_BRIGHTNESS #define LIGHT_MAX_BRIGHTNESS 255 // Maximun brightness value #endif #define LIGHT_MIN_MIREDS 153 // Default to the Philips Hue value that HA also use. #define LIGHT_MAX_MIREDS 500 // https://developers.meethue.com/documentation/core-concepts #ifndef LIGHT_STEP #define LIGHT_STEP 32 // Step size #endif #ifndef LIGHT_USE_COLOR #define LIGHT_USE_COLOR 1 // Use 3 first channels as RGB #endif #ifndef LIGHT_USE_WHITE #define LIGHT_USE_WHITE 0 // Use the 4th channel as (Warm-)White LEDs #endif #ifndef LIGHT_USE_CCT #define LIGHT_USE_CCT 0 // Use the 5th channel as Coldwhite LEDs, LIGHT_USE_WHITE must be 1. #endif // Used when LIGHT_USE_WHITE AND LIGHT_USE_CCT is 1 - (1000000/Kelvin = MiReds) // Warning! Don't change this yet, NOT FULLY IMPLEMENTED! #define LIGHT_COLDWHITE_MIRED 153 // Coldwhite Strip, Value must be __BELOW__ W2!! (Default: 6535 Kelvin/153 MiRed) #define LIGHT_WARMWHITE_MIRED 500 // Warmwhite Strip, Value must be __ABOVE__ W1!! (Default: 2000 Kelvin/500 MiRed) #ifndef LIGHT_USE_GAMMA #define LIGHT_USE_GAMMA 0 // Use gamma correction for color channels #endif #ifndef LIGHT_USE_CSS #define LIGHT_USE_CSS 1 // Use CSS style to report colors (1=> "#FF0000", 0=> "255,0,0") #endif #ifndef LIGHT_USE_RGB #define LIGHT_USE_RGB 0 // Use RGB color selector (1=> RGB, 0=> HSV) #endif #ifndef LIGHT_WHITE_FACTOR #define LIGHT_WHITE_FACTOR 1 // When using LIGHT_USE_WHITE with uneven brightness LEDs, // this factor is used to scale the white channel to match brightness #endif #ifndef LIGHT_USE_TRANSITIONS #define LIGHT_USE_TRANSITIONS 1 // Transitions between colors #endif #ifndef LIGHT_TRANSITION_STEP #define LIGHT_TRANSITION_STEP 10 // Time in millis between each transtion step #endif #ifndef LIGHT_TRANSITION_TIME #define LIGHT_TRANSITION_TIME 500 // Time in millis from color to color #endif // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // DOMOTICZ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef DOMOTICZ_SUPPORT #define DOMOTICZ_SUPPORT MQTT_SUPPORT // Build with domoticz (if MQTT) support (1.72Kb) #endif #define DOMOTICZ_ENABLED 0 // Disable domoticz by default #define DOMOTICZ_IN_TOPIC "domoticz/in" // Default subscription topic #define DOMOTICZ_OUT_TOPIC "domoticz/out" // Default publication topic // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // HOME ASSISTANT // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef HOMEASSISTANT_SUPPORT #define HOMEASSISTANT_SUPPORT MQTT_SUPPORT // Build with home assistant support (if MQTT, 1.64Kb) #endif #define HOMEASSISTANT_ENABLED 0 // Integration not enabled by default #define HOMEASSISTANT_PREFIX "homeassistant" // Default MQTT prefix // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // INFLUXDB // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef INFLUXDB_SUPPORT #define INFLUXDB_SUPPORT 0 // Disable InfluxDB support by default (4.38Kb) #endif #ifndef INFLUXDB_ENABLED #define INFLUXDB_ENABLED 0 // InfluxDB disabled by default #endif #ifndef INFLUXDB_HOST #define INFLUXDB_HOST "" // Default server #endif #ifndef INFLUXDB_PORT #define INFLUXDB_PORT 8086 // Default InfluxDB port #endif #ifndef INFLUXDB_DATABASE #define INFLUXDB_DATABASE "" // Default database #endif #ifndef INFLUXDB_USERNAME #define INFLUXDB_USERNAME "" // Default username #endif #ifndef INFLUXDB_PASSWORD #define INFLUXDB_PASSWORD "" // Default password #endif // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // THINGSPEAK // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef THINGSPEAK_SUPPORT #define THINGSPEAK_SUPPORT 1 // Enable Thingspeak support by default (2.56Kb) #endif #ifndef THINGSPEAK_ENABLED #define THINGSPEAK_ENABLED 0 // Thingspeak disabled by default #endif #ifndef THINGSPEAK_APIKEY #define THINGSPEAK_APIKEY "" // Default API KEY #endif #define THINGSPEAK_USE_ASYNC 1 // Use AsyncClient instead of WiFiClientSecure // THINGSPEAK OVER SSL // Using THINGSPEAK over SSL works well but generates problems with the web interface, // so you should compile it with WEB_SUPPORT to 0. // When THINGSPEAK_USE_ASYNC is 1, requires ASYNC_TCP_SSL_ENABLED to 1 and ESP8266 Arduino Core 2.4.0. #define THINGSPEAK_USE_SSL 0 // Use secure connection #define THINGSPEAK_FINGERPRINT "78 60 18 44 81 35 BF DF 77 84 D4 0A 22 0D 9B 4E 6C DC 57 2C" #define THINGSPEAK_HOST "api.thingspeak.com" #if THINGSPEAK_USE_SSL #define THINGSPEAK_PORT 443 #else #define THINGSPEAK_PORT 80 #endif #define THINGSPEAK_URL "/update" #define THINGSPEAK_MIN_INTERVAL 15000 // Minimum interval between POSTs (in millis) // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SCHEDULER // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef SCHEDULER_SUPPORT #define SCHEDULER_SUPPORT 1 // Enable scheduler (1.77Kb) #endif #ifndef SCHEDULER_MAX_SCHEDULES #define SCHEDULER_MAX_SCHEDULES 10 // Max schedules alowed #endif // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // NTP // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef NTP_SUPPORT #define NTP_SUPPORT 1 // Build with NTP support by default (6.78Kb) #endif #ifndef NTP_SERVER #define NTP_SERVER "pool.ntp.org" // Default NTP server #endif #ifndef NTP_TIMEOUT #define NTP_TIMEOUT 1000 // Set NTP request timeout to 2 seconds (issue #452) #endif #ifndef NTP_TIME_OFFSET #define NTP_TIME_OFFSET 60 // Default timezone offset (GMT+1) #endif #ifndef NTP_DAY_LIGHT #define NTP_DAY_LIGHT 1 // Enable daylight time saving by default #endif #ifndef NTP_SYNC_INTERVAL #define NTP_SYNC_INTERVAL 60 // NTP initial check every minute #endif #ifndef NTP_UPDATE_INTERVAL #define NTP_UPDATE_INTERVAL 1800 // NTP check every 30 minutes #endif #ifndef NTP_START_DELAY #define NTP_START_DELAY 1000 // Delay NTP start 1 second #endif #ifndef NTP_DST_REGION #define NTP_DST_REGION 0 // 0 for Europe, 1 for USA (defined in NtpClientLib) #endif // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ALEXA // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This setting defines whether Alexa support should be built into the firmware #ifndef ALEXA_SUPPORT #define ALEXA_SUPPORT 1 // Enable Alexa support by default (10.84Kb) #endif // This is default value for the alexaEnabled setting that defines whether // this device should be discoberable and respond to Alexa commands. // Both ALEXA_SUPPORT and alexaEnabled should be 1 for Alexa support to work. #ifndef ALEXA_ENABLED #define ALEXA_ENABLED 1 #endif // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RFBRIDGE // This module is not compatible with RF_SUPPORT=1 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef RF_SEND_TIMES #define RF_SEND_TIMES 4 // How many times to send the message #endif #ifndef RF_SEND_DELAY #define RF_SEND_DELAY 500 // Interval between sendings in ms #endif #ifndef RF_RECEIVE_DELAY #define RF_RECEIVE_DELAY 500 // Interval between recieving in ms (avoid debouncing) #endif #ifndef RF_RAW_SUPPORT #define RF_RAW_SUPPORT 0 // RF raw codes require a specific firmware for the EFM8BB1 // https://github.com/rhx/RF-Bridge-EFM8BB1 #endif // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // IR // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef IR_SUPPORT #define IR_SUPPORT 0 // Do not build with IR support by default (10.25Kb) #endif #ifndef IR_PIN #define IR_PIN 4 // IR LED #endif // 24 Buttons Set of the IR Remote #ifndef IR_BUTTON_SET #define IR_BUTTON_SET 1 // IR button set to use (see below) #endif //Remote Buttons SET 1 (for the original Remote shipped with the controller) #if IR_SUPPORT #if IR_BUTTON_SET == 1 /* +------+------+------+------+ | UP | Down | OFF | ON | +------+------+------+------+ | R | G | B | W | +------+------+------+------+ | 1 | 2 | 3 |FLASH | +------+------+------+------+ | 4 | 5 | 6 |STROBE| +------+------+------+------+ | 7 | 8 | 9 | FADE | +------+------+------+------+ | 10 | 11 | 12 |SMOOTH| +------+------+------+------+ */ #define IR_BUTTON_COUNT 24 const unsigned long IR_BUTTON[IR_BUTTON_COUNT][3] PROGMEM = { { 0xFF906F, IR_BUTTON_MODE_BRIGHTER, 1 }, { 0xFFB847, IR_BUTTON_MODE_BRIGHTER, 0 }, { 0xFFF807, IR_BUTTON_MODE_STATE, 0 }, { 0xFFB04F, IR_BUTTON_MODE_STATE, 1 }, { 0xFF9867, IR_BUTTON_MODE_RGB, 0xFF0000 }, { 0xFFD827, IR_BUTTON_MODE_RGB, 0x00FF00 }, { 0xFF8877, IR_BUTTON_MODE_RGB, 0x0000FF }, { 0xFFA857, IR_BUTTON_MODE_RGB, 0xFFFFFF }, { 0xFFE817, IR_BUTTON_MODE_RGB, 0xD13A01 }, { 0xFF48B7, IR_BUTTON_MODE_RGB, 0x00E644 }, { 0xFF6897, IR_BUTTON_MODE_RGB, 0x0040A7 }, { 0xFFB24D, IR_BUTTON_MODE_EFFECT, LIGHT_EFFECT_FLASH }, { 0xFF02FD, IR_BUTTON_MODE_RGB, 0xE96F2A }, { 0xFF32CD, IR_BUTTON_MODE_RGB, 0x00BEBF }, { 0xFF20DF, IR_BUTTON_MODE_RGB, 0x56406F }, { 0xFF00FF, IR_BUTTON_MODE_EFFECT, LIGHT_EFFECT_STROBE }, { 0xFF50AF, IR_BUTTON_MODE_RGB, 0xEE9819 }, { 0xFF7887, IR_BUTTON_MODE_RGB, 0x00799A }, { 0xFF708F, IR_BUTTON_MODE_RGB, 0x944E80 }, { 0xFF58A7, IR_BUTTON_MODE_EFFECT, LIGHT_EFFECT_FADE }, { 0xFF38C7, IR_BUTTON_MODE_RGB, 0xFFFF00 }, { 0xFF28D7, IR_BUTTON_MODE_RGB, 0x0060A1 }, { 0xFFF00F, IR_BUTTON_MODE_RGB, 0xEF45AD }, { 0xFF30CF, IR_BUTTON_MODE_EFFECT, LIGHT_EFFECT_SMOOTH } }; #endif //Remote Buttons SET 2 (another identical IR Remote shipped with another controller) #if IR_BUTTON_SET == 2 /* +------+------+------+------+ | UP | Down | OFF | ON | +------+------+------+------+ | R | G | B | W | +------+------+------+------+ | 1 | 2 | 3 |FLASH | +------+------+------+------+ | 4 | 5 | 6 |STROBE| +------+------+------+------+ | 7 | 8 | 9 | FADE | +------+------+------+------+ | 10 | 11 | 12 |SMOOTH| +------+------+------+------+ */ #define IR_BUTTON_COUNT 24 const unsigned long IR_BUTTON[IR_BUTTON_COUNT][3] PROGMEM = { { 0xFF00FF, IR_BUTTON_MODE_BRIGHTER, 1 }, { 0xFF807F, IR_BUTTON_MODE_BRIGHTER, 0 }, { 0xFF40BF, IR_BUTTON_MODE_STATE, 0 }, { 0xFFC03F, IR_BUTTON_MODE_STATE, 1 }, { 0xFF20DF, IR_BUTTON_MODE_RGB, 0xFF0000 }, { 0xFFA05F, IR_BUTTON_MODE_RGB, 0x00FF00 }, { 0xFF609F, IR_BUTTON_MODE_RGB, 0x0000FF }, { 0xFFE01F, IR_BUTTON_MODE_RGB, 0xFFFFFF }, { 0xFF10EF, IR_BUTTON_MODE_RGB, 0xD13A01 }, { 0xFF906F, IR_BUTTON_MODE_RGB, 0x00E644 }, { 0xFF50AF, IR_BUTTON_MODE_RGB, 0x0040A7 }, { 0xFFD02F, IR_BUTTON_MODE_EFFECT, LIGHT_EFFECT_FLASH }, { 0xFF30CF, IR_BUTTON_MODE_RGB, 0xE96F2A }, { 0xFFB04F, IR_BUTTON_MODE_RGB, 0x00BEBF }, { 0xFF708F, IR_BUTTON_MODE_RGB, 0x56406F }, { 0xFFF00F, IR_BUTTON_MODE_EFFECT, LIGHT_EFFECT_STROBE }, { 0xFF08F7, IR_BUTTON_MODE_RGB, 0xEE9819 }, { 0xFF8877, IR_BUTTON_MODE_RGB, 0x00799A }, { 0xFF48B7, IR_BUTTON_MODE_RGB, 0x944E80 }, { 0xFFC837, IR_BUTTON_MODE_EFFECT, LIGHT_EFFECT_FADE }, { 0xFF28D7, IR_BUTTON_MODE_RGB, 0xFFFF00 }, { 0xFFA857, IR_BUTTON_MODE_RGB, 0x0060A1 }, { 0xFF6897, IR_BUTTON_MODE_RGB, 0xEF45AD }, { 0xFFE817, IR_BUTTON_MODE_EFFECT, LIGHT_EFFECT_SMOOTH } }; #endif //Remote Buttons SET 3 (samsung AA59-00608A 8 Toggle Buttons for generic 8CH module) #if IR_BUTTON_SET == 3 /* +------+------+------+ | 1 | 2 | 3 | +------+------+------+ | 4 | 5 | 6 | +------+------+------+ | 7 | 8 | 9 | +------+------+------+ | | 0 | | +------+------+------+ */ #define IR_BUTTON_COUNT 10 const unsigned long IR_BUTTON[IR_BUTTON_COUNT][3] PROGMEM = { { 0xE0E020DF, IR_BUTTON_MODE_TOGGLE, 0 }, // Toggle Relay #0 { 0xE0E0A05F, IR_BUTTON_MODE_TOGGLE, 1 }, // Toggle Relay #1 { 0xE0E0609F, IR_BUTTON_MODE_TOGGLE, 2 }, // Toggle Relay #2 { 0xE0E010EF, IR_BUTTON_MODE_TOGGLE, 3 }, // Toggle Relay #3 { 0xE0E0906F, IR_BUTTON_MODE_TOGGLE, 4 }, // Toggle Relay #4 { 0xE0E050AF, IR_BUTTON_MODE_TOGGLE, 5 }, // Toggle Relay #5 { 0xE0E030CF, IR_BUTTON_MODE_TOGGLE, 6 }, // Toggle Relay #6 { 0xE0E0B04F, IR_BUTTON_MODE_TOGGLE, 7 } // Toggle Relay #7 //{ 0xE0E0708F, IR_BUTTON_MODE_TOGGLE, 8 } //Extra Button //{ 0xE0E08877, IR_BUTTON_MODE_TOGGLE, 9 } //Extra Button }; #endif #endif // IR_SUPPORT //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Custom RF module // Check http://tinkerman.cat/adding-rf-to-a-non-rf-itead-sonoff/ // Enable support by passing RF_SUPPORT=1 build flag // This module is not compatible with RFBRIDGE or SONOFF RF //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef RF_SUPPORT #define RF_SUPPORT 0 #endif #ifndef RF_PIN #define RF_PIN 14 #endif #define RF_DEBOUNCE 500 #define RF_LEARN_TIMEOUT 60000 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Custom RFM69 to MQTT bridge // Check http://tinkerman.cat/rfm69-wifi-gateway/ // Enable support by passing RFM69_SUPPORT=1 build flag //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef RFM69_SUPPORT #define RFM69_SUPPORT 0 #endif #ifndef RFM69_MAX_TOPICS #define RFM69_MAX_TOPICS 50 #endif #ifndef RFM69_DEFAULT_TOPIC #define RFM69_DEFAULT_TOPIC "/rfm69gw/{node}/{key}" #endif #ifndef RFM69_NODE_ID #define RFM69_NODE_ID 2 #endif #ifndef RFM69_GATEWAY_ID #define RFM69_GATEWAY_ID 2 #endif #ifndef RFM69_NETWORK_ID #define RFM69_NETWORK_ID 164 #endif #ifndef RFM69_PROMISCUOUS #define RFM69_PROMISCUOUS 1 #endif #ifndef RFM69_PROMISCUOUS_SENDS #define RFM69_PROMISCUOUS_SENDS 0 #endif #ifndef RFM69_FREQUENCY #define RFM69_FREQUENCY RF69_868MHZ #endif #ifndef RFM69_ENCRYPTKEY #define RFM69_ENCRYPTKEY "fibonacci0123456" #endif #ifndef RFM69_CS_PIN #define RFM69_CS_PIN SS #endif #ifndef RFM69_IRQ_PIN #define RFM69_IRQ_PIN 5 #endif #ifndef RFM69_RESET_PIN #define RFM69_RESET_PIN 7 #endif #ifndef RFM69_IS_RFM69HW #define RFM69_IS_RFM69HW 0 #endif