Wrong credentials


Before using this device you have to change the default password for the user 'admin'. This password will be used for the AP mode hotspot, the web interface (where you are now) and the over-the-air updates.

The administrator password is used to access this web interface (user 'admin'), but also to connect to the device when in AP mode or to flash a new firmware over-the-air (OTA).
It should have at least eight characters (letters, numbers or the underscore) and at least one number, one lowercase and one uppercase letter.


Current configuration

Chip ID
ESPurna Version
ESPurna Build
MQTT Status
NTP Status


General configuration values

This name will identify this device in your network (http://<hostname>.local). For this setting to take effect you should restart the wifi interface clicking the "Reconnect" button.
Here you can define what will be the status of the switch after a reboot.
Define how the different switches should be synchronized.
When pulse mode is enabled the switch will automatically switch back to its normal state after the pulse time (below).
Pulse time in seconds.
Celsius (ºC)
Fahrenheit (ºF)


Device administration and security settings

The administrator password is used to access this web interface (user 'admin'), but also to connect to the device when in AP mode or to flash a new firmware over-the-air (OTA).
It should have at least eight characters (letters, numbers or the underscore) and at least one number, one lowercase and one uppercase letter.
This is the port for the web interface and API requests.
If different than 80 (standard HTTP port) you will have to add it explicitly to your requests: http://myip:myport/
This is the key you will have to pass with every HTTP request to the API, either to get or write values.
All API calls must contain the apikey parameter with the value above.
To know what APIs are enabled do a call to /apis.


You can configure up to 5 different WiFi networks. The device will try to connect in order of signal strength.


Configure an MQTT broker in your network and you will be able to change the switch status via an MQTT message. Leave the server field empty to disable MQTT.

This is the root topic for this device. A trailing slash will be added if not preset. The {identifier} placeholder will be replaces by the device hostname.
- <root/>relay/# Send a 0 or a 1 as a payload to this topic to switch it on or off. You can also send a 2 to toggle its current state. Replace # with the switch ID (starting from 0). If the board has only one switch it will be 0.
- <root>color The device will report the current color in #RRGGBB format to this topic. You can also set the color using this same topic.
- <root/>led/# Send a 0 or a 1 as a payload to this topic to set the onboard LED to the given state, send a 3 to turn it back to WIFI indicator. Replace # with the LED ID (starting from 0). If the board has only one LED it will be 0.
- <root/>button/# For each button in the board subscribe to this topic to know when it is pressed (payload 1) or released (payload 0).
- <root/>status The device will report a 1 to this topic every few minutes. Upon MQTT disconnecting this will be set to 0.
- Other values reported (depending on the build) are: firmware and version, hostname, IP, MAC, signal strenth (RSSI), uptime (in seconds), free heap and power supply.


Configure your NTP (Network Time Protocol) servers and local configuration to keep your device time up to the second for your location.

Set to 0 for UTC time


Configure the connection to your Domoticz server.

Set to 0 to disable notifications.
Set to 0 to disable notifications.
Set to 0 to disable notifications.
Set to 0 to disable notifications.
Set to 0 to disable notifications.
Set to 0 to disable notifications.
Set to 0 to disable notifications.


Configure the connection to your InfluxDB server. Leave the host field empty to disable InfluxDB connection.


Calibrate your power monitor device. Use a pure resistive load and introduce the expected values for active power, current and voltage. Use the nominal values or a multimeter to get the proper numbers. Set any field to 0 to leave the calibration value untouched.

In Watts (W). If you are using a pure resistive load like a bulb this will be writen on it, otherwise use a socket multimeter to get this value.
In Volts (V). Enter your the nominal AC voltage for your household or facility, or use multimeter to get this value.
In Ampers (A). If you are using a pure resistive load like a bulb this will the ratio between the two previous values, i.e. power / voltage. You can also use a current clamp around one fo the power wires to get this value.
Move this switch to ON and press "Update" to revert to factory values.
Leave empty for DNS negotiation
Set when using a static IP
Usually for /24 networks
Set the Domain Name Server IP to use when using a static IP
Set to 0 to disable notifications.