/* * RemoteSwitch library v2.0.0 made by Randy Simons http://randysimons.nl * * License: "Free BSD license". See license.txt */ #ifndef RemoteSwitch_h #define RemoteSwitch_h //#include "WProgram.h" #include "Arduino.h" /** * RemoteSwitch provides a generic class for simulation of common RF remote controls, like the 'Klik aan Klik uit'-system * (http://www.klikaanklikuit.nl/), used to remotely switch lights etc. * * Many of these remotes seem to use a 433MHz SAW resonator and one of these chips: LP801B, HX2262, PT2262, M3E. * Datasheet for the HX2262/PT2262 ICs: * http://www.princeton.com.tw/downloadprocess/downloadfile.asp?mydownload=PT2262_1.pdf * * Hardware required for this library: a 433MHz SAW oscillator transmitter, e.g. * http://www.sparkfun.com/commerce/product_info.php?products_id=7815 * http://www.conrad.nl/goto/?product=130428 * * Notes: * - Since these chips use (and send!) tri-state inputs (low, high and floating) I use 'trits' instead of 'bits', * when appropriate. * - I measured the period lengths with a scope. Thus: they work for my remotes, but may fail for yours... * A better way would be to calculate the 'target'-timings using the datasheets and the resistor-values on the remotes. */ class RemoteSwitch { public: /** * Constructor. * * To obtain the correct period length, an oscilloscope is convenient, but you can also read the * datasheet of the transmitter, measure the resistor for the oscillator and calculate the freqency. * * @param pin output pin on Arduino to which the transmitter is connected * @param periodsec [0..511] Duration of one period, in microseconds. A trit is 6 periods. * @param repeats [0..7] The 2log-Number of times the signal is repeated. The actual number of repeats will be 2^repeats. 3 would be a good start. */ RemoteSwitch(unsigned short pin, unsigned int periodusec, unsigned short repeats); /** * Encodes the data base on the current object and the given trits. The data can be reused, e.g. * for use with the static version of sendTelegram, so you won't need to instantiate costly objects! * * @return The data suited for use with RemoteSwitch::sendTelegram. */ unsigned long encodeTelegram(unsigned short trits[]); /** * Send a telegram, including synchronisation-part. * * @param trits Array of size 12. "trits" should be either 0, 1 or 2, where 2 indicaties "float" */ void sendTelegram(unsigned short trits[]); /** * Send a telegram, including synchronisation-part. The data-param encodes the period duration, number of repeats and the actual data. * Note: static method, which allows for use in low-mem situations. * * Format data: * pppppppp|prrrdddd|dddddddd|dddddddd (32 bit) * p = perioud (9 bit unsigned int * r = repeats as 2log. Thus, if r = 3, then signal is sent 2^3=8 times * d = data * * @param data data, period and repeats. * @param pin Pin number of the transmitter. */ static void sendTelegram(unsigned long data, unsigned short pin); /** * Compares the data received with RemoteReceive with the data obtained by one of the getTelegram-functions. * Period duration and repetitions are ignored by this function; only the data-payload is compared. * * @return true, if the codes are identical (the 20 least significant bits match) */ static boolean isSameCode(unsigned long encodedTelegram, unsigned long receivedData); protected: unsigned short _pin; //Radio output pin unsigned int _periodusec; //oscillator period in microseconds unsigned short _repeats; //Number over repetitions of one telegram }; /** * ActionSwitch simulatos a remote, as sold in the Dutch 'Action' stores. But there are many similar systems on the market. * If your remote has setting for 5 address bits, and can control 5 devices on or off, then you can try to use the ActionSwitch */ class ActionSwitch: RemoteSwitch { public: /** * Constructor * * @param pin output pin on Arduino to which the transmitter is connected * @param periodsec Duration of one period, in microseconds. Default is 190usec * @see RemoteSwitch */ ActionSwitch(unsigned short pin, unsigned int periodusec=190); /** * Send a on or off signal to a device. * * @param systemCode 5-bit addres (dip switches in remote). Range [0..31] * @param device Device to switch. Range: [A..E] (case sensitive!) * @param on True, to switch on. False to switch off, */ void sendSignal(unsigned short systemCode, char device, boolean on); /** * Generates the telegram (data) which can be used for RemoteSwitch::sendTelegram. * See sendSignal for details on the parameters * * @return Encoded data, including repeats and period duration. */ unsigned long getTelegram(unsigned short systemCode, char device, boolean on); }; /** * BlokkerSwitch simulatos a remote, as sold in the Dutch 'Blokker' stores. But there are many similar systems on the market. * These remotes have 4 on, 4 off buttons and a switch to switch between device 1-4 and 5-8. No futher configuration * possible. */ class BlokkerSwitch: RemoteSwitch { public: /** * Constructor * * @param pin output pin on Arduino to which the transmitter is connected * @param periodsec Duration of one period, in microseconds. Default is 307usec * @see RemoteSwitch */ BlokkerSwitch(unsigned short pin, unsigned int periodusec=230); /** * Send a on or off signal to a device. * * @param device Device to switch. Range: [1..8] * @param on True, to switch on. False to switch off, */ void sendSignal(unsigned short device, boolean on); /** * @see RemoteSwitch::getTelegram */ unsigned long getTelegram(unsigned short device, boolean on); }; /** * KaKuSwitch simulates a KlikAanKlikUit-remote, but there are many clones. * If your transmitter has a address dial with the characters A till P, you can try this class. */ class KaKuSwitch: RemoteSwitch { public: /** * Constructor * * @param pin output pin on Arduino to which the transmitter is connected * @param periodsec Duration of one period, in microseconds. Default is 375usec * @see RemoteSwitch */ KaKuSwitch(unsigned short pin, unsigned int periodusec=375); /** * Send a on or off signal to a device. * * @param address addres (dial switches in remote). Range [A..P] (case sensitive!) * @param group Group to switch. Range: [1..4] * @param device Device to switch. Range: [1..4] * @param on True, to switch on. False to switch off, */ void sendSignal(char address, unsigned short group, unsigned short device, boolean on); /** * Send a on or off signal to a device. * * @param address addres (dip switches in remote). Range [A..P] (case sensitive!) * @param device device (dial switches in remote). Range [1..16] * @param on True, to switch on. False to switch off, */ void sendSignal(char address, unsigned short device, boolean on); /** * @see RemoteSwitch::getTelegram */ unsigned long getTelegram(char address, unsigned short group, unsigned short device, boolean on); /** * @see RemoteSwitch::getTelegram */ unsigned long getTelegram(char address, unsigned short device, boolean on); }; #endif