#!/usr/bin/env python # coding=utf-8 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ESPurna OTA manager # xose.perez@gmail.com # # Requires PlatformIO Core # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- from __future__ import print_function import argparse import re import socket import subprocess import sys from time import sleep from zeroconf import ServiceBrowser, ServiceStateChange, Zeroconf try: # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences input = raw_input # Python2 except NameError: pass # Python3 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- devices = [] description = "ESPurna OTA Manager v0.1" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def on_service_state_change(zeroconf, service_type, name, state_change): """ Callback that adds discovered devices to "devices" list """ if state_change is ServiceStateChange.Added: info = zeroconf.get_service_info(service_type, name) if info: hostname = info.server.split(".")[0] device = { 'hostname': hostname.upper(), 'ip': socket.inet_ntoa(info.address) } device['app'] = info.properties.get('app_name', '') device['version'] = info.properties.get('app_version', '') device['device'] = info.properties.get('target_board', '') if 'mem_size' in info.properties: device['mem_size'] = info.properties.get('mem_size') if 'sdk_size' in info.properties: device['sdk_size'] = info.properties.get('sdk_size') if 'free_space' in info.properties: device['free_space'] = info.properties.get('free_space') devices.append(device) def list(): """ Shows the list of discovered devices """ output_format="{:>3} {:<25}{:<25}{:<15}{:<15}{:<30}{:<10}{:<10}{:<10}" print(output_format.format( "#", "HOSTNAME", "IP", "APP", "VERSION", "DEVICE", "MEM_SIZE", "SDK_SIZE", "FREE_SPACE" )) print("-" * 146) index = 0 for device in devices: index = index + 1 print(output_format.format( index, device.get('hostname', ''), device.get('ip', ''), device.get('app', ''), device.get('version', ''), device.get('device', ''), device.get('mem_size', ''), device.get('sdk_size', ''), device.get('free_space', ''), )) print() def get_boards(): """ Grabs board types fro hardware.h file """ boards = [] for line in open("espurna/config/hardware.h"): m = re.search(r'defined\((\w*)\)', line) if m: boards.append(m.group(1)) return sorted(boards) def flash(): """ Grabs info from the user about what device to flash """ # Choose the board try: index = int(input("Choose the board you want to flash (empty if none of these): ")) except: index = 0 if index < 0 or len(devices) < index: print("Board number must be between 1 and %s\n" % str(len(devices))) return None board = {'board': '', 'ip': '', 'size': 0, 'auth': '', 'flags': ''} if index > 0: device = devices[index - 1] board['board'] = device.get('device', '') board['ip'] = device.get('ip', '') board['size'] = int(device.get('mem_size', 0) if device.get('mem_size', 0) == device.get('sdk_size', 0) else 0) / 1024 # Choose board type if none before if len(board['board']) == 0: print() count = 1 boards = get_boards() for name in boards: print("%3d\t%s" % (count, name)) count = count + 1 print() try: index = int(input("Choose the board type you want to flash: ")) except: index = 0 if index < 1 or len(boards) < index: print("Board number must be between 1 and %s\n" % str(len(boards))) return None board['board'] = boards[index - 1] # Choose board size of none before if board['size'] == 0: try: board['size'] = int(input("Board memory size (1 for 1M, 4 for 4M): ")) except: print("Wrong memory size") return None # Choose IP of none before if len(board['ip']) == 0: try: board['ip'] = input("IP of the device to flash (empty for ") or "" except: print("Wrong IP") return None board['auth'] = input("Authorization key of the device to flash: ") board['flags'] = input("Extra flags for the build: ") return board def run(device, env): command = "export ESPURNA_IP=\"%s\"; export ESPURNA_BOARD=\"%s\"; export ESPURNA_AUTH=\"%s\"; export ESPURNA_FLAGS=\"%s\"; platformio run --silent --environment %s -t upload" command = command % (device['ip'], device['board'], device['auth'], device['flags'], env) subprocess.check_call(command, shell=True) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if __name__ == '__main__': # Parse command line options parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description) parser.add_argument("-c", "--core", help="flash ESPurna core", default=0, action='count') parser.add_argument("-f", "--flash", help="flash device", default=0, action='count') parser.add_argument("-s", "--sort", help="sort devices list by field", default='hostname') args = parser.parse_args() print() print(description) print() # Look for sevices zeroconf = Zeroconf() browser = ServiceBrowser(zeroconf, "_arduino._tcp.local.", handlers=[on_service_state_change]) sleep(5) zeroconf.close() if len(devices) == 0: print("Nothing found!\n") sys.exit(0) # Sort list field = args.sort.lower() if field not in devices[0]: print("Unknown field '%s'\n" % field) sys.exit(1) devices = sorted(devices, key=lambda device: device.get(field, '')) # List devices list() # Flash device if args.flash > 0: device = flash() if device: # Flash core version? if args.core > 0: device['flags'] = "-DESPURNA_CORE " + device['flags'] env = "esp8266-%sm-ota" % device['size'] # Summary print() print("ESPURNA_IP = %s" % device['ip']) print("ESPURNA_BOARD = %s" % device['board']) print("ESPURNA_AUTH = %s" % device['auth']) print("ESPURNA_FLAGS = %s" % device['flags']) print("ESPURNA_ENV = %s" % env) response = input("\nAre these values right [y/N]: ") print() if response == "y": run(device, env)