/* DS18B20 MODULE Copyright (C) 2016-2017 by Xose Pérez */ #if DS18B20_SUPPORT #include #include OneWire oneWire(DS18B20_PIN); DallasTemperature ds18b20(&oneWire); bool _dsIsConnected = false; double _dsTemperature = 0; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void _dsWebSocketOnSend(JsonObject& root) { root["dsVisible"] = 1; root["dsConnected"] = getDSIsConnected(); if (getDSIsConnected()) { root["dsTmp"] = getDSTemperature(); } root["tmpUnits"] = getSetting("tmpUnits", TMP_UNITS).toInt(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // DS18B20 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool getDSIsConnected() { return _dsIsConnected; } double getDSTemperature(bool celsius) { double value = celsius ? _dsTemperature : _dsTemperature * 1.8 + 32; double correction = getSetting("tmpCorrection", TEMPERATURE_CORRECTION).toFloat(); return roundTo(value + correction, TEMPERATURE_DECIMALS); } double getDSTemperature() { bool celsius = getSetting("tmpUnits", TMP_UNITS).toInt() == TMP_CELSIUS; return getDSTemperature(celsius); } void dsSetup() { #if DS18B20_PULLUP pinMode(DS18B20_PIN, INPUT_PULLUP); #endif ds18b20.begin(); ds18b20.setWaitForConversion(false); #if WEB_SUPPORT wsOnSendRegister(_dsWebSocketOnSend); apiRegister(DS18B20_TEMPERATURE_TOPIC, DS18B20_TEMPERATURE_TOPIC, [](char * buffer, size_t len) { dtostrf(getDSTemperature(), 1-len, 1, buffer); }); #endif } void dsLoop() { static unsigned long last_update = 0; static double last_temperature = 0.0; static bool requested = false; if ((millis() - last_update > DS18B20_UPDATE_INTERVAL) || (last_update == 0)) { if (!requested) { ds18b20.requestTemperatures(); requested = true; // Requesting takes time, so data will probably not be available in this round return; } // Check if requested data is already available if (!ds18b20.isConversionComplete()) return; requested = false; last_update = millis(); // Read sensor data double t = ds18b20.getTempCByIndex(0); // Check returned value if (t == DEVICE_DISCONNECTED_C) { _dsIsConnected = false; DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[DS18B20] Not connected\n")); return; } else { _dsIsConnected = true; } // Save & convert _dsTemperature = t; bool celsius = getSetting("tmpUnits", TMP_UNITS).toInt() == TMP_CELSIUS; t = getDSTemperature(celsius); // Build string char temperature[6]; dtostrf(getDSTemperature(celsius), 1-sizeof(temperature), 1, temperature); // Debug DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[DS18B20] Temperature: %s%s\n"), temperature, celsius ? "ºC" : "ºF"); // If the new temperature is different from the last if (fabs(_dsTemperature - last_temperature) >= TEMPERATURE_MIN_CHANGE) { last_temperature = _dsTemperature; // Send MQTT messages #if MQTT_SUPPORT mqttSend(getSetting("dsTmpTopic", DS18B20_TEMPERATURE_TOPIC).c_str(), temperature); #endif // Send to Domoticz #if DOMOTICZ_SUPPORT domoticzSend("dczTmpIdx", 0, temperature); #endif #if INFLUXDB_SUPPORT idbSend(getSetting("dsTmpTopic", DS18B20_TEMPERATURE_TOPIC).c_str(), temperature); #endif } // Update websocket clients #if WEB_SUPPORT wsSend(_dsWebSocketOnSend); #endif } } #endif