/* ESPurna POW MODULE Support for Sonoff POW HLW8012-based power monitor Copyright (C) 2016-2017 by Xose PĂ©rez */ #if ENABLE_POW #include HLW8012 hlw8012; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // POW // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // When using interrupts we have to call the library entry point // whenever an interrupt is triggered void hlw8012_cf1_interrupt() { hlw8012.cf1_interrupt(); } void hlw8012_cf_interrupt() { hlw8012.cf_interrupt(); } void powAttachInterrupts() { //attachInterrupt(POW_CF1_PIN, hlw8012_cf1_interrupt, CHANGE); attachInterrupt(POW_CF_PIN, hlw8012_cf_interrupt, CHANGE); DEBUG_MSG("[POW] Enabled\n"); } void powDettachInterrupts() { //detachInterrupt(POW_CF1_PIN); detachInterrupt(POW_CF_PIN); DEBUG_MSG("[POW] Disabled\n"); } void powSaveCalibration() { setSetting("powPowerMult", hlw8012.getPowerMultiplier()); setSetting("powCurrentMult", hlw8012.getCurrentMultiplier()); setSetting("powVoltageMult", hlw8012.getVoltageMultiplier()); } void powRetrieveCalibration() { double value; value = getSetting("powPowerMult", 0).toFloat(); if (value > 0) hlw8012.setPowerMultiplier((int) value); value = getSetting("powCurrentMult", 0).toFloat(); if (value > 0) hlw8012.setCurrentMultiplier((int) value); value = getSetting("powVoltageMult", 0).toFloat(); if (value > 0) hlw8012.setVoltageMultiplier((int) value); } void powSetExpectedActivePower(unsigned int power) { if (power > 0) { hlw8012.expectedActivePower(power); powSaveCalibration(); } } void powSetExpectedCurrent(double current) { if (current > 0) { hlw8012.expectedCurrent(current); powSaveCalibration(); } } void powSetExpectedVoltage(unsigned int voltage) { if (voltage > 0) { hlw8012.expectedVoltage(voltage); powSaveCalibration(); } } unsigned int getActivePower() { return hlw8012.getActivePower(); } unsigned int getApparentPower() { return hlw8012.getApparentPower(); } double getCurrent() { return hlw8012.getCurrent(); } unsigned int getVoltage() { return hlw8012.getVoltage(); } unsigned int getPowerFactor() { return (int) (100 * hlw8012.getPowerFactor()); } void powSetup() { // Initialize HLW8012 // void begin(unsigned char cf_pin, unsigned char cf1_pin, unsigned char sel_pin, unsigned char currentWhen = HIGH, bool use_interrupts = false, unsigned long pulse_timeout = PULSE_TIMEOUT); // * cf_pin, cf1_pin and sel_pin are GPIOs to the HLW8012 IC // * currentWhen is the value in sel_pin to select current sampling // * set use_interrupts to true to use interrupts to monitor pulse widths // * leave pulse_timeout to the default value, recommended when using interrupts hlw8012.begin(POW_CF_PIN, POW_CF1_PIN, POW_SEL_PIN, POW_SEL_CURRENT, false, 1000000); // These values are used to calculate current, voltage and power factors as per datasheet formula // These are the nominal values for the Sonoff POW resistors: // * The CURRENT_RESISTOR is the 1milliOhm copper-manganese resistor in series with the main line // * The VOLTAGE_RESISTOR_UPSTREAM are the 5 470kOhm resistors in the voltage divider that feeds the V2P pin in the HLW8012 // * The VOLTAGE_RESISTOR_DOWNSTREAM is the 1kOhm resistor in the voltage divider that feeds the V2P pin in the HLW8012 hlw8012.setResistors(POW_CURRENT_R, POW_VOLTAGE_R_UP, POW_VOLTAGE_R_DOWN); powRetrieveCalibration(); /* static WiFiEventHandler e1 = WiFi.onStationModeDisconnected([](const WiFiEventStationModeDisconnected& event) { powDettachInterrupts(); }); static WiFiEventHandler e2 = WiFi.onSoftAPModeStationDisconnected([](const WiFiEventSoftAPModeStationDisconnected& event) { powDettachInterrupts(); }); static WiFiEventHandler e3 = WiFi.onStationModeConnected([](const WiFiEventStationModeConnected& event) { powAttachInterrupts(); }); static WiFiEventHandler e4 = WiFi.onSoftAPModeStationConnected([](const WiFiEventSoftAPModeStationConnected& event) { powAttachInterrupts(); }); */ } void powLoop() { static unsigned long last_update = 0; static unsigned char report_count = POW_REPORT_EVERY; if ((millis() - last_update > POW_UPDATE_INTERVAL) || (last_update == 0 )){ last_update = millis(); unsigned int power = getActivePower(); char buffer[100]; sprintf_P(buffer, PSTR("{\"powVisible\": 1, \"powActivePower\": %d}"), power); wsSend(buffer); if (--report_count == 0) { mqttSend(getSetting("powPowerTopic", POW_POWER_TOPIC).c_str(), String(power).c_str()); report_count = POW_REPORT_EVERY; } } } #endif