//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // GENERAL //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #define SERIAL_BAUDRATE 115200 #define HOSTNAME DEVICE #define BUFFER_SIZE 1024 #define HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL 300000 #define UPTIME_OVERFLOW 4294967295 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // DEBUG //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef DEBUG_PORT #define DEBUG_PORT Serial #endif // Uncomment and configure these lines to enable remote debug via udpDebug // To receive the message son the destination computer use nc: // nc -ul 8111 //#define DEBUG_UDP_IP IPAddress(192, 168, 1, 100) //#define DEBUG_UDP_PORT 8111 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // EEPROM //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define EEPROM_RELAY_STATUS 0 #define EEPROM_ENERGY_COUNT 1 #define EEPROM_DATA_END 5 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // BUTTON //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define BUTTON_LNGCLICK_LENGTH 1000 #define BUTTON_LNGLNGCLICK_LENGTH 10000 #define BUTTON_EVENT_NONE 0 #define BUTTON_EVENT_PRESSED 1 #define BUTTON_EVENT_CLICK 2 #define BUTTON_EVENT_DBLCLICK 3 #define BUTTON_EVENT_LNGCLICK 4 #define BUTTON_EVENT_LNGLNGCLICK 5 #define BUTTON_MODE_NONE 0 #define BUTTON_MODE_TOGGLE 1 #define BUTTON_MODE_AP 2 #define BUTTON_MODE_RESET 3 #define BUTTON_MODE_PULSE 4 #define BUTTON_MODE_FACTORY 5 #define BUTTON_DEFAULT_MODE BUTTON_MODE_TOGGLE //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RELAY //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define RELAY_MODE_OFF 0 #define RELAY_MODE_ON 1 #define RELAY_MODE_SAME 2 #define RELAY_MODE_TOOGLE 3 #define RELAY_MODE_FOLLOW 4 #define RELAY_SYNC_ANY 0 #define RELAY_SYNC_NONE_OR_ONE 1 #define RELAY_SYNC_ONE 2 #define RELAY_SYNC_SAME 3 #define RELAY_PULSE_NONE 0 #define RELAY_PULSE_OFF 1 #define RELAY_PULSE_ON 2 #define RELAY_PROVIDER_RELAY 0 #define RELAY_PROVIDER_DUAL 1 #define RELAY_PROVIDER_LIGHT 2 // Pulse time in seconds #define RELAY_PULSE_TIME 1 // 0 means OFF, 1 ON and 2 whatever was before #define RELAY_MODE RELAY_MODE_OFF // 0 means ANY, 1 zero or one and 2 one and only one #define RELAY_SYNC RELAY_SYNC_ANY // 0 means no pulses, 1 means normally off, 2 normally on #define RELAY_PULSE_MODE RELAY_PULSE_NONE // Relay requests flood protection window - in seconds #define RELAY_FLOOD_WINDOW 3 // Allowed actual relay changes inside requests flood protection window #define RELAY_FLOOD_CHANGES 5 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // I18N //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define TMP_CELSIUS 0 #define TMP_FAHRENHEIT 1 #define TMP_UNITS TMP_CELSIUS //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // LED //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // All defined LEDs in the board can be managed through MQTT // except the first one when LED_AUTO is set to 1. // If LED_AUTO is set to 1 the board will use first defined LED to show wifi status. #define LED_AUTO 1 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // WIFI & WEB // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define WIFI_RECONNECT_INTERVAL 120000 #define WIFI_MAX_NETWORKS 5 #define ADMIN_PASS "fibonacci" #define FORCE_CHANGE_PASS 1 #define HTTP_USERNAME "admin" #define WS_BUFFER_SIZE 5 #define WS_TIMEOUT 1800000 #define WEBSERVER_PORT 80 #define DNS_PORT 53 #define ENABLE_MDNS 1 #define WEB_MODE_NORMAL 0 #define WEB_MODE_PASSWORD 1 #define AP_MODE AP_MODE_ALONE // This option builds the firmware with the web interface embedded. // You first have to build the data.h file that holds the contents // of the web interface by running "gulp buildfs_embed" #ifndef EMBEDDED_WEB #define EMBEDDED_WEB 1 #endif // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // OTA & NOFUSS // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define OTA_PORT 8266 #define NOFUSS_SERVER "" #define NOFUSS_INTERVAL 3600000 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // MQTT // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef MQTT_USE_ASYNC #define MQTT_USE_ASYNC 1 #endif #define MQTT_SERVER "" #define MQTT_PORT 1883 #define MQTT_TOPIC "/test/switch/{identifier}" #define MQTT_RETAIN true #define MQTT_QOS 0 #define MQTT_KEEPALIVE 30 #define MQTT_RECONNECT_DELAY 10000 #define MQTT_TRY_INTERVAL 30000 #define MQTT_MAX_TRIES 12 #define MQTT_SKIP_RETAINED 1 #define MQTT_SKIP_TIME 1000 #define MQTT_TOPIC_ACTION "action" #define MQTT_TOPIC_RELAY "relay" #define MQTT_TOPIC_LED "led" #define MQTT_TOPIC_COLOR "color" #define MQTT_TOPIC_BUTTON "button" #define MQTT_TOPIC_IP "ip" #define MQTT_TOPIC_VERSION "version" #define MQTT_TOPIC_UPTIME "uptime" #define MQTT_TOPIC_FREEHEAP "freeheap" #define MQTT_TOPIC_VCC "vcc" #define MQTT_TOPIC_STATUS "status" #define MQTT_TOPIC_MAC "mac" #define MQTT_TOPIC_RSSI "rssi" #define MQTT_TOPIC_APP "app" #define MQTT_TOPIC_INTERVAL "interval" #define MQTT_TOPIC_HOSTNAME "hostname" // Periodic reports #define MQTT_REPORT_STATUS 1 #define MQTT_REPORT_IP 1 #define MQTT_REPORT_MAC 1 #define MQTT_REPORT_RSSI 1 #define MQTT_REPORT_UPTIME 1 #define MQTT_REPORT_FREEHEAP 1 #define MQTT_REPORT_VCC 1 #define MQTT_REPORT_RELAY 1 #define MQTT_REPORT_HOSTNAME 1 #define MQTT_REPORT_APP 1 #define MQTT_REPORT_VERSION 1 #define MQTT_REPORT_INTERVAL 0 #define MQTT_STATUS_ONLINE "1" #define MQTT_STATUS_OFFLINE "0" #define MQTT_ACTION_RESET "reset" #define MQTT_CONNECT_EVENT 0 #define MQTT_DISCONNECT_EVENT 1 #define MQTT_MESSAGE_EVENT 2 // Custom get and set postfixes // Use something like "/status" or "/set", with leading slash #define MQTT_USE_GETTER "" #define MQTT_USE_SETTER "" // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // I2C // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define ENABLE_I2C 0 #define I2C_SDA_PIN 4 #define I2C_SCL_PIN 14 #define I2C_CLOCK_STRETCH_TIME 200 #define I2C_SCL_FREQUENCY 1000 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // LIGHT // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define LIGHT_PROVIDER_NONE 0 #define LIGHT_PROVIDER_WS2812 1 #define LIGHT_PROVIDER_RGB 2 #define LIGHT_PROVIDER_RGBW 3 #define LIGHT_PROVIDER_MY9192 4 #define LIGHT_DEFAULT_COLOR "#000080" #define LIGHT_SAVE_DELAY 5 #define LIGHT_MAX_VALUE 255 #define MY9291_DI_PIN 13 #define MY9291_DCKI_PIN 15 #define MY9291_COMMAND MY9291_COMMAND_DEFAULT // Shared settings between RGB and RGBW lights #define RGBW_INVERSE_LOGIC 1 #define RGBW_RED_PIN 14 #define RGBW_GREEN_PIN 5 #define RGBW_BLUE_PIN 12 #define RGBW_WHITE_PIN 13 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // DOMOTICZ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef ENABLE_DOMOTICZ #define ENABLE_DOMOTICZ 1 #endif #define DOMOTICZ_IN_TOPIC "domoticz/in" #define DOMOTICZ_OUT_TOPIC "domoticz/out" // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // NTP // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define NTP_SERVER "pool.ntp.org" #define NTP_TIME_OFFSET 1 #define NTP_DAY_LIGHT true #define NTP_UPDATE_INTERVAL 1800 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // FAUXMO // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This setting defines whether Alexa support should be built into the firmware #ifndef ENABLE_FAUXMO #define ENABLE_FAUXMO 1 #endif // This is default value for the fauxmoEnabled setting that defines whether // this device should be discoberable and respond to Alexa commands. // Both ENABLE_FAUXMO and fauxmoEnabled should be 1 for Alexa support to work. #define FAUXMO_ENABLED 1