/* * RemoteSwitch library v2.0.0 made by Randy Simons http://randysimons.nl * * License: "Free BSD license". See license.txt */ #ifndef RemoteReceiver_h #define RemoteReceiver_h //#include "WProgram.h" #include "Arduino.h" typedef void (*RemoteReceiverCallBack)(unsigned long, unsigned int); /** * See RemoteSwitch for introduction. * * RemoteReceiver decodes the signal received from a 433MHz-receiver, like the "KlikAanKlikUit"-system * as well as the signal sent by the RemoteSwtich class. When a correct signal is received, * a user-defined callback function is called. * * Note that in the callback function, the interrupts are still disabled. You can enabled them, if needed. * A call to the callback must b finished before RemoteReceiver will call the callback function again, thus * there is no re-entrant problem. * * When sending your own code using RemoteSwich, disable() the receiver first. * * This is a pure static class, for simplicity and to limit memory-use. */ class RemoteReceiver { public: /** * Initializes the decoder. * * @param interrupt The interrupt as is used by Arduino's attachInterrupt function. See attachInterrupt for details. * @param minRepeats The number of times the same code must be received in a row before the callback is calles * @param callback Pointer to a callback function, with signature void (*func)(unsigned long, unsigned int). First parameter is the decoded data, the second the period of the timing. */ static void init(unsigned short interrupt, unsigned short minRepeats, RemoteReceiverCallBack callback); /** * Enabled decoding. No need to call enable() after init(). */ static void enable(); /** * Disable decoding. You can enable decoding by calling enable(); */ static void disable(); /** * Tells wether a signal is being received. Since it makes no sense to transmit while another transmitter is active, * it's best to wait for isReceiving() to false. * * Note: isReceiving() depends on interrupts enabled. Thus, when disabled()'ed, or when interrupts are disabled (as is * the case in the callback), isReceiving() will not work properly. * @param waitMillis number of milliseconds to monitor for signal. * @return boolean If after waitMillis no signal was being processed, returns false. If before expiration a signal was being processed, returns true. */ static boolean isReceiving(int waitMillis = 50); private: static void interruptHandler(); static unsigned short _interrupt; //Radio input interrupt volatile static int _state; //State of decoding process. There are 49 states, 1 for "waiting for signal" and 48 for decoding the 48 edges in a valid code. static unsigned short _minRepeats; static RemoteReceiverCallBack _callback; static boolean _inCallback; //When true, the callback function is being executed; prevents re-entrance. }; #endif